(too old to reply)
2004-06-27 17:55:03 UTC
Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of
French history, France is conquered by, of all things, an Italian...
Inform yourself, and you will understand that there nothing really
humiliating in that. The Gauls Won many battles and almost won but
caesar was decidedly a great and strong-willed stratege and helped by
germanic tribes cavalry (BTW there were gauls in the roman legions too
at this time). It was mainly the inter-gallic disputes that caused their
defeat finally, and some strategical mistakes at Alesia.their
opponent was Julius Caesar, a man that the name was used as a
title 2000 yrs later (kaiser, tsar ...). See what I mean ?
BTW the gauls in the past invaded, ransacked and burnt Roma, founded
Belgrad on their way to conquer lands, ransacked delphia (Greece) and
invaded turkey (hence the Galatians).
Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, but saved at the last minute by a Female
schizophrenic who inadvertantly creates The First Rule Of French Warfare;
"France's Armies Are Only Victorious When Not Led By A Frenchman"...
Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
(what about the first war against the english (Franco-angevine war:
the one in which Richard Lionheart was killed by a french arrow from a
crossbow, in the eyes ...)

Some battles were won, some battles were lost, finally the stuff was
going bad (about 100 yrs later - yeah, ever wondered why it lasted
116 yrs, wiseass ? The truth is that at the beginning the english had
many defeats - do some research about a guy named Bertrand Du Guesclin)
anyway the english had some 'french allies (burgundians) at this time
and the knights and soldiers fighting the english/burgundians were french,
Jehanne d'arc (Joan of Arc) didn't fight the intruders alone ...
(and BTW Joan of Arc led the french army a very little time)
What the english gained with difficulty in about 100 yrs was regained in
very few years by the french though The french king made mistakes that
made the war lasting some more years ...
(oh ... and about the Crecy and Agincourt battles the french have nothing
to be ashamed of on the level of courage they've shown - check why and
how they lost !)
The French had to undergo the worst of the war since it was on their soil.
The only real tough stuff for the english king was that after his defeat,
He lost a part of his credibility in the mind of his people.
The war was definitely won by the french, so what's the problem ?

You should remeber what is at the origin of this conflict : in 1066 the
Duke of Normandia (France) invaded England and won at Hastings, what
explains that the french language was the official language of the
english court at least 2 centuries, and that explains that TODAY, you're
talking in a huge part in old french your whole day (in fact almost
everytime that you open your mouth) - BTW nowadays the motto of the
English monarchy is : "Dieu et Mon Droit" ( french ) and the motto of
the Most Noble Order of the Garter, which was founded in 1348 by King
Edward III as a noble fraternity consisting of the King, the Prince of
Wales (or heir-apparent to the throne) and 24 Knights Companion is
"Honni soit qui mal y pense".

Plantagenêts is neither saxon nor angles ...

Oh, BTW, a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France
(sergent, lieutenant, general, soldier (old french term for 'soldat' :
solde = money that fighters were paid) corp, regiment, division, army
is obviously derivated from armee, platoon from peloton, squad from
escouade, batallion from bataillon, garrison from garnison, even
warrior and war is derivating from 'guerrier' and 'guerre' some
old french words starting by 'g' were changed the'g' becoming
a 'w' in english (see : william : guillaume, warden : guardien,
wasp : Guespe (modern french : guêpe), to waste : gaster
(the old term for 'gater' (gâter pour les non ASCII 7 bits !) )
Some other words were taken to the french but they were taken by the
french from other countries : captain, colonel, cannon, battle etc...
so it's a little different.
'fleet' came from 'flotte' (french) that came from 'flotti' (old
scandinavian) that came from the old french 'flote' that meant "troop,
big bunch of persons", so I suppose this one counts anyway ;-)
Oh, and the bayonet was invented by the frenchmen (the name
comes from the name of the city named Bayonne)...

"a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France" ...
What could this be meaning ... hmm ... let's see . Well I let you search
by yourself (a clue ? war is not a so unknown thing to these swishy
frenchies ... maybe ?)
Italian Wars - Lost. France becomes the first & only country ever to lose
two wars when fighting Italians...
More precisions needed we won some wars VS italians, with françois the
1st ! We brought back Leonardo da Vinci from those wars. Read about the
Bayard knight BTW.
Are you talking about war VS Charles Quint (the 5th) because you should
be informed that it is a lot more difficult to win when you're fighting
a mega-power and that you're not one yourself ....
Wars Of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huegonots...
? ? ? anyway it's Huguenots. Well more precisions needed, for what I
know we won and in fact even if at one moment english were implied, they left
before fighting AFAIK. If i'm wrong highlight it.
Oh BTW, the Huguenots were French.
Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages to
get invaded anyway. Claims a tie on the basis that eventually, the other
participant began ignoring her...
Wrong ! we were implied from 1635 to 1648 and it was rather a favorable
upshot AFAIK.

Sheesh ! what about the Franco-Spanish war that we totally won (gaining
territories) wise-ass !
Strangely enough, your memory seems selective !;-)
War Of Devolution - Tied...
The Dutch War - Tied...
No. We won AFAIK. We won many territories and cities.

I strongly suggest you to read it :

The War Of Spanish Succession - Lost...
Lost ? I don't think so ... it's not that simple (see below).
Anyway it's a Bourbon (french dynasty) on the Spanish throne,
isn't it ?

I quote (see link above about Louis XIV):

"The War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) was the most
brutal and costly of Louis’s military endeavors.
For the first time in over a century, French armies
lost battles, most notably by John Churchill, 1st Duke of
Marlborough, at the Battle of Blenheim (in what is now Germany)
in 1704 and at Ramillies (in what is now Belgium) in 1706.
The fighting made it clear that France would not gain control of the Spanish
Netherlands (they were ultimately ceded to Austria). However,
it also revealed that the allies could not dislodge Philip
from the Spanish throne.

Realizing a stalemate, the warring nations worked to find
an acceptable formula for peace, which took nearly as long
as did the fighting. The Peace of Utrecht recognized
Philip as king of Spain but dismembered the Spanish inheritance
to balance power among France, Spain, Austria, and Great Britain.
It was also agreed that France and Spain would never be united
as one monarchy. Louis XIV died in 1715, just after the
war ended. He was succeeded by his great-grandson, Louis XV."
War Of The Augsburg League/King William's War/French And Indian War - All
The seven years war (aka french and indian war in north america):
humiliation, true !
(I want just highlight the fact that in north america in 1754, the
french were 85,000 in the "Nouvelle France" and the english people were
1,485,634 in New England...

"At first glance, it looked like a mismatch. English troops
outnumbered French troops almost 2-to-1. English colonies had
their own militias and produced their
own food. French settlements had to rely on soldiers hired by fur-trading
companies and food from the homeland."

IN 1763, we lost : India (bar 5 cities), Ohio, Canada,
left side of the Mississipi, Antilles (bar 3 islands)
and Senegal (that will have again later)

Anyway, check it out, i think it's not unuseful :-) :
(about the french and indians war - the basics)

Lost, but claimed as ties. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles
the world over to label this period as the height of French military
American Revolution - In a move that will become familiar to future American
generations, France claims a win even though American colonists saw far More
action. This is later known as "The De Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to The
Second Rule Of Fench Warfare; " France Only Wins When America Does Most Of
The Fighting"...

read from the start to the end. Just do it, wiseass !
To understand the background of the Revolutionary War, it is necessary
to understand the history of the preceding twenty years, and especially
the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763). The Seven Years’ War was fought by
the European colonial powers from Canada to the West Indies and from
Europe to far-flung colonial empires in India and the Phillippines. In
North America, we know the part of the Seven Years' war that was fought
here as the French and Indian Wars. The Seven Years' War was largely a
disaster for France and her allies. In the aftermath of the war, which
resulted in the loss of most French territory in North America and
India, the French instituted sweeping reform of the army and navy. The
French army that landed in Newport in 1781 was the product of this
thorough and fundamental reorganization.

The English victory, however, was dearly bought. The cost of fielding
the army that secured the safety of the English colonies was tremendous.
This expense, together with the continuing cost of protecting these
colonies after the war, led to English demands that the American
colonists contribute to the cost of their own protection. As a result, a
series of Acts of Parliament imposed a variety of taxes on the colonists
during the 1760s and early 1770s. For many colonists, the chains that
had linked them to Britain for almost 150 years became the chains of
servitude, foreign domination and unjust tyranny. These taxes ultimately
fueled the tensions and passions that burst into flames on Lexington
Green on April 19, 1775.

From the outbreak of armed rebellion in 1775, many in France sympathized
with the colonists. Young, idealistic French officers like the Marquis
de Lafayette volunteered their services and in many cases their personal

wealth to help equip, train and lead the fledgling Continental army. The
French government hoped to redress the balance of power that resulted
from the French humiliation in the Seven Years Wars, which gave
considerable economic and military advantages to Britain. While
maintaining formal neutrality, France assisted in supplying arms,
uniforms and other military supplies to the American colonists.

This clandestine assistance became open after the defeat of General
Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1777, which demonstrated the possibility of
British defeat in the conflict and led to French recognition of the
colonies in February 1778. As a result of the victory of the Continental
forces at Saratoga, Benjamin Franklin, who had gone to Paris as
ambassador in 1776, was able to negotiate a Treaty of Amity and Commerce
and a Treaty of Alliance with France. From this point, French support
became increasingly significant. The French extended considerable
financial support to the Congressional forces. France also supplied
vital military arms and supplies, and loaned money to pay for their

French military aid was also a decisive factor in the American victory.
French land and sea forces fought on the side of the American colonists
against the British. At the same time, British and French (and to a
lesser extent, Dutch and Spanish) forces fought for colonial wealth and
empire around the world. From 1778 through 1783 -- two years after the
defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown -- French forces fought the British in
the West Indies, Africa and India.

From the perspective of the American Revolution, however, the high point
of French support is the landing of five battalions of French infantry
and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French troops
under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where
they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette.
Cornwallis, encamped on the Yorktown peninsula, hoped to be rescued by
the British navy. A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse
intercepted and, after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated
the British fleet and forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy
to land heavy siege cannon and other supplies and trapped Cornwallis on
the Yorktown peninsula.

At that point, the defeat of Cornwallis was essentially a matter of
time. On September 14, 1781, the French and Continental armies completed
their 700 mile march and soon thereafter laid siege to the British
After a number of weeks and several brief but intense engagements,
Cornwallis, besieged on the peninsula by the large and well-equipped
French-American army, and stricken by dysentery, determined to surrender
his army.

On October 19, 1781, the British forces marched out between the silent
ranks of the Americans and French, arrayed in parallel lines a mile
long, and cast down their arms.

Abbé Robin, who witnessed the surrender, described the victorious
American and French forces present at the ceremony. "Among the
Americans, the wide variety in age -- 12 to 14-year old children stood
side by side with grandfathers -- the absence of uniformity in their
bearing and their ragged clothing made the French allies appear more
splendid by contrast. The latter, in their immaculate white uniforms and
blue braid, gave an impression of martial vigor despite their fatigue.
We were all astonished by the excellent condition of the English troops,
by their number -- we were expecting scarcely 3,000 and they numbered
more than 8,000 -- and by their discipline."

George Woodbridge summed up the Yorktown campaign in the following
words: "The strategy of the campaign was Rochambeau’s; the French fleet
was there as a result of his arrangements; the tactics of the battle
were his; the American army was present because he had lent money to
Washington; in total naval and military participants the French
outnumbered the Americans between three and four to one. Yorktown was
Rochambeau’s victory.

How strange it must have been for these French troops and their
new-found colonial allies, some of whom had fought each other as enemies
barely fifteen years earlier, to stand shoulder to shoulder in armed
conflict with France’s ancient enemy and the colonist’s blood kin! In
the end, these French soldiers became the hard anvil upon which the new
American nation was forged and the chains of British imperial domination
were finally broken.

this one is good too, read it !


Without the French assistance don't you think that your founding fathers,
Washington first, would have been hung by the british ?...
We owe you our survival, you owe us your succesful birth.
French Revolution - Won, primarily due to the the fact the opponent was
Wrong (For instance : Jemmapes, Valmy, Fleurus, etc...) see later ...
The Napoleonic Wars - Lost. Temporary victories (remember The First Rule!)
due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British
footwear designer...
The french armies were composed of corsicans ?
We fought generally alone VS the whole Europe and we won, we possessed
almost the whole Europe during 15 yrs, Moscow burnt - who did this
things other than us ?
I know : who cares you're not here to be just, but to troll, sorry to
make you lose your sparetime making you quickly reading this.
Even at Waterloo, we were at some moments near to win against the
_ COALITION _. The anglo-dutch corp was in trouble at some moment, but
the prussians and Blücher definitively changed the things.
The Franco-Prussian War - Lost. Germany's first go around at playing the
drunk frat boy to France's ugly girl home alone on Saturday night...
Crimea war (1854-55) won by the coalition (among them France that
had the most troopers among the allies).

Italy wars (or Austro-Franco-sarde war) won by Napoleon III in 1859 ...

Victory in China and Annexions in the future vietnam (186*).

The Franco-prussian war (1870-1871) : Lost.
But the german army was bigger and more modern (they were in a
war politic for some moment at this time ( victory VS denmark (1864),
VS Austria (Sadowa - 1867))
In France the Army was disorganized since the "war" in Mexico (*)
and our emperor Napoleon the IIIrd was ill (and not far of his death)

(*) (expeditionnary corp from 1862-1867. BTW, we can't really talk
of a real defeat on the battlefield, we did take Mexico)

Besides, The most remarkable military fact in the history of the
Foreign Legion is the battle of Camerone (Mexico, April 30th, 1863).
In that occasion 62 french "légionnaires" fought
against more than 2,000 enemies, resisting for about 10 hours.
Even today, the Legionnaires' year starts on "Camerone day".

The official monument says :
(Since, when the Mexican troops pass in front of
the monument, they "show their weapons"(?) - a honoring salute)
World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
Wrong. and not tied, asshole - so, you're a propagandist ...

1913 :
Population :

Germany : 67 millions
France : 39.6 millions (only country of those 4 countries that will be
devastated by the war)
UK : 46 millions
USA : 95 millions

Germany : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 4,216,000 soldiers

France : 1,500,000 dead soldiers (maybe underestimated for political
propaganda reasons)
wounded : 3,600,000 soldiers

UK : 740,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 2,090,000 soldiers

USA : 116,000 dead soldiers

Italy : 700,000 dead soldiers
Austria-Hungary : 1,500,000 dead soldiers
Russia : 1,700,000 dead soldiers

The plans of the germans was to crush the french before Russia have
mobilized all its army (germany at this time was reputated being the
most powerful army)
Result : We stood untill the victory, on the contrary of the
Russians ...
BTW Greece stood (and so the blockade) because of the French
troops over there IIRC.

1914-1918 : The French army was the major military actor on the Western
front for 4 years. The British took a very active part on that front for
4 years too. The allies under Marechal Foch's French command eventually
won the war. The American troops massively arrived on the front only 4
months (July 1918) before the end of the war (November 1918).

