2003-08-24 17:51:51 UTC
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 18:34:14 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
mhm xvi x iii
Being tired of lurking, on Sun, 24 Aug 2003 15:44:44 +0000, Dave Hillstrom
NUKE FRANCEOn Sun, 24 Aug 2003 04:18:32 +0200, in
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Ok, so let'salt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Sun, 24 Aug 2003 00:55:56 +0000, Incantatrix
Dave is a pea Nice?
i have nothing to do with france, mister.On 23 Aug 2003 23:17:48 GMT, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
like i dont have better things and more enjoyable things to do with
my time then to troll through all the pvt emails i have of yours to
prove my point, you know dean even though your prolific, you miss the
point of trolling, i know i've got your goat, i dont have to try and
prove it to the world of usenet.
Oh no, it's email *hate*?! You have my permission to post the "email
hate" I've sent you, Loerenta.
Post proof or be spanked.
Spank me Dean
everybody knows Louisa likes that
in my mind though you will be a Femme Domme Mistress in a black Latex Cat
if only you were dean then talking to you would be lip licking good
ps afs, once upon a time in a virtual land far far away there was something
magickal and good thaat was once lost but found again, it turned the land
back from a dark evil place to a bright sunny one ...
can you guess what this thing is?
dave 's peniswhen i doubted him, and i did that pvt to him first, thats when he
started spewing hate out at me too, after affinity it got way
Examples of this "hate", Leonata?started spewing hate out at me too, after affinity it got way
my time then to troll through all the pvt emails i have of yours to
prove my point, you know dean even though your prolific, you miss the
point of trolling, i know i've got your goat, i dont have to try and
prove it to the world of usenet.
hate" I've sent you, Loerenta.
Post proof or be spanked.
everybody knows Louisa likes that
in my mind though you will be a Femme Domme Mistress in a black Latex Cat
if only you were dean then talking to you would be lip licking good
ps afs, once upon a time in a virtual land far far away there was something
magickal and good thaat was once lost but found again, it turned the land
back from a dark evil place to a bright sunny one ...
can you guess what this thing is?
mhm xvi x iii