Charley Brown and Almighty Snoopy
2004-04-18 04:48:35 UTC
Destruct codes were disabled, pobvious because 2 hit a British ship killing
many thanks to the cowards of France!
Many weapons discovered in Iraq on the UN ban list were French and dated
after 1991 when the UN put restrictions on weapon sales. This is connected
with the other French bullshit that supported Saddam so he coould kill
thousands in his 1991-2002 purges.
France's involvement in the scam of "oil for food" helped French crooks get
rich while poor Iraqi kids did not receive the AID through this program.
Thanks France, you have a History of being cowards and weak, the truth will
come out. France thinks they will be the European Community
mouthpiece/leader , well you Europeans best think twice about letting the
dirtballs of France dictate any policy to you.
France cannot keep 100,000 of its citizens from dying during a heat wave,
maybe America should have landed air conditioners at the Normandy beaches to
save your worthless asses again.
Fuck France!
"Eliminate annoying spam!
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not during it. Of course they did not know that there would be a war
between Argentina and Britain. Once the war started France joined the
arms embargo and refused to sell more Exocets to Argentina.
many thanks to the cowards of France!
Many weapons discovered in Iraq on the UN ban list were French and dated
after 1991 when the UN put restrictions on weapon sales. This is connected
with the other French bullshit that supported Saddam so he coould kill
thousands in his 1991-2002 purges.
France's involvement in the scam of "oil for food" helped French crooks get
rich while poor Iraqi kids did not receive the AID through this program.
Thanks France, you have a History of being cowards and weak, the truth will
come out. France thinks they will be the European Community
mouthpiece/leader , well you Europeans best think twice about letting the
dirtballs of France dictate any policy to you.
France cannot keep 100,000 of its citizens from dying during a heat wave,
maybe America should have landed air conditioners at the Normandy beaches to
save your worthless asses again.
Fuck France!
"Eliminate annoying spam!
My mailbox is protected by iHateSpam, the #1-rated spam buster."
The french sold the dismantling codes to the UK, so you think that is
honorable? You sell the product to one side, then destroy its
effectivenesshonorable? You sell the product to one side, then destroy its
by the consumer. Some supplier you are. I knew you french always played
bothsides of the field but that is a new low now that you point it out.
flight.And by the way, the French gave to UK the codes to destroy them in
Let us not forget as well, that during the Falklands war, France sold
exocet missiles to Argentina, that sank the British battleship. Some
gratitude for saving their arses during 2 world wars.
The French had sold a few Exocet missiles to Argentina before the war,not during it. Of course they did not know that there would be a war
between Argentina and Britain. Once the war started France joined the
arms embargo and refused to sell more Exocets to Argentina.