Western front March 1918 : 174 allies divisions : 99 French + 58 British
+ 12 Belgian + 3 US + 2 portuguese.
Western Front November 1918 : 211 Allies divisions : 104 French + 60
British + 30 US + 12 Belgian + 2 portuguese + 2 Italian + 1 Polish.

After the war, the French were universally saluted as the country that
saved democracy and the victor amongst all the Allies (and especially in
the US) and their international prestige was very high, just like that
of the US in 1945. It just seems like history is no longer taught in the
US now.

Stop spitting on the graves of the 1,500,000 dead French soldiers TIA.

The USA that entered the war at the end of the war refused to hear
about the agreements that the Europeans made before :
The result : Because of the versailles' treaty as wanted by the USA
(that won't finally be recognized by the USA), the italians that had
about 700,000 dead soldiers,
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally
torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the fascism
in 1919.

BTW USA and Uk pledged that they will help France in case of a German
agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.

It recalls me the fact that G. washington didn't honor his treaty
with the French in 1794 for trade advantages with The UK that was at war
with the French. Maybe because we were surrounded by the whole europe
wanting our end. Ingrates !

I add that The UK made many unconditional concessions to Germany with
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you say
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).

Chamberlain said "yes" to the nazis about the rebuilding of the of the
german war fleet in 1935.

France wanted to respond to the German army's reoccupation of the
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler the
greenlight for what he had in mind. They said that the remilitarization,
of the Rhineland wasn't a threat to our vital interests... you
understand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)

No plants destroyed in Germany (unlike France), no rebuilding in some
parts of the country ... in regions that have some economic importance
(mines, steel industry, etc ...) Though The USA and the UK made us go
away from the Ruhr in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war
reparations ... but we were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
with a winner, but one who doesn't call then "Fraulein". Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French
gene pool...
A moronic insult to your country since with such sentences , you make look
the US dudes like degenerated conceited jerk-offs.
World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States &
Britain, just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song...
We lost after 6 weeks because of BIG STRATEGICAL mistakes, ( I
insist on this because of the eternal "cheese eatin' surrender monkeys"
coming from posts from your charming country) - BTW blitzkrieg was
partly inspired to Guderian by a book from De Gaulle (so all french
generals are not sorta genetically incompetents like you guys seem to
think.) you knew it I suppose since you're so learned !
The french army was in fact defeated because of a strategy of
encirclement that seemed impossible to realize for our gernerals, the
german armored divisions pass thru the Ardennes (highlands and woods)
that was reputated impossible to pass ! from the moment where the front
was cut and that we were encircled in our biggest part, it was lost !
it's easy to understand !
Our old supreme generals were still with old conceptions and a
thinking about a static war (their last reference was the WWI in which
we managed to resist the most powerful army in the world - with help
of course but we were less numerous than the german in population anyway).
It didn't help them to change their mind
BTW, 130,000 French soldiers died in this "lost for the beginning
battle" from the 10th may to the armistice 6 weeks later (allowing to
the english soldiers to go back to england though french were put into
pieces by bombing stukas and german tanks ! (see at the end))

BTW, 1 month after the beginning of the attack against France by the
Germans, Mussolini wanted his part of the cake and attacked France that
was already in a total skedaddle ! His troops entered France and was
stopped and repelled in Italy by the few French soldiers that were

French : 150,000 (casualties : killed : 38 / wounded : 42 /
disappeared : 180 )

Italians : 500,000 (casualties : killed 631 / wounded : 3,400 / captured
: 1140 )

He was more successful in bombing the civilians fleeing on the roads !
Mussolini has to sign an armistice with France the 24th june !!!
Italy attacked France the 10th june ... (isn't that more humiliating
considering the situation of France in June 1940 ?)

Oh BTW... just a little digression ... England is an island (without any
frontiers with another state, and a powerful, very populated state
like Gremany), TIA to notice it !

With such a hammering, humiliating and "downcasting" defeat (and more than
half of the country lost), the people needed a bright figure to give
them back hope and a slight confidence. It's a national hero from
1914-1918 that took power, P. pétain - 84 years old. He was renowned
to have been kind with the troopers in WWI.
He set a sort of regime near fascism to get the nation up (BTW some of
the government was people hating French revolution and wanting to give
back some old values to the people, pro-facists, cynic go-getters, and
antisemitic men.)
The first thing Petain had in mind was the survival of France (weird, eh
?) what implied collaboration with the threatening, more powerful
germans - and Nazis, btw.
Oh I forgot : "France the collaborator", eh ? What about the free french
and De Gaulle, the 2nd DB (Koufrah, Bir Hakeim), General Leclerc, Jean
Moulin, FFI, 1st army of De Lattre, Monte Cassino (general Juin) etc...

In 1939, after Germany and USSR invaded Poland, We tried some military
operations in Norway (France & UK) we wanted to helped Finland but
Norway, denmark and sweden (IIRC) didn't wanted us to pass their strait
to go help the finns ... they didn't want to irritate Hitler ! Yeah we
didn't attack directly when Poland was invaded...
Attacking at this occasion would have mean attacking germany and USSR ...
It was not a little affair... And BTW what you have to know is that the
germans had a "maginot line", the Siegfried line (even longer than ours)

and guess what : there were divisions in there, so ...
was it the good plan to go to the slaughterhouse without a better way
to act since the german divisions busy in Poland would have had the time
to come back on us in a not so long time ....

_Oh ,BTW where were the USA ?_
Obviously not fighting the Nazis ...

In UK and France the horrid and frightening memory of WWI was a
cold shower for anybody (look at the stats I put above and) and I
add that we were with belgium the only western country to be devastated,
the moon landscape left after the war would have make ponder anybody (in
2003 we always find shells from WWI !) the young generation was in big
proportion decimated ... the north - north-east was an important
economical industrial joint ... the germans before leaving drowned our
mines too ...
So yes, we were less eager as a peaceful democracy with a trauma to go
to war than the pumped brain-washed nazi war-machine ... it's a fact ...
But when the war started after a moment the combativity appears more
strong and the more the situation was bad the more decided was the
soldiers (see dunkirk)
At some place French soldiers stopped the german thrust and opposed an
harsh resistance (well, of course, those kind of thing
happen in almost any war ... but it means that there were some
sufficiently ballsy and combative soldiers ...)
I add that after that Belgian surrended unconditionnally, after the
english left, after the big nunmber of prisonner in dunkirk and
elsewhere, the french soldiers kept on fighting outnumbered till the
armistice though it was pretty clear that all was lost !
They stopped when the marechal (Marshall) Petain demanded them to stop.

Before the war, France was a democracy though the biggest part of Europe
were autocracies (often for the 20's) and you despise France for what
happened and the way it acted !?!
It's easy to brag and give lessons when you never have been and probably
will never be in such a huge crisis. we will never see you in this kind
of situation, pure noble son of the USA, "in god you trust" : you can,
you are living in a hyperpower, wise-ass ! (and far from any real direct
You are / were an hyperpower and you, despite this fact, dare make
comments on the weakness of the others and their attitude !
How cheeky !

You came also because you could and had to earn and because
Germany and Italy declared war to you. I thank and respect
the US soldiers that came and freed us, but as I said in other
circumstances, how being sure that you would have come -
it relativizes the "gallant white knight icon", guy !

The US had official links (embassy and all that)
with the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn of
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)... No wonder they had
3/4 the gold reserve of the world after WW2, they surely knew how to
take advantage of Nations fighting against nazism... And by the way, the
US had links with illegitimate government of Vichy far into the war, and
recognized De Gaulle's government just few days before the Liberation.

According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
Bush made considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor. :

Nasty Nazi Business - Corporate Deals with Nazi Germany :



The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
backed the VICHY REGIME :

BTW The French Fleet was under the Vichy's government control .... In
1942 when the german invaded the 'free' territory of France they
directed quickly towards the French Fleet at Toulon (South of France)
The French admiral gave the order to scuttle all the fleet in order that
the germans don't take it...
According to De Gaulle that lived in England at this time, England had
very few troops on their soil and if the germans had taken the french
fleet, they could have succeeded in invading England.
In a way, maybe this admiral changed the future of the war ?....

population in 1939 :

France : 41.9 millions

germany : 79.5 millions

UK : about 48 millions (?)

Italy : 43.1 millions

USA : 131.67 millions (1940)

USSR : more than 150 millions (?)

casualties :

France :
dead soldiers : 211,000 to 213,300
dead civilians : 330,000 to 350,000

dead soldiers (on 2 fronts) : 292 to 298,000
civilians : negligeable - almost none.

UK :
dead soldiers : about 245,000
dead civilians : 92,700 to 150,000

Japan :
dead soldiers : 1,220,000 to 1,300,000
dead civilians : 672,000 to 700,000 (and some due to 2 nuking on
japanese cities)

Germany :
dead soldiers : 3,500,000 to 3,850,000
dead civilians : 780,000

dead soldiers : about 7,500,000 to 11,000,000
dead civilians : about 7,000,000 to 10,000,000

Italy :
dead soldiers : 230,000 to 242,200
dead civilians : 150,000 to 153,000

China :
dead soldiers : about 1,310,200
dead civilians : 10,000,000

As you can see France (and others) suffered more of the war than USA ...
so pack back your lessons ...
War In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed with the
Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it... that's pretty cheeky, wise-ass.


"Dien Bien Phu. "The newly appointed commander of French forces
in Vietnam, General Henri Navarre, decided soon after his arrival
in Vietnam that it was essential to halt a Viet Minh offensive
underway in neighboring Laos. To do so, Navarre believed it was
necessary for the French to capture and hold the town of
Dien Bien Phu, sixteen kilometers from the Laotian border."

"Viet Minh strategists, led by Giap, concluded that a successful
attack on a French fortified camp, timed to coincide with the peace
talks, would give Hanoi the necessary leverage for a successful
conclusion of the negotiations.

Accordingly, the siege of Dien Bien Phu began on March 13,
by which time the Viet Minh had concentrated nearly 50,000
regular troops, 55,000 support troops, and almost 100,000
transport workers in the area.
Chinese aid...reached 1,500 tons per month by early 1954.

The French garrison of 15,000, which depended on supply
by air, was cut off by March 27, when the Viet Minh artillery
succeeded in making the airfield unusable. An elaborate system
of tunnels dug in the mountainsides enabled the Viet Minh to
protect its artillery pieces by continually moving them to prevent
discovery. Several hundred kilometers of trenches permitted the
attackers to move progressively closer to the French encampment.

In the final battle, human wave assaults were used to take the
perimeter defenses, which yielded defensive guns that were
then turned on the main encampment. The French garrison
surrendered on May 7, ending the siege that had cost the lives of
about 25,000 Vietnamese and more than 1,500 French troops."
(Country Study, Vietnam, pp. 57, 58.)"

In the same situation even the USA would have certainly lost this battle.
The US didn't help militarily, France left Vietnam split in 2, the Northern
part being communist. The US left Vietnam reunited under communist
rules, doesn't look to be a better job...
(The USA came a long time later after the french in viet nam and they
came cause they decided to apply their "dominoes' theory")
Algerian Revolution - Lost. Loss marks first defeat by a western army by a
Non-Turkic Muslim force since The Crusades, and produces The First Rule Of
Muslim Warfare; "We Can Always Beat The French". This rule is identical to
the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish,
and Vietnamese...
We won in Algeria but De Gaulle gave up for personal political reasons,
what proves your overt lack of knowledge - thanx.

Talking about the crusades, we often won and founded christian realms
(Jerusalem Realm) that lasted 2 centuries (Jerusalem Kings from 1099 to 1291 -

though in the end they weren't french anymore IIRC) despite the fact that
the muslims were more numerous.
Have you ever heard about the Templars (A french knight order), BTW ?
After the IVth crusade there were even french emperor of Constantinople and
of the byzantine empire ...


War On Terrorism - Keeping in mind it's history, France surrenders to
The 12/26/1994 the GIGN (our SWAT) stopped algerian islamists to crash a
plane on Paris (Possibly on the Eiffel tower)

The Germans and Muslims. Just to be safe, they attempt to surrender to
Vietnamese Ambassador, who takes refuge in a McDonalds...
Trolling is forbiden by the Geneva Convention...
As it is forbidden to have photographed sexual spree with prisonners
or to kill them ...
Q. How many French troops does it take to defend Paris?
A. Who knows? They've never tried.
wrong : 1870-71 and against the vikings in 885 and 910...
I suppose we can add 1914 though Paris wasn't besieged but saved
during a battle in movemement.

(BTW, yes, nearly fifty times in two hundred years the lands of
the Franks were invaded by the vikings and we were sometimes attacked
on the southwest by the Saracens of Spain, and on the northwest by
the Norsemen). The magyars also invaded the country (33 raids from
899 to 935) and the rest of Europe committing horrendous crimes.

Your historical knowledge is thin ... some of your examples are true
but a lot are incomplete or totally wrong, and you "strangely" forgot
to talk about some of our victories, sometimes wonderful, like when we stood
alone VS the whole Europe and won - BTW in the revolutionnaries war we
fought also VS other countries' armies and we won though our country
was broke (without money I mean), and without good officers ! (since in the
past th officers had to be nobles, so after the revolution ... well, I don't
need to make you a drawing, eh ...) - For an example of french
victory VS a foreign army, check the end and read the summing up of Fleurus.

What about the Franco-Gallic emperor Charlemagne (769-814) and
his big European Empire ? (also a vector of christianisation in Europe)
Talking about Christianisation, the famous Saint Patrick studied the
bible (in Nice and Auxerre) and was made bishop in France before
going to evangelise the Irish - France was a center of knowledge
in these dark times.

What about Clovis(465-511) (first king of France (Merovingian Dynasty)
[Louis, Ludwig, Lewis, Lodwick, Luis, luigi, Ludovic, are names coming
from the name "Clovis"]) that will conquer almost all the Gaul and is
the ONLY reason of the survival and the re-propagation
of the official catholic doctrine.in Europe (the other "germanic
tribes" at this times were arians (christian heretics (cf. Arius))
or heathen - What explains that France was also known as "the oldest
daughter of the Church". Clovis was the only catholic king of Europe
and is the one that won against all the others !

What about Charles Martel (The Hammer) that Stopped the muslim expansion
in 732 and 739 (the Wisigothic Spain was invaded since 711)
His son Pippin of Heristal (Pippin the short(?) - father of charlemagne)
that became king, is the one that gave at the Pope the embryo of his
pontifical states that Lasted till 1870 ...

