Fun Facts about AmeriKKKans
(too old to reply)
Tom Shelly, Legendary White God
2003-06-24 01:09:54 UTC
I'd rather live next to a family of Afghanis than a family of you
toothless trailer trash.
I don't live in a trailer and I have very nice teeth, thank you.

But I"m sure you'll be happy in your stone hut with no running water
or electricity.

Tom Shelly White God
2003-06-24 21:07:26 UTC
ah, you damn rednecks-go figure
Post the proof to your claims.
Let's see verifiable links to official sources that back up your
claims and then compare them wtih all other countries of the world.
if push came to shove, I'd much rather be in a trailer park in Georgia
than a stone hut in Afghanistan.
Tom Shelly, White God
I'd rather be in a brownstone in Paris. BTW I am speaking to y'all from a
trailer park in Georgia.
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 03:35:45 +0200 (CEST), "-=Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñ0ßí=-"
20% of Amerikkkans live in trailers.
Amerikkka has the world's highest percentage of its
citizens in prison.
Amerikkkans enjoy shopping at something called Piggly
Amerikkka has a lower literacy rate than France, the
UK, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Australia and
Germany (just to mention a few)
Amerikkkans view adequate health care as a job
benefit, not as a basic living standard.
Amerikkkans are the second most obese people on the
planet, after Tonga.
Tyralak, an Amerikkkan crack-hoe, will make a lame follow up to this
Blue teeth that are modelled after tombstones are seen
as a sign of beauty in Amerikkka
2003-07-03 06:47:09 UTC
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these guns?
Personally I like being in a country where there is less chance of being
Dumbass, that's the point... any invading force entering the US would be subjected
to such an overwhelming amount of sniper fire from American citizens that they know
better than to even try it. The majority of Americans own firearms and know how to
use them proficiently. And as willing as we are to use them on each other, what do
you suppose would happen when we have targets more deserving of being shot at like
enemy soldiers inside our borders?

Personally I prefer being in a country where I can have my AK-47 in my bedroom
closet, my Mini-14 in the front hallway closet and my .45 on the headboard of my
bed if I choose to. I prefer living in a country that can squash your country like a bug
whenever we choose to. I don't know (or care) what country you are from, and it
doesn't matter, because no matter which country you are in, America can squash it
like a bug! It is a great feeling that you will never know! No place on the planet is
out of range of our squadrons of B-52 bombers taking off from bases in Missouri.
And we are watching every move your pathetic country makes in real time with high
resolution telephoto lenses in so many bands of the spectrum that you should be
terrified. Again, I don't know what country you are in and I don't care, because
whatever country it is, we are watching every move you make and have a long list
of key targets in your country already prioritized. All we have to do is transfer the
GPS coordinates of these most interesting locations into the memories of GPS smart
bombs already sitting in a B-52 and scramble it. In less than 24 hours about 41 tons
of high explosives will give your whole country a new respect for the glorious American
empire, while the bomber returns to Missouri to reload with 41 more tons of bombs
to go do it again. And just wait until we announce our next weapon developments:
will it be pilotless drone aircraft and tanks that will make killing people and blowing
up things in a foreign country a fun Playstation-like experience? Or will it be GPS
smart bombs already loaded onto satellites orbiting the planet and able to be dropped
at will onto an area the size an american dollar bill??? Or maybe all of the above will
be our next weapon development. Once thing is for sure, no one will even know or
suspect it exists until we use it on some deserving country such as france.
By the way, go ahead and fire all the nukes and see how much good it does
the American population.
That's the point; America wins or nobody wins. The best the rest of the rest of world
can hope for is a draw.
America is the most technologically advanced, has the largest air force,
largest navy and the largest nuclear weapon stockpile of any other nation
the planet.
America will be the first nation to militarily own the bubble of outer
encircling the earth, to the exclusion of all others.
The American civilian population owns more firearms than the militaries of
next ten most armed nations in the world combined.
Bill Weston
2003-07-03 19:45:50 UTC
Post by axyz
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these
guns? Personally I like being in a country where there is less
chance of being shot.
Dumbass, that's the point... any invading force entering the US would
be subjected to such an overwhelming amount of sniper fire from
American citizens that they know better than to even try it. The
majority of Americans own firearms and know how to use them
proficiently. And as willing as we are to use them on each other,
what do you suppose would happen when we have targets more deserving
of being shot at like enemy soldiers inside our borders?
Iraq and Switzerland are two countries that have higher numbers of guns per
head than the US - I guess we should be *really* scared of invading them! :)
Post by axyz
Personally I prefer being in a country where I can have my AK-47 in
my bedroom closet, my Mini-14 in the front hallway closet and my .45
on the headboard of my bed if I choose to. I prefer living in a
country that can squash your country like a bug whenever we choose
to. I don't know (or care) what country you are from, and it doesn't
matter, because no matter which country you are in, America can
squash it like a bug! It is a great feeling that you will never know!
No place on the planet is out of range of our squadrons of B-52
bombers taking off from bases in Missouri. And we are watching every
move your pathetic country makes in real time with high resolution
telephoto lenses in so many bands of the spectrum that you should be
terrified. Again, I don't know what country you are in and I don't
care, because whatever country it is, we are watching every move you
make and have a long list of key targets in your country already
prioritized. All we have to do is transfer the GPS coordinates of
these most interesting locations into the memories of GPS smart bombs
already sitting in a B-52 and scramble it. In less than 24 hours
about 41 tons of high explosives will give your whole country a new
respect for the glorious American empire, while the bomber returns to
Missouri to reload with 41 more tons of bombs to go do it again. And
just wait until we announce our next weapon developments: will it be
pilotless drone aircraft and tanks that will make killing people and
blowing up things in a foreign country a fun Playstation-like
experience? Or will it be GPS smart bombs already loaded onto
satellites orbiting the planet and able to be dropped at will onto an
area the size an american dollar bill??? Or maybe all of the above
will be our next weapon development. Once thing is for sure, no one
will even know or suspect it exists until we use it on some deserving
country such as france.
Hehe. Impotent fantasist.
Post by axyz
By the way, go ahead and fire all the nukes and see how much good it
does the American population.
That's the point; America wins or nobody wins.
Like in Vietnam?
I think the US is great and spend a lot of time there, but people like you
give the place a bad name.
General Melchett from Blackadder describing
his regiments coat of arms:
". . . .two dead Frenchmen atop a pile
of dead Frenchmen. . . . ."
2003-07-03 23:35:19 UTC
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these
guns? Personally I like being in a country where there is less
chance of being shot.
Dumbass, that's the point... any invading force entering the US would
be subjected to such an overwhelming amount of sniper fire from
American citizens that they know better than to even try it. The
majority of Americans own firearms and know how to use them
proficiently. And as willing as we are to use them on each other,
what do you suppose would happen when we have targets more deserving
of being shot at like enemy soldiers inside our borders?
Iraq and Switzerland are two countries that have higher numbers of guns per
head than the US - I guess we should be *really* scared of invading them! :)
Not after a few thousand B-52 sorties, each one dropping 41 tons of high
explosives, cluster bombs, napalm or incendiares on all the major cities.
Even though these countries have lots of guns, they don't have an effective
air force capable of defending themselves. There is no reason the US
couldn't take on both of these countries at the same time. Like we
did to the Japs and Germans inWWII. Face it, while most of the world was
having difficulty facing one major power, the US was fighting two, on opposite
sides of the globe, and fought until our adversaries were willing to surrender
unconditionally. And Japan and Germany had honor and a willingness to fight
to the end, so these weren't unconditional surrenders like that of the coward
french who surrendered in six weeks.
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
Personally I prefer being in a country where I can have my AK-47 in
my bedroom closet, my Mini-14 in the front hallway closet and my .45
on the headboard of my bed if I choose to. I prefer living in a
country that can squash your country like a bug whenever we choose
to. I don't know (or care) what country you are from, and it doesn't
matter, because no matter which country you are in, America can
squash it like a bug! It is a great feeling that you will never know!
No place on the planet is out of range of our squadrons of B-52
bombers taking off from bases in Missouri. And we are watching every
move your pathetic country makes in real time with high resolution
telephoto lenses in so many bands of the spectrum that you should be
terrified. Again, I don't know what country you are in and I don't
care, because whatever country it is, we are watching every move you
make and have a long list of key targets in your country already
prioritized. All we have to do is transfer the GPS coordinates of
these most interesting locations into the memories of GPS smart bombs
already sitting in a B-52 and scramble it. In less than 24 hours
about 41 tons of high explosives will give your whole country a new
respect for the glorious American empire, while the bomber returns to
Missouri to reload with 41 more tons of bombs to go do it again. And
just wait until we announce our next weapon developments: will it be
pilotless drone aircraft and tanks that will make killing people and
blowing up things in a foreign country a fun Playstation-like
experience? Or will it be GPS smart bombs already loaded onto
satellites orbiting the planet and able to be dropped at will onto an
area the size an american dollar bill??? Or maybe all of the above
will be our next weapon development. Once thing is for sure, no one
will even know or suspect it exists until we use it on some deserving
country such as france.
Hehe. Impotent fantasist.
The reality is that even though you consider this fantasy, those in charge
of the US military and US national security have plans and weapons under
development that would make the above seem warm and friendly by
comparison. Where do you think our huge defense budget goes each year?
And "defense" budget is just a political phrase that sounds nicer than using
what it really is, an "offensive military capabilty" budget.
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
By the way, go ahead and fire all the nukes and see how much good it
does the American population.
That's the point; America wins or nobody wins.
Like in Vietnam?
Vietnam was an example of what happens when a bunch of idiotic liberal
politicians are put in charge of the military, a mistake that will not be
Post by Bill Weston
I think the US is great and spend a lot of time there, but people like you
give the place a bad name.
People like me are the reason America is the greatest nation on the planet.
Heavily armed, so no pathetic country with delusions of granduer will ever
invade and get more than a couple miles inland before being thrown back
into the ocean. America is priority one, so the rest of the world better get
used to it. And now we finally have a president that is willing to act on this
national policy, unlike the chronic lying womanizer and his bitch cunt wife
that preceeded him.

