(too old to reply)
"New Faz" @
2004-01-15 19:21:20 UTC
Ils sont emmerdés aux USA pour le marathon de NY, c'est beaucoup plus
court...Normal, il y a 2 tours de moins :-))

Lors d'un voyage organisé, tout le monde est en train de prendre des photos
lorsque d'un coup...Une éclipse totale de Soleil...Tout le monde se demande
comment cela peut etre possible vu que rien n'est censé causer cette
éclipse...C'est alors qu'un Francais se retourne pour regarder les autres et
dit: pas de panique, c'est encore le gros cul de l'américain qui fait de

Pourquoi les Francais n'ont rien a craindre de la part des américains lors
d'une éventuelle guerre ?
Parceque les Américains ne tirent que sur leurs amis...:-)

* Quel est le sport préféré des Irakiens ?
le tire aux lapins casqués :-D
(pas facile a comprendre celle la ;-))
2004-01-15 20:19:58 UTC
"New Faz" <***@new_faz@***@NOSPAM> wrote in news:4006e7f6$0$17140$***@news.free.fr:

(whiney, nasal crap deleted)
<insert translation>
Why the French do not have anything has to fear on behalf of American at
the time of a possible war?
Because, like Vietnam, they will need America to come in and clean up their
Because the Americans shoot only at their
Explaining why America has never declared war against France.
"New Faz" @
2004-01-15 20:39:37 UTC
Post by Jeremy
(whiney, nasal crap deleted)
<insert translation>
Why the French do not have anything has to fear on behalf of American at
the time of a possible war?
Because the Americans shoot only at their
Explaining why America has never declared war against France.
Par contre, votre guerre contre la GB, tres fort, avec le nombre de morts
que vous leur avez fait...
Ah non, c'est vrai, ce sont des amis, donc c'est pour ca que vous tirez
dessus :-))

A priori, on a pas aimé les autres blagues ? :-D :-D :-D
2004-01-16 14:33:51 UTC
Post by Jeremy
(whiney, nasal crap deleted)
<insert translation>
ROTFLMAO !!! french more nasal than american LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

