2003-07-16 01:31:08 UTC
[Mon, 14 Jul 2003 22:15:12 -0400] "FRED WELLMAN"
IGreatly snipped.
The seven years war : humiliation, true ! (I want just highlight the
fact that in north america in 1754, the
french were 85,000 in the "Nouvelle France" and the english people were
1,485,634 in New England...
IN 1763, we lost : India (bar 5 cities), Ohio, Canada, left side of the
Mississipi, Antilles (bar 3 islands) and Senegal (that will be retaken
The facts you posted are true. However how much of it is relevant today.The seven years war : humiliation, true ! (I want just highlight the
fact that in north america in 1754, the
french were 85,000 in the "Nouvelle France" and the english people were
1,485,634 in New England...
IN 1763, we lost : India (bar 5 cities), Ohio, Canada, left side of the
Mississipi, Antilles (bar 3 islands) and Senegal (that will be retaken
agree the French did help make the outcome of war 1776 come out on the
current US's side and people are grateful. But it was not done for
current US's side and people are grateful. But it was not done for
huh ... and the USA came for goodness of your heart ? in WWI you came at
the end - BTW the germans were sinking your boat and they tried
"wakwardly" to start a revolt in new mexico
Mexico was not much of a threat. We handled them with very little effort.the end - BTW the germans were sinking your boat and they tried
"wakwardly" to start a revolt in new mexico
IIRC ... and Louis Brandeis
hoped you could help to found a jewish land by helping the english in
palestinia IIRC) (i tell it in a nutshell cause i repreat it for 1-2
years ...) so check it before telling me i'm nut. TIA.
First of why does everything ever done have to benefit the Jews. Secondly Ipalestinia IIRC) (i tell it in a nutshell cause i repreat it for 1-2
years ...) so check it before telling me i'm nut. TIA.
never resorted to name calling and did not call you a nut.
In WWII we were on your road to Berlin (yeah thank god, hitler and the
axis declaed war top you so you finally felt concerned about Europe and
you European relatives...)
Why are our relatives in Europe our responsibility? We came to America toaxis declaed war top you so you finally felt concerned about Europe and
you European relatives...)
get away from them. Did the French fight for their relatives in Louisiana
during our civil war? NO. The British did fight for the French and British
loyalists in Canada during the war of 1812.
of your heart. If the French were on the road to Berlin before D_Day why
Hurting the British was the goal. France sold the US the
and what ? ... Napo sold for nothing to continue his European wars and
keep France in a level of zeveryday life bearable ... war costs a lot
.. mainly when you have to keep an army watching a continent (small but
If France sold the land for next to nothing it is not the fault of the US.and what ? ... Napo sold for nothing to continue his European wars and
keep France in a level of zeveryday life bearable ... war costs a lot
.. mainly when you have to keep an army watching a continent (small but
It was not a forced sale.
Louisiana purchase. In 1776 the French were a world power today they
think they are but they are not.
lol ... you US guys already spiel the same stuff ... why ?to split the atom, and put a man on the moon. Name anything near that.
we are not a mega power ... but we are still quite important ... I won't
tell you a lot of exmaples cause i repeat the very same things again and
again ... so do some researches ... only some few facts ...
we are the 4th economic power in th world IIRC ..
And so afraid your culture will not hold up you destroy fast food outlets.tell you a lot of exmaples cause i repeat the very same things again and
again ... so do some researches ... only some few facts ...
we are the 4th economic power in th world IIRC ..
If people did not want them and eat there they would not be open
. we are one of the 5
nations having a permanent seat at the security council (with veto)
Because of misguided US policy after the war.we are with germany the engine of EU (that we started with 6 others
countries in the 50s on our impetus), we are an important military power
(well of course if we compare with USA ... we are ridiculous but who can
compare with the USA nowadays ... the chinese are numerous but what a
technolical gap IIRC - and i admit the french army is not in a good
state anyway) - we are a space power (with other european nations that
along dacades joined us for the Ariane project" - we are a nuclear power
You just stated you could not do it without other countries and have you putcountries in the 50s on our impetus), we are an important military power
(well of course if we compare with USA ... we are ridiculous but who can
compare with the USA nowadays ... the chinese are numerous but what a
technolical gap IIRC - and i admit the french army is not in a good
state anyway) - we are a space power (with other european nations that
along dacades joined us for the Ariane project" - we are a nuclear power
a man in space.