Bush Rules! Bush in 2004!!!! Rumsfeld in 2008 and 2012!!!
Post by Bill Weston
General Melchett from Blackadder describing
". . . .two dead Frenchmen atop a pile
of dead Frenchmen. . . . ."
Bernard Hubbard
2003-07-04 03:40:56 UTC
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with
these guns? Personally I like being in a country where there
is less chance of being shot.
Dumbass, that's the point... any invading force entering the
US would be subjected to such an overwhelming amount of
sniper fire from American citizens that they know better than
to even try it. The majority of Americans own firearms and
know how to use them proficiently. And as willing as we are
to use them on each other, what do you suppose would happen
when we have targets more deserving of being shot at like
enemy soldiers inside our borders?
Iraq and Switzerland are two countries that have higher numbers
of guns per head than the US - I guess we should be *really*
scared of invading them! :)
Not after a few thousand B-52 sorties, each one dropping 41 tons
of high explosives, cluster bombs, napalm or incendiares on all
the major cities. Even though these countries have lots of guns,
they don't have an effective air force capable of defending
themselves. There is no reason the US couldn't take on both of
these countries at the same time. Like we did to the Japs and
Germans inWWII. Face it, while most of the world was having
difficulty facing one major power, the US was fighting two, on
opposite sides of the globe, and fought until our adversaries
were willing to surrender unconditionally. And Japan and Germany
had honor and a willingness to fight to the end, so these
weren't unconditional surrenders like that of the coward french
who surrendered in six weeks.
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
Personally I prefer being in a country where I can have my
AK-47 in my bedroom closet, my Mini-14 in the front hallway
closet and my .45 on the headboard of my bed if I choose to.
I prefer living in a country that can squash your country
like a bug whenever we choose to. I don't know (or care) what
country you are from, and it doesn't matter, because no
matter which country you are in, America can squash it like a
bug! It is a great feeling that you will never know! No place
on the planet is out of range of our squadrons of B-52
bombers taking off from bases in Missouri. And we are
watching every move your pathetic country makes in real time
with high resolution telephoto lenses in so many bands of the
spectrum that you should be terrified. Again, I don't know
what country you are in and I don't care, because whatever
country it is, we are watching every move you make and have a
long list of key targets in your country already prioritized.
All we have to do is transfer the GPS coordinates of these
most interesting locations into the memories of GPS smart
bombs already sitting in a B-52 and scramble it. In less than
24 hours about 41 tons of high explosives will give your
whole country a new respect for the glorious American empire,
while the bomber returns to Missouri to reload with 41 more
tons of bombs to go do it again. And just wait until we
announce our next weapon developments: will it be pilotless
drone aircraft and tanks that will make killing people and
blowing up things in a foreign country a fun Playstation-like
experience? Or will it be GPS smart bombs already loaded onto
satellites orbiting the planet and able to be dropped at will
onto an area the size an american dollar bill??? Or maybe all
of the above will be our next weapon development. Once thing
is for sure, no one will even know or suspect it exists until
we use it on some deserving country such as france.
Hehe. Impotent fantasist.
The reality is that even though you consider this fantasy, those
in charge of the US military and US national security have plans
and weapons under development that would make the above seem
warm and friendly by comparison. Where do you think our huge
defense budget goes each year? And "defense" budget is just a
political phrase that sounds nicer than using what it really is,
an "offensive military capabilty" budget.
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
By the way, go ahead and fire all the nukes and see how much
good it does the American population.
That's the point; America wins or nobody wins.
Like in Vietnam?
Vietnam was an example of what happens when a bunch of idiotic
liberal politicians are put in charge of the military, a mistake
that will not be repeated.
Nixon a *Liberal*? What a fucking laugh. Learn a little history,
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
I think the US is great and spend a lot of time there, but
people like you give the place a bad name.
People like me are the reason America is the greatest nation on
the planet. Heavily armed, so no pathetic country with delusions
of granduer will ever invade and get more than a couple miles
inland before being thrown back into the ocean. America is
priority one, so the rest of the world better get used to it.
And now we finally have a president that is willing to act on
this national policy, unlike the chronic lying womanizer and his
bitch cunt wife that preceeded him.
Bush Rules! Bush in 2004!!!! Rumsfeld in 2008 and 2012!!!
Hell, mate, your are paranoid as well as your heroes. God help the
world and particularly America if those cunts you have mentioned do
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
General Melchett from Blackadder describing
". . . .two dead Frenchmen atop a pile
of dead Frenchmen. . . . ."
Bernard Hubbard
Australian, Gay and Green.
And, if their whole "complementary" ideal of "opposites attract"
WERE true, then what could be MORE opposite than a homosexual and a
homophobe? Instant love, just add water-based-lube.
Curtsybear 12.40 am AEST June 12, 2003
There are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and
Usenet is
NOTHING like Shakespeare." - Blair Houghton
2003-07-06 21:38:55 UTC
Post by Bernard Hubbard
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with
these guns? Personally I like being in a country where there
is less chance of being shot.
Dumbass, that's the point... any invading force entering the
US would be subjected to such an overwhelming amount of
sniper fire from American citizens that they know better than
to even try it. The majority of Americans own firearms and
know how to use them proficiently. And as willing as we are
to use them on each other, what do you suppose would happen
when we have targets more deserving of being shot at like
enemy soldiers inside our borders?
of the above will be our next weapon development. Once thing
is for sure, no one will even know or suspect it exists until
we use it on some deserving country such as france.
The reality is that even though you consider this fantasy, those
in charge of the US military and US national security have plans
and weapons under development that would make the above seem
warm and friendly by comparison. Where do you think our huge
defense budget goes each year? And "defense" budget is just a
political phrase that sounds nicer than using what it really is,
an "offensive military capabilty" budget.
Post by Bill Weston
Like in Vietnam?
Vietnam was an example of what happens when a bunch of idiotic
liberal politicians are put in charge of the military, a mistake
that will not be repeated.
Nixon a *Liberal*? What a fucking laugh. Learn a little history,

In the cases of Vietnam and Somalia you mistake will for capability. Had
the US nuked or used chemical/biological agents in the North the out come
would have been very different. Fred
2003-07-06 00:50:33 UTC
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these
guns? Personally I like being in a country where there is less
chance of being shot.
Dumbass, that's the point... any invading force entering the US
would be subjected to such an overwhelming amount of sniper fire
from American citizens that they know better than to even try it.
The majority of Americans own firearms and know how to use them
proficiently. And as willing as we are to use them on each other,
what do you suppose would happen when we have targets more deserving
of being shot at like enemy soldiers inside our borders?
Iraq and Switzerland are two countries that have higher numbers of
guns per head than the US - I guess we should be *really* scared of
invading them! :)
Not after a few thousand B-52 sorties, each one dropping 41 tons of
high explosives, cluster bombs, napalm or incendiares on all the
major cities. Even though these countries have lots of guns, they
don't have an effective air force capable of defending themselves.
There is no reason the US couldn't take on both of these countries at
the same time. Like we did to the Japs and Germans inWWII. Face it,
while most of the world was having difficulty facing one major power,
the US was fighting two, on opposite sides of the globe, and fought
until our adversaries were willing to surrender unconditionally. And
Japan and Germany had honor and a willingness to fight to the end, so
these weren't unconditional surrenders like that of the coward french
who surrendered in six weeks.
15 years of B52 sorties made no difference to the Vietcong. As for WW2, us
British took on Germany in Europe, Germany and Italy in North Africa and the
Japs in the far east for 3 years while you hid under your beds saying it's
nothing to do with us.
They were until a bunch of weak politicians started caring that a bunch of far-out,
trippin' hippies with long hair and no jobs so they spent their days protesting thought
the war should stop. The draft should have just been expanded to put these hippies
on the front lines to draw out the VC. Once one of these peace-loving flower children
had a few gooks with AK-47's shooting at them with 30 round banana clips that never
seemed to run out of bullets his whole attitude would have changed in a big hurry.
But as it was, the weak politicians got in the way of progress.

Lets see; Germany invades Poland September 1, 1939. US declares war on Japan
and Germany December 8, 1941. How do you get three years out of this??? Math
is not your strength is it? Yet you complain we stayed out for too long. And now when
the US wants to stop Iraq before it gets to the level of WW3, you complain we move too
fast. What a bunch of hypocrites. Not much better than the French, except you Brits
at least know it is to your advantage to be kissing our hairy ass with a smile on your face.
France is not so smart, and the American consumer is issuing their own veto of France
with their wallets and purses.

Besides, the Lend Lease act meant that there was significant war material was given to
England, and many US citizens died trying to get it across the Atlantic BEFORE the war
started. Or did you already forget what America did for you, much like the Unshowered
Cowards to your south?

And from what I recall, the Brits were stepped on in the PTO. And held Germany to
a stalemate, until Hitler closed his own casket when he came up with the intelligent idea to
do the same dumb thing Napoleon did, pay Russia a little vist that cost hundreds of
thousands of his soldiers their lives. You can be thankful the US was there or England
would be a private island retreat for the leaders of the Russian Empire right now.

You're welcome.
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
Personally I prefer being in a country where I can have my AK-47 in
my bedroom closet, my Mini-14 in the front hallway closet and my .45
on the headboard of my bed if I choose to. I prefer living in a
country that can squash your country like a bug whenever we choose
to. I don't know (or care) what country you are from, and it doesn't
matter, because no matter which country you are in, America can
squash it like a bug! It is a great feeling that you will never
know! No place on the planet is out of range of our squadrons of
B-52 bombers taking off from bases in Missouri. And we are watching
every move your pathetic country makes in real time with high
resolution telephoto lenses in so many bands of the spectrum that
you should be terrified. Again, I don't know what country you are
in and I don't care, because whatever country it is, we are
watching every move you make and have a long list of key targets in
your country already prioritized. All we have to do is transfer the
GPS coordinates of these most interesting locations into the
memories of GPS smart bombs already sitting in a B-52 and scramble
it. In less than 24 hours about 41 tons of high explosives will
give your whole country a new respect for the glorious American
empire, while the bomber returns to Missouri to reload with 41 more
tons of bombs to go do it again. And just wait until we announce
our next weapon developments: will it be pilotless drone aircraft
and tanks that will make killing people and blowing up things in a
foreign country a fun Playstation-like experience? Or will it be
GPS smart bombs already loaded onto satellites orbiting the planet
and able to be dropped at will onto an area the size an american
dollar bill??? Or maybe all of the above will be our next weapon
development. Once thing is for sure, no one will even know or
suspect it exists until we use it on some deserving country such as france.
Hehe. Impotent fantasist.
The reality is that even though you consider this fantasy, those in
charge of the US military and US national security have plans and
weapons under development that would make the above seem warm and
friendly by comparison. Where do you think our huge defense budget
goes each year? And "defense" budget is just a political phrase that
sounds nicer than using what it really is, an "offensive military
capabilty" budget.
The following countries have enough nukes to destroy the world - the US, the
UK, France, China and the CIS. Having more weapons than you need to destroy
the world does not make you any stronger or any deader if you use them.
Agreed. But it is better to be a have than a have not. And many have not, but
want. And they must be stopped. If you have a gun and someone else, not a friend,
not an enemy, but not someone you trust wants to pick one up, would you let him,
knowing the very first thing he may do is point it at you? Hell No! And nukes are the
same but with entire countries.
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
Post by axyz
By the way, go ahead and fire all the nukes and see how much good
it does the American population.
That's the point; America wins or nobody wins.
Like in Vietnam?
Vietnam was an example of what happens when a bunch of idiotic liberal
politicians are put in charge of the military, a mistake that will
not be repeated.
Except maybe in Somalia and then. . . . . . .
Lets see, I believe it was about 18 or 28 dead Americans and thousands of Somalians
killed, while the US also accomplished it's primary objective despite the casualties.
How is that not a victory??? Please elaborate.
Post by axyz
Post by Bill Weston
I think the US is great and spend a lot of time there, but people
like you give the place a bad name.
People like me are the reason America is the greatest nation on the
planet. Heavily armed, so no pathetic country with delusions of
granduer will ever invade and get more than a couple miles inland
before being thrown back into the ocean. America is priority one, so
the rest of the world better get used to it. And now we finally have
a president that is willing to act on this national policy, unlike
the chronic lying womanizer and his bitch cunt wife that preceeded
Bush Rules! Bush in 2004!!!! Rumsfeld in 2008 and 2012!!!
You seem to forget about China which could nuke you off the planet or
potentially invade the US with 4 times more soldiers than there are
Americans in the world.
Population of the US is about 280 million. Four times that is 1.12 billion,
approximately the population of China. Just for amusement, let's wrongly
assume the Chinese can overcome the logistical problem of transporting
every single person in their country to the USA. How well do you suppose
they would fight? My guess is the 90+ year old senile invalids women on
crutches (because of foot binding practices) will fight better than the 6 month
old babies, but I wouldn't expect either demographic to be able to march
very far or very fast or hold up mentally when the bullets start landing close by.