you must be kidding !!!! when we imitate american language, we pinch
our nose to speak !! :-) (well, sometimes)
Post by Jeremy
Why the French do not have anything has to fear on behalf of American at
the time of a possible war?
Because, like Vietnam, they will need America to come in and clean up their
I think you should re-read your history book and gain some
opportunities to learn stuff from the fact you are at the university
De Gaulle even say to your president to not go over there, that it
will cause you only trouble !
You were there because of the Dominoes' theory wiseass ... years later
we left it, wiseass ...
Post by Jeremy
Because the Americans shoot only at their
Explaining why America has never declared war against France.
no need you freed us from the nazis (thanks again ...) but our
civilian toll for this was big ...
2004-01-19 05:31:08 UTC
Post by waggg
Post by Jeremy
(whiney, nasal crap deleted)
<insert translation>
ROTFLMAO !!! french more nasal than american LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must be kidding !!!! when we imitate american language, we pinch
our nose to speak !! :-) (well, sometimes)
Are you sure it is not to defend yourself from your own body odor?
Not to perpetuate any stereotypes. I am sure you have heard that one on
this group before. ;) We have the same custom in America to symbolize
speaking to a French nationalist. It is called 'deodorant', try it once
for a change.
Post by waggg
Post by Jeremy
Why the French do not have anything has to fear on behalf of American at
the time of a possible war?
Because, like Vietnam, they will need America to come in and clean up their
I think you should re-read your history book and gain some
opportunities to learn stuff from the fact you are at the university
De Gaulle even say to your president to not go over there, that it
will cause you only trouble !
You were there because of the Dominoes' theory wiseass ... years later
we left it, wiseass ...
I do not study history as people on this ng would like. However, my
uncle was in Vietnam, and I don't need to hear tripe from pussies in
this group. Or, for that matter, political dissection from a dildo like
you. Wether or not we decided to go in (we did), or what theory or
ideology (people died) you want to believe, we didn't try to pretend we
won or spout nationalistic propaganda on a flame newsgroup. And was it
your 'Dominoe theory' that caused you to retreat, or were you just too
Call me a wiseass again, pussy.
Post by waggg
Post by Jeremy
Because the Americans shoot only at their
Explaining why America has never declared war against France.
no need you freed us from the nazis (thanks again ...) but our
civilian toll for this was big ...
No need indeed, I'm sure you and your family line would be better to be
wiped out in the wake of the Nazis. I am currently researching the facts
of the Holocaust and "Holocause denial" as they call it. I am sure that
it is commonplace among certain Eurocentric individuals such as
yourself. I was speechless when I watched a documentary recently on the
Holocaust and France's inability to provide amnesty to hundereds of
thousands of Jewish refugees from the rapidly approaching Nazi threat.
And you declare that we had no need to 'free' you from Germany. No doubt
it was not your worthless, smelly ass we were there to liberate.
Although you would no doubt be speaking German if it were not for London
and America.
Don't take it so hard. It's not french peoples fault that France is so
easy to conquer. It's just in the way of everything...
2004-01-19 10:57:41 UTC
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Post by Jeremy
(whiney, nasal crap deleted)
<insert translation>
ROTFLMAO !!! french more nasal than american LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must be kidding !!!! when we imitate american language, we pinch
our nose to speak !! :-) (well, sometimes)
Are you sure it is not to defend yourself from your own body odor?
yes, i'm sure boyo.
Post by Jeremy
Not to perpetuate any stereotypes. I am sure you have heard that one on
Post by Jeremy
this group before. ;) We have the same custom in America to symbolize
speaking to a French nationalist. It is called 'deodorant', try it once
for a change.
drop the stereotypes, you're a student ... you'll reach nothing being
narrow-minded, son ...
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Post by Jeremy
Why the French do not have anything has to fear on behalf of American at
the time of a possible war?
Because, like Vietnam, they will need America to come in and clean up their
I think you should re-read your history book and gain some
opportunities to learn stuff from the fact you are at the university
De Gaulle even say to your president to not go over there, that it
will cause you only trouble !
You were there because of the Dominoes' theory wiseass ... years later
we left it, wiseass ...
I do not study history as people on this ng would like. However, my
Too bad ... it would prevent you from saying stupidities and nonsenses
... I think you should reconsider things about opening your mouth when
you don't know what you're talking about, prat.
Post by Jeremy
uncle was in Vietnam, and I don't need to hear tripe from pussies in
oh, yes you need to hear truth from informed people ...
this will increase your knowledge and so your comprehension.
Post by Jeremy
this group. Or, for that matter, political dissection from a dildo like
you. Wether or not we decided to go in (we did), or what theory or
ideology (people died) you want to believe, we didn't try to pretend we
won or spout nationalistic propaganda on a flame newsgroup. And was it
your 'Dominoe theory' that caused you to retreat, or were you just too
the dominoes' theory was a US theory ... Google is your friend.

Did you reatreat from Vietnam because you were pussies, moron ?

you obviously didn't read my about 900 lines post about French history
linked with war ...
too bad you're a lazybones it would have enlighten you and would have
shut up your mouth forever on that matter, but ... whatever, you chose
on purpose to keep your ignorance ... that's your choice, boy ...
you're free.
Still i'm gonna copy and paste an excerpt from my post about vietnam
.. it's not long at all so you should be able to read it :

Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
War In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed
with the Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it anyway, waow, cheeky, wise-ass.
In the same situation even the USA would have certainly lost this
The US didn't help militarily, France left Vietnam split in 2, the Northern part being communist.
The US left Vietnam reunited under communist rules, doesn't look to be a better job..."
Post by Jeremy
Call me a wiseass again, pussy.
no, i will gonna call you pussy, pussy ...
Americans speak loud and proudly their despise of the french "and
about many other countries"
My reply is that you will be authorized to call us pussy when your
country will have undergo on his very soil with his very citizens 2
world wars with millions of casualties ... till this moment i think
you should just shut up ...
wasn't the vietnam war a traumatism with your 55,000 dead soldiers ...
(and 2 millions vietnameses BTW) ?
55,000 is ridiculous if we compare with what we underwent , pussy ...
and it wasn't on your own soil ... shut up arrrogant brat ... and rush
to the library ...
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Post by Jeremy
Because the Americans shoot only at their
Explaining why America has never declared war against France.
no need you freed us from the nazis (thanks again ...) but our
civilian toll for this was big ...
No need indeed, I'm sure you and your family line would be better to be
??? what the hell are you talking about ? My grandfather fought the
nazis ! ha was in the VIIIth infantry division and later in the 1st
army of De Lattre for the landing of Provance the 08/15 1944.
Now i demand you to stop insulting me pitiful conceited fuckhead !!

you're the reason why US people get some bad reputation, with all this
stupid injustified arrogance and this feeling of superiority that
makes you giving lessons to anyone on this planet ... Don't make me
laugh !
in you far isolated from any danger country with 300 millions of
people and megabucks (and a lot of natural richness from your soil )
you have nothing to fear and you dare make lessons about the weakness
of the others ? ??? Can you feel up to which point you're looking
like a jackass, fuckass ?
Post by Jeremy
wiped out in the wake of the Nazis. I am currently researching the facts
of the Holocaust and "Holocause denial" as they call it. I am sure that
it is commonplace among certain Eurocentric individuals such as
What the hell are you talking about ?
Post by Jeremy
yourself. I was speechless when I watched a documentary recently on the
Holocaust and France's inability to provide amnesty to hundereds of
thousands of Jewish refugees from the rapidly approaching Nazi threat.
what ? what the hell are you talking about ? date, facts ... links if
Post by Jeremy
And you declare that we had no need to 'free' you from Germany. No doubt
???? i think you misread my sentence ...
so i will copy and paste it again so that you could read it over ...

"no need, you freed us from the nazis (thanks again ...) but our
civilian toll for this was big ..."

(i added a comma, i think this must be the reason why your mind full
of set ideas read wht he felt like reading instead of what should have
been understood)
Post by Jeremy
it was not your worthless, smelly ass we were there to liberate.
No kidding ! what a news ...
If Hitler didn't declare war to USA we maybe never see what the uS
uniform looked like ... :-)
Post by Jeremy
Although you would no doubt be speaking German if it were not for London
and America.
And you wouldn't be USA if we wouldn't have intervened in the late
1700 ... right ?

oh you forgot URSS and all the people that participated to the
falldown of the axis ... among them the free french (amongst them my
grandfather) and some resitants for instance - but a lot of other
nations too ...
Post by Jeremy
Don't take it so hard. It's not french peoples fault that France is so
easy to conquer. It's just in the way of everything...
please do me a favor and read my post my reply is in there ... if you
have the courage to confront your prejudices to my words ...
2004-01-19 18:23:48 UTC
Post by waggg
Post by Jeremy
wiped out in the wake of the Nazis. I am currently researching the facts
of the Holocaust and "Holocause denial" as they call it. I am sure that
it is commonplace among certain Eurocentric individuals such as
What the hell are you talking about ?
Post by Jeremy
yourself. I was speechless when I watched a documentary recently on the
Holocaust and France's inability to provide amnesty to hundereds of
thousands of Jewish refugees from the rapidly approaching Nazi threat.
what ? what the hell are you talking about ? date, facts ... links if
It is exactly this sort of ignorance that makes it possible for
dictators to massacre an entire population right under the noses of
those who declare themselves activists.


from http://www.religioustolerance.org/holo_apol.htm

French complicity in Nazi atrocities was a dirty-little-secret that was
not publicly acknowledged by senior French officials, until recently:
1940: The Vichy government of France collaborated with Nazi Germany by
freezing about 80,000 Jewish bank accounts. During the following four
years, the government deported about 76,000 Jews to Nazi death camps.
Only about 2,500 survived.