, we are good in medicine, etc...
yep they did it ... other ones ? (and anyway moscow didn't burn !) fought generally alone VS the whole Europe and we won, we possessed
almost the whole Europe during 15 yrs, Moscow burnt - who did this
things other than us ?
Germany for one.almost the whole Europe during 15 yrs, Moscow burnt - who did this
things other than us ?
Poland held cut longer than France did in WW 2. despite
wrong.of your claims the US was doing a lot before Japan attacked the US.
LOL ... you're either a joker or uninformed ... some credible links ?
Not to mention an embargo against Japan.
1914-1918 : The French army was the major military actor on the Western
front for 4 years. The British took a very active part on that front
front for 4 years. The British took a very active part on that front
4 years too. The allies under Marechal Foch's French command eventually
won the war. The American troops massively arrived on the front only 4
months (July 1918) before the end of the war (November 1918).
Western front March 1918 : 174 allies divisions : 99 French + 58
won the war. The American troops massively arrived on the front only 4
months (July 1918) before the end of the war (November 1918).
Western front March 1918 : 174 allies divisions : 99 French + 58
+ 12 Belgian + 3 US + 2 portuguese.
Western Front November 1918 : 211 Allies divisions : 104 French + 60
British + 30 US + 12 Belgian + 2 portuguese + 2 Italian + 1 Polish.
If the help of the US was not needed why didn't the war end before weWestern Front November 1918 : 211 Allies divisions : 104 French + 60
British + 30 US + 12 Belgian + 2 portuguese + 2 Italian + 1 Polish.
arrived ? 4 years ... have you seen the stats ? have you seen the number
of US troopers ?
you think you arrived and that the germans were so afraid of the brave
US sioldiers that they fled and decidede to sign an armistice ?
Britain would have stayed in the war. Even so the Prussian subs were
getting better.
inform you... I think it's the better thing you could do ...
constantentered? Without US intervention France would have lost or be in a
cold war.
I don't think so ... do you know the meaning of Blockade ? do you knowwhjat was the economic state of our adversaries in 1918 ?
Stop spitting on the graves of the 1,500,000 dead French soldiers TIA.
Stop allowing the desecration of American need?
aboutThe USA that entered the war et the end of the war refused to hear
The result : Because of the Versailles's treaty as wanted by the USA
That is pure fiction the US told the British and the French that anotherwould come from the treaty. the US wanted a peace like WW2.
some neutral links ... my informations are differents ...(that won't
finally be recognized by the USA), the Italians that had
finally be recognized by the USA), the Italians that had
about 700,000 dead soldiers,
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally
torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally
torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the
in 1919.
Italy in WW2 could not even defeat Ethiopia without German help. For themost part they were a small small faction in WW2.
course they lost everywhere even against french that were at the very
same time crushed by the germans for a month !... and anyway the
weakness came partly from their obsolete equipments ... thei tanks for
instance were rolling coffins ...
BTW USA and Uk pledged that they will help France in case of a German
agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.
Who attacked France in 1919? I don't remember anyone.agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.
war ... if you don't understand the meaning of my sentence ponder then
read again and ponder it again ... if you still don't get it, ask for
some help.
aggression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.". How?
Ingrates !
One of the few things I can post about France.
you're meaning that you know nothing about france ? i believe you ...One of the few things I can post about France.
BTW can you unfold a little why you think the French are ingrates ? ...
it's interesting.
France only looks out for France and no one else. We have found largeit's interesting.
amount of materials sold to Iraq in violation of Iraq for one.
I add that The UK made many unconditional concessions to Germany with
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you say
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you say
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).