Coming back from your fantasy world into the realm of reality, there are still
about 80-100 million males in the US between 14 and 70, and almost all either
have guns or know someone who would lend one the day the Chinese showed
up. Conventional military tactics call for a at least a two to one attacker to defender
ratio. So the Chinese would need almost 200 million soldiers. And then transport
them to the USA, not an easy logistics task, especially considering the Chinese navy
consists primarily of bamboo junks carrying a few guy holding AK-47's and maybe a
20mm cannon if they are lucky. All in all, I would say the possibility of that is
somewhere between never gonna happen and impossible.
Still, I'm sure things will change in 2008 when Mrs Clinton becomes your
president! ;-)
And if that nightmare scenario ever did happen (not very likely!) how long would
it take until she gets assassinated? My guess is her hand would still be on the bible
during the Presidential Oath when the first bullet hits.
General Melchett from Blackadder describing
". . . .two dead Frenchmen atop a pile
of dead Frenchmen. . . . ."
Lea Davidson
2003-07-06 17:10:26 UTC
Post by axyz
They were until a bunch of weak politicians started caring that a bunch of far-out,
trippin' hippies with long hair and no jobs so they spent their days protesting thought
the war should stop. The draft should have just been expanded to put these hippies
on the front lines to draw out the VC. Once one of these peace-loving flower children
had a few gooks with AK-47's shooting at them with 30 round banana clips that never
seemed to run out of bullets his whole attitude would have changed in a big hurry.
But as it was, the weak politicians got in the way of progress.
Once again, an American who sticks up for his country and ideals while
proving that he doesn't believe in freedom of speech or democracy.

The whole matter is a moot point, anyway. Your capitalist market,
pseudo-Catholic religion and even your language prove that the British have
left their mark on the world and America forever. The continued success of
the US only strengthens what we created. We get all of your benefits PLUS we
have a welfare state, we don't worry about gun crime and we're not fat.

With no disrespect or lack of feeling for those affected by Sept 11th, for
all your guns and weapons, you didn't see those planes coming, did you? Just
like the Hare in Aesop's fable, your country was so full of itself that it
didn't see an obvious threat.

You, personally, construct very well written posts so I don't your
intelligence for a second. That being the case, it must really wind you up
when you see just how ignorant, hypocritical and downright backward a large
part of your country is. Perhaps that's why you pretend that true power
comes from nuclear weapons and a heavily armed population.
2003-07-06 18:36:11 UTC
Post by axyz
Post by axyz
They were until a bunch of weak politicians started caring that a bunch of
Post by axyz
trippin' hippies with long hair and no jobs so they spent their days
protesting thought
Post by axyz
the war should stop. The draft should have just been expanded to put these
Post by axyz
on the front lines to draw out the VC. Once one of these peace-loving
flower children
Post by axyz
had a few gooks with AK-47's shooting at them with 30 round banana clips
that never
Post by axyz
seemed to run out of bullets his whole attitude would have changed in a
big hurry.
Post by axyz
But as it was, the weak politicians got in the way of progress.
Once again, an American who sticks up for his country and ideals while
proving that he doesn't believe in freedom of speech or democracy.
Some are just idiots. A bunch of unemployed school dropouts that take LSD
and smoke pot and call for peace and love are not capable of making rational
decisions. The fact that these protestors were actually paid attention to is a sad
chapter in American history. They were mindless idiots; bodies with barely
functioning brains. They would have been great to arm and send out to draw VC
fire so enemy positions could be pinpointed and artillery support called in. And if
they were so against fighting, they could have been sent unarmed with their peace
symbols and flowers to draw VC fire so enemy positions could be pinpointed
and artillery support called in. These are people who drain the resources those
with functioning brains could be using.
Post by axyz
The whole matter is a moot point, anyway. Your capitalist market,
pseudo-Catholic religion and even your language prove that the British have
left their mark on the world and America forever. The continued success of
the US only strengthens what we created. We get all of your benefits PLUS we
have a welfare state, we don't worry about gun crime and we're not fat.
As the Romans have left their mark on England forever. As for welfare, we have
that too. As for gun crime, england has its share as well. And guess what, the
only people (besides the police) that have guns are the criminals in England. If
you have a gun in England you can burglarize houses with virtually no fear of
being shot by a homeowner. But if he tries the same in my house there is an
AK-47 with two 40 round magazines sitting in my bedroom closet. My house is
not a good choice for a burglary attempt.

Here is some light reading for you...

[brief excerpt]
Shootings part of city's violent trend
The shooting of four teenagers in Birmingham is the most shocking example in a
growing catalogue of gun crime in the city. Until recent years, the city was relatively
free of shootings, while they were common in Manchester and London. Now
shootings and other violent attacks are regular occurrences in inner city areas of
Birmingham. A city centre hospital is now dealing with 12 victims a month.

Anyway, I believe you were saying something about not worrying about gun
crime in England. Please continue...

As for being fat. I have been to London in 1999. And guess what; there were fat
people there! For the longest time in human history, being fat has been considered
attractive, as it implied that one was well off enough to eat well, a status symbol
when famine and starvation was always a real danger. The Hollywood movie and
TV industry changed this; thus by mocking the overweight you are actually
announcing that you have totally bought into the ideals of beauty that the American
entertainment industry has spread.
Post by axyz
With no disrespect or lack of feeling for those affected by Sept 11th, for
all your guns and weapons, you didn't see those planes coming, did you? Just
like the Hare in Aesop's fable, your country was so full of itself that it
didn't see an obvious threat.
That proves the point; there are those in the world who would do anything to kill
as many Americans (and British) as possible. There is no way to defend except to
hunt them down before they strike. If I wanted to randomly kill many British citizens,
I could put a hedge cutter similiar to the ones put on the front of US tanks used to go
through the bocages in Normandy on the front of a large dump truck and drive it
through huge crowds leaving a soccer game. Hundreds would die, lose limbs, etc.
How would you defend against it the first time? You wouldn't.

But now we are doing what should be done. That jackass Clinton was too busy
getting blow jobs to ever do anything more than fire a few cruise missiles, and
Al Qaeda thought that was all that would happen after 09/11. And Iraq is a haven
for these fundamentalists, and it is being cleaned up for the benefit of the world. I
believe WMD's will be found; they are well hidden. If I was Saddam Hussein I
would have have built bunkers and built factories, bridges and other structures on
top. The bunker at the base would go unnoticed in light of the other construction,
and there was much due to post war rebuilding. Inspectors won't easily find a
bunker under the floor of a harmless factory, with dozens of 600 to 2000 ton
injection molding machines, but only one 1500 ton injection molding machine
sitting on the opening. But if you know where to look (IE Iraqi WMD keepers)
all that is required is to move the machine and then there is a roof covering it,
making the movement impossible to view with satellites, and many trucks coming
and leaving as it is a manufacturing facility. Saddam Hussein is no idiot, if I can think
of this, so can he and his minions. But even if WMD's are not found, so what? Bush
overstated the case for the benefit of the US. We are dealing with people willing to
crash planes into buildings, there are no rules. And Bush would be playing the same
way. Instead of crashing airplanes he would be using well planned misstatements or
even outright lies. I say that is good work and why I would vote for him again. He has
the defense of America to worry about and is doing what is necessary. Again, these
are people who would cheerfully poison the water supply you and your whole family
drink from and laugh about it if they get away, and not really caring that much if they
get caught. There are no rules except one: WIN!!! Anyone cannot see this for what
it is must have brain damage and should be ignored.
Post by axyz
You, personally, construct very well written posts so I don't your
intelligence for a second. That being the case, it must really wind you up
when you see just how ignorant, hypocritical and downright backward a large
part of your country is. Perhaps that's why you pretend that true power
comes from nuclear weapons and a heavily armed population.
All countries has their share of idiots. The problem we have is we put too many
safegaurds in place to keep them alive to reproduce and spread their genes of
limited intelligence. I don't have a problem with the idiots, but I am also in favor
of natural selection eliminating the stupidity gene. If you buy a substance from a
known criminal whose sole goal is to make money and then INJECT IT INTO
YOUR ARM, you are an idiot who should die before you can reproduce for the
long-term benefit of the species. Not receive free care in a hospital at the expense
of those that will eventually shoulder the cost through higher hospital bills and
therefore higher medical insurance.

As for your comment on military might, keep in mind that you are from a country
that for hundreds of years thought power came from a large navy and a populace
trained in the art of the longbow. Wasn't it Sunday that all sports except logbow
practice that were forbidden by the king of the period? A strong miltary force always
has and still is the best way to ensure peace. And now technology has resulted in
nuclear weapons replacing longbows.

On a positive note, you sure used those longbows to slaughter those unshowered
cowards to your south. Every time I hear the phrase "the sky was black with English
longbow arrows" I have to laught at the idea of hundreds of frenchmen getting hit and
not able to do anything about it.
Lea Davidson
2003-07-07 19:14:51 UTC
Post by axyz
Some are just idiots. A bunch of unemployed school dropouts that take LSD
and smoke pot and call for peace and love are not capable of making rational
But many weren't so who is to say who is right and wrong? If you go with
the majority, especially in a country as big as yours, that could still mean
that millions don't get their say. The democracy that the US so frequently
states isn't that perfect for exactly this reason.
Post by axyz
Here is some light reading for you...
The shooting of four teenagers in Birmingham is the most shocking example in a
growing catalogue of gun crime in the city. Until recent years, the city was relatively
free of shootings, while they were common in Manchester and London. Now
shootings and other violent attacks are regular occurrences in inner city areas of
Birmingham. A city centre hospital is now dealing with 12 victims a month.
Anyway, I believe you were saying something about not worrying about gun
crime in England. Please continue...
I've heard this news story as have many Brits. The reason being that it was
so unusual that it made big news. This looks like a picnic compared to your
equivalent of inner city Birmingham.
Post by axyz
As for being fat. I have been to London in 1999. And guess what; there were fat
people there! For the longest time in human history, being fat has been considered
attractive, as it implied that one was well off enough to eat well, a status symbol
when famine and starvation was always a real danger.
Yes, it was status symbol in a time when people couldn't afford to eat.
Today it just implies greed when any tramp on the street can buy a tin of
beans for 9p. It's more linked to the fast food industry and the fact that
too many people sit on their arses watching TV. Which nation do those habits
come from?
Post by axyz
The Hollywood movie and TV industry changed this; thus by mocking the
overweight you are actually
Post by axyz
announcing that you have totally bought into the ideals of beauty that the American
entertainment industry has spread.
No, it's not mocking fat people because I've bought into Hollywood; it's
mocking fat people because the only real reson for it is laziness and greed.
In a world where technology has given us more leisure time, people don't do
more excercise, they just sit around more.
Post by axyz
... there are those in the world who would do anything to kill
as many Americans (and British) as possible. There is no way to defend except to
hunt them down before they strike. If I wanted to randomly kill many British citizens,
I could put a hedge cutter similiar to the ones put on the front of US tanks used to go
through the bocages in Normandy on the front of a large dump truck and drive it
through huge crowds leaving a soccer game. Hundreds would die, lose limbs, etc.
How would you defend against it the first time? You wouldn't.
The issue is that the US (and admittedly, much of the West) was too blind to
see that they were annoying the middle east with their arrogance. That is
what caused the attack on your country. Again, you've missed point. The main
drive of your post that I was responding to was how great and invincible
America is because of all its weapons. If you are going to piss everybody
off in the middle east, at least have your intelligence agencies briefed to
expect some sort of retribution. Your mistake, and this is where most
animosity toward the US come from, was your arrogance.
Post by axyz
... Al Qaeda thought that was all that would happen after 09/11. And Iraq
is a haven
Post by axyz
for these fundamentalists, and it is being cleaned up for the benefit of
the world.