1995: It took more than five decades after the atrocities ended until a
French president, Jacques Chirac, was finally able "to admit that the
state bore a heavy share of responsibility in the mass round-ups and
deportations of Jews, as well as in the property and asset seizures that
were carried out with the active help of the Vichy regime." 1

1997: Lawyers representing thousands of death camp survivors and
relatives of camp victims initiated a group of lawsuits in the United
States. These were launched to force French banks to return the money
seized from Jewish accounts.

1998: During this year:
Maurice Papon, a senior official in the Vichy regime was sentenced to
ten years in prison for his role in organizing the deportation of 1,590
Jews from the Bordeaux area.
French officials installed a committee in the central bank's
headquarters to oversee an inventory of all suspect accounts. They set
no deadline for the completion of the task. It was established to
"report to an official state commission led by concentration camp
survivor Jean Matteoli, which is attempting to systematically track down
and make an inventory of goods of all types seized from French Jews
during the Nazi occupation years. 2

2000: During this year:
A Wall of Memory was erected at the Memorial to the Jewish Martyr in
Paris' Marais district, the home of most of the capital's pre-war Jewish
community. Dozens of trees were planted, forming an "avenue of the
righteous" that leads up to the memorial. They honor those French
citizens who protected Jews or helped them to escape from the Nazis.
Lionel Jospin, the prime minister of France, announced that children of
those Jews deported by the Vichy regime will get either a lump sum
payment or a monthly pension. 1
The French government set up a committee to process individual requests
of reparation for confiscated French property. The Mattéoli Commission
estimated that art work and other property worth US$ 1.5 billion was
stolen. The French National Museum is actively trying to locate the
owners of about 2,000 works of art that were seized from Jews during
World War II and shipped to Germany.

2001: The U.S. and French governments reached an agreement which is
expected to be signed in late 2001-JAN. The U.S. lawsuits will probably
be dropped, in exchange for a "substantial, multi-million dollar sum" to
be paid by French banks to Holocaust survivors and descendents of
Holocaust victims. The Mattéoli Commission estimated that about US$ 450
million lies dormant in French accounts.

Michel Japkowicz is a 65-year-old pharmacist in Paris. His father and
brother, then 15 years of age, were exterminated in the Holocaust. He
commented: "The deal was 55 years [too] late. But it's moral
satisfaction. For so long, we've had the impression that France was
saying 'we're not guilty -- it's the others.' Now, they're finally
making amends." 1
2004-01-20 12:05:00 UTC
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
what ? what the hell are you talking about ? date, facts ... links if
It is exactly this sort of ignorance that makes it possible for
dictators to massacre an entire population right under the noses of
those who declare themselves activists.
LOL ...Let's talk about the ignorance that makes possible to the
administration of a big democracy to tell they are they came in Iraq
to save the people from a horrid tyrant and that devilish country had
strong links with this tyrant but not the kind and virtuous USA ...

Is that kind of ignorance that make you call us "pussy" or another
kind, mighty brain" ?

oh, and i ain't a (leftist or whatever) activist for your information.
Post by Jeremy
? not very neutral, eh ? but some stuff are true and ashaming (tho not
very new)
Post by Jeremy
yep, OK ...

i love that stuff about Le Pen ... when you know that jews vote for
him. :-)

anyway i just ask myself how a then so racist country (USA) would have
acted in the same circumstaces... we'll never know ...

anyway read the post through.
Post by Jeremy
from http://www.religioustolerance.org/holo_apol.htm
French complicity in Nazi atrocities was a dirty-little-secret that was

That's your best one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do yourself a favor and change your source of imformation !!! :-)

Are you for real ????!!!!!!

