Grow up soon please Americans
(too old to reply)
William Lawson
2003-10-14 22:21:58 UTC
Don`t get me wrong, I`ve met and spoken to some incredibly
intelligent, wise and compassionate Americans in my time, and I have
spent a lot of time in the country off and on over the years; this is
not directed at these folks. But as for the rest of you (and I found
you to be in the majority, sadly enough) -

*for Christ sakes grow up*

I mean, where to start? There are just so many aspects of your
behaviour, attitude and opinions that are just so ignorant, blinkered
and childish on a scale that I honestly have not encountered anywhere
else in the world. Nowhere else have I witnessed such a lack of
knowledge about what is really happening internationally, let alone in
your own country. "America is the goddam greatest" is all I hear.
*Bullshit*. Those who repeat this mantra, this unfortunate utterance
of blind faith, I pity, for they have not experienced life anywhere
else nor are they likely to ever muster the wit to try it for

And for gods sake will you stop talking like ignorant cowboy rednecks?
Or is that what you are forever destined to be? It`s just that phrases
like "saving your sorry asses" and "goddam liberals" speak volumes
about the general level of intelligence in your country. And why do I
hear so frequently the use of the words 'homo' and 'gay' in your
arguments? These constant accusations of other peoples` homosexuality
seem so suspicious; have you ever thought about calling a helpline?
There`s nothing to be ashamed of, you know.

And lets please put the lid on this whole "Nuke France" bullshit.
Jesus. If there is such a thing as the icing on the cake, this is it.
What is so hilarious is that this crap (which probably goes somewhat
along with watching such dangerously unprofessional news as Fox) is
thrown, like confetti, with the word "freedom" without any thought or
realization of the spectacular hypocricy afoot. What is this word,
"freedom"? Would it be the "freedom" of opinion that France decided to
employ when it had the "audacity" to disagree with America? For gods
sake people, wake up. And also, hilariously enough, wasn`t the Statue
of *Liberty* a gift from the French? I don`t see any protests
dedicated to tearing it down or give it back.

The funniest, most inane sticker I saw on an American car (you
rednecks really have an affinity for these things, just like children)
said "LIVE FREE OR DIE" next to an American flag; my head was awash
with the feedback-loop of hypocricy and kak-handed boorishness this
counjures up.

And another thing, your military aint "the goddam best in the goddam
world". Lets put that to rest straight away. It`s the "goddam best" at
firing at it`s own side, is what it is. You talk to anyone in the UK
forces who have trained with US marines and it`s the same story, these
guys have the best equipment and the loudest voices but not the
discipline nor the intelligence to use them properly; the Israeli army
pisses all over them also in terms of skill. All you have is weight
and money, that doesn`t mean its the "goddam best", not at all.

And the corruption of your president and the administration is
gradually coming apparant, a criminal corruption which spits at any
notion of fair play, honesty or democracy, and yet GW has an
ever-increasing popularity level, hinting at an ever-increasing knot
of hypocricy, blinkered stupidity and appeasement that not even the
longest, sharpest fingernails in the world could begin to untie. Such
criminal behaviour and lies you would normally only find in the worst
of 3rd world dictatorships, the startling difference is that it is
done in America under the illusion of "democracy" and "freedom"
(there`s that word again). Oh sorry , I forgot, the "democracy" thing
went out the window in the last election.

