Post by JeremyPost by wagggPost by Jeremy(whiney, nasal crap deleted)
<insert translation>
ROTFLMAO !!! french more nasal than american LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must be kidding !!!! when we imitate american language, we pinch
our nose to speak !! :-) (well, sometimes)
Are you sure it is not to defend yourself from your own body odor?
yes, i'm sure boyo.
Post by JeremyNot to perpetuate any stereotypes. I am sure you have heard that one on
Post by Jeremythis group before. ;) We have the same custom in America to symbolize
speaking to a French nationalist. It is called 'deodorant', try it once
for a change.
drop the stereotypes, you're a student ... you'll reach nothing being
narrow-minded, son ...
Post by JeremyPost by wagggPost by JeremyWhy the French do not have anything has to fear on behalf of American at
the time of a possible war?
Because, like Vietnam, they will need America to come in and clean up their
I think you should re-read your history book and gain some
opportunities to learn stuff from the fact you are at the university
De Gaulle even say to your president to not go over there, that it
will cause you only trouble !
You were there because of the Dominoes' theory wiseass ... years later
we left it, wiseass ...
I do not study history as people on this ng would like. However, my
Too bad ... it would prevent you from saying stupidities and nonsenses
... I think you should reconsider things about opening your mouth when
you don't know what you're talking about, prat.
Post by Jeremyuncle was in Vietnam, and I don't need to hear tripe from pussies in
oh, yes you need to hear truth from informed people ...
this will increase your knowledge and so your comprehension.
Post by Jeremythis group. Or, for that matter, political dissection from a dildo like
you. Wether or not we decided to go in (we did), or what theory or
ideology (people died) you want to believe, we didn't try to pretend we
won or spout nationalistic propaganda on a flame newsgroup. And was it
your 'Dominoe theory' that caused you to retreat, or were you just too
the dominoes' theory was a US theory ... Google is your friend.
Did you reatreat from Vietnam because you were pussies, moron ?
you obviously didn't read my about 900 lines post about French history
linked with war ...
too bad you're a lazybones it would have enlighten you and would have
shut up your mouth forever on that matter, but ... whatever, you chose
on purpose to keep your ignorance ... that's your choice, boy ...
you're free.
Still i'm gonna copy and paste an excerpt from my post about vietnam
.. it's not long at all so you should be able to read it :
Post by JeremyPost by wagggWar In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed
with the Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it anyway, waow, cheeky, wise-ass.
In the same situation even the USA would have certainly lost this
The US didn't help militarily, France left Vietnam split in 2, the Northern part being communist.
The US left Vietnam reunited under communist rules, doesn't look to be a better job..."
Post by JeremyCall me a wiseass again, pussy.
no, i will gonna call you pussy, pussy ...
Americans speak loud and proudly their despise of the french "and
about many other countries"
My reply is that you will be authorized to call us pussy when your
country will have undergo on his very soil with his very citizens 2
world wars with millions of casualties ... till this moment i think
you should just shut up ...
wasn't the vietnam war a traumatism with your 55,000 dead soldiers ...
(and 2 millions vietnameses BTW) ?
55,000 is ridiculous if we compare with what we underwent , pussy ...
and it wasn't on your own soil ... shut up arrrogant brat ... and rush
to the library ...
Post by JeremyPost by wagggPost by JeremyBecause the Americans shoot only at their
Explaining why America has never declared war against France.
no need you freed us from the nazis (thanks again ...) but our
civilian toll for this was big ...
No need indeed, I'm sure you and your family line would be better to be
??? what the hell are you talking about ? My grandfather fought the
nazis ! ha was in the VIIIth infantry division and later in the 1st
army of De Lattre for the landing of Provance the 08/15 1944.
Now i demand you to stop insulting me pitiful conceited fuckhead !!
you're the reason why US people get some bad reputation, with all this
stupid injustified arrogance and this feeling of superiority that
makes you giving lessons to anyone on this planet ... Don't make me
laugh !
in you far isolated from any danger country with 300 millions of
people and megabucks (and a lot of natural richness from your soil )
you have nothing to fear and you dare make lessons about the weakness
of the others ? ??? Can you feel up to which point you're looking
like a jackass, fuckass ?
Post by Jeremywiped out in the wake of the Nazis. I am currently researching the facts
of the Holocaust and "Holocause denial" as they call it. I am sure that
it is commonplace among certain Eurocentric individuals such as
What the hell are you talking about ?
Post by Jeremyyourself. I was speechless when I watched a documentary recently on the
Holocaust and France's inability to provide amnesty to hundereds of
thousands of Jewish refugees from the rapidly approaching Nazi threat.
what ? what the hell are you talking about ? date, facts ... links if
Post by JeremyAnd you declare that we had no need to 'free' you from Germany. No doubt
???? i think you misread my sentence ...
so i will copy and paste it again so that you could read it over ...
"no need, you freed us from the nazis (thanks again ...) but our
civilian toll for this was big ..."
(i added a comma, i think this must be the reason why your mind full
of set ideas read wht he felt like reading instead of what should have
been understood)
Post by Jeremyit was not your worthless, smelly ass we were there to liberate.
No kidding ! what a news ...
If Hitler didn't declare war to USA we maybe never see what the uS
uniform looked like ... :-)
Post by JeremyAlthough you would no doubt be speaking German if it were not for London
and America.
And you wouldn't be USA if we wouldn't have intervened in the late
1700 ... right ?
oh you forgot URSS and all the people that participated to the
falldown of the axis ... among them the free french (amongst them my
grandfather) and some resitants for instance - but a lot of other
nations too ...
Post by JeremyDon't take it so hard. It's not french peoples fault that France is so
easy to conquer. It's just in the way of everything...
please do me a favor and read my post my reply is in there ... if you
have the courage to confront your prejudices to my words ...