France was a powerful realm.
Mathew paris an english chronicler qualified Saint Louis [1226-1270]
(aka Louis the IXth - and yes, this is the very same Saint Louis from
who the name of the big city in Missouri is taken) as "the King of the
Louis the IXth was become the arbiter of the Christian Europe.
His fame had gone beyond the western Europe. The mongols proposed him to
take the Turks in the back in the near orient (This proposition is kept
nowadays, in the "Archives Nationales" in Paris.
[BTW, the Russians were still vassals of the mongol horde at this time,

At the beginning of the XIVth century, the italian poet, Dante,
was complaining that "the Capetian" (king of France - at this time
"Philippe IV le Bel"(1285-1314)) was extending his shadow upon all the
christiannity and was thinking about being crowned as Emperor like
Everywhere, between th XIVth and XVth century, "The Realm" (or The Big
Realm) or "The King" (or the Big King) designated the King of France
that was seen as the archetype of the King.
At the beginning of the XVIth century, the King of France was seen as
the ideal to reach. Machiavel, the politic theorizer, was admirative of
the institutions of the realm of France.

You want a great french victory : in 1124, when the german emperor
invaded the Champagne region (France), the only fact that the french
king Louis the VIth deployed his army of knights, forced the emperor to
go away without any fight ...
Oh and do you know Bouvines (1214) ?
French realm against a coalition (england, saint roman germanic empire
(german emperor otton IV) and also the count of flanders
and count of Boulogne...
Guess what, the COALITION lost
(though they were about 3 times more numerous).


see the map at :

The Magna Carta (1215) was imposed to the king of England by
his barons because he was weakened after the battle
of Bouvines that _WE WON_ ...

Napo during the campaign of Italy in 1796, won against 80,000
well-equiped professional Austrian soldiers, though his soldiers were
starved withouth good clothes, without any artillery ... and were
(At this time France, its population and its army was
in a pitiful state, there were no more money, we were broke)

I could talk about many of the napoleonic battles (Jena and
Austerlitz comes to mind).

"Austerlitz, Dec. 1805: You always hear about Austerlitz as "Napoleon's
Greatest Victory," like the little guy personally went out
and wiped out thecombined Russian and Austrian armies.
The fact is, ever since the Revolution in 1789, French armies
had been kicking ass against everybody. They were
free citizens fighting against scared peasant and degenerate mercenaries,
and it was no contest. At Austerlitz, 65,000 French troops took on 90,000
Russians and Austrians and destroyed them.
Absolutely annihilated them. The French lost only 8,000,
compared to 29,000 of the enemy. The tactics Bonaparte used
were very risky, and would only have worked with superb
troops: he encouraged the enemy to attack a weak line, then brought up
reinforcements who'd been held out of sight. That kind of tactical plan
takes iron discipline and perfect timing--and the French had it."

BTW, France is the biggest European country by the size (Russia and
Ukraine apart what is kinda special you will admit !) is this just
by chance ? (of course Germany was amputated after WWII but ...)
Nowadays France is the 4th economical power too.

26 June, 1794

An important battle in deciding the fate of the infant French republic,
Fleurus is also noted for being one of the first battles to include aerial
It occurred when a sizeable Austrian army under the Prince of Saxe-Coburg
moved to attack a French army pushing into the Netherlands.
Saxe-Coburg's 52,000 regulars took on General Jean-Baptiste Jourdan's 75,000
troops, many of them conscipts, and found the going tough.
His poorly coordinated attacks were quickly countered by Jourdan who was
able to observe the Austrian moves from several military balloons.
The battle, which lasted about six hours, was a major reverse for the
First Coalition and ended Austrian control over the Netherlands.
French losses have been put at about 4000, while the Austrians suffered
2300 casualties.
Dunkerque : 26/05/1940 - 04/06/1940

"Lord Gort, Commander of the British Expeditionary Force, (240,000
troops) saw that he could not complete his orders to retreat to the
Somme. On May 25, he indicated to Churchill that he could not link up
with Weygand's forces and he was creating a perimeter around the town of
Dunkerque on the Pas de Calais. From May 27-30, the BEF consolidated
around Dunkerque, along with half of the French First Army. Five French
Divisions set up a roadblock at Lille, where they held out for four days
against seven German Panzer divisions. This allowed the British and the
French in Dunkerque to set up a defensive perimeter and wait for

The plan had called for 48,000 men to be removed. By the evening of May
30, 120,000 were rescued. Among these only 8,000 were French; this
worried Churchill greatly. He asked for more French soldiers to be
evacuated. "So few French have got out so far.......I will not accept
further sacrifices by the French."

On June 4, the last day of Operation Dynamo, over 26,000 French troops
were returned to England. The remaining 40,000 French troops were left
on the beaches and were taken by the German Army that very day.

The evacuation owed much to the unstinting bravery of the French First
Army fighting at the Dunkerque perimeter and to the RAF. 340,000 troops,
more than 100,000 of them French, could be evacuated to England to fight
again another day

Most of the French went back to fight in France, but the rescue of the
BEF gave heart to the British public all out of proportion to the defeat
it suffered."
2004-07-10 22:12:36 UTC
Post by waggg
You should remeber what is at the origin of this conflict : in 1066 the
Duke of Normandia (France) invaded England and won at Hastings, what
explains that the french language was the official language of the
english court at least 2 centuries, and that explains that TODAY, you're
talking in a huge part in old french your whole day (in fact almost
everytime that you open your mouth) - BTW nowadays the motto of the
English monarchy is : "Dieu et Mon Droit" ( french ) and the motto of
the Most Noble Order of the Garter, which was founded in 1348 by King
Edward III as a noble fraternity consisting of the King, the Prince of
Wales (or heir-apparent to the throne) and 24 Knights Companion is
"Honni soit qui mal y pense".
waggg you are a pathetic liar who is not about to let minor obstacles like the
truth and facts get in the way of your defense of france (if there is such a thing
as defending france...)

The Normans were ancestors of the Vikings; the name Normandy
was from the term "Normannia", or "Northman's land". The land was the
"Northman's Land" because the french leader Charles the Fat gave the territory
to the Vikings in exchange for not allowing other Vikings to sail up the Seine to
pillage Paris. In other words, the french were cowards who preferred to give up
land rather than fight.
Post by waggg
Plantagenêts is neither saxon nor angles ...
Oh, BTW, a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France
solde = money that fighters were paid) corp, regiment, division, army
is obviously derivated from armee, platoon from peloton, squad from
escouade, batallion from bataillon, garrison from garnison, even
warrior and war is derivating from 'guerrier' and 'guerre' some
old french words starting by 'g' were changed the'g' becoming
a 'w' in english (see : william : guillaume, warden : guardien,
wasp : Guespe (modern french : guêpe), to waste : gaster
(the old term for 'gater' (gâter pour les non ASCII 7 bits !) )
Some other words were taken to the french but they were taken by the
french from other countries : captain, colonel, cannon, battle etc...
so it's a little different.
'fleet' came from 'flotte' (french) that came from 'flotti' (old
scandinavian) that came from the old french 'flote' that meant "troop,
big bunch of persons", so I suppose this one counts anyway ;-)
Oh, and the bayonet was invented by the frenchmen (the name
comes from the name of the city named Bayonne)...
"a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France" ...
What could this be meaning ... hmm ... let's see . Well I let you search
by yourself (a clue ? war is not a so unknown thing to these swishy
frenchies ... maybe ?)
Yes, and French and German and Spanish and English and Norwegian
all share many non-military word stems as well. It is an artifact of human
migration and contact at the borders of countries, as well as the free
exchange of cultural, technological and ecomonic and religious ideas across
borders. Some non-military examples:

English=cat, Spanish=gato, German=katze, Norwegian=katt, french=chat.
English=fly (verb), German=fliege, Norwegian= flue,
English=priest, German=priester, Norwegian=prest,
English=gold, Norwegian=gull, German=gold
English=salt, Spanish=sal, German=salz, Norwegian=salt.

Adjacent areas with different languages often share the same word or a
minor variant. It is an artifact of human migration and contact at
the borders of countries, as well as the free exchange of cultural, technological
and ecomonic and religious ideas across borders. England is closest to france
so it is only logical that many words will be similar in french and english. france's
central location resulted in more opportunities for french contact, so there
are more languages with similarities to french.Your own post is simply a
poor grammatical construction that states the same thing I do, except you
add an element in which you attempt to wrongly attribute french superiority
as a factor.

But if you want to insist that the french language is everywhere, explain why
the world today speaks english and not coward-speak...
Post by waggg
American Revolution - In a move that will become familiar to future American
generations, France claims a win even though American colonists saw far More
action. This is later known as "The De Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to The
Second Rule Of Fench Warfare; " France Only Wins When America Does Most Of
The Fighting"...
read from the start to the end. Just do it, wiseass !
Who is the author of this article??? I have asked you at least twenty times in the last year
already, yet you always seem to have trouble answering.

Why should I believe the author? What are the credentials that make him an expert
on the subject of the American Revolution?

Is he a freshman living in the dormitory at MIT?

Anyone can create a web page. And just as easily, anyone can create a web page
that is fallacy. Just because something is printed on a web page does not make it
true. The credentials and reputation of the author are critical in determing whether
a web page is accurate.

Again, who is the author of this web page that you have repeatedly posted on
ANF??? What are the credentials he possesses that make his web page beyond

BTW waggg, can you name the only nation in the world in which a group of
unarmed slaves revolted, threw their owners out, and then subsequently repulsed all
military attempts to retake the country? And guess which country was inept and
incompetent enough to allow it to happen? One country was france, the other was
Haiti. Guess which one lost. Most people can get this one on the first guess based
upon prior examples of french military incompetance.

waggg, your propanganda approach is pathetically simple; you simply repeat the
same false statements over and over in the hopes that some will eventually believe
the lies. Most people won't, but you apparently feel that it is worth being abused by
hundreds of newsgroup readers if you can convince just one that your repeated cut
and paste posts are true. And when your lies are pointed out, you respond with more
lies, do not answer the questions posed to you in rebuttals, or simply refuse to
respond and then go paste the same lies in a new thread.

Give it up. The world knows france is a nation of pathetic cowards and you seem to
be the only one who disagrees.
2004-07-11 16:03:26 UTC
Hi joseph ...

the answers of your questions are there :


just use the good keyword :
2004-07-11 16:05:01 UTC

In Praise of Cowards
by Bill Bonner
Editor, The Daily Reckoning
Date, 2004

The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS
How did the word 'French' become synonymous with 'yellow-belly'? Bill
Bonner peruses the blood-stained pages of history...

"Rien ne saurait interrompre les actions généreusement bienfaisantes de
la France en Indochine."
(Nothing can stop the generous good works of France in Indochina [Vietnam].)
- Indo-China Governor-General Pierre Pasquier, 1930

A joke made its way around the Internet following the train bombings in

"In response to the terrorism events in Madrid, the French government
announced a change in its alert status...from 'run' to 'hide.' If the
threat worsens, the French may be forced to increase their level of
security, declaring a move to 'surrender' or 'collaboration' status as
events develop."

One of the many conceits Americans permit themselves is that they
bravely face up to the world's terrorist menace, while others - most
notably, the French - cower in fear.

Elsewhere, in the International Herald Tribune, comes a letter to the
editor in which the writer takes issue with an apparently widespread
report that John Kerry is worried about looking "too French" and that
this is a sign of "weakness" in the eyes of the lumpen voters.

We stop still in our tracks. We hold our breath. There must be a price
to be paid for such arrogant dumbo-ism. But Americans are ready to
believe anything - if it flatters them.

Anyone who has ever cracked open a history book couldn't help but know
that French history is drenched in blood. When it came to butchering
each other, what the Gaullic tribes didn't know about it probably wasn't
worth knowing. And then, there were the wars with the Romans...and with
the English...and religious wars...and wars with between
princes...between kingdoms...wars for no reason. Weakness? Cowardice? A
group of Norman French fighters no bigger than a small-town police force
invaded and captured all of England. Bonaparte took on all of
Europe...and almost beat them all.

General Marbot records an incident in the campaign against Russia in
which a group of French soldiers is cut off from the main force, but
visible from the Emperor's commandpost. Realizing that they could not
expect reinforcements, the brigade sent a message to Bonaparte - 'We,
who are about to die, salute you.' Then, they fought to the last man.

Later this month comes the anniversary of the Battle of Camerone.
Napoleon's nephew sent troops to Mexico in the 1860s. In the action
surrounding the siege of Puebla, a group of 60 French foreign
legionnaires was cut off and confronted by an army of 2,000 Mexicans.
The Mexican commander asked for a surrender. Instead, the French vowed
to fight to the last man. Trapped in an inn, the soldiers had nothing to
eat or drink. Then, the Mexicans set the place on fire.

"In spite of the heat and smoke," explains a report on the Internet,
"the legionnaires resisted, but many of them were killed or injured. By
5 pm on April 30, 1863, only 12 men could still fight with 2nd
Lieutenant Maudet. At this time, the Mexican colonel gathered his
soldiers and told them what a disgrace it would be if they were unable
to defeat such a small number of men. The Mexicans were about to give
the general assault through the holes opened in the walls of the
courtyard...[they] once again asked Lieutenant Maudet to surrender. Once
again, Maudet scornfully refused.

"The final charge was given. Soon, only 5 men were left around Maudet;
Corporal Maine, legionnaires Catteau, Wensel, Constantin, and Leonard.
Each had only one bullet left. In a corner of the courtyard, their backs
against the wall, still facing the enemy, they fixed bayonets. When the
signal was given, they opened fired and fought with their bayonets.
Luitenant Maudet and 2 legionnaires fell, mortally wounded. Maine, along
with his 2 remaining companions, were about to be slaughtered when a
Mexican officer saved them. He shouted: 'Surrender!'

"'We will, only if you promise to allow us to carry and care for our
injured men and if you leave us our guns.'

"'Nothing can be refused to men like you,' answered the officer."

And this spring also marks the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Dien
Bien Phu. Writer Graham Greene visited the French just before the
shooting started. He found them well supplied - with 48,000 bottles of
wine. But after the Vietnamese terrorists captured the airstrips, the
French were cut off and doomed. Still, they held out - hoping a
diplomatic solution could be found. It did not come.

After a 56 day siege, French general de Castries radioed his superior in
Hanoi: "I'm blowing up the installations. The ammunition dumps are
already exploding. Au revoir."

"Well then," came the reply, "au revoir, mon vieux."

After the fall of Indo-China, the French renounced their "civilizing
mission" foreign policy. Now, it is America that tromps over the planet,
claiming to make the world a better place.

But when it comes to blockheaded bellicosity and desperate courage,
Americans have nothing to teach the French.

In comparison to Napoleon's grand campaigns, America's early wars were
piddling, tawdry affairs. Its wars against the Mexicans and Spaniards,
for example, were more sordid than glorious. Even its Revolutionary War
was merely a minor engagement in comparison to the Napoleonic wars, and
only won because the French intervened at a crucial moment to pull
Americans' chestnuts out of the fire. Here, we quote Charles W. Eliot's
history, in which he describes how the patriots had fallen "into a
condition of despondency from which nothing but the steadfastness of
Washington and the Continental army and the aid from France saved them."

In WWI, the French battered themselves against the Germans for two years
- and suffered more casualties than America had in all its wars put
together - before the Pershing ever set foot in France. Again, in WWII,
Americans waited until the combatants had been softened up...before
entering the war with an extraordinary advantage in fresh soldiers and
almost unlimited supplies.

