Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettIt must make you really angry to know that a bunch of
inbred cousin kissers built the world's sole superpower
while France is just trying to get people to maintain their
shitty language and failing.
Not being French, I would neither know nor care. But again, as
usual, let me point out the irony of a citizen from a country
where high school graduates can barely read or write lecturing
anyone on "protecting one's language".
Not being French with a fucked up name like Gaston? You're either a
liar or a fag or both. Let me point out the irony of a citizen
desparately defending a country who's only claim to fame was inventing
the blowjob. No doubt developed over years of dealing with various
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettOh yeah Gaston, lets compare the two. We kept Japs in
internment camps for the entire war and when it ended they
came out unharmed to get on with their lives.
Why don't you ask one of those American citizen "Japs" just
how they felt exactly. Ask them also how they feel still being
called "Japs" fifty years later by some half-breed redneck
asswipe bigot, right in their own country.
I don't think they would care since most of them are highly sucessful
Americans living the good life. I'd tell you to ask one of those Jews
how they feel still being despised by your ilk but you killed all of
Post by Gaston LagaffeMight have to take that plug of chewin' tobacco outta yer
mouth before you talk to 'em, Jeb, so they can make out the
drawl coming outta yer maw.
It must really gall you to know that the dumbest Arkansas hillbilly
has more common sense and a better moral compass than the brightest
French toadie who would leave his grandmother to die in an non air
conditioned apartment so she won't spoil his vacation trip.
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettDitto with
sand niggers that were caught red handed on the
Two full posts before some banjo-pickin' Yank uses the 'n'
word. It's a freaking usenet record. What caused this uncommon
Oh my, does the N word make you nervous Gasbag? You can exploit and
murder all those darkies in Africa every day of the week so long as
you don't call them niggers, is that how it works for you?
Post by Gaston LagaffeLet's see, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, human rights.
Go on, don't let irony slow you down. Keep showing us through
example how the U.S. of motherfucken' A. is the Greatest
Country In The World.
Now you're getting the idea there Gasbag. We don't send foreign
mercenaries around the world to keep the darkies in line like you do.
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettAnd then there is Abu Ghraib where we
committed the equivilant of college fraternity pranks by
making them wear their underwear on their heads.
Right, I forget: you get your news from U.S. networks. You
wouldn't know (or want to know) about the torture and deaths,
because thinking and asking questions is unpatriotic in your
You of course have some sort of link you can provide that demonstrates
proof we killed anyone at Abu Grab or tortured any of them in the
traditional sense of that word. By traditional I mean the Europeon
way of slave labor/rape camps, red hot pokers, drawing and quartering,
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettYou
collaborated with Nazis
Again, I'm not French. I'm from that other part of the world
that sees the U.S. getting closer to a totalitarian regime and
religious fanaticism than the "enemies" it's fighting.
Seriously Gasbag, you've got to be french. Are you that embarrassed
to admit it?
Post by Gaston LagaffeBut hey, since we're talking about collaboration, have you
guys found those WMD's yet? You know, the ones you SOLD Saddam
Hussein when he was your friend?
Oh yeah, let's talk about what the french have not only sold to Saddam
but just about every other tin pot dictator in the world who could
come up with the cash. Fighters, missles, portable bio warfare labs
etc. We ran across a lot of military hardware in Iraq and guess what
Gasbag, it was almost exclusively French or Russian.
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettMy country's history is as clean
as wind driven snow compared to the scum of France
Your country's IGNORANCE, you mean, Bubba. You know fuck all
about what your government is doing or rather you choose to
cover your eyes and ears because willful ignorance is a good
deal better than dragging your lard ass out of your easy chair
and turning off Oprah to go out and take an active stance
against a manufactured war for oil.
Oh really? When we were trying to use peaceful means to reign in
Saddam by going thru the UN to level sanctions against the scumbag
your wonderful President Chirac was busy undermining our efforts by
making deals with Saddam with the food for oil program. It provided
you scumbags with cheap oil under the table and the biggest beneficary
of all this just happened to be Chirac's largest campaign contributor.
You know fuck all about what your government is doing Gasbag.
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken Ehrettand I won't
even get into the long sad history of your cowardice on the
Better not. People might ask compromising questions about your
whereabouts from 1939 to 1941, and your choice of financial
partners during that time.
Ha ha, you stupid shits started that war with your chickenshit
appeasement tactics and then somehow expected us to bail you out from
your own stupidity. We don't feel a bit guilty about not carrying
your water from 1939 to 1941 you silly asshole. Be glad that we
eventually came in and sorted it all out for you in the end. In fact
as I said before you have a long history of appeasement and you are
doing it again by sitting back and allowing maniacs in Iran to obtain
nuclear weapons.
Post by Gaston LagaffePeople might also ask embarassing questions such as "Where's
Bin Laden?", "What does Iraq have to do with Al Qaeda?" or
"Who's that U.S. Official shaking hands with Sadam Hussein the
dictator in that photo?".
Who cares where Bin Laden is? I find it amusing that a
multi-millionare (assuming he is still alive) is forced to live in a
cave and hide under a smelly prayer rug ordering his wives to stand in
front and defend his miserable life. Ask Al Qaeda about Iraq, they
seem to think it's pretty important not to lose it to us. Who are all
those African mass murdering dictators who all seem to retire to
France after they have looted everything worth stealing in your former
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettYou're the crowd who would much rather make
dirty deals under the table for cheap oil with rogues like
Saddam enabling him to starve his own people rather than
fight to take out such a monster.
Is that anything like the U.S. selling him the materials to
make chemical weapons?
You have evidence of this? I thought not.
Post by Gaston LagaffePost by Ken EhrettOur so-called uneducated work force built the most poweful
nation on the face of the earth
How's that last space probe working out for ya? Did it crash
like the other ones because someone forgot to carry the two?
Does it have a Twinkie smudge on the mirror like the Hubble
Oh yeah, I forgot that you frenchies have such better telescopes in
orbit than we do. Ditto for space shuttles or probes or just about
any kind of viable space program at all.
Post by Gaston LagaffeMaybe you guys should stop trying to do grown-up work and call
for outside help. Like you did for your rocket program. Like
you did for your atomic program. Like you do for everything.
You crack me up Gasbag. You're so typically French. The reason why
anyone with any brains comes to the United States to live and work and
become citizens is because of useless turds like you. If you come
here and work hard you will be rewarded with wealth and freedom. If
you do that there you will just be taxed and have the fruit of your
labor passed around to all the deadbeats.