You people are like newly pubescant, burly adolescants who have no
idea how to handle their own size or strength. And reading these
childish, aggressive posts on groups like this compels me to remind
the worst of you that this world is not a playground; if you don`t
grow up soon, your "empire" will collapse and someday schoolkids will
learn about the once mighty country of America in much the same way as
they read about the once mighty Roman empire today.
2003-10-18 16:57:03 UTC
Post by William Lawson
"America is the goddam greatest"
This part is true.
William Lawson
2003-10-19 08:01:07 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by William Lawson
"America is the goddam greatest"
This part is true.
Something to think about while you chew straw on the porch, eh Sharky!
Well Gaw-Dayyem!
William Lawson
2003-10-19 08:01:08 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by William Lawson
"America is the goddam greatest"
This part is true.
Something to think about while you chew straw on the porch, eh Sharky!
Well Gaw-Dayyem!
William Lawson
2003-10-19 08:01:08 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by William Lawson
"America is the goddam greatest"
This part is true.
Something to think about while you chew straw on the porch, eh Sharky!
Well Gaw-Dayyem!
William Lawson
2003-10-19 08:01:09 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by William Lawson
"America is the goddam greatest"
This part is true.
Something to think about while you chew straw on the porch, eh Sharky!
Well Gaw-Dayyem!
William Lawson
2003-10-19 08:01:10 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by William Lawson
"America is the goddam greatest"
This part is true.
Something to think about while you chew straw on the porch, eh Sharky!
Well Gaw-Dayyem!
John Smith
2003-10-22 20:01:25 UTC
William Lawson wrote in message
Post by William Lawson
Don`t get me wrong, I`ve met and spoken to some incredibly
intelligent, wise and compassionate Americans in my time, and I have
spent a lot of time in the country off and on over the years; this is
not directed at these folks. But as for the rest of you (and I found
you to be in the majority, sadly enough) -
*for Christ sakes grow up*
I mean, where to start? There are just so many aspects of your
behaviour, attitude and opinions that are just so ignorant, blinkered
and childish on a scale that I honestly have not encountered anywhere
else in the world. Nowhere else have I witnessed such a lack of
knowledge about what is really happening internationally, let alone in
your own country. "America is the goddam greatest" is all I hear.
*Bullshit*. Those who repeat this mantra, this unfortunate utterance
of blind faith, I pity, for they have not experienced life anywhere
else nor are they likely to ever muster the wit to try it for
And for gods sake will you stop talking like ignorant cowboy rednecks?
Or is that what you are forever destined to be? It`s just that phrases
like "saving your sorry asses" and "goddam liberals" speak volumes
about the general level of intelligence in your country. And why do I
hear so frequently the use of the words 'homo' and 'gay' in your
arguments? These constant accusations of other peoples` homosexuality
seem so suspicious; have you ever thought about calling a helpline?
There`s nothing to be ashamed of, you know.
And lets please put the lid on this whole "Nuke France" bullshit.
Jesus. If there is such a thing as the icing on the cake, this is it.
What is so hilarious is that this crap (which probably goes somewhat
along with watching such dangerously unprofessional news as Fox) is
thrown, like confetti, with the word "freedom" without any thought or
realization of the spectacular hypocricy afoot. What is this word,
"freedom"? Would it be the "freedom" of opinion that France decided to
employ when it had the "audacity" to disagree with America? For gods
sake people, wake up. And also, hilariously enough, wasn`t the Statue
of *Liberty* a gift from the French? I don`t see any protests
dedicated to tearing it down or give it back.
The funniest, most inane sticker I saw on an American car (you
rednecks really have an affinity for these things, just like children)
said "LIVE FREE OR DIE" next to an American flag; my head was awash
with the feedback-loop of hypocricy and kak-handed boorishness this
counjures up.
And another thing, your military aint "the goddam best in the goddam
world". Lets put that to rest straight away. It`s the "goddam best" at
firing at it`s own side, is what it is. You talk to anyone in the UK
forces who have trained with US marines and it`s the same story, these
guys have the best equipment and the loudest voices but not the
discipline nor the intelligence to use them properly; the Israeli army
pisses all over them also in terms of skill. All you have is weight
and money, that doesn`t mean its the "goddam best", not at all.
And the corruption of your president and the administration is
gradually coming apparant, a criminal corruption which spits at any
notion of fair play, honesty or democracy, and yet GW has an
ever-increasing popularity level, hinting at an ever-increasing knot
of hypocricy, blinkered stupidity and appeasement that not even the
longest, sharpest fingernails in the world could begin to untie. Such
criminal behaviour and lies you would normally only find in the worst
of 3rd world dictatorships, the startling difference is that it is
done in America under the illusion of "democracy" and "freedom"
(there`s that word again). Oh sorry , I forgot, the "democracy" thing
went out the window in the last election.
You people are like newly pubescant, burly adolescants who have no
idea how to handle their own size or strength. And reading these
childish, aggressive posts on groups like this compels me to remind
the worst of you that this world is not a playground; if you don`t
grow up soon, your "empire" will collapse and someday schoolkids will
learn about the once mighty country of America in much the same way as
they read about the once mighty Roman empire today.
Painfully accurate summation.