Americans have no history. Probably just as well. The French, on the
other hand, have too much. Practically every street in Paris reminds
them of a slaughter somewhere. Upon the Arc de Triomphe, Les Invalides,
and dozens of other piles of stone, the names of towns in Germany,
Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia...or North Africa...are inscribed. Each one
marks the deaths of thousands of French soldiers - gone early to their
graves for who-remembers-what important national purpose. Every town in
France, even the most remote and forlorn little burg, has at its center
a pillar of granite or marble - with the names of the men whose bodies
were torn to bit by flying lead or corroded by some battlefield disease.
A whole race of orphans grew up after WWI...and special seats on the
subway were designated for those "mutilated in war" including thousands
of "sans gueules" - men who had had their jaws blown away and yet
survived, too horrible to look upon.

The French have had enough of war - at least for now. Let them enjoy a
well-earned cowardice. We will get our chance.


Bill Bonner
The Daily Reckoning
2004-07-12 14:27:35 UTC
Who was behind the infamous blog/email/usenet troll known as "The Complete
Military History of France" ?

The so-called Complete Military History of France seems to have been first
written by the bloggers from "Silflay Hraka" on 19th January 2003. Silflay
Hraka is a North Carolina Site run by a trio with nicknames like Bigwig,
Kehaar and Woundwort. Two of these bloggers seem to be tech/support staff at
a local NC newspaper and UNC, the third is a professor at a local christian
university in Elon North Carolina.

The appearance of this document on usenet did not happen until a Florida
teacher, once a former US army officer, posted an abridged document on a
website on February 6th 2003. The post was then copied and forwarded by
someone named Rinaldi at Michigan University to seattle.politics. In the
next number of days, the document was cross posted to hundreds of other
usenet groups. Since then the document has been copied to hundreds of blogs.

The question none has bothered to ask, is where did this document really
come from?

All of these bloggers reside in an area that is a short drive away from
Fort Bragg, home of the 4th Psychological Unit, but that is probably only a

Red: historical fact
Blue: editorial content
Green: corrections

(sorry if you have no colors here: see the page
at:http://www.miquelon.org/history-wars.html - Cyrano de B.)

Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of
French history, France is conquered by of all things, an Italian (Roman
Emperor Julius Caesar).

DATES: 58 - 52 B.C.E.
FACT: A series of campaigns led by Julius Caesar against Vercingetorix
leading the numerous tribes that lived in Gaul (roughly equivalent to the
area of France today.) The results of the wars were 1) Rome took control
over Gaul and 2) Caesar made his reputation as a great general.
Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, saved at last by female schizophrenic who
inadvertently creates The First Rule of French Warfare; "France's armies are
victorious only when NOT led by a Frenchman."
WEB SOURCE: http://www.lbdb.com/TMDisplayWar.cfm?WID=53

Italian Wars - Lost. France becomes the first and only country to ever lose
two wars (Not factual, see below)-- when fighting Italians.

DATES: 1494-1559
FACTS: The wars began when, in 1494, Charles VIII of France invaded Italy
and seized (1495) Naples without effort, only to be forced to retreat by a
coalition of Spain, the Holy Roman emperor, the pope, Venice, and Milan. His
successor, Louis XII, occupied (1499) Milan and Genoa. Louis gained his next
objective, Naples, by agreeing to its conquest and partition with Ferdinand
V of Spain and by securing the consent of Pope Alexander VI. Disagreement
over division of the spoils between the Spanish and the French, however,
flared into open warfare in 1502. Louis XII was forced to consent to the
Treaties of Blois (1504-5), keeping Milan and Genoa but pledging Naples to
Trouble began again when Pope Julius II formed (1508) an alliance against
Venice with France, Spain, and Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (see Cambrai,
League of). But shortly after the French victory over the Venetians at
Agnadello (1509), Julius made peace with Venice and began to form the Holy
League (1510) in order to expel the French "barbarians" from Italy. The
French held their own until the Swiss stormed Milan (1512)-which they
nominally restored to the Sforzas-routed the French at Novara (1513), and
controlled Lombardy until they were defeated in turn by Louis's successor,
Francis I, at Marignano (1515). By the peace of Noyon (1516), Naples
remained in Spanish hands and Milan was returned to France.
The rivalry between Francis I and Charles V, king of Spain and (after
1519) Holy Roman emperor, reopened warfare in 1521, and the French were
badly defeated in the Battle of Pavia (1525), the most important in the long
wars. Francis was forced to sign the Treaty of Madrid (1526), by which he
renounced his Italian claims and ceded Burgundy. This he repudiated, as soon
as he was liberated, by forming the League of Cognac with Pope Clement VII,
Henry VIII of England, Venice, and Florence.
To punish the pope, Charles V sent Charles de Bourbon against Rome, which
was sacked for a full week (May, 1527). The French, after an early success
at Genoa, were eventually forced to abandon their siege of Naples and
retreat. The war ended (1529) with the Treaty of Cambrai (see Cambrai,
Treaty of) and the renunciation of Francis's claims in Italy. France's two
subsequent wars (1542-44 and 1556-57) ended in failure. Francis died in
1547, having renounced Naples (for the third time) in the Treaty of Crépy.
Complete Spanish supremacy in Italy was obtained by the Treaty of
Cateau-Cambrésis (1559), which gave the Two Sicilies and Milan to Philip II.
The wars, though ruinous to Italy, had helped to spread the Italian
Renaissance in Western Europe. From the military viewpoint, they signified
the passing of chivalry, which found its last great representative in the
seigneur de Bayard. The use of Swiss and German mercenaries was
characteristic of the wars, and artillery passed its first major test.
WEB SOURCE: http://www.bartleby.com/65/it/ItalianW.html

Wars of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huguenots (Civil war fought
between warring factions within France based on religious and political
lines, the Huguenots were French).

DATES: 1562-1598
FACTS: The religious wars began with overt hostilities in 1562 and lasted
until the Edict of Nantes in 1598. It was warfare that devastated a
generation, although conducted in rather desultory, inconclusive way.
Although religion was certainly the basis for the conflict, it was much more
than a confessional dispute. The Second War (1567-1568), The Third War
(1568-1570), The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre (1572), The Fourth War
(1572-1573), The Fifth War (1576), The Seventh War (1580), The War of the
Three Henries (1584-1589), The Wars of the League (1589-1598). 1598 saw the
publication of the Edict of Nantes, which granted Huguenots freedom of
worship and civil rights for nearly a century, until Henri IV's descendent
Louis XIV revoked it in 1685.
Soon after Machiavelli and Erasmus wrote, Europe was torn apart by
religious wars between Catholics and the newly formed Protestant faith.
Protestant states persecuted Catholics and Catholic states continued, as
they had for centuries, to persecute "heretics." In France the religious
wars reached a climax with the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre (24 August
1572) of Protestants after which Protestant political philosophers such as
Philippe du Plessis-Mornay developed the theory of tyrannicide in the
"Defence of Liberty against Tyrants" (1579). According to this theory
persecuted Protestants had both the right and the duty to rise up against
their oppressors and assassinate them if necessary.
Series of civil wars in France, also known as the Huguenot Wars. 1
The immediate issue was the French Protestants' struggle for freedom of
worship and the right of establishment (see Huguenots). Of equal importance,
however, was the struggle for power between the crown and the great nobles
and the rivalry among the great nobles themselves for the control of the
WEB SOURCE: http://www.lepg.org/wars.htm,

Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages to
get invaded anyway (Unfounded claim). Claims a tie on the basis that
eventually the other participants started ignoring her.

DATES: Thirty Year's War 1618 - 1648
FACTS: The Thirty Years War consisted of a series of declared and
undeclared wars which raged through the years 1618-1648 throughout central
Europe. During the Thirty Years War the opponents were, on the one hand, the
House of Austria: the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperors Ferdinand II and
Ferdinand III together with his Spanish cousin Philip IV.
France took control of Alsace and much of the Rhineland while the Swedes
took over or neutralized northern Germany and carried the war into Bohemia.
The entry of France into the Thirty Years' War was the point of departure
for a Franco-German traditional enmity, which was efficiently fomented
during the late 19th century, while the Peace of Westphalia was interpreted
as a visible sign of the inner conflicts and the powerlessness of the Reich.
WEB SOURCE: http://www-geschichte.fb15.uni-dortmund.de/fnz/thirty.html,

War of Devolution - Tied. Frenchmen take to wearing red flower pots as
chapeaux (?).

DATES: 1667-1668
FACTS: On the basis of a complicated legal claim, Louis XIV of France
overran the Spanish Netherlands and Franche-Comté. The United Provinces, in
alarm, formed the Triple Alliance with England and Sweden, and France was
forced to make peace.
The French easily captured (1667) the Spanish Netherlands. The United
Provinces, in alarm, formed the Triple Alliance with England and Sweden
(Jan., 1668). The French overran Franche-Comté (Feb., 1668) but came to
terms with the Triple Alliance in the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (May, 1668).
WEB SOURCE: http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/D/Devoluti.asp

The Dutch War - Tied.

DATES: War of 1652-54, War of 1664-67, War of 1672-78
FACTS: Series of conflicts between the English and Dutch during the mid to
late 17th cent. The wars had their roots in the Anglo-Dutch commercial
rivalry, although the last of the three wars was a wider conflict in which
French interests played a primary role. The war of 1672-78 was the first of
the great wars of Louis XIV of France. It was fought to end Dutch
competition with French trade and to extend Louis XIV's empire. Having
obtained the support of Charles II of England by the secret Treaty of Dover
(1670) and allied himself with Sweden (see Charles XI) and several German
states, Louis overran the southern provinces of the Netherlands (May, 1672).
The Dutch stopped his advance on Amsterdam by opening the dikes; about the
same time, under the command of De Ruyter, the Dutch defeated the English
and French fleets at Southwold Bay. When Dutch peace proposals made at this
juncture were spurned by the French, a revolution broke out, and William of
Orange (later William III of England) took over Dutch leadership from the
ill-fated Jan de Witt (July, 1672). William's attempt to divide the French
lines and enter France was countered by the French seizure of Maastricht
(1673). By the end of the year the French were forced to retreat, and Spain,
the Holy Roman emperor, Brandenburg, Denmark, and other powers entered the
war on the side of the Dutch. In 1674, England made peace with the Dutch.
Nevertheless, the military situation changed in favor of France. In 1674,
Louis II de Condé won the battle of Seneff, while Turenne was victorious at
Sinzheim. The defeats Créquy suffered in 1675 were balanced by the
successful naval campaign of Abraham Duquesne in 1676, and in 1677 the
French defeated William at Cassel and took Freiburg. Peace was negotiated at
Nijmegen in 1678. Maastricht was ceded to the Dutch and a trade treaty
modified the French restrictive tariffs in favor of the Dutch. By a
subsequent treaty with Spain, Louis received Franche-Comté and a chain of
border fortresses in return for evacuating the Spanish Netherlands. By a
treaty with the Holy Roman emperor (1679), France was confirmed in
possession of Freiburg and a part of Lorraine.
WEB SOURCE: http://www.bartleby.com/65/du/DutchWar.html

War of the Augsburg League / King William's War / French and Indian
War -Lost, but claimed as a tie. Three ties in a row induces deluded
Frogophiles the world over to label the period as the height of French
military power.

DATES: 1688 - 1697
FACTS: defensive alliance formed by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I with
various German states, including Bavaria and the Palatinate, and with Sweden
and Spain so far as their German interests were concerned. It was an
acknowledgment of a community of German feeling against French expansion.
The war that broke out after the French attack on the Palatinate in Oct.,
1688, is sometimes designated the War of the League of Augsburg. In 1689 a
new coalition against the French, the Grand Alliance, was formed by Austria,
England, and the Netherlands. Savoy and Spain later joined the Alliance, and
the war of 1688-97 is more properly known as the War of the Grand Alliance.
WEB SOURCE: http://www.slider.com/enc/4000/Augsburg_League_of.htm ,

War of the Spanish Succession - Lost. The War also gave the French their
first taste of a Marlborough, which they have loved ever since.

DATES: 1702-13
FACTS: The War of the Spanish Succession, also known as Marlborough's
Wars, fought in Europe and on the Mediterranean, were the last and the
bloodiest of the Wars between England and France under Louis XIV, and the
first in which Britain played a major military role in European military
affairs. In 1713 England, Holland, and France signed the Peace of Utrecht.
Charles continued the war until 1714. Although Philip remained on the
Spanish throne, the principle of balance of power had been established in
European dynastic affairs.
By the terms of the treaty France agreed never to unite the crowns of
France and Spain, while Britain acquired Hudson's Bay, Acadia, and
Newfoundland from the French, Gibraltar and Minorca from Spain, new trading
privileges with Spain, and a monopoly of the slave trade with the Spanish
Empire. France obtained the island of Cape Breton (Isle Royale) in North
WEB SOURCE: http://www.kipar.org/kirkes_spanish_succession.html

American Revolution - In a move that will become quite familiar to future
Americans, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw far
more action. This is later known as "de Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to the
Second Rule of French Warfare; "France only wins when America does most of
the fighting."

FACTS : The French extended considerable financial support to the
Congressional forces. France also supplied vital military arms and supplies,
and loaned money to pay for their purchase.
The high point of French support is the landing of five battalions of
French infantry and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French
troops under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where
they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette.
A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse intercepted and,
after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated the British fleet and
forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy to land heavy siege cannon
and other supplies and trapped Cornwallis on the Yorktown peninsula.
Abbé Robin, who witnessed the surrender, described the victorious American
and French forces present at the ceremony. "Among the Americans, the wide
variety in age -- 12 to 14-year old children stood side by side with
grandfathers -- the absence of uniformity in their bearing and their ragged
clothing made the French allies appear more splendid by contrast. The
latter, in their immaculate white uniforms and blue braid, gave an
impression of martial vigor despite their fatigue.
How strange it must have been for these French troops and their new-found
colonial allies, some of whom had fought each other as enemies barely
fifteen years earlier, to stand shoulder to shoulder in armed conflict with
France's ancient enemy and the colonist's blood kin! In the end, these
French soldiers became the hard anvil upon which the new American nation was
forged and the chains of British imperial domination were finally broken.
WEB SOURCES: http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/sfelshin/saintonge/frhist.html

French Revolution - Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also

DATES: 1789 -1792
FACTS: Brutal civil war that spawned a long process that took France from
Tyranny to Democracy.
WEB SOURCES: http://history.hanover.edu/modern/Frenchrv.htm,

The Napoleonic Wars - Lost (Great number of battles). Temporary victories
(remember the First Rule!) due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up
being no match for a British footwear designer.