That's the funniest thing i've read on the net for a long, long time
(and the wrongest too :-) )

come one get some real informations, please ... your credibility won't
resist it ...
Post by Jeremy
1940: The Vichy government of France collaborated with Nazi Germany by
freezing about 80,000 Jewish bank accounts. During the following four
years, the government deported about 76,000 Jews to Nazi death camps.
Only about 2,500 survived.
stats coming ! :

% of pre-war Jewish population murdered

Poland -- 90.9%
Greece -- 86.6%
Lithuania -- 85.1%
Yugoslavia -- 81.2%
Slovakia -- 79.8%
Latvia -- 78.1%
Netherlands -- 71.4%
Hungary -- 69.0%
Bohemia/Moravia -- 66.1%
Luxembourg -- 55.7%
Romania -- 47.1%
Norway -- 44.8%
Estonia -- 44.4%
Belgium -- 44.0%
Soviet Union -- 36.4%
France -- 22.1%
Denmark -- 0.7%

(Source: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust)

what can you reach as conclusion knowing the number of inhabitants in
each of these country at that time ?
Post by Jeremy
1995: It took more than five decades after the atrocities ended until a
French president, Jacques Chirac, was finally able "to admit that the
state bore a heavy share of responsibility in the mass round-ups and
deportations of Jews, as well as in the property and asset seizures that
were carried out with the active help of the Vichy regime." 1
Officially, but the french population was thinking about it for
decades, moron.
Post by Jeremy
1997: Lawyers representing thousands of death camp survivors and
relatives of camp victims initiated a group of lawsuits in the United
States. These were launched to force French banks to return the money
seized from Jewish accounts.
Post by Jeremy
Maurice Papon, a senior official in the Vichy regime was sentenced to
ten years in prison for his role in organizing the deportation of 1,590
Jews from the Bordeaux area.
and what ? it's the 10 yrs ? he's a mummy now ...
Post by Jeremy
French officials installed a committee in the central bank's
headquarters to oversee an inventory of all suspect accounts. They set
no deadline for the completion of the task. It was established to
"report to an official state commission led by concentration camp
survivor Jean Matteoli, which is attempting to systematically track down
and make an inventory of goods of all types seized from French Jews
during the Nazi occupation years. 2
A Wall of Memory was erected at the Memorial to the Jewish Martyr in
Paris' Marais district, the home of most of the capital's pre-war Jewish
community. Dozens of trees were planted, forming an "avenue of the
righteous" that leads up to the memorial. They honor those French
citizens who protected Jews or helped them to escape from the Nazis.
Lionel Jospin, the prime minister of France, announced that children of
those Jews deported by the Vichy regime will get either a lump sum
payment or a monthly pension. 1
well ... ?
Post by Jeremy
The French government set up a committee to process individual requests
of reparation for confiscated French property. The Mattéoli Commission
estimated that art work and other property worth US$ 1.5 billion was
stolen. The French National Museum is actively trying to locate the
owners of about 2,000 works of art that were seized from Jews during
World War II and shipped to Germany.
2001: The U.S. and French governments reached an agreement which is
expected to be signed in late 2001-JAN. The U.S. lawsuits will probably
be dropped, in exchange for a "substantial, multi-million dollar sum" to
be paid by French banks to Holocaust survivors and descendents of
Holocaust victims. The Mattéoli Commission estimated that about US$ 450
million lies dormant in French accounts.
Let's talk about switzerland ... a ...hmm ... neutral country or about
germany, austria etc ...
Post by Jeremy
Michel Japkowicz is a 65-year-old pharmacist in Paris. His father and
brother, then 15 years of age, were exterminated in the Holocaust. He
commented: "The deal was 55 years [too] late. But it's moral
satisfaction. For so long, we've had the impression that France was
saying 'we're not guilty -- it's the others.' Now, they're finally
making amends." 1
LOL ... yeah we bear this cross from the liberation of France but we
didn't feel guilty ... very funny guy ...