Most Americans will never get it (until its too late?). I'm an American,
but visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe occasionally is/was
enough to wake me up (to the happenings in the rest of the world) and knock
a bit of arrogance out of me.
2003-10-24 14:43:29 UTC
Post by John Smith
visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe
Don't bother coming home you arrogant asshole.
William Lawson
2003-10-25 05:09:39 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe
Don't bother coming home you arrogant asshole.
Sharky - god knows how many cake crumbs you just spat on your monitor
but for christ sake lad, masturbate into a sock, brush your tooth and
go to bed.
2003-10-26 20:33:10 UTC
Post by William Lawson
masturbate into a sock, brush your tooth and
go to bed.
I'm sure you think that everyone should be like you, willy, but try to
see beyond your loathsome existence for a change.
John Smith
2003-10-27 16:46:57 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe
Don't bother coming home you arrogant asshole.
I wish I didnt have to come back to this embarrassment of a country.
2003-10-29 12:35:08 UTC
Post by John Smith
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe
Don't bother coming home you arrogant asshole.
I wish I didnt have to come back to this embarrassment of a country.
Then don't! No one would miss a ignorant fuckhead like you.
John Smith
2003-10-29 14:20:20 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe
Don't bother coming home you arrogant asshole.
I wish I didnt have to come back to this embarrassment of a country.
Then don't! No one would miss a ignorant fuckhead like you.
Name calling due to lack of class and intelligence, noted. No wonder the
rest of the world looks at America with shame....
2003-10-30 03:06:01 UTC
Post by John Smith
Name calling due to lack of class and intelligence, noted. No wonder the
rest of the world looks at America with shame....
Ignorance due to reliance on class structure and the implication of
superiority, noted. Don't come back here, shit_for_brains.
William Lawson
2003-10-31 05:40:00 UTC
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe
Don't bother coming home you arrogant asshole.
I wish I didnt have to come back to this embarrassment of a country.
Then don't! No one would miss a ignorant fuckhead like you.
Sharky, are you an alcoholic? I`m serious, it`s just I hear all of
your postings in a slurred voice when I read them. I have no
preconceptions of your class, I couldn`t give a f**k. I just think
you`re a little backward.

*Predicted reply - "F**k you asshole, why don`t you just crawl down a
hole and die. Everyone hates your guts."*

Ho Ho!
2003-12-11 06:57:51 UTC
Post by John Smith
Post by Sharky
Post by John Smith
visiting Nantes (France) and other parts of Europe
Don't bother coming home you arrogant asshole.
I wish I didnt have to come back to this embarrassment of a country.
Then don't. From my perspective, *you* are the embarrassment and we would
be well rid of your ilk. Higher lifeforms than you float through the sewers
of New York. Please renounce your citizenship and settle somewhere else
more to your liking. You certainly would not be missed and clearly you have
much more in common with your effete European playmates.