DATES: Wars lasted from 1803 until 1815.
FACTS: The Napoleonic. They were an continuation of the conflicts sparked
by the French Revolution.
The First Coalition (1793-1795) had been the first attempt to crush
republicanism. Defeated by the French efforts - levée en masse, military
reform, total war. The Second Coalition (1798-1800) was no more effective.
Napoleon Bonaparte had come to control the French state since 1796. But he
was unable to invade Britain directly, so boldly offered a double threat,
invading Egypt in the summer of 1798 and mounting another expedition to
Ireland. The French fleet was defeated by Horatio Nelson in the Battle of
the Nile (August 1) at Aboukir (Abu Qir) and the Irish problem was quickly
contained. Napoleon was trapped in Egypt and the old members of the First
Coalition, excluding Prussia, quickly took advantage of this seeming lapse.
Early victories in Switzerland and Italy were promising, but Russia
withdrew; the British declined to engage and the Austrians were left to face
the returning Napoleon at Marengo (June 14, 1800) and then at Hohenlinden
(December 3). The bloodied Austrians temporarily left the conflict after the
Treaty of Lunéville (February 1801).
The Treaty of Amiens (1802) made peace between Britain and France, marked
the final collapse of the Second Coalition. The French "perfidity" led to
Britain refusing to honour the treaty and the renewal of hostilities from
May 18, 1803. The conflict changed over its course from a general desire to
restore the French monarchy into an almost manichean struggle against
1805 April: Britain and Russia sign a treaty to liberate Holland and
Switzerland. Austria joins the alliance in May (?), after the annexation of
Genoa and the proclamation of Napoleon as King of Italy. French army moved
from Boulogne in late July, 1805. At Ulm (September 25 - October 20) the
French defeated 70,000 Austrians under Karl Mack von Leiberich. Austerlitz
(December 2) was another massive Russian-Austrian defeat. Treaty of
Germany, Confederation of the Rhine. Hanseatic towns. Prussians declare
war alone. Defeated at Jena and Auerstädt (October 14. 1806). Napoleon in
Berlin 27th.
Russians, 1806. Stalemate at Eylau (February 7-8), but routed at Friedland
(June 14). Alexander I and Naopoleon made peace at Tilsit (July 7, 1807).
Congress of Erfurt (1808).
Britain alone, again. British military activity was reduced to a
succession of small victories in the French colonies and another naval
victory at Copenhagen (September 2, 1807). On land only the disastrous
Walcheren Expedition (1809) was attempted. The struggle then centred over
economic warfare - Continental System vs. naval blockade. Both sides entered
conflicts trying to enforce their blockade - the British the Anglo-American
War (1812-1814) and the French the much more serious Peninsular War
(1808-1814); Portugal, Bayonne (April), guerillas, Arthur Wellesley.
Industrial Revolution.
1809 Austria attacks into Bavaria. Defeated at Wagram, July 5-6. Treaty of
Schönbrunn (October 14, 1809).
1810 French empire reaches its greatest extent. Naopoleon marries
Marie-Louise. As well as the French empire, Napoleon controlled the Swiss
Confederation, the Confederation of the Rhine, and the Grand Duchy of
Warsaw. Allied territories included: the Kingdom of Spain (Joseph
Bonaparte); Kingdom of Westphalia (Jerome Bonaparte); the Kingdom of Italy
(Eugène de Beauharnais, son of Joséphine (Napoleon was king)); the Kingdom
of Naples (Joachim Murat, brother-in-law); Principality of Lucca and
Piombino (Felix Bacciochi, brother-in-law).
Russia. 1812. Grande Armée, 600,000 men (270,000 French), crossed the
Niemen River June 23, 1812. Russian policy of retreat and scorched earth.
Borodino (September 7), bloody but indecisive. 14th Moscow captured and
largely burned. Alexander I refused to deal. Great Retreat, 275,000
casualties, 200,000 captured. By November only 10,000 fit soldiers were
among those who crossed the Berezina River. Napoleon returned to Paris in
At Vitoria (June 21, 1813) the French power in Spain was finally broken.
Arthur Wellesley vs. Joseph Bonaparte. French forced to retreat out of
Spain, over the Pyrenees.
Austria and Prussia re-enter the war. France had small victories at Lützen
(May 2) and Bautzen (May 20-21) over Russo-Prussian forces. Battle of
Leipzig (October 16-19, 1813), Battle of the Nations: 195,000 French,
350,000 Allies; 110,000 casualties. Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube. Treaty of
Chaumont (March 9). Allies enter Paris, March 31, 1814. Napoleon abdicated
April 6. Treaty of Fontainebleau.
Elba. Bourbon Restoration.
Hundred Days. Napoleon landed at Cannes, March 1, 1815. Raised 280,000
men. Attacked the Allies in Belgium, intending to take Wellington and
Blucher in turn. Ligny (June 15), he defeated the Prussians, they retreated
to Wavre. At Quatre Bras on same day Wellington was held. Battle of Waterloo
(June 18). Napoleon abdicates again June 22, 1815. Saint Helena.
WEB SOURCES: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleonic_Wars,

The Franco-Prussian War - Lost. Germany first plays the role of drunk Frat
boy to France's ugly girl home alone on a Saturday night.

DATES: 1870-1871
FACTS: Conflict between France and Prussia that signaled the rise of
German military power and imperialism. It was provoked by Otto von Bismarck
(the Prussian chancellor) as part of his plan to create a unified German
Partly because they believed France the aggressor, the states of S Germany
enthusiastically joined the North German Confederation-just as Bismarck had
hoped. The military conduct of the war was, for the Germans, in the hands of
Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke, a military genius. On the French side,
Napoleon III took active command, but it soon devolved on Marshal Bazaine.
On Aug. 4, 1870, the Germans crossed the border into Alsace. They defeated
the French at Wissembourg, pushed the French under Marshal MacMahon to
Châlons-en-Champagne, and forced a wedge between MacMahon's forces and those
of Bazaine, centered on Metz. Bazaine, attempting to join MacMahon, was
defeated at Vionville (Aug. 16) and Gravelotte (Aug. 18) and returned to
Metz. The Germans began their march on Paris, and on Sept. 1 the attempt of
Napoleon III and MacMahon to rescue Bazaine led to disaster at Sedan. The
emperor and 100,000 of his men were captured.
When the news of Sedan reached Paris a bloodless revolution occurred.
Napoleon was deposed, and a provisional government of national defense was
formed under General Trochu, Léon Gambetta, and Jules Favre. Paris was
surrounded by the Germans on Sept. 19, and a grueling siege began. Gambetta
escaped from Paris in a balloon to organize resistance in the provinces.
Faidherbe made a gallant stand on the Loire, Chanzy in the north, and
Bourbaki in the east, but the surrender (Oct. 27) of Bazaine, with a
garrison of 180,000 men, made such resistance useless. Paris, however, held
out until Jan. 28, 1871, suffering several months of famine. Though Bismarck
and Adolphe Thiers signed an armistice on the same day, the fortress of
Belfort resisted until Feb. 16.
WEB SOURCES: http://www.bartleby.com/65/fr/FrancoPr.html

World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
with a winner, but one who doesn't call her "Fraulein." Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French

DATES: 1914 - 1918
FACTS: Imperial, territorial, and economic rivalries led to the "Great
War" between the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and
Turkey) and the Allies (U.S., Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Serbia,
Greece, Romania, Montenegro, Portugal, Italy, Japan). About 10 million
combatants killed, 20 million wounded.
1914- Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wife assassinated in
Sarajevo by Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip (June 28). Austria declares
war on Serbia (July 28). Germany declares war on Russia (Aug. 1), on France
(Aug. 3), invades Belgium (Aug. 4). Britain declares war on Germany (Aug.
4). Germans defeat Russians in Battle of Tannenberg on Eastern Front (Aug.).
First Battle of the Marne (Sept.). German drive stopped 25 miles from Paris.
By end of year, war on the Western Front is "positional" in the trenches.
1915 - German submarine blockade of Great Britain begins (Feb.).
Dardanelles Campaign-British land in Turkey (April), withdraw from Gallipoli
(Dec.-Jan. 1916). Germans use gas at second Battle of Ypres (April-May).
Lusitania sunk by German submarine-1,198 lost, including 128 Americans (May
7). On Eastern Front, German and Austrian "great offensive" conquers all of
Poland and Lithuania; Russians lose 1 million men (by Sept. 6). "Great Fall
Offensive" by Allies results in little change from 1914 (Sept.-Oct.).
Britain and France declare war on Bulgaria (Oct. 14).
1916 - Battle of Verdun-Germans and French each lose about 350,000 men
(Feb.). Extended submarine warfare begins (March). British-German sea battle
of Jutland (May); British lose more ships, but German fleet never ventures
forth again. On Eastern Front, the Brusilov offensive demoralizes Russians,
costs them 1 million men (June-Sept.). Battle of the Somme-British lose over
400,000; French, 200,000; Germans, about 450,000; all with no strategic
results (July-Nov.). Romania declares war on Austria-Hungary (Aug. 27).
Bucharest captured (Dec.).
1917 - U.S. declares war on Germany (April 6). Submarine warfare at peak
(April). On Italian Front, Battle of Caporetto-Italians retreat, losing
600,000 prisoners and deserters (Oct.-Dec.). On Western Front, Battles of
Arras, Champagne, Ypres (third battle), etc. First large British tank attack
(Nov.). U.S. declares war on Austria-Hungary (Dec. 7). Armistice between new
Russian Bolshevik government and Germans (Dec. 15).
1918 - Great offensive by Germans (March-June). Americans' first important
battle role at Château-Thierry-as they and French stop German advance
(June). Second Battle of the Marne (July-Aug.)-start of Allied offensive at
Amiens, St. Mihiel, etc. Battles of the Argonne and Ypres panic German
leadership (Sept.-Oct.). British offensive in Palestine (Sept.). Germans ask
for armistice (Oct. 4). British armistice with Turkey (Oct.). German Kaiser
abdicates (Nov.). Hostilities cease on Western Front (Nov. 11)
WEB SOURCES: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWchronology.htm,

World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States and
Britain just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song.

DATES: 1939 - 1945
FACTS: 1939 - Germany invades Poland and annexes Danzig; Britain and
France give Hitler ultimatum (Sept. 1), declare war (Sept. 3). Disabled
German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee blown up off Montevideo, Uruguay,
on Hitler's orders (Dec. 17). Limited activity ("Sitzkrieg") on Western
1940 - Nazis invade Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg (May 10).
Chamberlain resigns as Britain's prime minister; Churchill takes over (May
10). Germans cross French frontier (May 12) using air/tank/infantry
"Blitzkrieg" tactics. Dunkerque evacuation-about 335,000 out of 400,000
Allied soldiers rescued from Belgium by British civilian and naval craft
(May 26-June 3). Italy declares war on France and Britain; invades France
(June 10). Germans enter Paris; city undefended (June 14). France and
Germany sign armistice at Compiègne (June 22). Nazis bomb Coventry, England
(Nov. 14).
1941 - Germans launch attacks in Balkans. Yugoslavia surrenders-General
Mihajlovic continues guerrilla warfare; Tito leads left-wing guerrillas
(April 17). Nazi tanks enter Athens; remnants of British Army quit Greece
(April 27). Hitler attacks Russia (June 22). Atlantic Charter-FDR and
Churchill agree on war aims (Aug. 14). Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor,
Philippines, Guam force U.S. into war; U.S. Pacific fleet crippled (Dec. 7).
U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan. Germany and Italy declare war on
U.S.; Congress declares war on those countries (Dec. 11).
1942 - British surrender Singapore to Japanese (Feb. 15). Roosevelt orders
Japanese and Japanese Americans in western U.S. to be exiled to "relocation
centers," many for the remainder of the war (Feb. 19). U.S. forces on Bataan
peninsula in Philippines surrender (April 9). U.S. and Filipino troops on
Corregidor island in Manila Bay surrender to Japanese (May 6). Village of
Lidice in Czechoslovakia razed by Nazis (June 10). U.S. and Britain land in
French North Africa (Nov. 8).
1943 - Casablanca Conference-Churchill and FDR agree on unconditional
surrender goal (Jan. 14-24). German 6th Army surrenders at
Stalingrad-turning point of war in Russia (Feb. 1-2). Remnants of Nazis
trapped on Cape Bon, ending war in Africa (May 12). Mussolini deposed;
Badoglio named premier (July 25). Allied troops land on Italian mainland
after conquest of Sicily (Sept. 3). Italy surrenders (Sept. 8). Nazis seize
Rome (Sept. 10). Cairo Conference: FDR, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek pledge
defeat of Japan, free Korea (Nov. 22-26). Teheran Conference: FDR,
Churchill, Stalin agree on invasion plans (Nov. 28-Dec. 1).
1944 - U.S. and British troops land at Anzio on west Italian coast and
hold beachhead (Jan. 22). U.S. and British troops enter Rome (June 4).
D-Day-Allies launch Normandy invasion (June 6). Hitler wounded in bomb plot
(July 20). Paris liberated (Aug. 25). Athens freed by Allies (Oct. 13).
Americans invade Philippines (Oct. 20). Germans launch counteroffensive in
Belgium-Battle of the Bulge (Dec. 16).
1945 - Yalta Agreement signed by FDR, Churchill, Stalin-establishes basis
for occupation of Germany, returns to Soviet Union lands taken by Germany
and Japan; USSR agrees to friendship pact with China (Feb. 11). Mussolini
killed at Lake Como (April 28). Admiral Doenitz takes command in Germany;
suicide of Hitler announced (May 1). Berlin falls (May 2). Germany signs
unconditional surrender terms at Rheims (May 7). Allies declare V-E Day (May
8). Potsdam Conference-Truman, Churchill, Atlee (after July 28), Stalin
establish council of foreign ministers to prepare peace treaties; plan
German postwar government and reparations (July 17-Aug. 2). A-bomb dropped
on Hiroshima by U.S. (Aug. 6). USSR declares war on Japan (Aug. 8). Nagasaki
hit by A-bomb (Aug. 9). Japan agrees to surrender (Aug. 14). V-J
Day-Japanese sign surrender terms aboard battleship Missouri (Sept. 2).
WEB SOURCES: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/2WW.htm,

War in Indochina - Lost. French forces plead sickness, take to bed with the
Dien Bien Flu.