Then why is much of the world so annoyed at your actions? It's not for the
benefit of the world. It helps US interests and what most of the US fails to
see is that US interests aren't necessarily what motivates the rest of the
world. Just because your country has a view of how the world should be run
doesn't mean you should enforce it on the planet. If one of the main ideals
of the US is democracy, remember that you are only 4% of the world.
Post by axyz
If I was Saddam Hussein I would have have built bunkers and built
factories, bridges and other structures on
Post by axyz
top...etc. (of the WMD's).
So how come you weren't watching all this with the elite technology you were
boasting about the other day? Oh no! It's all been made useless by a bridge.
Never mind, we'll start a war, anyway. If we had a war with the country
because of their antics in 1991, did the great USA, protector of the world,
not keep an eye on Saddam's weapons program? If you are such an elite
country, how come the weapons of a backward hole like Iraq remain elusive to

Either your country is wrong or you are right and have been very outsmarted.
Either one is nothing for the US to brag about.
Post by axyz
But even if WMD's are not found, so what? Bush
overstated the case for the benefit of the US. We are dealing with people willing to
crash planes into buildings, there are no rules.
Rules have nothing to do with it. What are you supposed to do to make people
listen when the most powerful forces in the world are insistant that your
cries are unheard for their own ends? If the people in the middle east don't
want you there, exploiting tham for oil, would the US just leave if they
poliely asked you to? I doubt it very much. They are just ignored and it
carries on. So terrorism is their last ditch effort to get noticed. I don't
agrre with it and it doesn't work but what is their alternative when faced
with the greed of a superpower?

This is why so many people don't like watching America get it's own way all
the time. You fought and won a war of Independance against us when we wanted
to control the resources on your land. Now you are doing the same as we did
and controlling the resources of others. This is hypocracy of the highest
order ever known in human history.
Post by axyz
All countries has their share of idiots. The problem we have is we put too many
safegaurds in place to keep them alive to reproduce and spread their genes of
limited intelligence.
Surely this is unavoidable in an "land of the free".
Post by axyz
I don't have a problem with the idiots, but I am also in favor
of natural selection eliminating the stupidity gene. If you buy a substance from a
known criminal whose sole goal is to make money and then INJECT IT INTO
YOUR ARM, you are an idiot who should die before you can reproduce for the
long-term benefit of the species. Not receive free care in a hospital at the expense
of those that will eventually shoulder the cost through higher hospital bills and
therefore higher medical insurance.
So, back to my earlier point, it shouldn't be acceptable for a country to
become so obese that it fills its hospitals with CV disease cases. Just as
you don't like people who screw themselves up by injecting illegal death
into themselves, I don't like seeing a nation happy to watch itself eat
itself to death from greed and marketing. Which is your biggest killer:
drugs or heart disease? Which is allowed by your government and which is a
more moral death? Greed from feeling full is no more ethical than greed from
feeling high.
Post by axyz
On a positive note, you sure used those longbows to slaughter those unshowered
cowards to your south. Every time I hear the phrase "the sky was black with English
longbow arrows" I have to laught at the idea of hundreds of frenchmen getting hit and
not able to do anything about it.
As for the Frence, the English have never especially liked them. I think the
drive of their argument in the run up to Iraq was their common fear of the
US being allowed to do what it wants. This is a justifiable concern as I
mention above but they went about voicing their opinion in a childish way.
But once again, what are they supposed to do against a superpower?
2003-07-08 00:53:18 UTC
Post by axyz
Post by axyz
Some are just idiots. A bunch of unemployed school dropouts that take LSD
and smoke pot and call for peace and love are not capable of making
Post by axyz
But many weren't so who is to say who is right and wrong? If you go with
the majority, especially in a country as big as yours, that could still mean
that millions don't get their say. The democracy that the US so frequently
states isn't that perfect for exactly this reason.
Read your history we are a Republic not a direct democracy. Unlike the UK
a change in parties cannot remove the President. Like the way Churchill was
rewarded during the final days of WW2. He deserved better a lesser leader
would have lost the war. And the public threw him out of office for the
party that caused the war. I guess the French are not the only one's who do
not know gratitude. Fred
Post by axyz
Post by axyz
Here is some light reading for you...
The shooting of four teenagers in Birmingham is the most shocking
Post by axyz
in a
Post by axyz
growing catalogue of gun crime in the city. Until recent years, the
Post by axyz
was relatively
Post by axyz
free of shootings, while they were common in Manchester and London. Now
shootings and other violent attacks are regular occurrences in inner
Post by axyz
areas of
Post by axyz
Birmingham. A city centre hospital is now dealing with 12 victims a month.
Anyway, I believe you were saying something about not worrying about gun
crime in England. Please continue...
I've heard this news story as have many Brits. The reason being that it was
so unusual that it made big news. This looks like a picnic compared to your
equivalent of inner city Birmingham.
Post by axyz
As for being fat. I have been to London in 1999. And guess what; there
were fat
Post by axyz
people there! For the longest time in human history, being fat has been
Post by axyz
attractive, as it implied that one was well off enough to eat well, a
status symbol
Post by axyz
when famine and starvation was always a real danger.
Yes, it was status symbol in a time when people couldn't afford to eat.
Today it just implies greed when any tramp on the street can buy a tin of
beans for 9p. It's more linked to the fast food industry and the fact that
too many people sit on their arses watching TV. Which nation do those habits
come from?
Post by axyz
The Hollywood movie and TV industry changed this; thus by mocking the
overweight you are actually
Post by axyz
announcing that you have totally bought into the ideals of beauty that
Post by axyz
Post by axyz
entertainment industry has spread.
No, it's not mocking fat people because I've bought into Hollywood; it's
mocking fat people because the only real reson for it is laziness and greed.
In a world where technology has given us more leisure time, people don't do
more excercise, they just sit around more.
Post by axyz
... there are those in the world who would do anything to kill
as many Americans (and British) as possible. There is no way to defend
except to
Post by axyz
hunt them down before they strike. If I wanted to randomly kill many
British citizens,
Post by axyz
I could put a hedge cutter similiar to the ones put on the front of US
tanks used to go
Post by axyz
through the bocages in Normandy on the front of a large dump truck and
drive it
Post by axyz
through huge crowds leaving a soccer game. Hundreds would die, lose
Post by axyz
Post by axyz
How would you defend against it the first time? You wouldn't.
The issue is that the US (and admittedly, much of the West) was too blind to
see that they were annoying the middle east with their arrogance. That is
what caused the attack on your country. Again, you've missed point. The main
drive of your post that I was responding to was how great and invincible
America is because of all its weapons. If you are going to piss everybody
off in the middle east, at least have your intelligence agencies briefed to
expect some sort of retribution. Your mistake, and this is where most
animosity toward the US come from, was your arrogance.
Post by axyz
... Al Qaeda thought that was all that would happen after 09/11. And Iraq
is a haven
Post by axyz
for these fundamentalists, and it is being cleaned up for the benefit of
the world.
Then why is much of the world so annoyed at your actions? It's not for the
benefit of the world. It helps US interests and what most of the US fails to
see is that US interests aren't necessarily what motivates the rest of the
world. Just because your country has a view of how the world should be run
doesn't mean you should enforce it on the planet. If one of the main ideals
of the US is democracy, remember that you are only 4% of the world.
Post by axyz
If I was Saddam Hussein I would have have built bunkers and built
factories, bridges and other structures on
Post by axyz
top...etc. (of the WMD's).
So how come you weren't watching all this with the elite technology you were
boasting about the other day? Oh no! It's all been made useless by a bridge.
Never mind, we'll start a war, anyway. If we had a war with the country
because of their antics in 1991, did the great USA, protector of the world,
not keep an eye on Saddam's weapons program? If you are such an elite
country, how come the weapons of a backward hole like Iraq remain elusive to
Either your country is wrong or you are right and have been very outsmarted.
Either one is nothing for the US to brag about.
Post by axyz
But even if WMD's are not found, so what? Bush
overstated the case for the benefit of the US. We are dealing with
Post by axyz
willing to
Post by axyz
crash planes into buildings, there are no rules.
Rules have nothing to do with it. What are you supposed to do to make people
listen when the most powerful forces in the world are insistant that your
cries are unheard for their own ends? If the people in the middle east don't
want you there, exploiting tham for oil, would the US just leave if they
poliely asked you to? I doubt it very much. They are just ignored and it
carries on. So terrorism is their last ditch effort to get noticed. I don't
agrre with it and it doesn't work but what is their alternative when faced
with the greed of a superpower?
This is why so many people don't like watching America get it's own way all
the time. You fought and won a war of Independance against us when we wanted
to control the resources on your land. Now you are doing the same as we did
and controlling the resources of others. This is hypocracy of the highest
order ever known in human history.
Post by axyz
All countries has their share of idiots. The problem we have is we put
Post by axyz
Post by axyz
safegaurds in place to keep them alive to reproduce and spread their
Post by axyz
Post by axyz
limited intelligence.
Surely this is unavoidable in an "land of the free".
Post by axyz
I don't have a problem with the idiots, but I am also in favor
of natural selection eliminating the stupidity gene. If you buy a
substance from a
Post by axyz
known criminal whose sole goal is to make money and then INJECT IT INTO
YOUR ARM, you are an idiot who should die before you can reproduce for the
long-term benefit of the species. Not receive free care in a hospital at
the expense
Post by axyz
of those that will eventually shoulder the cost through higher hospital
bills and
Post by axyz
therefore higher medical insurance.
So, back to my earlier point, it shouldn't be acceptable for a country to
become so obese that it fills its hospitals with CV disease cases. Just as
you don't like people who screw themselves up by injecting illegal death
into themselves, I don't like seeing a nation happy to watch itself eat
drugs or heart disease? Which is allowed by your government and which is a
more moral death? Greed from feeling full is no more ethical than greed from
feeling high.
Post by axyz
On a positive note, you sure used those longbows to slaughter those
Post by axyz
cowards to your south. Every time I hear the phrase "the sky was black
with English
Post by axyz
longbow arrows" I have to laught at the idea of hundreds of frenchmen
getting hit and
Post by axyz
not able to do anything about it.
As for the Frence, the English have never especially liked them. I think the
drive of their argument in the run up to Iraq was their common fear of the
US being allowed to do what it wants. This is a justifiable concern as I
mention above but they went about voicing their opinion in a childish way.
But once again, what are they supposed to do against a superpower?
2003-07-13 16:03:16 UTC
Post by Lea Davidson
But many weren't so who is to say who is right and wrong? If you go with
the majority, especially in a country as big as yours, that could still mean
that millions don't get their say. The democracy that the US so frequently
states isn't that perfect for exactly this reason.
First of all, America is a republic, not a democracy.