2003-10-26 01:11:18 UTC
What's wrong Billy boy, did your US immigration application get
turned down again?
Post by William Lawson
Don`t get me wrong, I`ve met and spoken to some incredibly
intelligent, wise and compassionate Americans in my time, and I have
spent a lot of time in the country off and on over the years; this is
not directed at these folks. But as for the rest of you (and I found
you to be in the majority, sadly enough) -
William Lawson
2003-10-31 05:48:20 UTC
Post by axyz
What's wrong Billy boy, did your US immigration application get
turned down again?
And this guy thus perfectly illustrates and encompasses exactly the
low-evolved, childish dull witted characters I outlined in my post,
and he misses the point entirely, failing miserabely to muster even a
basic argument against it. The very thought that any critisism of
America is inpired by jealousy or bitterness at not being able to get
in brings tears of laughter to the eyes of anyone with even half a
wit. And while I hear Sharky`s replies in a shaky, slurred alcoholic
voice, yours is followed by a load of snorting, like that of a stuck
2003-11-01 15:45:21 UTC
Hey cmon stop fighting about nothing, I am the real enemy , the real coward,
the real stupid ass, I m French, you all are americans and you are bashing
each other. What an ingratitude, bash my country please.
Post by William Lawson
Don`t get me wrong, I`ve met and spoken to some incredibly
intelligent, wise and compassionate Americans in my time, and I have
spent a lot of time in the country off and on over the years; this is
not directed at these folks. But as for the rest of you (and I found
you to be in the majority, sadly enough) -
*for Christ sakes grow up*
I mean, where to start? There are just so many aspects of your
behaviour, attitude and opinions that are just so ignorant, blinkered
and childish on a scale that I honestly have not encountered anywhere
else in the world. Nowhere else have I witnessed such a lack of
knowledge about what is really happening internationally, let alone in
your own country. "America is the goddam greatest" is all I hear.
*Bullshit*. Those who repeat this mantra, this unfortunate utterance
of blind faith, I pity, for they have not experienced life anywhere
else nor are they likely to ever muster the wit to try it for
And for gods sake will you stop talking like ignorant cowboy rednecks?
Or is that what you are forever destined to be? It`s just that phrases
like "saving your sorry asses" and "goddam liberals" speak volumes
about the general level of intelligence in your country. And why do I
hear so frequently the use of the words 'homo' and 'gay' in your
arguments? These constant accusations of other peoples` homosexuality
seem so suspicious; have you ever thought about calling a helpline?
There`s nothing to be ashamed of, you know.
And lets please put the lid on this whole "Nuke France" bullshit.
Jesus. If there is such a thing as the icing on the cake, this is it.
What is so hilarious is that this crap (which probably goes somewhat
along with watching such dangerously unprofessional news as Fox) is
thrown, like confetti, with the word "freedom" without any thought or
realization of the spectacular hypocricy afoot. What is this word,
"freedom"? Would it be the "freedom" of opinion that France decided to
employ when it had the "audacity" to disagree with America? For gods
sake people, wake up. And also, hilariously enough, wasn`t the Statue
of *Liberty* a gift from the French? I don`t see any protests
dedicated to tearing it down or give it back.
The funniest, most inane sticker I saw on an American car (you
rednecks really have an affinity for these things, just like children)
said "LIVE FREE OR DIE" next to an American flag; my head was awash
with the feedback-loop of hypocricy and kak-handed boorishness this
counjures up.
And another thing, your military aint "the goddam best in the goddam
world". Lets put that to rest straight away. It`s the "goddam best" at
firing at it`s own side, is what it is. You talk to anyone in the UK
forces who have trained with US marines and it`s the same story, these
guys have the best equipment and the loudest voices but not the
discipline nor the intelligence to use them properly; the Israeli army
pisses all over them also in terms of skill. All you have is weight
and money, that doesn`t mean its the "goddam best", not at all.
And the corruption of your president and the administration is
gradually coming apparant, a criminal corruption which spits at any
notion of fair play, honesty or democracy, and yet GW has an
ever-increasing popularity level, hinting at an ever-increasing knot
of hypocricy, blinkered stupidity and appeasement that not even the
longest, sharpest fingernails in the world could begin to untie. Such
criminal behaviour and lies you would normally only find in the worst
of 3rd world dictatorships, the startling difference is that it is
done in America under the illusion of "democracy" and "freedom"
(there`s that word again). Oh sorry , I forgot, the "democracy" thing
went out the window in the last election.
You people are like newly pubescant, burly adolescants who have no
idea how to handle their own size or strength. And reading these
