Terrorism in france! 16 wounded french cowards is a good start!
(too old to reply)
Citoyen de la République
2003-07-20 16:29:54 UTC
Les explosions ont été faites par des fascistes xénophobes qui ne respectent
pas le suffrage universel.
7/20/2003 10:11 AM
Two explosions rock Mediterranean resort city of Nice
PARIS (AP) - Two explosions rocked central Nice early Sunday,
slightly injuring at least 16 people and damaging several government
buildings, fire and rescue workers said.
The cause of the explosions, which took place five minutes apart,
was not immediately known.
Local officials said they were not ruling out any leads, including the
possibility that Corsican separatists - who have been known to
target the Treasury building - were behind the blasts.
The blasts Sunday damaged the Treasury and Customs buildings in
the Riviera resort city in southern France.
Finance Minister Francis Mer, whose ministry operates the two
buildings, said in a statement that the explosions had resulted from
"cowardly attacks."
The force of the explosion, which could be heard three miles away,
shattered windows across a 150-yard radius and destroyed several
nearby shops and parked cars.
The first blast took place at about 2:30 a.m. Firefighters arrived at
the scene just as the second explosion took place.
Authorities called in demining units to search the sites for additional
explosives. Investigators were also examining the type of explosives
Officials said 16 people were slightly injured, including a police
officer. One person remained under observation at a hospital late
Sunday morning.
Last September, the FLNC, one of the main Corsican separatist
groups, claimed responsibility for a failed attempt to bomb the same T
reasury building. Authorities disarmed the explosive before it went off.
On Friday, an FLNC subgroup known as Combatants' Union said it
had ended a 6-month-old truce after a French court convicted eight
Corsican separatists for the 1998 killing of the highest official on the
French Mediterranean island.
2003-07-20 18:56:21 UTC
7/20/2003 10:11 AM
Two explosions rock Mediterranean resort city of Nice
PARIS (AP) - Two explosions rocked central Nice early Sunday,
slightly injuring at least 16 people and damaging several government
buildings, fire and rescue workers said.
The cause of the explosions, which took place five minutes apart,
was not immediately known.
Local officials said they were not ruling out any leads, including the
possibility that Corsican separatists - who have been known to
target the Treasury building - were behind the blasts.
The blasts Sunday damaged the Treasury and Customs buildings in
the Riviera resort city in southern France.
Finance Minister Francis Mer, whose ministry operates the two
buildings, said in a statement that the explosions had resulted from
"cowardly attacks."
The force of the explosion, which could be heard three miles away,
shattered windows across a 150-yard radius and destroyed several
nearby shops and parked cars.
The first blast took place at about 2:30 a.m. Firefighters arrived at
the scene just as the second explosion took place.
Authorities called in demining units to search the sites for additional
explosives. Investigators were also examining the type of explosives
Officials said 16 people were slightly injured, including a police
officer. One person remained under observation at a hospital late
Sunday morning.
Last September, the FLNC, one of the main Corsican separatist
groups, claimed responsibility for a failed attempt to bomb the same T
reasury building. Authorities disarmed the explosive before it went off.
On Friday, an FLNC subgroup known as Combatants' Union said it
had ended a 6-month-old truce after a French court convicted eight
Corsican separatists for the 1998 killing of the highest official on the
French Mediterranean island.
My guess is Green Peace. Fred
2003-07-20 23:15:45 UTC
Post by Citoyen de la République
Les explosions ont été faites par des fascistes xénophobes qui ne respectent
pas le suffrage universel.
Terrorists never do represent a majority. If they did they would use
political means to draw attention to their viewpoint instead of
violence. Thanks for stating the blatantly obvious. Do you have a
Post by Citoyen de la République
7/20/2003 10:11 AM
Two explosions rock Mediterranean resort city of Nice
PARIS (AP) - Two explosions rocked central Nice early Sunday,
slightly injuring at least 16 people and damaging several government
buildings, fire and rescue workers said.
The cause of the explosions, which took place five minutes apart,
was not immediately known.
Local officials said they were not ruling out any leads, including the
possibility that Corsican separatists - who have been known to
target the Treasury building - were behind the blasts.
The blasts Sunday damaged the Treasury and Customs buildings in
the Riviera resort city in southern France.
Finance Minister Francis Mer, whose ministry operates the two
buildings, said in a statement that the explosions had resulted from
"cowardly attacks."
The force of the explosion, which could be heard three miles away,
shattered windows across a 150-yard radius and destroyed several
nearby shops and parked cars.
The first blast took place at about 2:30 a.m. Firefighters arrived at
the scene just as the second explosion took place.
Authorities called in demining units to search the sites for additional
explosives. Investigators were also examining the type of explosives
Officials said 16 people were slightly injured, including a police
officer. One person remained under observation at a hospital late
Sunday morning.
Last September, the FLNC, one of the main Corsican separatist
groups, claimed responsibility for a failed attempt to bomb the same T
reasury building. Authorities disarmed the explosive before it went off.