DATES: 1946 - 1954
FACTS: After the defeat of Japan, the question arose of what was to happen
to Vietnam in the postwar world. There were two opposing forces attempting
to answer that question, both of them appealing to the United States for
help. The French wanted to reassert their control over Vietnam. Challenging
them was a powerful nationalist movement within Vietnam committed to
creating an independent nation. The nationalists were organized into a
political party, the Vietminh, which had been created in 1941 and led ever
since by Ho Chi Minh, a communist educated in Paris and Moscow, and a
fervent Vietnamese nationalist.
At first, the French had little difficulty reestablishing control. They
drove Ho Chi Minh out of Hanoi and into hiding in the countryside; and in
1949, they established a nominally independent national government under the
leadership of the former emperor, Bao Dai--an ineffectual, westernized
playboy unable to assert any real independent authority. The real power
remained in the hands of the French. But the Vietminh continued to challenge
the French dominated regime and slowly increased its control over large
areas of the countryside. The French appealed to the United States for
support; and in February 1950, the Truman administration formally recognized
the Bao Dai regime and agreed to provide it with direct military and
aid. For the next four years, during what has become known as the First
Indochina War, Truman and then Eisenhower continued to support the French
military campaign against the Vietminh; by 1954, by some calculations, the
United States was paying 80% of the France's war costs. But the
war went badly for the French anyway. Finally, late in 1953, Vietminh
forces engaged the French in a major battle in the far northwest corner of
the country, at Dien Bien Phu, an isolated and almost indefensible site. The
French were surrounded, and the battle turned into a prolonged
and horrible siege, with the French position steadily deteriorating. It
was at this point that the Eisenhower administration decided not to
intervene to save the French. The defense of Dien Bien Phu collapsed and the
French government decided the time had come to get out. The First Indochina
War had come to an end.
The politicians of the Fourth Republic had to deal with a number of
problems related to France's status as a colonial power. The first of these
problems centred on Indochina, i.e. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos (French
protectorates had been established in the first two in 1863 and in the third
in 1893). In September 1945, Hô Chi Minh, leader of the Vietminh League, had
declared Vietnam's independence. Negotiations were underway to grant Vietnam
the status of a free state within the Union française (roughly equivalent to
the British Commonwealth) when, in November 1946, shots were exchanged
between a Chinese junk and French customs officers in the port of Haïphong.
Pro-colonialists exploited the incident to try and halt Vietnam's
independence. Thus began an eight-year war that culminated in the French
defeat at Diên Biên Phu in May 1954 (to learn more, click here).
WEB RESOURCES: http://latis.ex.ac.uk/French/cooke/indochina.htm,

Algerian Rebellion - Lost. Loss marks the first defeat of a western army by
a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades, and produces the First Rule of
Muslim Warfare; "We can always beat the French." This rule is identical to
the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish,
Vietnamese and Esquimaux (?).

DATES: 1954-1962
FACTS: War for Algerian independence from France. The movement for
independence began in World War I and gained momentum after promises of
greater self-rule went unfulfilled after World War II. In 1954 the National
Liberation Front (FLN) began a guerrilla war against France and sought
diplomatic recognition at the UN to restore a sovereign Algerian state. In
1959 Charles de Gaulle declared that the Algerians had the right to
determine their own future. Despite terrorist acts by European Algerians
opposed to independence, a truce was signed in 1962 and Algeria became
The Algerian war was also a civil war between the French Government,
Algerian Nationalists and European Algerians.
WEB SOURCES: http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=380297,

War Against Greenpeace - Lost. 1985, the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior
prepares to sail for Moruroa Atoll for a major campaign against French
nuclear testing. Agents of the DGSE [secret service] bomb and sink the ship
in Auckland Harbor. I tree-hugger sans tree drowns. Six weeks later agents
Prieur and Mafart plead guilty to charges of manslaughter and willful
damage. They get sentences of 10 years and 7 years. French Prime Minister
Fabius admits to state terrorism on TV.

The Rainbow Warrior Affair -
The Bombing of the Rainbow Warrior -

War on Terrorism - France, keeping in mind its recent history, surrenders to
Germans and Muslims just to be safe. Attempts to surrender to Vietnamese
ambassador fail after he takes refuge in a McDonald's.

France has been remarkably successful in thwarting Islamist terrorism. The
French experience holds some challenging lessons for the U.S. - Time
France's anti-terrorist squad makes arrests outside Paris
In the early 1990s, Islamist radicals found a pool of willing recruits in
the cauldrons of youthful rage found in the impoverished suburban ghettoes
that house many of France's 5 million people of Arab origin. The point of
connection between the suburbs of Paris and Marseilles and Osama Bin Laden's
Afghanistan-based networks came via Algeria. There, the military-backed
government overturned elections won by the Islamists, banned their party and
drove its most extreme elements underground - where they've led a merciless
war of terror against politicians and citizens alike. The most notorious
Algerian terror faction, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), had been founded by
men who'd fought as volunteers alongside Bin Laden in Afghanistan's
anti-Soviet 'jihad.' When that war ended with the Soviet withdrawal, the men
moved into France and began recruiting young thugs and exploiting their
larcenous talents to raise money and build an infrastructure to attack
France for its support of the Algerian government.
A far-reaching law
Operatives recruited in France helped staged a series of bombing attacks
during 1995 that left eight dead and around 150 wounded. French
anti-terrorist police ultimately tracked down the bombers, and developed an
extensive "human intelligence" capability to monitor the wider networks of
which they'd been a part. French law-enforcement was also aided by a
catch-all crime law: Simply by citing "association with wrong-doers involved
in a terrorist enterprise," French police are able to arrest and detain any
suspect in any crime whose goal, however remotely, can ultimately assist
terrorist activity. That law shocks civil libertarians in the U.S. and
Britain, but French officials retort that those countries' commitment to
strict civil libertarian principles has made them havens where Islamist
militants can plot terror with less risk of detection because of the legal
restraints on techniques such as spot ID checks and information monitoring.
The combination of these laws and human-level intelligence gathering
(infiltration and interrogation of suspects) helped France successfully
uproot terrorist networks in the mid-1990s and to thwart outrages planned
during the 1998 soccer World Cup. Casting the net wide revealed that many
people police had previously assumed were simply petty crooks had actually
been thugging for the Islamists.
Inside the terror networks
The French sweeps also revealed the informal and dispersed nature of the
terror networks: They were mostly cut off from one another to contain the
damage of detection or infiltration, and were guided by a limited number of
people who'd move around assembling the fruits of each cell's particular
talents - false documents from one, funds from another and weapons from a
third, for example. The organizers who linked these discrete cells could
then synchronize complex multiple attacks.
One case in point: The February trial of Fateh Kamel, a 40-year-old
Algerian with Canadian citizenship, provided further evidence of the
discrete patterns of the terror networks. Kamel had been arrested on a
charge of "association with wrong-doers in relation with a terrorist
enterprise," for his involvement in the "gang of Roubaix" - a group of young
men whose criminal behavior had been considered anti-social rather than
Not your average gangsters
In 1996, following a failed car bomb attempt in Lille on the eve of a G7
summit there, French cops picked up two ethnic-Arab suspects, one of whom
cracked under questioning and revealed the true nature of "gang of Roubaix."
The group was in fact a collection of Muslim militants (most of them white
French converts) who had been radicalized during visits to Bosnia. Robbery
was used to finance arms purchases, and to create false ID documents to
facilitate the movement of Islamist terrorists transiting France. The group
had recruited men for their "holy war," and had staged attacks when
instructed to do so.
Patient intelligence work revealed that Kamel was both an expert document
forger, head of the network of which the Roubaix gang was a part and had
also spent time in Afghanistan, where he'd been in contact with Bin Laden.
French authorities say there's no way of proving whether Kamel "worked for
bin Laden." But, they say, it is clear that in the decentralized,
compartmentalized and intersecting root system of Islamic networks, Kamel
had been given the responsibility for creating and transporting false ID
documents used by militants being assembled in Turkey, Bulgaria, Belgium,
France, Bosnia and North America.
The value of surveillance
The French simply followed Kamel around the globe for six months prior to
his arrest, taking note of those with whom he met. That turned up names
who'd cropped up elsewhere, and revealed some of the point men for the
various regional networks with which Kamel had been put in contact. Based on
Kamel's visits to Montreal, France's top anti-terrorist cop Jean-Louis
Brugiere wanted to pay a call on Ahmed Ressam - but he was discouraged by
incredulous Canadian authorities who considered the Algerian expatriate no
more than a petty crook. This was the same Ahmed Ressam who in 1999 was
arrested en route to Seattle with a car full of explosives.
Kamel and 23 associates were convicted for activities related to
association with terrorist enterprises. There was no demonstrative proof of
their service or allegiance to Bin Laden, although such links would be
impossible to verify given the dispersed, cellular nature of these
operations (thus organized precisely to prevent police from following a
linear trail back to the top) and their vague hierarchy and direction. In
other words, prosecutors may never find sufficient evidence to legally prove
Bin Laden issued orders to various operatives, although it is clear their
commitment to his cause functions as a kind of remote control.
The French experience also shows that the commitment level of terror
recruits is far from uniform, and that opens a gap exploited by the
authorities. "The ones that truly believe are the ones who become suicide
pilots," says French terrorism expert Roland Jacquard. "The ones who don't -
the ones responding to promises of money, and support for their families, or
the ones simply acting out of hate - they end up with the grunt work of
logistics, criminal activity, gun-running. Eventually, they'll burn out.
When they do, they'll be valuable to intelligence people - if they're picked
up." Identifying those people will be the prime test for U.S. intelligence
forces in the years to come.
2004-09-07 03:41:07 UTC
Post by waggg
Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of
French history, France is conquered by, of all things, an Italian...
Inform yourself, and you will understand that there nothing really
humiliating in that. The Gauls Won many battles and almost won but
caesar was decidedly a great and strong-willed stratege and helped by
germanic tribes cavalry (BTW there were gauls in the roman legions too
at this time).
I love this line, I think Devillepin used it in one of his books. We almost
won bwahahahaha. we have a saying in this country "CLOSE IS ONLY GOOD WHEN

