What a joke
(too old to reply)
2003-09-07 16:00:16 UTC
I would rather be a Towelhead than a Frenchman. The French are useless
assholes with no balls. The only thing the French care about is there own
selfish asses. The United States is the protector of freedom on our planet.
Without the U. S. this planet would really be in a world of shit, worse than
it is now. It has nothing to do with sucking up just sucking. The French
have some grand vision that they are some kind of super power. The only
thing the French are useful for is wine and they should stick to that and
that alone. As for your pathetic ass you and your homo French buddies would
be speaking German if it wasn't for Uncle Sam. So eat shit and die. Maybe
your great British Navy will protect your useless ass from the terrorists
running amuck on our planet!!! I don't think so!!! The British and the U.
S. and all freedom loving peoples need to stick together in these times of
crisis not badmouthing each other!!! If ever their was two countries with a
long and useful relationship it is the U. S. and England we need to continue
to assist each other no matter what!!! So snap out of it!!! No country is
perfect but at least we try to do what is right most of the time. I bet you
think that if we are real nice to the terrorists they won,t do anything to
harm us. Come on can you be so stupid. We need to take it to them wherever
they are not sit around and wait till they hit us again. That kind of
appeasement was tried once before and look what it got you.
This NG that is.
Just because the French did not kiss GW and his fellow Amoebian's asses
don't mean they should be given shit.
I used to be proud to be English, but living in the UK and seeing our
capitulation to everything American makes me sick. From MucDonalds to the
sue anything culture, England has turned into a copycat US toilet.
Kudos and paix to the French for not sucking up to a brainless tosser like
GW Bush.
Cue brainless UK/American arseholes to sound of like they've got a pair!
"Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one, and there usually full of
2003-09-07 17:49:08 UTC
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 00:25:06 +0100, "No 6"
This NG that is.
Just because the French did not kiss GW and his fellow Amoebian's asses
don't mean they should be given shit.
I used to be proud to be English, but living in the UK and seeing our almost
capitulation to everything American makes me sick. From MucDonalds to the
sue anything culture, England has turned into a copycat US toilet.
Kudos and paix to the French for not sucking up to a brainless tosser like
GW Bush.
Cue brainless UK/American arseholes to sound of like they've got a pair!
"Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one, and there usually full of
This NG existed before the France/USA spat ...
But thanks for your support ...
The english have proved they like freedom and individual liberty, i
doubt England should be so bashed even if UK seemed rather often
following blindly its w.a.s.p. relatives over the pond, indeed.

Thanx anyway.
No 6
2003-09-07 22:36:58 UTC
Post by waggg
This NG existed before the France/USA spat ...
But thanks for your support ...
The english have proved they like freedom and individual liberty, i
doubt England should be so bashed even if UK seemed rather often
following blindly its w.a.s.p. relatives over the pond, indeed.
Thanx anyway.
Anytime Mon Ami
No 6
2003-09-07 22:30:04 UTC
Well let's see now, first off,

"The United States is the protector of freedom on our planet."
Well I guess I can sleep better at night now!

"The only thing the French care about is there own selfish asses"
And you guys don't ! Jesus give me a break.

"The French have some grand vision that they are some kind of super power."
I don't see this, they have just expressed their views, and to me that does
not qualify them to receive and pile of verbal abuse.

"As for your pathetic ass you and your homo French buddies would be speaking
German if it wasn't for Uncle Sam. So eat shit and die."
I do eat shit quite often, it's called McDonalds!

"Maybe your great British Navy will protect your useless ass from the
terrorists running amuck on our planet!!!"
Like the terrorists in El Salvador, or Northern Ireland maybe. Oh no I
forgot they were funded by America weren't they! Still all in a day's work
saving the planet eh?

"The British and the U S. and all freedom loving peoples need to stick
together in these times of crisis not badmouthing each other!!!"
Yes, I couldn't agree more, you are finally making some sense, last time I
looked the French love their freedom too!

"No country is perfect but at least we try to do what is right most of the
Well at least you acknowledge no country is perfect, that includes yours and

" I bet you think that if we are real nice to the terrorists they won,t do
anything to harm us. "
Wrong, anyone who murders inoccent civillians should be given the same
treatment. An eye for an eye in my book.

"Come on can you be so stupid"
I'm not, I just do not think the French need bollocks like this that's all,
and as I live in a democracy I am entitled to my view. Just as you are

"We need to take it to them wherever they are not sit around and wait till
they hit us again."
Maybe, but slagging off nations because they don't fall blinldy into line is
not going to help anybody.

"I would rather be a Towelhead than a Frenchman."
Really, then go blow yourself up at a bus stop and do everyone a favour!

God bless America the UK and France and God help you!
2003-10-07 23:33:41 UTC
Post by No 6
"As for your pathetic ass you and your homo French buddies would be speaking
German if it wasn't for Uncle Sam. So eat shit and die."
I do eat shit quite often, it's called McDonalds!
they would actually be speaking Russian
2003-10-18 17:02:22 UTC
Post by Oatman
Post by No 6
"As for your pathetic ass you and your homo French buddies would be
Post by No 6
German if it wasn't for Uncle Sam. So eat shit and die."
I do eat shit quite often, it's called McDonalds!
they would actually be speaking Russian
And whining about it in german.

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