Under either a republic or a democracy, as with any form of government,
even your monarchy, there will always be those who don't get their way.
You can never please everyone. I will give another example of this below.
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
Anyway, I believe you were saying something about not worrying about gun
crime in England. Please continue...
I've heard this news story as have many Brits. The reason being that it was
so unusual that it made big news. This looks like a picnic compared to your
equivalent of inner city Birmingham.
The point is not the frequency. The points are:

(1) That in the land of England in which private ownership of guns is banned
(except in very few cases where it is highly regulated), there is still a
considerable amount of gun violence. The article states that shootings were
common in Manchester and London, and that this trend is on the rise in Birmingham.
Try telling the 12 people treated every month in Birmingham hospital emergency
rooms that their gunshot wounds are psychosomatic because there is no gun
violence in England since gun ownership is illegal and see if they continue to bleed.

(2) Your claim that there is no worry of gun violence is clearly a false statement.
The only question is whether you made this false statement in a deliberate attempt
to deceive, or as an unintentional display of your ignorance of current events in
your own country. Since you indicated that many Brits heard the story, including
yourself, my assumption leans toward deliberate, but unsuccessful deception
attempt. As for why you would be deliberately attempting to deceive, my guess is
that you dislike the US and are attempting to pass anti-US propaganda, with little
concern for the truth in your crusade.
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
The Hollywood movie and TV industry changed this; thus by mocking the
overweight you are actually
Post by axyz
announcing that you have totally bought into the ideals of beauty that the
Post by axyz
entertainment industry has spread.
No, it's not mocking fat people because I've bought into Hollywood; it's
mocking fat people because the only real reson for it is laziness and greed.
In a world where technology has given us more leisure time, people don't do
more excercise, they just sit around more.
Free choice. If you don't approve, then don't do it and you won't get fat. I don't
approve, so I don't and I'm not fat. If your life means so little to you that you are
willing to give up 20, 25 or even more years of your life and add being unattractive
sexually, just for the thrill of eating too much, then that is your free choice. I enjoy
the feel from lifting free weights and running far more than eating a carton of ice
cream or candy. I also prefer to have the extra time to enjoy a life that even with the
extra years is shorter than I wish it was. But apparently not everyone feels the same
and that is their choice, although in my opinion it is a poor one.

Could you please tell me why the subject of the waistlines of American citizens is so
mesmerizing to the rest of world??? Considering how so many people hate the US, I
would think they would be quite pleased to see large numbers of fat Americans dying
in their 40's from heart attacks. This fascination with the weight of Americans is
totally puzzling to me.
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
... there are those in the world who would do anything to kill
as many Americans (and British) as possible. There is no way to defend
except to
Post by axyz
hunt them down before they strike. If I wanted to randomly kill many
British citizens,
Post by axyz
I could put a hedge cutter similiar to the ones put on the front of US
tanks used to go
Post by axyz
through the bocages in Normandy on the front of a large dump truck and
drive it
Post by axyz
through huge crowds leaving a soccer game. Hundreds would die, lose limbs,
Post by axyz
How would you defend against it the first time? You wouldn't.
The issue is that the US (and admittedly, much of the West) was too blind to
see that they were annoying the middle east with their arrogance. That is
what caused the attack on your country. Again, you've missed point. The main
drive of your post that I was responding to was how great and invincible
America is because of all its weapons. If you are going to piss everybody
off in the middle east, at least have your intelligence agencies briefed to
expect some sort of retribution. Your mistake, and this is where most
animosity toward the US come from, was your arrogance.
No, you seem to miss the point. US military technology is primarily intended
to allow the ability to gather military intelligence and fight military targets of
nations, not small groups of terrorists determined to randomly kill civilians
without warning. There are so many options to kill civilians that there is no way
to defend directly. I gave one example above. The list of substances that one can
use to manufacture explosives is amazing - a couple 50 bags of flour can be quite
nasty, especially if tamped and covered with screws, nails and clear glass shards
(don't show up on X-rays and can't be seen in a bleeding wound) in the trunk of a
car parked in a well chosen location. The only way to use this technology to fight
terrorists is to proactively use it against the governments and infrastructures that
allow and in some cases (ie. Saddam Hussein) actually encourage terrorists to
operate, in an attempt to eliminate the problem at the source.

And also, there is no way that you or I will ever know how many other attacks
were successfully thwarted through US intelligence activities. 09-11-01 was
successful. How many were stopped before they became successful?

As for pissing off the Arab world, see below.
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
... Al Qaeda thought that was all that would happen after 09/11. And Iraq
is a haven
Post by axyz
for these fundamentalists, and it is being cleaned up for the benefit of
the world.
Then why is much of the world so annoyed at your actions? It's not for the
benefit of the world. It helps US interests and what most of the US fails to
see is that US interests aren't necessarily what motivates the rest of the
world. Just because your country has a view of how the world should be run
doesn't mean you should enforce it on the planet. If one of the main ideals
of the US is democracy, remember that you are only 4% of the world.
As for most of the world hating us it is natural. We are the biggest and most
powerful. Americans have life easier than most, and it is pure jealousy in many
cases, such as New Squealand. See below for more on Arab dislike of the US.
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
If I was Saddam Hussein I would have have built bunkers and built
factories, bridges and other structures on
Post by axyz
top...etc. (of the WMD's).
So how come you weren't watching all this with the elite technology you were
boasting about the other day? Oh no! It's all been made useless by a bridge.
Never mind, we'll start a war, anyway. If we had a war with the country
because of their antics in 1991, did the great USA, protector of the world,
not keep an eye on Saddam's weapons program? If you are such an elite
country, how come the weapons of a backward hole like Iraq remain elusive to
I already described a brief method of hiding a clandestine weapons program,
while hiding the construction of this program in the massive amount of
construction in the post-1991 rebuilding of Iraq. It is undoubtedly there, just
well hidden. Until we rip up every building floor, every bridge and every
structure built since 1991 it could be very difficult to find. See below.

Perhaps you should have read what I wrote instead of just cutting it.

Then again you do seem to have a habit of selective editing when it is to
your advantage.

In previous posts on this thread:

You stated the US hid under our beds for three years from WW2

I responded by pointing out that Germany invaded Poland September 1, 1939
and the US declared war on Japan and Germany December 8, 1941 and asked
how you arrived at three years.

I also pointed out that that the Lend Lease act meant that there was significant
US war material given to England, and there were many US casualties
transporting it across the Atlantic before formal US involvement in the war
started and asked if you were aware of this.

Basically I pointed out that you posted false statements (Hmmm. notice a
theme developing here?) and you seem to have selectively edited at this point
of the thread.

Later you made a remark that implied that the US lost a key battle in Somalia.
I pointed out that there were 20-30 US soldiers killed and thousands of Somalians
killed, while the US completed the primary objective of the mission despite the
casualties, and then asked you why it would not be considered a US victory???

You seem to have selectively edited again at this point of the thread. Interesting.
Post by Lea Davidson
Either your country is wrong or you are right and have been very outsmarted.
Either one is nothing for the US to brag about.
There is a third option. The WMD's are well hidden, such as I described. Imagine
the complex that could be sitting underground containing almost all WMD's, inside
a huge factory full of machines making peacetime products, but under one 2000 ton
injection molding machine is the opening. Meanwhile the molding machine is
spewing out plastic trashcans or barrels or some other non-military large plastic
product every 130 seconds, offering no clue to what can be found by simply moving
the machine, a difficult task, but one that can be completed in a few hours. After all,
hiding something is relatively easy, finding it can be hard and usually takes much
longer than it took to hide it. Ask a school age child to hide a toy anywhere in your
house as well as he can and then see if you can find it in less time than he took to
hide it. Saddam Hussein had over ten years to hide his toys.

And there is also a fourth option. A significant amount of WMD's and related
equipment may have been transported to a bordering nation, such as Syria.
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
But even if WMD's are not found, so what? Bush
overstated the case for the benefit of the US. We are dealing with people
willing to
Post by axyz
crash planes into buildings, there are no rules.
Rules have nothing to do with it. What are you supposed to do to make people
listen when the most powerful forces in the world are insistant that your
cries are unheard for their own ends? If the people in the middle east don't
want you there, exploiting tham for oil, would the US just leave if they
poliely asked you to? I doubt it very much. They are just ignored and it
carries on. So terrorism is their last ditch effort to get noticed. I don't
agrre with it and it doesn't work but what is their alternative when faced
with the greed of a superpower?
Exploiting them for oil???? EXPLOITING???

Perhaps you are not familiar with a concept called trade. It is a fairly ancient
concept in which the possessor of a good or commodity freely agrees to provide
a specific amount of said good or commodity to another party, in exchange for an
agreed upon payment in an accepted currency or another good or commodity.

The trade of oil between the possessors of oil and the US follows the above
definition. It has evolved into a complicated state of price control through the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, also known as OPEC, established
in the early 1960's. OPEC regularly increases or slows production to maintain
control of oil prices for the benefit of the member nations, not for the benefit of
the US.

Your claim of US exploitation for oil does little more than demonstrate your total
and complete ignorance of international trade, and thus severely weakens your
entire position by making you look like you are pursuing an agenda, with little
regard for truth, as with the gun violence issue in England I discussed above.

As a secondary lesson for you, perhaps you should review and see how many
Arab countries the US had bases in before 09/11/01 despite the recognized
leaders of that country asking us to leave. I believe the governments of every
country we have bases in had given their approval of US forces based within
their borders, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc.

Yes, many of these countries have citizens which may not approve of US military
presence. Are you saying that we should leave these countries if so much as one
Arab citizen in the entire country requests us to leave? This goes back to the
beginning of my response: under either a republic or a democracy, as with any
form of government, even your monarchy, there will always be those who don't
get their way. You can never please everyone.

Finally, the Arabs dislike the US for more reasons that you state.

The culture of open sexuality, revealing women's fashions, promotion of alcohol
consumption and accumulation of material possessions, among others, in the US
is so far from adherence to the Islamic code of life of regarding clothing,
marital sex, alcohol consumption, etc. that it is not a shock to see the US labeled
as the great Satan. From an Islamic belief point of view, it is an easily arrived at
logical conclusion.