childish, aggressive posts on groups like this compels me to remind
the worst of you that this world is not a playground; if you don`t
grow up soon, your "empire" will collapse and someday schoolkids will
learn about the once mighty country of America in much the same way as
they read about the once mighty Roman empire today.
2003-11-02 01:06:05 UTC
Post by lenny
Hey cmon stop fighting about nothing, I am the real enemy , the real coward,
the real stupid ass, I m French, you all are americans and you are bashing
each other. What an ingratitude, bash my country please.
top posting twit....
2003-12-11 06:57:34 UTC
Post by William Lawson
Don`t get me wrong, I`ve met and spoken to some incredibly
intelligent, wise and compassionate Americans in my time, and I have
spent a lot of time in the country off and on over the years; this is
not directed at these folks. But as for the rest of you (and I found
you to be in the majority, sadly enough) -
*for Christ sakes grow up*
I mean, where to start? There are just so many aspects of your
behaviour, attitude and opinions that are just so ignorant, blinkered
and childish on a scale that I honestly have not encountered anywhere
else in the world. Nowhere else have I witnessed such a lack of
knowledge about what is really happening internationally, let alone in
your own country. "America is the goddam greatest" is all I hear.
*Bullshit*. Those who repeat this mantra, this unfortunate utterance
of blind faith, I pity, for they have not experienced life anywhere
else nor are they likely to ever muster the wit to try it for
And for gods sake will you stop talking like ignorant cowboy rednecks?
Or is that what you are forever destined to be? It`s just that phrases
like "saving your sorry asses" and "goddam liberals" speak volumes
about the general level of intelligence in your country. And why do I
hear so frequently the use of the words 'homo' and 'gay' in your
arguments? These constant accusations of other peoples` homosexuality
seem so suspicious; have you ever thought about calling a helpline?
There`s nothing to be ashamed of, you know.
And lets please put the lid on this whole "Nuke France" bullshit.
Jesus. If there is such a thing as the icing on the cake, this is it.
What is so hilarious is that this crap (which probably goes somewhat
along with watching such dangerously unprofessional news as Fox) is
thrown, like confetti, with the word "freedom" without any thought or
realization of the spectacular hypocricy afoot. What is this word,
"freedom"? Would it be the "freedom" of opinion that France decided to
employ when it had the "audacity" to disagree with America? For gods
sake people, wake up. And also, hilariously enough, wasn`t the Statue
of *Liberty* a gift from the French? I don`t see any protests
dedicated to tearing it down or give it back.
The funniest, most inane sticker I saw on an American car (you
rednecks really have an affinity for these things, just like children)
said "LIVE FREE OR DIE" next to an American flag; my head was awash
with the feedback-loop of hypocricy and kak-handed boorishness this
counjures up.
And another thing, your military aint "the goddam best in the goddam
world". Lets put that to rest straight away. It`s the "goddam best" at
firing at it`s own side, is what it is. You talk to anyone in the UK
forces who have trained with US marines and it`s the same story, these
guys have the best equipment and the loudest voices but not the
discipline nor the intelligence to use them properly; the Israeli army
pisses all over them also in terms of skill. All you have is weight
and money, that doesn`t mean its the "goddam best", not at all.
And the corruption of your president and the administration is
gradually coming apparant, a criminal corruption which spits at any
notion of fair play, honesty or democracy, and yet GW has an
ever-increasing popularity level, hinting at an ever-increasing knot
of hypocricy, blinkered stupidity and appeasement that not even the
longest, sharpest fingernails in the world could begin to untie. Such
criminal behaviour and lies you would normally only find in the worst
of 3rd world dictatorships, the startling difference is that it is
done in America under the illusion of "democracy" and "freedom"
(there`s that word again). Oh sorry , I forgot, the "democracy" thing
went out the window in the last election.
You people are like newly pubescant, burly adolescants who have no
idea how to handle their own size or strength. And reading these
childish, aggressive posts on groups like this compels me to remind
the worst of you that this world is not a playground; if you don`t
grow up soon, your "empire" will collapse and someday schoolkids will
learn about the once mighty country of America in much the same way as
they read about the once mighty Roman empire today.
Well, mate, to start with, "Live Free or Die" is my state's motto and we
are quite proud of it. It had its origin in the 1770s when we were dealing
with some types not unlike the arrogant french of today. As I recall, the
General credited with the original statement went on to a victory in that
battle and many more. Further, it says a great deal about our values of
which I for one am quite proud.