On Friday, an FLNC subgroup known as Combatants' Union said it
had ended a 6-month-old truce after a French court convicted eight
Corsican separatists for the 1998 killing of the highest official on the
French Mediterranean island.
Citoyen de la République
2003-07-21 00:04:56 UTC
Attirer l'attention avec des bombes et détruire des biens dans une
démocratie, c'est du fascisme.
Il y a les élections pour proposer ses idées. Les poseurs e bombes perdent
chaque élection.
Post by axyz
Post by Citoyen de la République
Les explosions ont été faites par des fascistes xénophobes qui ne respectent
pas le suffrage universel.
Terrorists never do represent a majority. If they did they would use
political means to draw attention to their viewpoint instead of
violence. Thanks for stating the blatantly obvious. Do you have a
Post by Citoyen de la République
7/20/2003 10:11 AM
Two explosions rock Mediterranean resort city of Nice
PARIS (AP) - Two explosions rocked central Nice early Sunday,
slightly injuring at least 16 people and damaging several government
buildings, fire and rescue workers said.
The cause of the explosions, which took place five minutes apart,
was not immediately known.
Local officials said they were not ruling out any leads, including the
possibility that Corsican separatists - who have been known to
target the Treasury building - were behind the blasts.
The blasts Sunday damaged the Treasury and Customs buildings in
the Riviera resort city in southern France.
Finance Minister Francis Mer, whose ministry operates the two
buildings, said in a statement that the explosions had resulted from
"cowardly attacks."
The force of the explosion, which could be heard three miles away,
shattered windows across a 150-yard radius and destroyed several
nearby shops and parked cars.
The first blast took place at about 2:30 a.m. Firefighters arrived at
the scene just as the second explosion took place.
Authorities called in demining units to search the sites for additional
explosives. Investigators were also examining the type of explosives
Officials said 16 people were slightly injured, including a police
officer. One person remained under observation at a hospital late
Sunday morning.
Last September, the FLNC, one of the main Corsican separatist
groups, claimed responsibility for a failed attempt to bomb the same T
reasury building. Authorities disarmed the explosive before it went off.
On Friday, an FLNC subgroup known as Combatants' Union said it
had ended a 6-month-old truce after a French court convicted eight
Corsican separatists for the 1998 killing of the highest official on the
French Mediterranean island.
2003-07-21 02:01:40 UTC
Post by Citoyen de la République
Attirer l'attention avec des bombes et détruire des biens dans une
démocratie, c'est du fascisme.
Il y a les élections pour proposer ses idées. Les poseurs e bombes perdent
chaque élection.
Attract attention with bombs. That is what terrorists do. Brilliant observation.
So then why haven't the terrorists that set off the bombs in Nice pursued a
political methodology to their cause instead? Because they are a small group
that does not represent the majority, so they have little chance of succeeding
in the politcal arena through elections.

You french constantly accuse the US of motivating terrorists to attack us
because of our foreign policies, yet apparently you have little idea of why
they are motivated to use violence.

BTW, quit top posting you french coward!
Post by Citoyen de la République
Post by axyz
Post by Citoyen de la République
Les explosions ont été faites par des fascistes xénophobes qui ne
Post by axyz
Post by Citoyen de la République
pas le suffrage universel.
Terrorists never do represent a majority. If they did they would use
political means to draw attention to their viewpoint instead of
violence. Thanks for stating the blatantly obvious. Do you have a
Post by Citoyen de la République
7/20/2003 10:11 AM
Two explosions rock Mediterranean resort city of Nice
PARIS (AP) - Two explosions rocked central Nice early Sunday,
slightly injuring at least 16 people and damaging several government
buildings, fire and rescue workers said.
The cause of the explosions, which took place five minutes apart,
was not immediately known.
Local officials said they were not ruling out any leads, including the
possibility that Corsican separatists - who have been known to
target the Treasury building - were behind the blasts.
The blasts Sunday damaged the Treasury and Customs buildings in
the Riviera resort city in southern France.
Finance Minister Francis Mer, whose ministry operates the two
buildings, said in a statement that the explosions had resulted from
"cowardly attacks."
The force of the explosion, which could be heard three miles away,
shattered windows across a 150-yard radius and destroyed several
nearby shops and parked cars.
The first blast took place at about 2:30 a.m. Firefighters arrived at
the scene just as the second explosion took place.
Authorities called in demining units to search the sites for
Post by axyz
Post by Citoyen de la République
explosives. Investigators were also examining the type of explosives
Officials said 16 people were slightly injured, including a police
officer. One person remained under observation at a hospital late
Sunday morning.
Last September, the FLNC, one of the main Corsican separatist
groups, claimed responsibility for a failed attempt to bomb the same T
reasury building. Authorities disarmed the explosive before it went
Post by axyz
Post by Citoyen de la République
On Friday, an FLNC subgroup known as Combatants' Union said it
had ended a 6-month-old truce after a French court convicted eight
Corsican separatists for the 1998 killing of the highest official on
Post by axyz
Post by Citoyen de la République
French Mediterranean island.