Also there's the exploitation factor of Arabs by their own leaders. In most Arab
countries the majority live in poverty, while being ruled by a small extremely
wealthy elite that is not an elected representative and represses any dissent.
The misery of those living in poverty is caused by their own leaders who are
quite happy as the wealthy elite and are not particularly interested in solving
their countries internal problems. (Although there are Arab countries such as
Iran and Kuwait with substantial middle classes.)

One of the oldest and best ways of keeping an unhappy population in control is
to unite them against a common enemy. Hitler employed this tactic very
effectively against the Jews; all Germany's internal problems were caused by
the Jews was repeated like a mantra until the people of Germany believed it.
Now the leaders of these Arabic nations are employing the same tactic and
cleverly combining it with religious core beliefs through rigid control of the
press, rallying the people against the great Satan, thereby redirecting their
anger from their own uncaring governments to the US.

Also, US support of Israel is a key reason the Arabs dislike the US. I'm not
about to go into the subject of the Arab-Israeli conflict except to say that the
origination of the recent conflict over ownership of Israeli territory goes back to
British activities when WWI ended and the area of Palestine was awarded as a
British mandate. Had the British not told the Arabs that control of this territory
would be returned to the Arabs and then changed their minds and favored the
creation of a Jewish state perhaps the whole middle east scenario would be
significantly more peaceful today. In short, development of the area in question
was a British responsibility after WWI and the current Arab-Israeli conflict is the
end result of a British political failure.

All in all, Arab dislike of the US is a very complicated situation. To falsely label
the root cause as simply "US exploitation for oil" is a clear indication that you
have very little actual knowledge on the subject and that you are simply making
up "facts" to suit your own agenda and then trying to convince people that these
"facts" are true.
Post by Lea Davidson
This is why so many people don't like watching America get it's own way all
the time. You fought and won a war of Independance against us when we wanted
to control the resources on your land. Now you are doing the same as we did
and controlling the resources of others. This is hypocracy of the highest
order ever known in human history.
Again, we are not stealing these resources at gunpoint and transporting them to
the US! We are utilizing the concept of free trade between nations in order to
obtain them. Should a nation exporting believe they are not getting a fair deal
from the US, they can stop trading, or raise prices. But should they raise prices
too high, the US will simply purchase these resources from another nation
willing to sell for less. This is called free economy. As an example, OPEC has
cut oil production in order to increase oil prices more than once before and is
currently unwilling to increase production to meet US requested levels, in an
attempt to keep oil prices high. As a result, the US is purchasing more oil from
non-OPEC nations such as Russia, Norway and Mexico that are willing to sell
for less.

Again, your claims that this is exploitation or controlling resources only
demonstrates your complete ignorance of the concepts of economics and
international trade. You are pursuing an agenda, and you aren't about to let an
inconvenience like the truth stand in your way, are you? Then again, perhaps you
truly are ignorant enough to actually believe the garbage that you have posted.

So which one is it; do you actually believe the false statements you post, or do
you just post them here in the hopes that others will?
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
All countries has their share of idiots. The problem we have is we put too
Post by axyz
safegaurds in place to keep them alive to reproduce and spread their genes
Post by axyz
limited intelligence.
Surely this is unavoidable in an "land of the free".
Post by axyz
I don't have a problem with the idiots, but I am also in favor
of natural selection eliminating the stupidity gene. If you buy a
substance from a
Post by axyz
known criminal whose sole goal is to make money and then INJECT IT INTO
YOUR ARM, you are an idiot who should die before you can reproduce for the
long-term benefit of the species. Not receive free care in a hospital at
the expense
Post by axyz
of those that will eventually shoulder the cost through higher hospital
bills and
Post by axyz
therefore higher medical insurance.
So, back to my earlier point, it shouldn't be acceptable for a country to
become so obese that it fills its hospitals with CV disease cases. Just as
you don't like people who screw themselves up by injecting illegal death
into themselves, I don't like seeing a nation happy to watch itself eat
drugs or heart disease? Which is allowed by your government and which is a
more moral death? Greed from feeling full is no more ethical than greed from
feeling high.
Perhaps you should read more carefully. I don't dislike people who screw
themselves up with drugs. If they choose to use (and die), that is their choice and
they are welcome to it. I dislike the fact that they receive free emergency medical
care that the hospital eventually passes onto responsible members of society
through higher bills that result in higher medical insurance. The issue of obesity
is the same, and both are allowed by our government. And smokers are the same.
Post by Lea Davidson
Post by axyz
On a positive note, you sure used those longbows to slaughter those
Post by axyz
cowards to your south. Every time I hear the phrase "the sky was black
with English
Post by axyz
longbow arrows" I have to laught at the idea of hundreds of frenchmen
getting hit and
Post by axyz
not able to do anything about it.
As for the Frence, the English have never especially liked them. I think the
drive of their argument in the run up to Iraq was their common fear of the
US being allowed to do what it wants. This is a justifiable concern as I
mention above but they went about voicing their opinion in a childish way.
But once again, what are they supposed to do against a superpower?
If france had an issue, they could have abstained from voting. That would be
not supporting the war. But to state that france's answer would be "no" no
matter the circumstance was nothing more than a display Chirac's severe case
of DeGaulle Syndrome. DeGaulle's twice vetoing Britain's entry into the
EEC in the 1960's because of your "special relationship" with the US is the
glory that Chirac is trying to relive, and he failed miserably.

France is just a back-stabbing nation that masquerades as an ally when it is to
their benefit. I can see why you British hate them. Did you know that during your
war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, france actually sent technicians to
Argentina in order to provide support for the french Exocet missiles Argentina
was launching at your warships in attempts to kill your husbands, brothers and
fathers? What an ally! It is especially irritating when you consider how many of
our soldiers are buried in france (and your soldiers too - you can tell their graves
because they are the ones covered with spray paint graffiti) because france is a
nation of cowards that actually surrendered with a 1,000,000 man army and
2/3 rds of the country still under their control.

Wait until the Iraq situation cools down and the Iraqi's realize that france was in
favor of Saddam Hussein staying in Iraq. Iraq won't export bags of sand, much
less oil to france! We'll all have a good laugh at france's expense, just as the US is
now at the effects of US consumer boycotts of french products. You Brits should
boycott them by refusing to buy their crappy little cars; England is about the only
country their cars have even marginally succeeded in.

Finally, there is much the US can learn from Britain. The US is very quick to
forgive other nations. We were trading partners with Japan 25 years after WWII,
and many citizens of Japan vacation in the US and vice versa without much
thought given to the fact that they attacked Pearl Harbor or how we mercilessly
firebombed Tokyo until half the city burnt to the ground and then nuked two of
their cities off the face of the planet. Perhaps Britain can help us by teaching
America to hate the French continuously for the next 1000 years.
Lea Davidson
2003-07-26 18:04:20 UTC
Post by axyz
(1) That in the land of England in which private ownership of guns is banned
(except in very few cases where it is highly regulated), there is still a
considerable amount of gun violence. The article states that shootings were
common in Manchester and London, and that this trend is on the rise in Birmingham.
To paraphase, you are saying that the point is not the frequency but that
there is a considerable amount of gun crime and that gun crime is common.
That's pretty contradictory. Morally, any amount of gun crime is
considerable in any society. I'm not saying that we don't have any; I'm
saying that due to the difference in our laws, our rate (considering the
population difference) is much lower that yours.

As for it being "common", what is that supposed to mean? If you are telling
me that means it happens often, then frequency is very much the point. What
do you consider common and how do you apply it to the demographics of the
UK? Inner city Birmingham, Manchester and London have their own problems and
they are not shared by most of the country.
Post by axyz
(2) Your claim that there is no worry of gun violence is clearly a false statement.
The only question is whether you made this false statement in a deliberate attempt
to deceive, or as an unintentional display of your ignorance of current events in
your own country. Since you indicated that many Brits heard the story, including
yourself, my assumption leans toward deliberate, but unsuccessful deception
attempt. As for why you would be deliberately attempting to deceive, my guess is
that you dislike the US and are attempting to pass anti-US propaganda, with little
concern for the truth in your crusade.
My opinion is that there is a negligable fear of gun crime among the British
population. I still stand by this. The Birmingham shootings led to media
hype. That is not the same thing as a national fear of something. I
personally have heard more NATIONAL British news agencies report stories
about US gun crime than UK gun crime. If you base your opinions on what we
think of gun crime on its portrayal in our media, bear that in mind.

If I was in the "inner" areas of the 3 main cities I would have a fear of
crime and, to some extent, gun crime. As I say above, most of the UK does
not live in these areas.

As for not liking the US, for what it's worth, my view is that I do not like
the "general apparent attitude" of the US as a nation. The is the main drive
of my beliefs and, I believe, the same reason that America is copping a lot
of flack from the rest of the world at present.

I DO NOT DISLIKE like most of the American way of life (as I've said before,
we have too much common heritage and interest) but dislike the collective
big-headedness of the only superpower - It's unsettling! I'm not bigoted
enough to cast down individuals that I've never met. There is no attempt to
deceive on my part just as I doubt you meant to base your description of our
gun culture on a single article which you didn't back up with an associated
demographic study.
Post by axyz
Free choice. If you don't approve, then don't do it and you won't get fat. I don't
approve, so I don't and I'm not fat. If your life means so little to you that you are
willing to give up 20, 25 or even more years of your life and add being unattractive
sexually, just for the thrill of eating too much, then that is your free choice. I enjoy
the feel from lifting free weights and running far more than eating a carton of ice
cream or candy. I also prefer to have the extra time to enjoy a life that even with the
extra years is shorter than I wish it was. But apparently not everyone feels the same
and that is their choice, although in my opinion it is a poor one.
Agreed. But this is all about critisism of the US. The US is, by your
President's admission, an obese nation. I'm glad you see the point of view.
Post by axyz
Could you please tell me why the subject of the waistlines of American citizens is so
mesmerizing to the rest of world??? Considering how so many people hate the US, I
would think they would be quite pleased to see large numbers of fat Americans dying
in their 40's from heart attacks. This fascination with the weight of Americans is
totally puzzling to me.
Because fat people are funny and the US has so many of them. We don't like
it that they die early (that's horrible) but it's pretty hilarious that "the
most powerful country on Earth" is made up people who'd be out of breath
from walking down the street. Don't worry about it, the rest of the world
understands the joke.

I don't think the the rest of the world hates the US. It's just that, as you
keep pointing out, you are very powerful and often make a point of showing
this (nuking Japan, the space race etc.). On top of that, you then use the
fear you've created to inflict your will on other nations.
Post by axyz
No, you seem to miss the point. US military technology is primarily intended
to allow the ability to gather military intelligence and fight military targets of
nations, not small groups of terrorists determined to randomly kill civilians
without warning. There are so many options to kill civilians that there is no way
to defend directly. I gave one example above. The list of substances that one can
use to manufacture explosives is amazing - a couple 50 bags of flour can be quite
nasty, especially if tamped and covered with screws, nails and clear glass shards
(don't show up on X-rays and can't be seen in a bleeding wound) in the trunk of a
car parked in a well chosen location. The only way to use this technology to fight
terrorists is to proactively use it against the governments and infrastructures that
allow and in some cases (ie. Saddam Hussein) actually encourage terrorists to
operate, in an attempt to eliminate the problem at the source.
As I recall, the US trained the terrorist Bin Laden to do exactly the same
thing to
Russia. Your country was his source and encouragement of terrorism. Also,
what do you
make of large US organisiations pouring funds into the IRA?