Chamberlain said "yes" to the nazis about the rebuilding of the of the
german war fleet in 1935.
german war fleet in 1935.
France wanted to respond to the German army's reoccupation of the
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler
greenlight for what he had in mind. They said that the
of the Rhineland wasn't a threat to our vital interests... you
understand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)
Yes it means that France was to scared to fight the German's alone. Theunderstand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)
It's explained in my post, wiseass ...
big trauma about WWI (will mock us for that though your country have a
trauma for a war were there were 50-55,000 ead US soldiers (vietnam) and
that didn't even devastated your country ... conceited immature chicken
WE FACED DIFFICULTY and HUGE CRISIS ... you didn't ... a little respect,
spoiled brat !
You have no idea of what age I am or my education. the US was anti-warbig trauma about WWI (will mock us for that though your country have a
trauma for a war were there were 50-55,000 ead US soldiers (vietnam) and
that didn't even devastated your country ... conceited immature chicken
WE FACED DIFFICULTY and HUGE CRISIS ... you didn't ... a little respect,
spoiled brat !
prior to WW1 because of the carnage of the Civil war. WW1 was no worse to
France than the Civil war was to us.
France : 41.9 millions
germany : 79.5 millions
takengermany : 79.5 millions
wanted nothing to do with another war in Europe. France should have
the action it needed to do when Hitler broke the treaty. Instead they
it as an excuse to do nothing.
already relied face the facts or forget it !No plants destroyed in Germany, no
rebuilding in some parts of the
you don't recall it because you didn't learn it and didn't feelrebuilding in some parts of the
country ... in regions that have some economic importance (mines, steel
industry, etc ...) but The USA and the UK made us go away from the Ruhr
in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war reparations ... but we
were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
As for war debts I don't recall much repayment.industry, etc ...) but The USA and the UK made us go away from the Ruhr
in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war reparations ... but we
were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
concerned anyway ...
you found the history calss boring, right ?
World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States &
Britain, just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song...
Britain, just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song...
with any wish Hitler had. type the adequate keywords and waggg, yann (IIRC he
replied very long and complete replies about it) gaetan moreau on
soc.culture.french too IIRC)
normally you should find very complete replies to your replies ... if
not post back and i'll give you some hints ... noble far-from-any-danger
hyperpower-inhabitant warrior ...
Oh I forgot : "France the collaborator", eh ? What about the free
and De Gaulle, the 2nd DB (Koufrah, Bir Hakeim), General Leclerc, Jean
Moulin, FFI, 1st army of De Lattre, Monte Cassino (general Juin) etc...
The least you could do.Moulin, FFI, 1st army of De Lattre, Monte Cassino (general Juin) etc...
spoiled lesson-giver, from your unpartial point of view ? (lol)
It was not a little affair... And BTW what you have to know is that the
germans had a "maginot line", the Siegfried line (even longer than
germans had a "maginot line", the Siegfried line (even longer than
Yes they built theirs correctly and had better strategy in spite of
ours was correctly built we didn't do it till the sea for political
reasons ...
about the strategy yes ...
maybe an element of reply (i repost a part of a post imade some months
ago about it)
blamedreasons ...
about the strategy yes ...
maybe an element of reply (i repost a part of a post imade some months
ago about it)
Oh ,BTW where were the USA ?
Obviously not fighting the Nazis ...
If you are not going to stand up for yourselves why should the US beObviously not fighting the Nazis ...
oh ... I see your a troll .. i didn't get it ... i wrote tens of lines
to explain the stuff and what you manage to reply is : "If you are not
going to stand up for yourselves" ... i suggest you read one or two
times again for your own edification ...
about the USA ... it's about justice, democracy in the world ... etc ...
but i know that USA a sort of apartheid system untll the 60s so ...
ofto explain the stuff and what you manage to reply is : "If you are not
going to stand up for yourselves" ... i suggest you read one or two
times again for your own edification ...
about the USA ... it's about justice, democracy in the world ... etc ...
but i know that USA a sort of apartheid system untll the 60s so ...
for not doing it for you. We did have a President that got around many
the prohibitions by congress and got supplies to Britain.
wow impressive !The US had official links (embassy and all that)
with the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn of
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)..