It was mainly the inter-gallic disputes that caused their
Post by waggg
defeat finally, and some strategical mistakes at Alesia.their
opponent was Julius Caesar, a man that the name was used as a
title 2000 yrs later (kaiser, tsar ...). See what I mean ?
BTW the gauls in the past invaded, ransacked and burnt Roma, founded
Belgrad on their way to conquer lands, ransacked delphia (Greece) and
invaded turkey (hence the Galatians).
Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, but saved at the last minute by a Female
schizophrenic who inadvertantly creates The First Rule Of French Warfare;
"France's Armies Are Only Victorious When Not Led By A Frenchman"...
Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
the one in which Richard Lionheart was killed by a french arrow from a
crossbow, in the eyes ...)
Some battles were won, some battles were lost, finally the stuff was
going bad (about 100 yrs later - yeah, ever wondered why it lasted
116 yrs, wiseass ? The truth is that at the beginning the english had
many defeats - do some research about a guy named Bertrand Du Guesclin)
anyway the english had some 'french allies (burgundians) at this time
and the knights and soldiers fighting the english/burgundians were french,
Jehanne d'arc (Joan of Arc) didn't fight the intruders alone ...
(and BTW Joan of Arc led the french army a very little time)
What the english gained with difficulty in about 100 yrs was regained in
very few years by the french though The french king made mistakes that
made the war lasting some more years ...
(oh ... and about the Crecy and Agincourt battles the french have nothing
to be ashamed of on the level of courage they've shown - check why and
how they lost !)
The French had to undergo the worst of the war since it was on their soil.
The only real tough stuff for the english king was that after his defeat,
He lost a part of his credibility in the mind of his people.
The war was definitely won by the french, so what's the problem ?
You should remeber what is at the origin of this conflict : in 1066 the
Duke of Normandia (France) invaded England and won at Hastings, what
explains that the french language was the official language of the
english court at least 2 centuries, and that explains that TODAY, you're
talking in a huge part in old french your whole day (in fact almost
everytime that you open your mouth) - BTW nowadays the motto of the
English monarchy is : "Dieu et Mon Droit" ( french ) and the motto of
the Most Noble Order of the Garter, which was founded in 1348 by King
Edward III as a noble fraternity consisting of the King, the Prince of
Wales (or heir-apparent to the throne) and 24 Knights Companion is
"Honni soit qui mal y pense".
Plantagenêts is neither saxon nor angles ...
Oh, BTW, a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France
solde = money that fighters were paid) corp, regiment, division, army
is obviously derivated from armee, platoon from peloton, squad from
escouade, batallion from bataillon, garrison from garnison, even
warrior and war is derivating from 'guerrier' and 'guerre' some
old french words starting by 'g' were changed the'g' becoming
a 'w' in english (see : william : guillaume, warden : guardien,
wasp : Guespe (modern french : guêpe), to waste : gaster
(the old term for 'gater' (gâter pour les non ASCII 7 bits !) )
Some other words were taken to the french but they were taken by the
french from other countries : captain, colonel, cannon, battle etc...
so it's a little different.
'fleet' came from 'flotte' (french) that came from 'flotti' (old
scandinavian) that came from the old french 'flote' that meant "troop,
big bunch of persons", so I suppose this one counts anyway ;-)
Oh, and the bayonet was invented by the frenchmen (the name
comes from the name of the city named Bayonne)...
"a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France" ...
What could this be meaning ... hmm ... let's see . Well I let you search
by yourself (a clue ? war is not a so unknown thing to these swishy
frenchies ... maybe ?)
Italian Wars - Lost. France becomes the first & only country ever to lose
two wars when fighting Italians...
More precisions needed we won some wars VS italians, with françois the
1st ! We brought back Leonardo da Vinci from those wars. Read about the
Bayard knight BTW.
You won some battles and lost the War!
Post by waggg
Are you talking about war VS Charles Quint (the 5th) because you should
be informed that it is a lot more difficult to win when you're fighting
a mega-power and that you're not one yourself ....
Wars Of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huegonots...
? ? ? anyway it's Huguenots. Well more precisions needed, for what I
know we won and in fact even if at one moment english were implied, they left
before fighting AFAIK. If i'm wrong highlight it.
Oh BTW, the Huguenots were French.
Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages to
get invaded anyway. Claims a tie on the basis that eventually, the other
participant began ignoring her...
Wrong ! we were implied from 1635 to 1648 and it was rather a favorable
upshot AFAIK.
Sheesh ! what about the Franco-Spanish war that we totally won (gaining
territories) wise-ass !
Strangely enough, your memory seems selective !;-)
War Of Devolution - Tied...
The Dutch War - Tied...
No. We won AFAIK. We won many territories and cities.
The War Of Spanish Succession - Lost...
Lost ? I don't think so ... it's not that simple (see below).
Anyway it's a Bourbon (french dynasty) on the Spanish throne,
isn't it ?
"The War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) was the most
brutal and costly of Louis's military endeavors.
For the first time in over a century, French armies
lost battles, most notably by John Churchill, 1st Duke of
Marlborough, at the Battle of Blenheim (in what is now Germany)
in 1704 and at Ramillies (in what is now Belgium) in 1706.
The fighting made it clear that France would not gain control of the Spanish
Netherlands (they were ultimately ceded to Austria). However,
it also revealed that the allies could not dislodge Philip
from the Spanish throne.
Realizing a stalemate, the warring nations worked to find
an acceptable formula for peace, which took nearly as long
as did the fighting. The Peace of Utrecht recognized
Philip as king of Spain but dismembered the Spanish inheritance
to balance power among France, Spain, Austria, and Great Britain.
It was also agreed that France and Spain would never be united
as one monarchy. Louis XIV died in 1715, just after the
war ended. He was succeeded by his great-grandson, Louis XV."
War Of The Augsburg League/King William's War/French And Indian War - All
humiliation, true !
(I want just highlight the fact that in north america in 1754, the
french were 85,000 in the "Nouvelle France" and the english people were
1,485,634 in New England...
And this by the way is the only reason the French helped the Americans in
our battle for independance. The French wanted to get even for the seven
years war and in joining with the American knew they could get even in some
small way with the British. Without the Seven years war to piss off france
and leave tehir little egos brused they never would have joined US in
blocking the British escape and potential redeploymnet.
Post by waggg
"At first glance, it looked like a mismatch. English troops
outnumbered French troops almost 2-to-1. English colonies had
their own militias and produced their
own food. French settlements had to rely on soldiers hired by fur-trading
companies and food from the homeland."
IN 1763, we lost : India (bar 5 cities), Ohio, Canada,
left side of the Mississipi, Antilles (bar 3 islands)
and Senegal (that will have again later)
(about the french and indians war - the basics)
Post by waggg
Post by waggg
Lost, but claimed as ties. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles
the world over to label this period as the height of French military
American Revolution - In a move that will become familiar to future American
generations, France claims a win even though American colonists saw far More
action. This is later known as "The De Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to The
Second Rule Of Fench Warfare; " France Only Wins When America Does Most Of
The Fighting"...
read from the start to the end. Just do it, wiseass !
To understand the background of the Revolutionary War, it is necessary
to understand the history of the preceding twenty years, and especially
the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). The Seven Years' War was fought by
the European colonial powers from Canada to the West Indies and from
Europe to far-flung colonial empires in India and the Phillippines. In
North America, we know the part of the Seven Years' war that was fought
here as the French and Indian Wars. The Seven Years' War was largely a
disaster for France and her allies. In the aftermath of the war, which
resulted in the loss of most French territory in North America and
India, the French instituted sweeping reform of the army and navy. The
French army that landed in Newport in 1781 was the product of this
thorough and fundamental reorganization.
The English victory, however, was dearly bought. The cost of fielding
the army that secured the safety of the English colonies was tremendous.
This expense, together with the continuing cost of protecting these
colonies after the war, led to English demands that the American
colonists contribute to the cost of their own protection. As a result, a
series of Acts of Parliament imposed a variety of taxes on the colonists
during the 1760s and early 1770s. For many colonists, the chains that
had linked them to Britain for almost 150 years became the chains of
servitude, foreign domination and unjust tyranny. These taxes ultimately
fueled the tensions and passions that burst into flames on Lexington
Green on April 19, 1775.
From the outbreak of armed rebellion in 1775, many in France sympathized
with the colonists. Young, idealistic French officers like the Marquis
de Lafayette volunteered their services and in many cases their personal
wealth to help equip, train and lead the fledgling Continental army. The
French government hoped to redress the balance of power that resulted
from the French humiliation in the Seven Years Wars, which gave
considerable economic and military advantages to Britain. While
maintaining formal neutrality, France assisted in supplying arms,
uniforms and other military supplies to the American colonists.
This clandestine assistance became open after the defeat of General
Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1777, which demonstrated the possibility of
British defeat in the conflict and led to French recognition of the
colonies in February 1778. As a result of the victory of the Continental
forces at Saratoga, Benjamin Franklin, who had gone to Paris as
ambassador in 1776, was able to negotiate a Treaty of Amity and Commerce
and a Treaty of Alliance with France. From this point, French support
became increasingly significant. The French extended considerable
financial support to the Congressional forces. France also supplied
vital military arms and supplies, and loaned money to pay for their
French military aid was also a decisive factor in the American victory.
French land and sea forces fought on the side of the American colonists
against the British. At the same time, British and French (and to a
lesser extent, Dutch and Spanish) forces fought for colonial wealth and
empire around the world. From 1778 through 1783 -- two years after the
defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown -- French forces fought the British in
the West Indies, Africa and India.
From the perspective of the American Revolution, however, the high point
of French support is the landing of five battalions of French infantry
and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French troops
under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where
they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette.
Cornwallis, encamped on the Yorktown peninsula, hoped to be rescued by
the British navy. A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse
intercepted and, after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated
the British fleet and forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy
to land heavy siege cannon and other supplies and trapped Cornwallis on
the Yorktown peninsula.
At that point, the defeat of Cornwallis was essentially a matter of
time. On September 14, 1781, the French and Continental armies completed
their 700 mile march and soon thereafter laid siege to the British
After a number of weeks and several brief but intense engagements,
Cornwallis, besieged on the peninsula by the large and well-equipped
French-American army, and stricken by dysentery, determined to surrender
his army.
On October 19, 1781, the British forces marched out between the silent
ranks of the Americans and French, arrayed in parallel lines a mile
long, and cast down their arms.
Abbé Robin, who witnessed the surrender, described the victorious
American and French forces present at the ceremony. "Among the
Americans, the wide variety in age -- 12 to 14-year old children stood
side by side with grandfathers -- the absence of uniformity in their
bearing and their ragged clothing made the French allies appear more
splendid by contrast. The latter, in their immaculate white uniforms and
blue braid, gave an impression of martial vigor despite their fatigue.
We were all astonished by the excellent condition of the English troops,
by their number -- we were expecting scarcely 3,000 and they numbered
more than 8,000 -- and by their discipline."
George Woodbridge summed up the Yorktown campaign in the following
words: "The strategy of the campaign was Rochambeau's; the French fleet
was there as a result of his arrangements; the tactics of the battle
were his; the American army was present because he had lent money to
Washington; in total naval and military participants the French
outnumbered the Americans between three and four to one. Yorktown was
Rochambeau's victory.
How strange it must have been for these French troops and their
new-found colonial allies, some of whom had fought each other as enemies
barely fifteen years earlier, to stand shoulder to shoulder in armed
conflict with France's ancient enemy and the colonist's blood kin! In
the end, these French soldiers became the hard anvil upon which the new
American nation was forged and the chains of British imperial domination
were finally broken.
this one is good too, read it !
Without the French assistance don't you think that your founding fathers,
Washington first, would have been hung by the british ?...
We owe you our survival, you owe us your succesful birth.
French Revolution - Won, primarily due to the the fact the opponent was
Wrong (For instance : Jemmapes, Valmy, Fleurus, etc...) see later ...
The Napoleonic Wars - Lost. Temporary victories (remember The First Rule!)
due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British
footwear designer...
The french armies were composed of corsicans ?
We fought generally alone VS the whole Europe and we won, we possessed
almost the whole Europe during 15 yrs, Moscow burnt - who did this
things other than us ?
I know : who cares you're not here to be just, but to troll, sorry to
make you lose your sparetime making you quickly reading this.
Even at Waterloo, we were at some moments near to win against the
_ COALITION _. The anglo-dutch corp was in trouble at some moment, but
the prussians and Blücher definitively changed the things.
The Franco-Prussian War - Lost. Germany's first go around at playing the
drunk frat boy to France's ugly girl home alone on Saturday night...
Crimea war (1854-55) won by the coalition (among them France that
had the most troopers among the allies).
Italy wars (or Austro-Franco-sarde war) won by Napoleon III in 1859 ...
Victory in China and Annexions in the future vietnam (186*).
The Franco-prussian war (1870-1871) : Lost.
But the german army was bigger and more modern (they were in a
war politic for some moment at this time ( victory VS denmark (1864),
VS Austria (Sadowa - 1867))
In France the Army was disorganized since the "war" in Mexico (*)
and our emperor Napoleon the IIIrd was ill (and not far of his death)
(*) (expeditionnary corp from 1862-1867. BTW, we can't really talk
of a real defeat on the battlefield, we did take Mexico)
Besides, The most remarkable military fact in the history of the
Foreign Legion is the battle of Camerone (Mexico, April 30th, 1863).
In that occasion 62 french "légionnaires" fought
against more than 2,000 enemies, resisting for about 10 hours.
Even today, the Legionnaires' year starts on "Camerone day".
(Since, when the Mexican troops pass in front of
the monument, they "show their weapons"(?) - a honoring salute)
World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
Wrong. and not tied, asshole - so, you're a propagandist ...
Germany : 67 millions
France : 39.6 millions (only country of those 4 countries that will be
devastated by the war)
UK : 46 millions
USA : 95 millions
Germany : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 4,216,000 soldiers
France : 1,500,000 dead soldiers (maybe underestimated for political
propaganda reasons)
wounded : 3,600,000 soldiers
UK : 740,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 2,090,000 soldiers
USA : 116,000 dead soldiers
Italy : 700,000 dead soldiers
Austria-Hungary : 1,500,000 dead soldiers
Russia : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
The plans of the germans was to crush the french before Russia have
mobilized all its army (germany at this time was reputated being the
most powerful army)
Result : We stood untill the victory, on the contrary of the
Russians ...
BTW Greece stood (and so the blockade) because of the French
troops over there IIRC.
1914-1918 : The French army was the major military actor on the Western
front for 4 years. The British took a very active part on that front for
4 years too. The allies under Marechal Foch's French command eventually
won the war. The American troops massively arrived on the front only 4
months (July 1918) before the end of the war (November 1918).
Western front March 1918 : 174 allies divisions : 99 French + 58 British
+ 12 Belgian + 3 US + 2 portuguese.
Western Front November 1918 : 211 Allies divisions : 104 French + 60
British + 30 US + 12 Belgian + 2 portuguese + 2 Italian + 1 Polish.
After the war, the French were universally saluted as the country that
saved democracy and the victor amongst all the Allies (and especially in
the US) and their international prestige was very high, just like that
of the US in 1945. It just seems like history is no longer taught in the
US now.
Stop spitting on the graves of the 1,500,000 dead French soldiers TIA.
The USA that entered the war at the end of the war refused to hear
The result : Because of the versailles' treaty as wanted by the USA
(that won't finally be recognized by the USA), the italians that had
about 700,000 dead soldiers,
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally
torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the fascism
in 1919.
BTW USA and Uk pledged that they will help France in case of a German
agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.
It recalls me the fact that G. washington didn't honor his treaty
with the French in 1794 for trade advantages with The UK that was at war
with the French. Maybe because we were surrounded by the whole europe
wanting our end. Ingrates !
I add that The UK made many unconditional concessions to Germany with
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you say
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).
Chamberlain said "yes" to the nazis about the rebuilding of the of the
german war fleet in 1935.
France wanted to respond to the German army's reoccupation of the
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler the
greenlight for what he had in mind. They said that the remilitarization,
of the Rhineland wasn't a threat to our vital interests... you
understand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)
No plants destroyed in Germany (unlike France), no rebuilding in some
parts of the country ... in regions that have some economic importance
(mines, steel industry, etc ...) Though The USA and the UK made us go
away from the Ruhr in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war
reparations ... but we were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
with a winner, but one who doesn't call then "Fraulein". Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French
gene pool...
A moronic insult to your country since with such sentences , you make look
the US dudes like degenerated conceited jerk-offs.
World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States &
Britain, just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song...
We lost after 6 weeks because of BIG STRATEGICAL mistakes, ( I
insist on this because of the eternal "cheese eatin' surrender monkeys"
coming from posts from your charming country) - BTW blitzkrieg was
partly inspired to Guderian by a book from De Gaulle (so all french
generals are not sorta genetically incompetents like you guys seem to
think.) you knew it I suppose since you're so learned !
The french army was in fact defeated because of a strategy of
encirclement that seemed impossible to realize for our gernerals, the
german armored divisions pass thru the Ardennes (highlands and woods)
that was reputated impossible to pass ! from the moment where the front
was cut and that we were encircled in our biggest part, it was lost !
it's easy to understand !
Our old supreme generals were still with old conceptions and a
thinking about a static war (their last reference was the WWI in which
we managed to resist the most powerful army in the world - with help
of course but we were less numerous than the german in population anyway).
It didn't help them to change their mind
BTW, 130,000 French soldiers died in this "lost for the beginning
battle" from the 10th may to the armistice 6 weeks later (allowing to
the english soldiers to go back to england though french were put into
pieces by bombing stukas and german tanks ! (see at the end))
BTW, 1 month after the beginning of the attack against France by the
Germans, Mussolini wanted his part of the cake and attacked France that
was already in a total skedaddle ! His troops entered France and was
stopped and repelled in Italy by the few French soldiers that were
French : 150,000 (casualties : killed : 38 / wounded : 42 /
disappeared : 180 )
Italians : 500,000 (casualties : killed 631 / wounded : 3,400 / captured
: 1140 )
He was more successful in bombing the civilians fleeing on the roads !
Mussolini has to sign an armistice with France the 24th june !!!
Italy attacked France the 10th june ... (isn't that more humiliating
considering the situation of France in June 1940 ?)
Oh BTW... just a little digression ... England is an island (without any
frontiers with another state, and a powerful, very populated state
like Gremany), TIA to notice it !
With such a hammering, humiliating and "downcasting" defeat (and more than
half of the country lost), the people needed a bright figure to give
them back hope and a slight confidence. It's a national hero from
1914-1918 that took power, P. pétain - 84 years old. He was renowned
to have been kind with the troopers in WWI.
He set a sort of regime near fascism to get the nation up (BTW some of
the government was people hating French revolution and wanting to give
back some old values to the people, pro-facists, cynic go-getters, and
antisemitic men.)
The first thing Petain had in mind was the survival of France (weird, eh
?) what implied collaboration with the threatening, more powerful
germans - and Nazis, btw.
Oh I forgot : "France the collaborator", eh ? What about the free french
and De Gaulle, the 2nd DB (Koufrah, Bir Hakeim), General Leclerc, Jean
Moulin, FFI, 1st army of De Lattre, Monte Cassino (general Juin) etc...
In 1939, after Germany and USSR invaded Poland, We tried some military
operations in Norway (France & UK) we wanted to helped Finland but
Norway, denmark and sweden (IIRC) didn't wanted us to pass their strait
to go help the finns ... they didn't want to irritate Hitler ! Yeah we
didn't attack directly when Poland was invaded...
Attacking at this occasion would have mean attacking germany and USSR ...
It was not a little affair... And BTW what you have to know is that the
germans had a "maginot line", the Siegfried line (even longer than ours)
and guess what : there were divisions in there, so ...
was it the good plan to go to the slaughterhouse without a better way
to act since the german divisions busy in Poland would have had the time
to come back on us in a not so long time ....
_Oh ,BTW where were the USA ?_
Obviously not fighting the Nazis ...
In UK and France the horrid and frightening memory of WWI was a
cold shower for anybody (look at the stats I put above and) and I
add that we were with belgium the only western country to be devastated,
the moon landscape left after the war would have make ponder anybody (in
2003 we always find shells from WWI !) the young generation was in big
proportion decimated ... the north - north-east was an important
economical industrial joint ... the germans before leaving drowned our
mines too ...
So yes, we were less eager as a peaceful democracy with a trauma to go
to war than the pumped brain-washed nazi war-machine ... it's a fact ...
But when the war started after a moment the combativity appears more
strong and the more the situation was bad the more decided was the
soldiers (see dunkirk)
At some place French soldiers stopped the german thrust and opposed an
harsh resistance (well, of course, those kind of thing
happen in almost any war ... but it means that there were some
sufficiently ballsy and combative soldiers ...)
I add that after that Belgian surrended unconditionnally, after the
english left, after the big nunmber of prisonner in dunkirk and
elsewhere, the french soldiers kept on fighting outnumbered till the
armistice though it was pretty clear that all was lost !
They stopped when the marechal (Marshall) Petain demanded them to stop.
Before the war, France was a democracy though the biggest part of Europe
were autocracies (often for the 20's) and you despise France for what
happened and the way it acted !?!
It's easy to brag and give lessons when you never have been and probably
will never be in such a huge crisis. we will never see you in this kind
of situation, pure noble son of the USA, "in god you trust" : you can,
you are living in a hyperpower, wise-ass ! (and far from any real direct
You are / were an hyperpower and you, despite this fact, dare make
comments on the weakness of the others and their attitude !
How cheeky !
You came also because you could and had to earn and because
Germany and Italy declared war to you. I thank and respect
the US soldiers that came and freed us, but as I said in other
circumstances, how being sure that you would have come -
it relativizes the "gallant white knight icon", guy !
The US had official links (embassy and all that)
with the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn of
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)... No wonder they had
3/4 the gold reserve of the world after WW2, they surely knew how to
take advantage of Nations fighting against nazism... And by the way, the
US had links with illegitimate government of Vichy far into the war, and
recognized De Gaulle's government just few days before the Liberation.
According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
BTW The French Fleet was under the Vichy's government control .... In
1942 when the german invaded the 'free' territory of France they
directed quickly towards the French Fleet at Toulon (South of France)
The French admiral gave the order to scuttle all the fleet in order that
the germans don't take it...
According to De Gaulle that lived in England at this time, England had
very few troops on their soil and if the germans had taken the french
fleet, they could have succeeded in invading England.
In a way, maybe this admiral changed the future of the war ?....
France : 41.9 millions
germany : 79.5 millions
UK : about 48 millions (?)
Italy : 43.1 millions
USA : 131.67 millions (1940)
USSR : more than 150 millions (?)
dead soldiers : 211,000 to 213,300
dead civilians : 330,000 to 350,000
dead soldiers (on 2 fronts) : 292 to 298,000
civilians : negligeable - almost none.
dead soldiers : about 245,000
dead civilians : 92,700 to 150,000
dead soldiers : 1,220,000 to 1,300,000
dead civilians : 672,000 to 700,000 (and some due to 2 nuking on
japanese cities)
dead soldiers : 3,500,000 to 3,850,000
dead civilians : 780,000
dead soldiers : about 7,500,000 to 11,000,000
dead civilians : about 7,000,000 to 10,000,000
dead soldiers : 230,000 to 242,200
dead civilians : 150,000 to 153,000
dead soldiers : about 1,310,200
dead civilians : 10,000,000
As you can see France (and others) suffered more of the war than USA ...
so pack back your lessons ...
War In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed with the
Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it... that's pretty cheeky, wise-ass.
"Dien Bien Phu. "The newly appointed commander of French forces
in Vietnam, General Henri Navarre, decided soon after his arrival
in Vietnam that it was essential to halt a Viet Minh offensive
underway in neighboring Laos. To do so, Navarre believed it was
necessary for the French to capture and hold the town of
Dien Bien Phu, sixteen kilometers from the Laotian border."
"Viet Minh strategists, led by Giap, concluded that a successful
attack on a French fortified camp, timed to coincide with the peace
talks, would give Hanoi the necessary leverage for a successful
conclusion of the negotiations.
Accordingly, the siege of Dien Bien Phu began on March 13,
by which time the Viet Minh had concentrated nearly 50,000
regular troops, 55,000 support troops, and almost 100,000
transport workers in the area.
Chinese aid...reached 1,500 tons per month by early 1954.
The French garrison of 15,000, which depended on supply
by air, was cut off by March 27, when the Viet Minh artillery
succeeded in making the airfield unusable. An elaborate system
of tunnels dug in the mountainsides enabled the Viet Minh to
protect its artillery pieces by continually moving them to prevent
discovery. Several hundred kilometers of trenches permitted the
attackers to move progressively closer to the French encampment.
In the final battle, human wave assaults were used to take the
perimeter defenses, which yielded defensive guns that were
then turned on the main encampment. The French garrison
surrendered on May 7, ending the siege that had cost the lives of
about 25,000 Vietnamese and more than 1,500 French troops."
(Country Study, Vietnam, pp. 57, 58.)"
In the same situation even the USA would have certainly lost this battle.
The US didn't help militarily, France left Vietnam split in 2, the Northern
part being communist. The US left Vietnam reunited under communist
rules, doesn't look to be a better job...
(The USA came a long time later after the french in viet nam and they
came cause they decided to apply their "dominoes' theory")
Algerian Revolution - Lost. Loss marks first defeat by a western army by a
Non-Turkic Muslim force since The Crusades, and produces The First Rule Of
Muslim Warfare; "We Can Always Beat The French". This rule is identical to
the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish,
and Vietnamese...
We won in Algeria but De Gaulle gave up for personal political reasons,
what proves your overt lack of knowledge - thanx.
Talking about the crusades, we often won and founded christian realms
(Jerusalem Realm) that lasted 2 centuries (Jerusalem Kings from 1099 to 1291 -
though in the end they weren't french anymore IIRC) despite the fact that
the muslims were more numerous.
Have you ever heard about the Templars (A french knight order), BTW ?
After the IVth crusade there were even french emperor of Constantinople and
of the byzantine empire ...
Post by waggg
War On Terrorism - Keeping in mind it's history, France surrenders to
The 12/26/1994 the GIGN (our SWAT) stopped algerian islamists to crash a
plane on Paris (Possibly on the Eiffel tower)
The Germans and Muslims. Just to be safe, they attempt to surrender to
Vietnamese Ambassador, who takes refuge in a McDonalds...
Trolling is forbiden by the Geneva Convention...
As it is forbidden to have photographed sexual spree with prisonners
or to kill them ...
Q. How many French troops does it take to defend Paris?
A. Who knows? They've never tried.
wrong : 1870-71 and against the vikings in 885 and 910...
I suppose we can add 1914 though Paris wasn't besieged but saved
during a battle in movemement.
(BTW, yes, nearly fifty times in two hundred years the lands of
the Franks were invaded by the vikings and we were sometimes attacked
on the southwest by the Saracens of Spain, and on the northwest by
the Norsemen). The magyars also invaded the country (33 raids from
899 to 935) and the rest of Europe committing horrendous crimes.
Your historical knowledge is thin ... some of your examples are true
but a lot are incomplete or totally wrong, and you "strangely" forgot
to talk about some of our victories, sometimes wonderful, like when we stood
alone VS the whole Europe and won - BTW in the revolutionnaries war we
fought also VS other countries' armies and we won though our country
was broke (without money I mean), and without good officers ! (since in the
past th officers had to be nobles, so after the revolution ... well, I don't
need to make you a drawing, eh ...) - For an example of french
victory VS a foreign army, check the end and read the summing up of Fleurus.
What about the Franco-Gallic emperor Charlemagne (769-814) and
his big European Empire ? (also a vector of christianisation in Europe)
Talking about Christianisation, the famous Saint Patrick studied the
bible (in Nice and Auxerre) and was made bishop in France before
going to evangelise the Irish - France was a center of knowledge
in these dark times.
What about Clovis(465-511) (first king of France (Merovingian Dynasty)
[Louis, Ludwig, Lewis, Lodwick, Luis, luigi, Ludovic, are names coming
from the name "Clovis"]) that will conquer almost all the Gaul and is
the ONLY reason of the survival and the re-propagation
of the official catholic doctrine.in Europe (the other "germanic
tribes" at this times were arians (christian heretics (cf. Arius))
or heathen - What explains that France was also known as "the oldest
daughter of the Church". Clovis was the only catholic king of Europe
and is the one that won against all the others !
What about Charles Martel (The Hammer) that Stopped the muslim expansion
in 732 and 739 (the Wisigothic Spain was invaded since 711)
His son Pippin of Heristal (Pippin the short(?) - father of charlemagne)
that became king, is the one that gave at the Pope the embryo of his
pontifical states that Lasted till 1870 ...
France was a powerful realm.
Mathew paris an english chronicler qualified Saint Louis [1226-1270]
(aka Louis the IXth - and yes, this is the very same Saint Louis from
who the name of the big city in Missouri is taken) as "the King of the
Louis the IXth was become the arbiter of the Christian Europe.
His fame had gone beyond the western Europe. The mongols proposed him to
take the Turks in the back in the near orient (This proposition is kept
nowadays, in the "Archives Nationales" in Paris.
[BTW, the Russians were still vassals of the mongol horde at this time,
At the beginning of the XIVth century, the italian poet, Dante,
was complaining that "the Capetian" (king of France - at this time
"Philippe IV le Bel"(1285-1314)) was extending his shadow upon all the
christiannity and was thinking about being crowned as Emperor like
Everywhere, between th XIVth and XVth century, "The Realm" (or The Big
Realm) or "The King" (or the Big King) designated the King of France
that was seen as the archetype of the King.
At the beginning of the XVIth century, the King of France was seen as
the ideal to reach. Machiavel, the politic theorizer, was admirative of
the institutions of the realm of France.
You want a great french victory : in 1124, when the german emperor
invaded the Champagne region (France), the only fact that the french
king Louis the VIth deployed his army of knights, forced the emperor to
go away without any fight ...
Oh and do you know Bouvines (1214) ?
French realm against a coalition (england, saint roman germanic empire
(german emperor otton IV) and also the count of flanders
and count of Boulogne...
Guess what, the COALITION lost
(though they were about 3 times more numerous).
The Magna Carta (1215) was imposed to the king of England by
his barons because he was weakened after the battle
of Bouvines that _WE WON_ ...
Napo during the campaign of Italy in 1796, won against 80,000
well-equiped professional Austrian soldiers, though his soldiers were
starved withouth good clothes, without any artillery ... and were
(At this time France, its population and its army was
in a pitiful state, there were no more money, we were broke)
I could talk about many of the napoleonic battles (Jena and
Austerlitz comes to mind).
"Austerlitz, Dec. 1805: You always hear about Austerlitz as "Napoleon's
Greatest Victory," like the little guy personally went out
and wiped out thecombined Russian and Austrian armies.
The fact is, ever since the Revolution in 1789, French armies
had been kicking ass against everybody. They were
free citizens fighting against scared peasant and degenerate mercenaries,
and it was no contest. At Austerlitz, 65,000 French troops took on 90,000
Russians and Austrians and destroyed them.
Absolutely annihilated them. The French lost only 8,000,
compared to 29,000 of the enemy. The tactics Bonaparte used
were very risky, and would only have worked with superb
troops: he encouraged the enemy to attack a weak line, then brought up
reinforcements who'd been held out of sight. That kind of tactical plan
takes iron discipline and perfect timing--and the French had it."
BTW, France is the biggest European country by the size (Russia and
Ukraine apart what is kinda special you will admit !) is this just
by chance ? (of course Germany was amputated after WWII but ...)
Nowadays France is the 4th economical power too.
26 June, 1794
An important battle in deciding the fate of the infant French republic,
Fleurus is also noted for being one of the first battles to include aerial
It occurred when a sizeable Austrian army under the Prince of Saxe-Coburg
moved to attack a French army pushing into the Netherlands.
Saxe-Coburg's 52,000 regulars took on General Jean-Baptiste Jourdan's 75,000
troops, many of them conscipts, and found the going tough.
His poorly coordinated attacks were quickly countered by Jourdan who was
able to observe the Austrian moves from several military balloons.
The battle, which lasted about six hours, was a major reverse for the
First Coalition and ended Austrian control over the Netherlands.
French losses have been put at about 4000, while the Austrians suffered
2300 casualties.
Dunkerque : 26/05/1940 - 04/06/1940
"Lord Gort, Commander of the British Expeditionary Force, (240,000
troops) saw that he could not complete his orders to retreat to the
Somme. On May 25, he indicated to Churchill that he could not link up
with Weygand's forces and he was creating a perimeter around the town of
Dunkerque on the Pas de Calais. From May 27-30, the BEF consolidated
around Dunkerque, along with half of the French First Army. Five French
Divisions set up a roadblock at Lille, where they held out for four days
against seven German Panzer divisions. This allowed the British and the
French in Dunkerque to set up a defensive perimeter and wait for
The plan had called for 48,000 men to be removed. By the evening of May
30, 120,000 were rescued. Among these only 8,000 were French; this
worried Churchill greatly. He asked for more French soldiers to be
evacuated. "So few French have got out so far.......I will not accept
further sacrifices by the French."
On June 4, the last day of Operation Dynamo, over 26,000 French troops
were returned to England. The remaining 40,000 French troops were left
on the beaches and were taken by the German Army that very day.
The evacuation owed much to the unstinting bravery of the French First
Army fighting at the Dunkerque perimeter and to the RAF. 340,000 troops,
more than 100,000 of them French, could be evacuated to England to fight
again another day
Most of the French went back to fight in France, but the rescue of the
BEF gave heart to the British public all out of proportion to the defeat
it suffered."
2004-09-09 16:29:36 UTC
Post by DDB
Post by waggg
Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years
Post by waggg
French history, France is conquered by, of all things, an Italian...
Inform yourself, and you will understand that there nothing really
humiliating in that. The Gauls Won many battles and almost won but
caesar was decidedly a great and strong-willed stratege and helped by
germanic tribes cavalry (BTW there were gauls in the roman legions too
at this time).
I love this line, I think Devillepin used it in one of his books. We almost
won bwahahahaha. we have a saying in this country "CLOSE IS ONLY GOOD WHEN
I think you missed the point ... but you're not renown for your intelligence
over here anyway.