Should the US, then, have a regime change?
Post by axyz
And also, there is no way that you or I will ever know how many other attacks
were successfully thwarted through US intelligence activities. 09-11-01 was
successful. How many were stopped before they became successful?
Fair comment but it seems strange that US, and as a result, world security
has only just been stepped up to today's rediculous levels if America was
aware of the level of threat posed by terrorist groups.
Post by axyz
Post by Lea Davidson
Then why is much of the world so annoyed at your actions? It's not for the
benefit of the world. It helps US interests and what most of the US fails to
see is that US interests aren't necessarily what motivates the rest of the
world. Just because your country has a view of how the world should be run
doesn't mean you should enforce it on the planet. If one of the main ideals
of the US is democracy, remember that you are only 4% of the world.
As for most of the world hating us it is natural. We are the biggest and most
powerful. Americans have life easier than most, and it is pure jealousy in many
cases, such as New Squealand. See below for more on Arab dislike of the US.
The biggest?! I don't think so. Now who's making things up?

I'd imagine it is jealously in many cases but I just don't see what most of
the rest of the modern world would have to be jealous about. Most of the
west has it pretty easy, too. As for a
nation's power, that only becomes a concern if they are seen to misuse it. I
think that is the real issue and one which America as a whole tends to
Post by axyz
I already described a brief method of hiding a clandestine weapons program,
while hiding the construction of this program in the massive amount of
construction in the post-1991 rebuilding of Iraq. It is undoubtedly there, just
well hidden. Until we rip up every building floor, every bridge and every
structure built since 1991 it could be very difficult to find. See below.
Perhaps they could be hidden as you say. This one's personal belief but I
would think that as America has control (if you can call it that) of Iraq,
they would have found something or even some information by now.

More importantly, what of nations who actually admit to having WMD's and
aren't "hiding" them? Are WE a threat that America needs to sort out? Or is
it safe as long as we behave the way the US wants? Now, are you starting to
see what the world's problem is with your policy? If we join the Euro, will
that be perceived as a alliance between the UK and your good friends France?
We both have nukes so will the US start sending ships our way?
Post by axyz
Perhaps you should have read what I wrote instead of just cutting it.
Then again you do seem to have a habit of selective editing when it is to
your advantage.
You stated the US hid under our beds for three years from WW2
I responded by pointing out that Germany invaded Poland September 1, 1939
and the US declared war on Japan and Germany December 8, 1941 and asked
how you arrived at three years.
I also pointed out that that the Lend Lease act meant that there was significant
US war material given to England, and there were many US casualties
transporting it across the Atlantic before formal US involvement in the war
started and asked if you were aware of this.
Actually, that wasn't me. Check again!
Post by axyz
Basically I pointed out that you posted false statements (Hmmm. notice a
theme developing here?) and you seem to have selectively edited at this point
of the thread.
Later you made a remark that implied that the US lost a key battle in Somalia.
I pointed out that there were 20-30 US soldiers killed and thousands of Somalians
killed, while the US completed the primary objective of the mission despite the
casualties, and then asked you why it would not be considered a US victory???
You seem to have selectively edited again at this point of the thread. Interesting.
Again, not me.
Post by axyz
Post by Lea Davidson
Either your country is wrong or you are right and have been very outsmarted.
Either one is nothing for the US to brag about.
There is a third option. The WMD's are well hidden, such as I described. Imagine
the complex that could be sitting underground containing almost all WMD's, inside
a huge factory full of machines making peacetime products, but under one 2000 ton
injection molding machine is the opening. Meanwhile the molding machine is
spewing out plastic trashcans or barrels or some other non-military large plastic
product every 130 seconds, offering no clue to what can be found by simply moving
the machine, a difficult task, but one that can be completed in a few hours. After all,
hiding something is relatively easy, finding it can be hard and usually takes much
longer than it took to hide it. Ask a school age child to hide a toy anywhere in your
house as well as he can and then see if you can find it in less time than he took to
hide it. Saddam Hussein had over ten years to hide his toys.
Most of the west believe that someone is innocent until proven guilty.
Should this not extend to not starting a one-sided war based on a hunch that
there could be facilities for developing WMD's. Even if you are proved to be
right in time, you cannot condone an action which has killed civilians
without hard and fast proof.

Two Iraqis had their car fired upon in the last week by Americans. This was
done in at an improptu US checkpoint which had been set up without warning
to the public - even if a warning was announced, most of the poverty
stricken in Iraq don't get CNN, especially the ones living in mudhuts. The
car caught fire and the US soldiers simply left. The car burned for another
1.5 hours and the bodies were unable to be identified (even the number plate
was melted to nothing). Those were real people who your nation killed
without a thought simply because your politicians have decided a course of
action and you can get away with it (Source: Independent newspaper

As I say, there are more important issues that get glazed over by talk of
WMD's and the like. Ask yourself if the hostility you are still finding in
Iraq is a from those loyal to Saddam. Some, no doubt is but I can assure you
that you've rubbed a hell of lot of, otherwise benign, people up the wrong
Post by axyz
And there is also a fourth option. A significant amount of WMD's and related
equipment may have been transported to a bordering nation, such as Syria.
You'd better better invade Syria as well, then. Just in case.
Post by axyz
Exploiting them for oil???? EXPLOITING???
Perhaps you are not familiar with a concept called trade. <patronising
text snipped>
Post by axyz
The trade of oil between the possessors of oil and the US follows the above
definition. It has evolved into a complicated state of price control through the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, also known as OPEC, established
in the early 1960's. OPEC regularly increases or slows production to maintain
control of oil prices for the benefit of the member nations, not for the benefit of
the US.
Your claim of US exploitation for oil does little more than demonstrate your total
and complete ignorance of international trade, and thus severely weakens your
entire position by making you look like you are pursuing an agenda, with little
regard for truth, as with the gun violence issue in England I discussed above.
Well, I've already discussed the gun issue and I stand by my comments. You
haven't proved them wrong so don't use that argument to flaw another.

With regard to OPEC, Iraq is a member of OPEC and you've just gone to war
with them! Saddam was well know for not playing by OPEC's rules which caused
instability in oil prices which the US doesn't like. After Saudi Arabia,
Iraq has the second largest oil reserve of any nation but the war was all
about the elusive WMD's, right?

It also seems funny that the Russians are your your new friends after 50
years of cold war since their oil went on the market in the 90's. It doesn't
matter their treatment of Chechnya is similar to what Saddam has to done to
his own people which was the other reason for Gulf War 2. OPEC does still
hold a lot of sway which is why the US is using other measures (Iraq war,
friendship with Russia and Mexico etc.) to weaken OPEC's cartel and reduce
prices. Only about 50-60% of the world's traded oil is now from OPEC. If
Iraq drops out of OPEC after its regime change, this figure drops futher.

The US usues its economic, political and military power to exploit other
nations for their oil. This trend has been on the increase since America
stopped primarilily exporting oil and increased its imports just after WW2.
Post by axyz
As a secondary lesson for you, perhaps you should review and see how many
Arab countries the US had bases in before 09/11/01 despite the recognized
leaders of that country asking us to leave. I believe the governments of every
country we have bases in had given their approval of US forces based within
their borders, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc.
Yes, many of these countries have citizens which may not approve of US military
presence. Are you saying that we should leave these countries if so much as one
Arab citizen in the entire country requests us to leave? This goes back to the
beginning of my response: under either a republic or a democracy, as with any
form of government, even your monarchy, there will always be those who don't
get their way. You can never please everyone.
What does it matter? The US has just proved that whether a population OR
it's recognised leaders don't want you there, you'll go there anyway with a
military presence.
Post by axyz
Finally, the Arabs dislike the US for more reasons that you state.
The culture of open sexuality, revealing women's fashions, promotion of alcohol
consumption and accumulation of material possessions, among others, in the US
is so far from adherence to the Islamic code of life of regarding clothing,
marital sex, alcohol consumption, etc. that it is not a shock to see the US labeled
as the great Satan. From an Islamic belief point of view, it is an easily arrived at
logical conclusion.
Plus all the reasons that non Islamic countries disagrees with your
policies, of course.
Post by axyz
Also there's the exploitation factor of Arabs by their own leaders. In most Arab
countries the majority live in poverty, while being ruled by a small extremely
wealthy elite that is not an elected representative and represses any dissent.
Which is exactly what George Bush is doing. As I've already pointed out, the
US doesn't care about the "little people" or even whether they lose their
lives as long as a political/economic situatuion exists which benefits US
Post by axyz
The misery of those living in poverty is caused by their own leaders who are
quite happy as the wealthy elite and are not particularly interested in solving
their countries internal problems. (Although there are Arab countries such as
Iran and Kuwait with substantial middle classes.)
One of the oldest and best ways of keeping an unhappy population in control is
to unite them against a common enemy. Hitler employed this tactic very
effectively against the Jews; all Germany's internal problems were caused by
the Jews was repeated like a mantra until the people of Germany believed it.
Again, if only you could see how the US does this with it's War on Terrorism
and speak of Axis of Evil and WMD's (look it's even been given an acronym to
make it easier to say). And while the US says it is helping the safety of
the world, what are they doing about the environment, about non-Islamic
terrorism in Ireland and Spain etc.? What about the Chechens?

Of course I see that some of the Arab populations are whipped up into hating
you by their leaders. But when that isn't the case, why is the world
threatened by America's actions? It's because you are clearly using your
power for your own interest even at the expense of others.
Post by axyz
Now the leaders of these Arabic nations are employing the same tactic and
cleverly combining it with religious core beliefs through rigid control of the
press, rallying the people against the great Satan, thereby redirecting their
anger from their own uncaring governments to the US.
This is hilarious after some of the things that your government has claimed
in press releases to sway world opinion. The best bit of all is that Bush
claims he's on a mission from God. In the same way your Arab leaders are
trying to unite a split population against a common enemy and avert their
attention from the leader's own greed, the US is traying to sway a split
West (mostly Christian) to join a common cause and avert their attenntion
from it being all for American benefit.