. No wonder they hadwith the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn of
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)..
3/4 the gold reserve of the world after WW2, they surely knew how to
take advantage of Nations fighting against nazism...
Yes we sold supplies to anyone as we were neutral. As for being a powertake advantage of Nations fighting against nazism...
why do you brag about it ? I would be in your shoes iwon't feel good for
that ... that's not great ... noble son of the true justice ... freedom
sewer ...
were attacked by nips and that the axis declared war to you ...
andthat ... that's not great ... noble son of the true justice ... freedom
sewer ...
were one step away from Communism due to the depression. In 1940 the
Drafting of soldier passed by a single vote.
where the soldiers were fighting ? it was one year, 1.5 year before youDrafting of soldier passed by a single vote.
were attacked by nips and that the axis declared war to you ...
And by the way, the
US had links with illegitimate government of Vichy far into the war,
recognized De Gaulle's government just few days before the Liberation.
Those links let go a lot of places we could not and get information weneeded. A majority of the French gave them legitimacy.
the stuff to have the background about Petain ? how could have they know
the future ... explain ...
According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
BTW The French Fleet was under the Vichy's government control .... In
1942 when the german invaded the 'free' territory of France they
directed quickly towards the French Fleet at Toulon (South of France)
The French admiral gave the order to scuttle all the fleet in order
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
BTW The French Fleet was under the Vichy's government control .... In
1942 when the german invaded the 'free' territory of France they
directed quickly towards the French Fleet at Toulon (South of France)
The French admiral gave the order to scuttle all the fleet in order
the germans don't take it...
According to De Gaulle that lived in England at this time, England had
very few troops on their soil and if the germans had taken the french
fleet, they could have succeeded in invading England.
No way they could have invaded England even with the French Fleet. ThatAccording to De Gaulle that lived in England at this time, England had
very few troops on their soil and if the germans had taken the french
fleet, they could have succeeded in invading England.
right ?
can we knwo why you are so sure of that ... (I feel the stupidities
coming at fast pace ) lol you are all a bunch of stupid "romantic" XIX
th century-fashioned jingoes ! ...
you'er a heap of set ideas ....
would have brought the US in right away and Hitler did not want us in the
it'sesay to talk after ...BTW why the UK were more important in the eyes of the USA than France ?
As you can see France (and others) suffered more of the war than USA
We protected our country and I for one make no apologies for the Atomic
LOL ... at this date USA were threatened by japan ? in which way bombingcivilians (anyway there were less dead people - yeah, children, women,
eldres - than in Dresden (250,000 or something like that IIRC - a lot
anyway - but what about the radioactivity ... the cancer, leukemia, etc
bombs. One the other hand how would France have been free with our
and troops?
I don' tunderstand your sentence ... can repeat it in another way,please ? ...
France was a powerful realm.
A perfect description was. They have shown no gratitude for the Marshallplan or the US defense during the cold war.
anyway, we had gratitude for the marshall plan (that the result up to 85
% of gift from the US people not from the US government) - what would
you want have seen ... wasn't it human to help people of a ravaged
continent with millions of deads with no hope though the war pulled you
out of your huge economical crisis and made you the richest and leading
power in the world ...
about the cold war ... what ? what do you mean ... thank you ... yes ...
I must add that to escape the US prevalence De Gaulle left the NATO in
1966, and that we protected ourselves ... (we got enough nukes frome
about 1960 and the first french sattelite was launehed in 66 too IIRC)
if a nuclear war happened you would be spared. You would not have.
I gave you several links as you requested. I am stating a simple fact.
Right now a lot of the population in the US do not like France or George
And France attacks Green Peace? and cannot get away with it? Fred
25 yrs ago ... greenpeace had planned to stop our nuclear testing inpcaific yep ... our agents were nabbed .. yep ... well, and what ... not
proud of it ... but in the intelligence services world ... such an
action it's not that surprising ... AFAIK.