What is even more funny, Dirty Dust Bin, is the lack of perspective and
comprehension of history of th average american :-)
2004-09-09 16:35:34 UTC
Post by DDB
Post by waggg
More precisions needed we won some wars VS italians, with françois the
1st ! We brought back Leonardo da Vinci from those wars. Read about the
Bayard knight BTW.
You won some battles and lost the War!
You think we can won ONE battle of a war of 116 yrs andwin ... w/ one battle

You feel not concerned about history right ? :-)

The least you can do is before replying get some informations on the subject..
Post by DDB
Post by waggg
humiliation, true !
(I want just highlight the fact that in north america in 1754, the
french were 85,000 in the "Nouvelle France" and the english people were
1,485,634 in New England...
And this by the way is the only reason the French helped the Americans in
our battle for independance. The French wanted to get even for the seven
years war and in joining with the American knew they could get even in some
small way with the British. Without the Seven years war to piss off france
and leave tehir little egos brused they never would have joined US in
blocking the British escape and potential redeploymnet.
Several person (for instance Lafayette and beaumarchais for the most known)
were idealist supporting the 'US' cause.
But you're basically right, France did it for its interest, like you did in
WWI and WWII ... anyway seeing how loyal you have been few time later (jay's
treaty - 1794) sheeshh ...
