Post by JeremyPost by wagggPost by Jeremybehind our backs? Forgive us for learning a lesson from the wars you
lost. You misunderstand the intent of the operation. It was not to
provide a challenge at all. We do not want to send our people halfway
around the world to confront a source of evil. However, most Americans
are descendant from those who immigrated to escape such injustices as
those that are perpetuated in places like Iraq. And we are completely
intolerant of those who will use their positions of power to oppress and
exploit the innocent.
? ARE YOU ?!!!!!!! ..... OMG !!!!!!
Were you in vacation on Mars when all started ?
You can't see the ruth in the eyes or what ?!!!!
wow your propaganda is so powerful that you seem to say that without
doubting one second you're telling the truth !!!! impressive !!!!!
Once again you misunderstand. I was just explaining the American opinion
against involvement in Iraq. It was a personal opinion, not fact. We
you wasn't clear, above all. And take my reply as a reply to the
general belief of your citizens fellows.
Post by Jeremywent there to remove Saddam Hussein from a position of power where he
had the ability to further oppress the people and corrupt the foreign
wait ! you're exeactly repeating what you were saying you're not
thinking ...
no indeed ... colonnization is not the gooda way to do ... you use the
gooda ways for decades, now ... CIA putting some pupetts is
key-strategical-countries ...
Or helping regime according to your interests ... (talebans, saddma
hussein, etc... see what i mean ?)
the list is long i would have hoped you were at least slightly aware
of it ...
No you weren't attacking Iraq because its people was suffering ... You
were attackin (officially - but it's difficult to believe (that was
difficult to believe before you did it and far more now !), because
Iraq had WMDs that could be used against USA, because Saddam had links
with Al'Qeada (those 2 things proved at all and contradicted by
European intelligence services and European experts - and 1 yr later
this has still not being proved ...)
the Bush gang is likely to have hidden agenda and lied to his people
.. after all it had been said many times by credible persons that
attacking Iraq was wanted before 9/11 ... not for freed the iRAQI ;;;
Post by Jeremyrelations of Iraq. We have not been interested in colonization since we
aquired Hawaii and Alaska. Hell, we even threw Puerto Rico back. :P
puerto rico back ? I don't think so ... can you show a link, please ?
i think (not 100 % sure that i've read something quite different ...)
for your information theer were US protectorates and coup far later
than 1898 ... please ... be informed of it.
Post by JeremyPost by wagggconcerning the 48 new "palaces" were they really constructed during
this 11 yrs ? links ... Saddam was a bloodthirsty tyrant indeed so i
can easily believe it but i need HTTP links anyways ...
Easy enough...
indeed ... i must add that the word palace cover many realities ... a
lot were simply villas ... don't forget that Saddam had like all
dictators a big big bank account, right ? do you imagine the dictator
sharing it with its people ? besides the dying of the iraqi population
was a good tool to demonize USA and UK because of this sanctions ...
wanted by both.
Post by JeremyPost by wagggFood for thought... (the end has to be read)
etc ...
some more, interesting links...
I can't reply to all, of course ... what surprised me at the beginning
of the struggle about Iraq is how much the US news medias haev
replaced professionalism with patriotism ... even newspapers like the
wasington post ... no exception here ... they pretended not understand
the french stance ... anywhere than in USA the french stance was
generally understaood but in yor country ... well.
the french "hey ! wiat a minute before lifting the sanctions" whereas
france was the major voice to ask the softening of the sanctions
before the war is explained by the fact that USA, once again, was
acting unilaterally, not paying ANY intention to the UN and the
international community ... USA was the major reason of the suffering
of the Iraqi people with the embargo (yes villas and palaces or not
.. what did it change to the WMds matter ? please explein it to me
.. the only victims were civilians - the children mainly ...)
and when the USA need the Iraqi Oil to repair and help iraq to survive
their war ... they unilaterally declare that there is no sanctions
anymore and that they will use the oil to finance the reconstruction
.. Come on !!! another slap to the UN face !