oh, BTW, on a different matter, i love it :-) :




According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
Bush made considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor. :

Nasty Nazi Business - Corporate Deals with Nazi Germany :
2004-01-19 11:36:28 UTC
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
you must be kidding !!!! when we imitate american language, we pinch
our nose to speak !! :-) (well, sometimes)
Are you sure it is not to defend yourself from your own body odor?
Not to perpetuate any stereotypes. I am sure you have heard that one on
this group before. ;) We have the same custom in America to symbolize
speaking to a French nationalist. It is called 'deodorant', try it once
for a change.
We buy and sell fragrances and perfumes your girlfriend (if one day you
have one) will be quite happy to get for Xmas. But I admit that your
deodorant is repulsive. I wouldn't wear some cheapo US Old Spice or
Faberge in my life. Especially if trying to attract women.
Post by Jeremy
I do not study history as people on this ng would like. However, my
uncle was in Vietnam, and I don't need to hear tripe from pussies in
this group.
Fun, my dad left in 1954. Our French backed Vietnamese puppet, Bakut, was
getting pounced by his enemy, the US backed puppet Diem.

Diem was an example of a democrat and you can ask any Vietnamese how were
they nicely treated by his regime. You will be sort of suprised to see
how "friendly" Diem was indeed. Diem was responsible for converting a lot
of South Vietnamese into Viet Congs.
Post by Jeremy
Or, for that matter, political dissection from a dildo like
Dildo...Dildo... Oh my god! Flesh Gordon! Yeah that was a fun movie.
Post by Jeremy
Wether or not we decided to go in (we did), or what theory or
ideology (people died) you want to believe, we didn't try to pretend we
won or spout nationalistic propaganda on a flame newsgroup. And was it
your 'Dominoe theory' that caused you to retreat, or were you just too
We had China helping Ho Chi Mihn and your CIA doing the same as in their
eyes France had no place in Asia. 3 against one, 2 superpowers in them...
not bad odds.

Of course the US did a totally different job...

At least we never broke anyone's balls with lame viet nam movies for 10
years. When we folded, we folded. We never looked back, writing
bad fiction in which Chuck Norris would kung fu all his way to Saigon to
save the war, so we could heal some little infantile pride.

Watch a good nam movie again.. Pay attention to the details... "let's do
the whole village!" "It's pay back time" "Kill the gook!"

Funny, it looks like a nice SS film when you think of it... What was this
"let's do the whole village" expression from again?

Mi Lai!

Check out that village name on your list of victories... something to brag
Post by Jeremy
Call me a wiseass again, pussy.
And then what... you will go to the International Court in Den Hag?
Post by Jeremy
Although you would no doubt be speaking German if it were not for London
and America.
Und? Was ist deine Frage hier? Ich spreche Deutsche.
Post by Jeremy
Don't take it so hard. It's not french peoples fault that France is so
easy to conquer. It's just in the way of everything...
In the way of your little "speak white" doctrine.

Hope you are taking Spanish classes... you see in 100 years you will be a
minority there.
2004-01-24 13:07:19 UTC
Post by Jeremy
(whiney, nasal crap deleted)
<insert translation>
Why the French do not have anything has to fear on behalf of American at
the time of a possible war?
Because, like Vietnam, they will need America to come in and clean up their
Belle demonstration de force americaine en effet. La seule initiative
intelligente que les us on eut, c'est de se barrer de la bas avant de se
faire virer a grand coups de pompes par un adversaire infiniment plus faible
militairement. Plutot minable
Post by Jeremy
Because the Americans shoot only at their
Explaining why America has never declared war against France.
America n'a jamais eu le courage de se battre contre quelqu'un qui possede
l'arme atomique, ce qui explique leur empressement a en limiter la

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