I'm surprised you can see one and not the other!
Post by axyz
Also, US support of Israel is a key reason the Arabs dislike the US. I'm not
about to go into the subject of the Arab-Israeli conflict except to say that the
origination of the recent conflict over ownership of Israeli territory goes back to
British activities when WWI ended and the area of Palestine was awarded as a
British mandate. Had the British not told the Arabs that control of this territory
would be returned to the Arabs and then changed their minds and favored the
creation of a Jewish state perhaps the whole middle east scenario would be
significantly more peaceful today. In short, development of the area in question
was a British responsibility after WWI and the current Arab-Israeli conflict is the
end result of a British political failure.
It is down to British failure, I agree, but there's no need for America to
give Israel weapons which are often used to kill innocent Palestinians, is
there? You know this goes on as well as I do. If you don't then there really
are some propaganda issues in the US. It sounds like Bush may be trying to
resolve this now (in the last day or so) but only because Blair managed to
delay the Gulf War 2 long enough to make the world speak up about the
Arab-Israeli conflict to a point the US couldn't ignore.
Post by axyz
All in all, Arab dislike of the US is a very complicated situation. To falsely label
the root cause as simply "US exploitation for oil" is a clear indication that you
have very little actual knowledge on the subject and that you are simply making
up "facts" to suit your own agenda and then trying to convince people that these
"facts" are true.
US exploitation of oil is clearly not the root of Arab hatred. I've already
demonstrated that the US is abusing it's position with the whole world for
what it wants. In the middle-east this is generally for oil so is one of the
main critisms of American policy perceived by people of that region. I agree
with you that there are a myriad of other factors. Perhaps my original
comment was too sweeping.
Post by axyz
Post by Lea Davidson
This is why so many people don't like watching America get it's own way all
the time. You fought and won a war of Independance against us when we wanted
to control the resources on your land. Now you are doing the same as we did
and controlling the resources of others. This is hypocracy of the highest
order ever known in human history.
Again, we are not stealing these resources at gunpoint and transporting them to
the US! We are utilizing the concept of free trade between nations in order to
obtain them. Should a nation exporting believe they are not getting a fair deal
from the US, they can stop trading, or raise prices. But should they raise prices
too high, the US will simply purchase these resources from another nation
willing to sell for less. This is called free economy. As an example, OPEC has
cut oil production in order to increase oil prices more than once before and is
currently unwilling to increase production to meet US requested levels, in an
attempt to keep oil prices high. As a result, the US is purchasing more oil from
non-OPEC nations such as Russia, Norway and Mexico that are willing to sell
for less.
But when your nation is so large, even your competitive companies easily
become monopolistic in another country. Look at the fast food compaines in
the States. The economies of scale available to McDonalds and the like
completely overwhelm any other potential entrant into the market in a non US
country. I don't have to hypotesise about this - I live outside the US and
have travelled in Europe. Nobody could even touch McDonalds (not even Burger
King and certainly nothing local). The advertising power alone detroys any
hope for other countries. Do you really not see this?

The only thing that could affect that power is the government of the country
in question. They can impose rules or impose import duties on your
commoditites but then they'll always be worried about what you might do with
your giant media machine or massive army. Have you not noticed that the
baddies in your movies don't have Russian accents anymore?

As for OPEC, I've already explained there's a bit more to it than your
dictionary definition.
Post by axyz
Again, your claims that this is exploitation or controlling resources only
demonstrates your complete ignorance of the concepts of economics and
international trade.
Far from it. YOU demonstate that you cannot see that US media, military and
economic policy walk hand in hand. You think each is separate and don't see
how each can be used to benefit the other. The startling thing is you are
able to see when other people are doing it.
Post by axyz
You are pursuing an agenda, and you aren't about to let an
inconvenience like the truth stand in your way, are you? Then again, perhaps you
truly are ignorant enough to actually believe the garbage that you have posted.
I believe what I say it because I don't sort the politics of the world into
convenient little boxes like you do. Perhaps you should stop reading the
American textbook theories of how the world works and actually scratch the
surface once in a while to look below.
Post by axyz
So which one is it; do you actually believe the false statements you post, or do
you just post them here in the hopes that others will?
They're not false and you repeating that they are doesn't make them any more
so. If what I'm saying is so wrong than how come the rest of the world
questions your country's actions for exactly the reasons I'm stating, every
single day in the news? I don't know if you guys get to see much news from
other nations (I truly don't) and whether any pro-US spin is put on them.
One of the things I have learned from being a member of the European Union
is to empathise with the opinions of other countries and see what their
point of view is.
Post by axyz
If france had an issue, they could have abstained from voting. That would be
not supporting the war. But to state that france's answer would be "no" no
matter the circumstance was nothing more than a display Chirac's severe case
of DeGaulle Syndrome.
Agreed. It was pretty pathetic and did nothing for their popularity here.
Post by axyz
France is just a back-stabbing nation that masquerades as an ally when it is to
their benefit.
This is what you guys do, as well.
Post by axyz
I can see why you British hate them. Did you know that
during your
Post by axyz
war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, france actually sent technicians to
Argentina in order to provide support for the french Exocet missiles Argentina
was launching at your warships in attempts to kill your husbands, brothers and
fathers? What an ally!
I didn't know that but can believe it to be true. Did you hear the one about
the UK helping the US to develop the atom bomb then America running off with
all the secrets and leaving the UK without it? I agree with you; it's funny
how allies can stab you in the back when it suits them.
Post by axyz
It is especially irritating when you consider how
many of
Post by axyz
our soldiers are buried in france (and your soldiers too - you can tell their graves
because they are the ones covered with spray paint graffiti) because france is a
nation of cowards that actually surrendered with a 1,000,000 man army and
2/3 rds of the country still under their control.
Britain and France have too much history to ever become good friends.
However, I have been to France several times and have been welcomed there.
They generally are back-stabbers, though, and prove it with alarming
Post by axyz
Wait until the Iraq situation cools down and the Iraqi's realize that france was in
favor of Saddam Hussein staying in Iraq. Iraq won't export bags of sand, much
less oil to france! We'll all have a good laugh at france's expense, just as the US is
now at the effects of US consumer boycotts of french products. You Brits should
boycott them by refusing to buy their crappy little cars; England is about the only
country their cars have even marginally succeeded in.
Yeah, I'm sure the new regime will be pro-US and anti-France, just as
America would like.

America doesn't know anything about cars. I'm not waving the flag of the
non-existant UK car industry here, it's just that you have no idea. I don't
like Fench cars, either but they are still better that the "gas-guzzling"
hearse-looking, automatics you muppets drive round in.
Post by axyz
Finally, there is much the US can learn from Britain. The US is very quick to
forgive other nations. We were trading partners with Japan 25 years after WWII,
and many citizens of Japan vacation in the US and vice versa without much
thought given to the fact that they attacked Pearl Harbor or how we mercilessly
firebombed Tokyo until half the city burnt to the ground and then nuked two of
their cities off the face of the planet.
Japan are your good friends now that they do things your way. This further
backs everything I've said. And your comments go to show who really has the
racist agenda with their sentiments about other countries. The Japs were
wrong with what they did. You used nukes and you, personally glorify it! How
can that make you so righteous and not quantify what I've been saying?
Post by axyz
Perhaps Britain can help us by
Post by axyz
America to hate the French continuously for the next 1000 years.
The French can teach you that all on their own. Now go and grizzle some more
because someone doesn't agree with America.
2003-07-06 21:49:04 UTC
With no disrespect or lack of feeling for those affected by Sept 11th, for
all your guns and weapons, you didn't see those planes coming, did you? Just
like the Hare in Aesop's fable, your country was so full of itself that it
didn't see an obvious threat.
9-11 Could have happened everywhere. The last time the US shot down an
airline ,Iran, it was in a war zone and did not answer radio requests for
verification. The US was vilified for it world wide. What would have been
the reaction if a Trans- Atlantic jet or jets that did not divert to Canada
had been shot down on 9-11-2001? It would have overshadowed the true
disaster and made the US villains again. The USA cannot win we are dammed
by the World if we do and Dammed if we don't. Fred
-= Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñoßí =-
2003-09-14 07:55:23 UTC
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, "FRED WELLMAN"
9-11 Could have happened everywhere.
Then why hasn't it? Why aren't other countries even bothering taking the same
kind of Draconian precautions?
The last time the US shot down an
airline ,Iran, it was in a war zone and did not answer radio requests for
verification. The US was vilified for it world wide. What would have been
the reaction if a Trans- Atlantic jet or jets that did not divert to Canada
had been shot down on 9-11-2001? It would have overshadowed the true
disaster and made the US villains again. The USA cannot win we are dammed
by the World if we do and Dammed if we don't.
Ok, but did you ever wonder why the U$ was targeted in the first place?

The sad truth is that Osama Bin Laden is only 1/2 lying. What he says about
CIA interference, about U$ manipulation of the middle-east is indeed true.

Thinking it could gain control of the world after WW2, Amerika bullied one
too many people, and now the bully is in for a lesson.
Rebel Alliance Galactic Usenet News Service
http://snurl.com/27tb | http://snurl.com/25dx
2003-07-06 21:34:27 UTC
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these guns?
Personally I like being in a country where there is less chance of being

My guess is that owning a gun is important to many US citizens. After all
it allowed us to escape English tyranny! Fred
Gregory Procter
2003-07-08 20:37:40 UTC
Then the US should look to the mistake England made before imposing their
will on the rest of the world as we once did!
They've looked - they're all for it!
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these guns?
Personally I like being in a country where there is less chance of being
My guess is that owning a gun is important to many US citizens. After all
it allowed us to escape English tyranny! Fred
2003-07-09 01:12:57 UTC
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these guns?
Personally I like being in a country where there is less chance of being
My guess is that owning a gun is important to many US citizens. After all
it allowed us to escape English tyranny! Fred
Actually, the main reason you all insisted on having guns was so you could
stop slaves from rising up against you...then the slaves got guns too....
James Beck
2003-07-09 13:21:21 UTC
In article <3f0b6c28$0$45170$***@mercury.nildram.net>, ***@anon.com
Post by HP
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these guns?
Personally I like being in a country where there is less chance of being
My guess is that owning a gun is important to many US citizens. After all
it allowed us to escape English tyranny! Fred
Actually, the main reason you all insisted on having guns was so you could
stop slaves from rising up against you...then the slaves got guns too....
Really? That's the strangest made up "fact" I have heard in a while.
Now, gun laws, on the other hand, were originally designed to keep
blacks from arming themselves. So they were still in fact slaves,
because they could not protect themselves against the better armed
whites. Now the liberals want us all to be unarmed (except for their
body guards, naturally) so we can all be slaves.

2003-07-21 09:15:17 UTC
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 22:40:45 -0400, "FRED WELLMAN"
Post by HP
So who, other than themselves, can the civilians shoot with these
Post by HP
Personally I like being in a country where there is less chance of
Post by HP
My guess is that owning a gun is important to many US citizens. After
Post by HP
it allowed us to escape English tyranny! Fred
Actually, the main reason you all insisted on having guns was so you could
stop slaves from rising up against you...then the slaves got guns too....
Yes the same slaves that England imported to the US before 1776. Most
northern colonies had few slaves and helped many escape. You also neglect
to mention that the US lost a lot of lives to among other things abolish
slavery. To form the US our founding fathers found enslaving people a
better option than remaining under England's rule as virtual slaves.
England abolished slavery, about 15-20 years AFTER the US did , in its
other possessions. Fred
Was that before or after the redneck merkins decided that chaining
retarded black men to the back of their pickup trucks and dragging
them around the block a few times until they were dismembered was a
fun way to spend a saturday night?

"Ken Ehrett was a sock"
Sable washes her dirty laundry in public in message <***@free.teranews.com>