Bush and his administration showed once again that he do not care
about the rest of the world ... that he doesn't accept any law that
not from the USA ... international rule can disappear .... no problem
yes french were, once again, shocked and torqued to see such a
behavior !!!!
of course we never let the Iraqi people die because of famine ! that
was just a way to say to USA : "are you mocking us all !? stop that,
and follow the rule !!!"
here's the again the stats :
to show you that we weren't the main beneficiary of the deal with Iraq
... about the oil contracts - BTW we aren't (of course) dependent of
Iraq for our oil or our economy as you can guess... - if you think
that we face the wrath of the mightiest power in the world just to
keep contracts that was not near to be started ... you're raving.
we are/were not dependent from Iraq - so please let's be serious now
Let's talk about the real motivation of your leaders.
anyways, here they come again :
i quote :
Iraq's main imports partners seem to vary considerably depending on
years. Though, it has been clearly established that France has been
of its very major suppliers along with Australia, Italy, China and
Russia. It should be quoted that all these imports have been approved
and monitored by the UN under the oil-for-food program, and are
Amazingly enough, the USA are not part of Iraq's major suppliers list.
This stratlingly constrats with the global situation of the US trade
the whole Middle East since the (1st) gulf war has boosted the US
exports so as to give the Americans the very first rank almost
everywhere else.
Analysing a country's trade doesn't simply boil down to ranking
partners. Trade is a two-way exchange which also comprises exports.
Thus, John Tagliablue would have been quite inspired to take a look at
Iraq's exports figures if he aimed at giving an accurate account of
Iraq's trade :
Iraq's Exports-partners :
US 46.2%, Italy 12.2%, France 9.6%, Spain 8.6% (2000)
(source : CIA, the world factbook 2002)
Amazingly enough, the USA are by FAR the very first clients of Iraq.
They import an awful lot from Iraq and export almost nothing to Iraq.
Oil-for-food program :
Phase I - VII : French contracts = 10-15 % of total amount
Phase VIII : French contracts = 6 % (rank : 6th)
Phase IX : French contracts = 3 % (rank : 11th)
Phase X : (couldn't find the information)
Phase XI : French contracts = 2% (rank : 8th)
(source : French senate 2002)
Most contracts only become operative one or two years after being
signed. This clearly implies that commercial prospects for French
exports to Irak are doomed to drastically drop. Therefore, if one
one's reasoning on the assumption that French policy towards Iraq is
mainly motivated by trade revenues, one could reasonably infer that
France now has serious grounds for attacking Iraq. QED
in one of the aricle loved the passage in one article enumarating the
reasons to hate france (not explaining the reasons france had to
behave that way ... very neutral press ... ;-) )
== for the road, i still quote old stuff ==
Post by JeremyUnder the six-year-old United Nations oil-for-food program, Iraq
determines where it will shop using the proceeds from oil sales.
That is quite right : Iraq determines where it will shop using the
proceeds from oil sales. France is not part of Iraq's official
list which comprises the partners they wish to favour : Egypt, Syria,
Turkey, Yemen, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Algeria,
Morocco, Tunisia, China, India and Russia.
Post by JeremySo ok, if I understand USA is buying 46.2% of the oil from Iraq. Why if
they have their oil already would they want the war so they can get some
oil?? I don't get it.
Very simple in fact : Oil will be missing in the next decades ...
If USA control the tap of the 2nd world oil producer they are safe,
can't have any pressure on them by the oil states (that we already
know some are linked (even indirectly) with al'Qaeda - like Saudi
Arabia -one of the most oli provider of USA that hose with mega bucks
the intrnational islamist terrorist) and can make a pressure on the
Arabic Peninsula and other oil powers... they will be de facto the
unavoidable uncontested hyperpower of the world ... Who have to lose
in this matter : Everybody (Europe and the whole world) except USA
that have all to earn !!!
Post by Jeremyif we would have wanted the oil we would have
simply kept it as we went about putting out the fires your buddy Saddam left
behind as he ran screaming and wining from Kuwait. The US unlike some
No way, it was part of the machiavellian US policy :-p
US finally have a military presence in the gulf ! with saddam as a
scarecrow they have a reason to stay here in this very very
startegically important region... That was the dream of USA...
The future oil provider of the world with the indirect pressure of the
USA ... the possibility to interfere in this unstable region that is
so important and will be more and more important in the future !
Why do you think Bush's father (that was the head of the CIA in the
past) say ,at the big surprise of schwarkopf, to stop and to keep
Saddam in power ? He could have said : "let's kick his ass ! go to
Bagdad !"
BTW the US presence on the Saudian Soil is the first reason of the
09/11 events....