The Legendary Sable
2004-07-25 21:37:53 UTC
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 19:34:34 +0100, "gnarled gnu (pbuh) direct"
comprised of spineless cowards who would and have sold their own
mothers for a bottle of wine. It is the only country in the world
that has been forced to form a Foreign Legion to attempt to do its
dirty work around the world because it is impossible to get any big
nosed cheese eating smelly frog to actually pick up a rifle without a
huge white flag attached to the muzzle. Its current operation in the
Ivory Coast is going badly because one of the natives found a board
with a nail in it and chased them all back into the fort. France's
greatest sea battle victory involved blowing up the Rainbow Warrior
while it was sitting in dry dock in order to prevent it from
protesting the fact that France is also the only country in the world
that does live nuclear tests on someone else's property. No one wants
to speak France's vile language so they have to go whining to the EU
to force the other member nations to conduct business in French. This
policy of forcing people by law to observe their shit language and
culture continues in French speaking Canada to the utter annoyance of
the rest of the country. France has become the whining niggers of
Europe that no one else wants to deal with.
Larry J. wrote in message ...
of territories illegally occupied by mass-murdering euromerican settlers.
You'll find that France was, is and continues to be a countryWaiving the right to remain silent, "gnarled gnu (pbuh) direct"
You'll find that "America", as you quaintly call it, is actually a seriesSuch a shame, this americanization of France. Before long
they'll be drive-by shootings of such regularity they fail to
make the local news.
Idiot. France was a ghetto before America was a nation.they'll be drive-by shootings of such regularity they fail to
make the local news.
of territories illegally occupied by mass-murdering euromerican settlers.
comprised of spineless cowards who would and have sold their own
mothers for a bottle of wine. It is the only country in the world
that has been forced to form a Foreign Legion to attempt to do its
dirty work around the world because it is impossible to get any big
nosed cheese eating smelly frog to actually pick up a rifle without a
huge white flag attached to the muzzle. Its current operation in the
Ivory Coast is going badly because one of the natives found a board
with a nail in it and chased them all back into the fort. France's
greatest sea battle victory involved blowing up the Rainbow Warrior
while it was sitting in dry dock in order to prevent it from
protesting the fact that France is also the only country in the world
that does live nuclear tests on someone else's property. No one wants
to speak France's vile language so they have to go whining to the EU
to force the other member nations to conduct business in French. This
policy of forcing people by law to observe their shit language and
culture continues in French speaking Canada to the utter annoyance of
the rest of the country. France has become the whining niggers of
Europe that no one else wants to deal with.