The Harbinger
2004-06-21 19:37:26 UTC
Subject: Re: France: The Great American Migraine
Date: 6/20/04 4:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time
The French people told us that they *knew* there were no WMDs. How did
they know that? Especially as they were busy supplying the facilities
for their production.
A fat good they were since not one was used when Iraq was invaded.Date: 6/20/04 4:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time
The French people told us that they *knew* there were no WMDs. How did
they know that? Especially as they were busy supplying the facilities
for their production.
They told us that Iraq would become another Vietnam. Has it?
Not a very good comparison. The U.S. lost *that* war and as far as the invasion of Iraq is concerned it was botched from the start.million people with casualties of 1000. Compare that with Russias
campaign in Afghanistan or any other war that you can think of then
explain how it has been botched.
They told us that it was immoral to invade a bloodthirsty dictatorship
that was responsible for the death of millions of people. Was it? Was
it really?
You have Iraq confused with China and the former Soviet Union. No "millions of people" died in Iraq at the hands of Hussein. When you get the right numberthat was responsible for the death of millions of people. Was it? Was
it really?
let us know.
No-one knows the true number as both sides obviously played them down.
Organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights watch are
unclear (as is everyone else) over the true figures for deaths
resulting from Saddams three decade reign of terror but the best
estimates seem to vary from low to high hundreds of thousands. Of the
mass graves that we are aware of, over 250 in number the estimate is
In addition to that there are the numerous people that died in his
numerous pogroms, the campaigns against the Shia and Kurds, and any
number of people killed out of hand by his numerous thuggish
supporters. If you wish to quibble about these figures feel free.
They told us that diplomacy would suffice in dealing with evil regimes
after we all watched innocent burning people jump to their deaths.
Would it have?
What has Iraq got to do with 9-11? Those skyjackers were Saudis. One might have understood if the cowboy had invaded Saudi Arabia, so why didn't he?after we all watched innocent burning people jump to their deaths.
Would it have?
happened again. Additionally, he had a duty to ensure that the same
kind of people that perpetrated 9-11 did not get their hands on
nuclear, chemical or biological weapons as they had demonstrated their
absolute commitment and ability for mass, indescriminate murder of
That being the case, and it absolutely was, where does one begin? Lets
say it was 2000 and you needed to buy WMDs, where would you have gone?
They told us that they would rather side with other bastions of
morality and human rights such as China and Russia than support us
politically when we needed them for probably the first and only time
since we liberated them from the slavery of the nazis.
Talk amounts to nothing.
France amounts to nothing. Its influence wanes, its culture is in
decline, its language is in retreat, its people and politics are
locked in a cycle of denial and self-recrimination ( when theyre not
blaming us for all the worlds ills) and it becomes increasingly more
irrelevant as time goes on.
You protest too much. France is a sovereign nation and the only responsibilitymorality and human rights such as China and Russia than support us
politically when we needed them for probably the first and only time
since we liberated them from the slavery of the nazis.
Talk amounts to nothing.
France amounts to nothing. Its influence wanes, its culture is in
decline, its language is in retreat, its people and politics are
locked in a cycle of denial and self-recrimination ( when theyre not
blaming us for all the worlds ills) and it becomes increasingly more
irrelevant as time goes on.
French politicians have is the security of its own people. Why should their
soldiers die because the idiot Bush wants to go off on some mad adventure to
avenge his fathers election loss. France also has a
seat on The Security Council and can vote and veto anytime it feels like it.
God knows the U.S. uses is continually using *its* veto when it wants to
usually to stop a Resolution against Israel which is never n the interests of > the American people
Franklin D. Roosevelt said :
The long-known and the long-expected has thus taken place. The forces
endeavoring to enslave the entire world now are moving toward this
Never before has there been a greater challenge to life, liberty and
Delay invites great danger. Rapid and united effort by all of the
peoples of the world who are determined to remain free will insure a
world victory of the forces of justice and of righteousness over the
forces of savagery and of barbarism.
Whereas what he should have said is: America is a sovereign nation
and the only responsibility American politicians have is the security
of its own people so we will not engage in a war in Europe from where
there is little or no threat and concentrate on Japan that has
actually attacked us leaving the French to solve their own problems.
Blatant self-interest drives each and every political decision and if
that was not enough they have been exposed as arrogant, selfish
that was not enough they have been exposed as arrogant, selfish
Aha! so... the truth is out :) youre a global jewish conspiracy
They can be as right as they want.
In this instance, they were right. Thousands of dead innocent Iraqi men, womenand children. Hundreds of dead American and British soldiers. A nation that
was a civilisation when Abraham walked the earth bombed to smithereens and for
what - to get one man and make Bush look even more stupid than he already is?
when Iraq was civilised.
Now tell me when the U.S. is going to invade China - all those millions dead
and all.
The real question is when is China going to invade Taiwan?and all.