Undoubtedly there are military forces as well or possibly better trained
than those of the US, and I would readily concede those of Israel and the
United Kingdom fall into that category. OTOH, the equipment advantage
almost always translates into military superiority on a battlefield.
Discipline? The natural American resistance to arbitrary authority is
translated into initiative unmatched by any European army, ever.
"Discipline" translated from the European means "blind obedience" and you
don't find that here. Intelligence? It wasn't the American Army which
threw away the lives of a generation of brave and gallant men with the
brilliant tactic of charging machine guns at the Somme and Gallipoli, to
name only two such disgraces. It wasn't the American Army which crouched
behind the "impregnable" Maginot line and then surrendered when it still
vastly outnumbered an invading enemy. That one will stand for eternity as
the paradigm of cowardice and the archtypical example of french military
prowess. I wonder how many other military organizations teach their
officers the correct protocols for surrender as part of their regular

No one in the US considers the world our "playground" nor do we seek any
sort of empire. But we are not going to allow some fifth rate dictator to
threaten our national security, some sand flea vermin to freely murder
our people nor - most especially - some bedsheet cowards in paris or
bureaucrats in Bonn to dictate what our response to such matters will be.

Oh, you don't like Fox? I'm sure you prefer something more biased.
"Goddamned liberals" comes to mind, but that is just too crude for someone
of your obvious sensitivities. Perhaps "effete leftist pseudo
intelligentsia with unmitigated gall, irrational delusions of relevance
and absolute ideological distortions of the facts" won't tie your knickers
in a such a knot. For me, "goddamned liberals" equates to the same thing
without wasting time on the subtle diplomatic nuances . . . and they most
certainly aren't worth the effort. Likely these are the "wise and
compassionate" playmates you so admire. It's the same group pushing for
queers to be regarded as "normal." The nice thing about homosexuality is
that at least it ensures the defective genes won't be passed along. If
only the defective intelligence behind liberalism could be equally

"Saving your sorry asses?" While crude, it is an entirely accurate summary
of historical fact. Twice in the last century, I might note. I have
immense admiration for the British in general, but how long would England
have lasted without Lend Lease, notwithstanding Hitler's strategic errors
and the heroism of the RAF in 1940-41? As to the cowardly frogs you defend
. . . the last time they mattered to anyone except themselves, a short
Corsican was calling the tune, and even then it was primarily battles, not
campaigns, which were won . . . lots of men in early graves in the sands
of Egypt or the snows of Russia to assuage that Gallic ego.

"Nuke france?" Why not? Nothing said here could possibly be more insulting
than the mere misfortune of being born a frog. And they deserve it. Only
neutron bombs, though. There are some rare pieces of art which would be
lost otherwise. Alternatively though, all it would take would be two
little old women in a 1963 Fiat to scare them into surrendering.

Ah, now I've wasted yet more time on some worthless effete leftist. But it
felt good to put you in your place, mate, so go flop down in the corner
like the cur you are and let's not have any more of your vapid commentary.
Continue reading on narkive: