(too old to reply)
2004-06-22 09:24:37 UTC
<if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
</if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
Archived and reposted round the net.....
Noticed and agreed with. If I wasn't using [you know which server] I'd
help with the spreading too.
i hadnt actually done it then, it was an empty threat, but seeing as old
rocky has become the respectable, surburban father we all knew deep down he
was, i just might.............
2004-06-23 13:09:04 UTC
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
anyone can do it , but hollywood is certainly a bad place for it
mainly because the cash flow is too much important
i am inclined to agree with you. i generaly don't watch hollwood films
as i'd rather have shite special effects, than a film that is driven
by special effects and the story is an after thought.
and anyway it is in human nature to be arrogant
as it is to criticize and be afraid of the unknow
we were not arrogant enough to go in Irak
you will better have your own ideas than
just repeat the street sayings
war happens because masses are easily used
with such arguments
the invasion of iraq was illegal. hopefully tory 'i slurp ameriKKKa'
blair and that ameriKKKan k00k, bush, will be prosecuted for the war
criminals they are.
about the food
personnaly I prefer eat snails than horse or cats
not because it is not a custom in my country
but because they're animals too close to us
snail, frog, cow..... all of that is meat go to see your
butcher fridges and you will see if a cow look better than
a snail.
let me guess, you don't eat slugs because they don't carry a house on
thier back like one of those civilized snails?
have a nice day : )
there is a first time for everything.

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.


2004-06-24 09:10:15 UTC
Post by ossama-bin-laden
the invasion of iraq was illegal. hopefully tory 'i slurp ameriKKKa'
blair and that ameriKKKan k00k, bush, will be prosecuted for the war
criminals they are.
Don't forget to proclaim your happiness of the death's of all Brit's and
American's that have died at the hands of those terrorist heroes of

Something tells me al-Qaeda accepts Fuckheads that suffer from ADD, so
what are you waiting for?

Do us a favor and take Moronbeam with you, he's also looking for a job.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
mhm x v i x i i i
pro ira and al quidera.
911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.
the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.
Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D
I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.
You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?
checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
dodging coward.

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /
2004-06-24 19:43:56 UTC
Post by ±
Post by ossama-bin-laden
the invasion of iraq was illegal. hopefully tory 'i slurp ameriKKKa'
blair and that ameriKKKan k00k, bush, will be prosecuted for the war
criminals they are.
Don't forget to proclaim your happiness of the death's of all Brit's and
American's that have died at the hands of those terrorist heroes of
Something tells me al-Qaeda accepts Fuckheads that suffer from ADD, so
what are you waiting for?
Do us a favor and take Moronbeam with you, he's also looking for a job.
((((dean 'i am an attention whore and k00k' humphries))))
Post by ±
Post by ossama-bin-laden
mhm x v i x i i i
pro ira and al quidera.
911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.
the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.
Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D
I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.
You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?
checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
dodging coward.

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.


2004-06-27 06:45:48 UTC
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ±
Post by ossama-bin-laden
the invasion of iraq was illegal. hopefully tory 'i slurp ameriKKKa'
blair and that ameriKKKan k00k, bush, will be prosecuted for the war
criminals they are.
Don't forget to proclaim your happiness of the death's of all Brit's and
American's that have died at the hands of those terrorist heroes of
Something tells me al-Qaeda accepts Fuckheads that suffer from ADD, so
what are you waiting for?
Do us a favor and take Moronbeam with you, he's also looking for a job.
((((dean 'i am an attention whore and k00k' humphries))))
"It's all good. The only
good Brit is a dead Brit, and if a few tourists, women and children
happened to be there, it's all the fault of the Brits, and I'm laughing
my ass off. I only wish a few thousand more had been killed!"
now if you'd quoted me propperly after the terrorist attack you'd have
printed 'its almost as funny as when bin-laden, my hero, bitch-slapped
america on 911. i'd feel sorry for everyone killed only those brit
fuckheads are almost as bad as the yanks with meddling in foreign
nations affairs, just look at the balls up they made carving arabia up
for example. i just hope next time they hit parliament and kill off
the cunts who say everyone has to be a 'brit.'

Post by ossama-bin-laden
And this is part of what makes you such a sad, pathetic little man... to
some may say you are`trolled by your own stupidity by expecting the
rest of the world to give a fuck about a few dead yanks. its not like
there aren't millions of you fuckers left.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
somehow think that over 2000 innocent civilians "deserved" to die
because you don't approve of their Government.
actualy i'd have prefered way more dead yanks, but beggers can't be
choosers. we take what we can get with regard to yanks being killed.

<checkmate wareing his heart on his sleave and expecting the rest of
the world to give a fuck about 2000 'innocent' dead yanks>

nah, my crowing achievement is being in email contact with teh real
bin-laden and personaly congratulating him for the bitch-slapping he
and his good ol' boys gave america on 911. he's a realy nice guy, you
should talk to him when he's not on the clock.

no problem. 2000 dead yanks bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
shame it couldn't have been several thousand, or even more killed.

glad to be of service.


From: rocky-bin-laden <rocky-bin-***@al-quidera.gov.ag>
Message-ID: <***@news.teranews.com>

its refreshing to see a yank like you ware your ignorance on your
sleave and be so proud of it. may hat of to you sir and may the
talliban blow the fuck out of the whitehouse and pentigon because
they're so jealous of your way of life.

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /
2004-06-23 14:13:00 UTC
Post by headkase
<if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
</if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
Archived and reposted round the net.....
Noticed and agreed with. If I wasn't using [you know which server] I'd
help with the spreading too.
Post by headkase
i hadnt actually done it then, it was an empty threat, but seeing as old
rocky has become the respectable, surburban father we all knew deep down he
was, i just might.............
respectable? the day i become respectable is the day tory blair admits
that he's realy a tory masquarading as a labour prime minister.

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.


2004-06-24 11:19:58 UTC
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by headkase
<if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
</if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
Archived and reposted round the net.....
Noticed and agreed with. If I wasn't using [you know which server]
I'd help with the spreading too.
Post by headkase
i hadnt actually done it then, it was an empty threat, but seeing as
old rocky has become the respectable, surburban father we all knew
deep down he was, i just might.............
respectable? the day i become respectable is the day tory blair admits
that he's realy a tory masquarading as a labour prime minister.
nahhhhhhhhhh right wingers lie
2004-06-29 22:46:59 UTC
Post by ossama-bin-laden
<if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
</if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
Archived and reposted round the net.....
Noticed and agreed with. If I wasn't using [you know which server] I'd
help with the spreading too.
(No, that German one. But you knew that.)
(of course)
Newsgroups: ...,alt.nuke.france,alt.fan.harry-potter
I see.
I saw some Harry Potter notebooks in a shop. They were with the school
"shields" on the cover, but there was only one house represented,
Harry's house. What if I wanted one of the other houses? This is like
when I saw two little boys who were watching Transformers and who said
they wished the Bad Guys could win, because they had much cooler
weapons. Just because the story is written to agree with one side
doesn't mean some readers won't be agreeing with the/some other side.
its like films, sometimes it would be nice to see the antihero, or bad
guy if you will, come up trumps. not everyone roots for the hero or
the percieved good side. i know i don't for one.
Newsgroups changed because of problem mentioned above. :-P
its a shame the german server doesn't like certain ng's. it ruins an
otherwize decent server.
(Message not edited, I've spent the energy writing it so I might as well
send it, even if the target audience won't get to see it...)
(i'm sure they'll see it now.)

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.


2004-07-01 11:59:54 UTC
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
<if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
</if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
Archived and reposted round the net.....
Noticed and agreed with. If I wasn't using [you know which server] I'd
help with the spreading too.
(No, that German one. But you knew that.)
(of course)
Newsgroups: ...,alt.nuke.france,alt.fan.harry-potter
I see.
I saw some Harry Potter notebooks in a shop. They were with the school
"shields" on the cover, but there was only one house represented,
Harry's house. What if I wanted one of the other houses? This is like
when I saw two little boys who were watching Transformers and who said
they wished the Bad Guys could win, because they had much cooler
weapons. Just because the story is written to agree with one side
doesn't mean some readers won't be agreeing with the/some other side.
its like films, sometimes it would be nice to see the antihero, or bad
guy if you will, come up trumps. not everyone roots for the hero or
the percieved good side. i know i don't for one.
Well, you are a troll...
i don't see how being a troll comes into it.
There may also be some who'd like to have a complete set, with all four
it would be a nice earner for the merchandisers. milk that cash cow
houses (besides, aren't notebooks considered "muggle artefacts"?).
well, tom riddle's old notebook was used to try and bring back
voldemort. so i'd say it is debatable.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Newsgroups changed because of problem mentioned above. :-P
its a shame the german server doesn't like certain ng's. it ruins an
otherwize decent server.
Mmmm... but then there are probably some that think that this
a server that doesn't offer all that a server should feature wize,
realy isn't a good news server as far as i and i'm sure many other
carear usenet (ab)users would agree.
restriction is part of what makes it a decent server (a lot of people
don't like trolls, they see them as Bad Guys). :-\
in truth, there are some realy nasty and malicious trolls out there.
there is an exceptionaly nasty cunt who trolls the fat acceptance ng.
he, and a few of his moronic friends have stalked and harrassed a
friend of mine in another ng into real life with abusive phone calles

fuckheads like that realy do not give us a good rep. there is a bit of
usenet fuckery, then there is _that_ kind of cuntish action and
behaviour which is so contemptable, i would have no problem skinning
them alive and dusting them over with a nice coating of quicklime as
an example for other real usenet abusers. people like that make me

a bit of fun fucking around with an ng or two and people is one thing.
taking it to real life isn't what trolling is about. that is sick and
depraved and as far as i'm concerned, k00ky.

i think a lot of people realy have no idea what trolls are. there are
so many stupid people on usent it is beyond a bad joke. i've read
posters who make aol users seem like clued up posters. that alone is
just plain wrong.

fuck, i think i went a bit preachy there, even i have boundries i
won't cross and i'm all for breaking rules and crossing boundries,
especialy with bad taste as you've commented upon.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
(Message not edited, I've spent the energy writing it so I might as well
send it, even if the target audience won't get to see it...)
(i'm sure they'll see it now.)

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.


Spanky The Thunder Chicken
2004-07-02 22:45:41 UTC
It seems that on 02 Jul 2004, the number one hit in Croatia was
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Newsgroups changed because of problem mentioned above. :-P
its a shame the german server doesn't like certain ng's. it
ruins an otherwize decent server.
So, I've gotten a block account on octanews ($4.95 one time fee for 1
GB), but they don't charge for posting. So I basically have a posting
host, now. Unless I download 1 GB of crap.

We'll see how it goes.
Father Uncle Antny (mhm 11x10)
Visit the Flonk Image Server! http://www.meow.org/flonk
2004-07-03 01:52:09 UTC
On 02 Jul 2004 22:45:41 GMT, Spanky The Thunder Chicken
Post by Spanky The Thunder Chicken
It seems that on 02 Jul 2004, the number one hit in Croatia was
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Newsgroups changed because of problem mentioned above. :-P
its a shame the german server doesn't like certain ng's. it
ruins an otherwize decent server.
So, I've gotten a block account on octanews ($4.95 one time fee for 1
GB), but they don't charge for posting. So I basically have a posting
host, now. Unless I download 1 GB of crap.
i think when i'm awake i'll go and have a look at thier web page.
Post by Spanky The Thunder Chicken
We'll see how it goes.

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.


2004-07-03 00:44:48 UTC
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
<if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
</if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
Archived and reposted round the net.....
Noticed and agreed with. If I wasn't using [you know which server] I'd
help with the spreading too.
(No, that German one. But you knew that.)
(of course)
Newsgroups: ...,alt.nuke.france,alt.fan.harry-potter
I see.
I saw some Harry Potter notebooks in a shop. They were with the school
"shields" on the cover, but there was only one house represented,
Harry's house. What if I wanted one of the other houses? This is like
when I saw two little boys who were watching Transformers and who said
they wished the Bad Guys could win, because they had much cooler
weapons. Just because the story is written to agree with one side
doesn't mean some readers won't be agreeing with the/some other side.
its like films, sometimes it would be nice to see the antihero, or bad
guy if you will, come up trumps. not everyone roots for the hero or
the percieved good side. i know i don't for one.
Well, you are a troll...
i don't see how being a troll comes into it.
Most people see trolls as Bad Guys. However, really, many trolls are
i blame those viking folk stories.
Good Guys who have realised that trolls don't have to be Evil.
i'm not alwasy evil or a fuckhead when trolling, i do actualy play a
nice and realy fun troll in two ng's. i've even managed to drag regs
from both ng's into the other ng's. its been going on and off for a
few years, i get emails and icq msges asking me to start posting
Post by ossama-bin-laden
There may also be some who'd like to have a complete set, with all four
it would be a nice earner for the merchandisers. milk that cash cow
Post by ossama-bin-laden
houses (besides, aren't notebooks considered "muggle artefacts"?).
well, tom riddle's old notebook was used to try and bring back
voldemort. so i'd say it is debatable.
But it was originally a muggle notebook, IIRC.
i honestly can't remember, its been a while since i read the book.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Newsgroups changed because of problem mentioned above. :-P
its a shame the german server doesn't like certain ng's. it ruins an
otherwize decent server.
Mmmm... but then there are probably some that think that this
a server that doesn't offer all that a server should feature wize,
realy isn't a good news server as far as i and i'm sure many other
carear usenet (ab)users would agree.
restriction is part of what makes it a decent server (a lot of people
don't like trolls, they see them as Bad Guys). :-\
in truth, there are some realy nasty and malicious trolls out there.
there is an exceptionaly nasty cunt who trolls the fat acceptance ng.
he, and a few of his moronic friends have stalked and harrassed a
friend of mine in another ng into real life with abusive phone calles
just think, she's in her early 50's and was terrorized in real life
over usenet.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
fuckheads like that realy do not give us a good rep. there is a bit of
usenet fuckery, then there is _that_ kind of cuntish action and
behaviour which is so contemptable, i would have no problem skinning
them alive and dusting them over with a nice coating of quicklime as
an example for other real usenet abusers. people like that make me
a bit of fun fucking around with an ng or two and people is one thing.
taking it to real life isn't what trolling is about. that is sick and
depraved and as far as i'm concerned, k00ky.
i think a lot of people realy have no idea what trolls are. there are
so many stupid people on usent it is beyond a bad joke. i've read
posters who make aol users seem like clued up posters. that alone is
just plain wrong.
fuck, i think i went a bit preachy there, even i have boundries i
won't cross and i'm all for breaking rules and crossing boundries,
especialy with bad taste as you've commented upon.
And I'm the one with "Troll Spokesman" in my sig... :-D
i think i'll leave that role to you as i don't imagine anyone cares
what a fuckhead thinks what is and istn't fair when it comes to
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
(Message not edited, I've spent the energy writing it so I might as well
send it, even if the target audience won't get to see it...)
(i'm sure they'll see it now.)

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.


2004-07-05 00:06:50 UTC
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
<if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
i have seen a fair few good frog films, which have been remade as
shite hollywood remakes. the frogs, when not being arrogant snail
eating fucks, can make good cinema.
</if you ask me if i ever said this, i wil deny it>
Archived and reposted round the net.....
Noticed and agreed with. If I wasn't using [you know which server] I'd
help with the spreading too.
(No, that German one. But you knew that.)
(of course)
Newsgroups: ...,alt.nuke.france,alt.fan.harry-potter
I see.
I saw some Harry Potter notebooks in a shop. They were with the school
"shields" on the cover, but there was only one house represented,
Harry's house. What if I wanted one of the other houses? This is like
when I saw two little boys who were watching Transformers and who said
they wished the Bad Guys could win, because they had much cooler
weapons. Just because the story is written to agree with one side
doesn't mean some readers won't be agreeing with the/some other side.
its like films, sometimes it would be nice to see the antihero, or bad
guy if you will, come up trumps. not everyone roots for the hero or
the percieved good side. i know i don't for one.
Well, you are a troll...
i don't see how being a troll comes into it.
Most people see trolls as Bad Guys. However, really, many trolls are
i blame those viking folk stories.
Good Guys who have realised that trolls don't have to be Evil.
i'm not alwasy evil or a fuckhead when trolling, i do actualy play a
nice and realy fun troll in two ng's. i've even managed to drag regs
from both ng's into the other ng's. its been going on and off for a
few years, i get emails and icq msges asking me to start posting
Another fun thing is to claim quite openly that you are a troll and then
not behave like one at all.
that's so wacky, it may just work. btw what are people who are not
trolls called? i don't think i've ever met one.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
There may also be some who'd like to have a complete set, with all four
it would be a nice earner for the merchandisers. milk that cash cow
Post by ossama-bin-laden
houses (besides, aren't notebooks considered "muggle artefacts"?).
well, tom riddle's old notebook was used to try and bring back
voldemort. so i'd say it is debatable.
But it was originally a muggle notebook, IIRC.
i honestly can't remember, its been a while since i read the book.
The wisards use parchment, right? (like much in those books it doesn't
seem really practical, but I'm guessing "athmosphere" is sometimes more
it ads to the ambience and mystique of the occult i guess. it'd not
seem the same if they all sat taking notes on thier laptops.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Newsgroups changed because of problem mentioned above. :-P
its a shame the german server doesn't like certain ng's. it ruins an
otherwize decent server.
Mmmm... but then there are probably some that think that this
a server that doesn't offer all that a server should feature wize,
realy isn't a good news server as far as i and i'm sure many other
carear usenet (ab)users would agree.
restriction is part of what makes it a decent server (a lot of people
don't like trolls, they see them as Bad Guys). :-\
in truth, there are some realy nasty and malicious trolls out there.
there is an exceptionaly nasty cunt who trolls the fat acceptance ng.
he, and a few of his moronic friends have stalked and harrassed a
friend of mine in another ng into real life with abusive phone calles
just think, she's in her early 50's and was terrorized in real life
over usenet.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
fuckheads like that realy do not give us a good rep. there is a bit of
usenet fuckery, then there is _that_ kind of cuntish action and
behaviour which is so contemptable, i would have no problem skinning
them alive and dusting them over with a nice coating of quicklime as
an example for other real usenet abusers. people like that make me
a bit of fun fucking around with an ng or two and people is one thing.
taking it to real life isn't what trolling is about. that is sick and
depraved and as far as i'm concerned, k00ky.
i think a lot of people realy have no idea what trolls are. there are
so many stupid people on usent it is beyond a bad joke. i've read
posters who make aol users seem like clued up posters. that alone is
just plain wrong.
fuck, i think i went a bit preachy there, even i have boundries i
won't cross and i'm all for breaking rules and crossing boundries,
especialy with bad taste as you've commented upon.
And I'm the one with "Troll Spokesman" in my sig... :-D
i think i'll leave that role to you as i don't imagine anyone cares
what a fuckhead thinks what is and istn't fair when it comes to
We're all fuckheads.
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
Post by ossama-bin-laden
(Message not edited, I've spent the energy writing it so I might as well
send it, even if the target audience won't get to see it...)
(i'm sure they'll see it now.)

mhm x v i x i i i

pro ira and al quidera.

911 the day the rest of the world laughed at america being
bitchslapped by a bunch of stone throwing morons.

the only good yank or brit, is a dead yank or brit.

Alcotrol Labs Dept of R & D

I don't. The anonymous milker using the pseudonym 'el loco roco' is
a chancre on the sensitive parts of humanity and needs to be shown
that his nuclear ambitions are unacceptable. I suspect he is a weak,
powerless person in real life, or what passes for his real life, and
his anonymous insults, threats and electronic terrorism provide him
the gratification he is otherwise unable to attain. I think he is a
coward and Working Class (assuming that is not tautological) and
when he has joined the S.L.P. his degradation will be complete.

Max Muir <***@slurper.org> <***@crash.cts.com> in Message-ID: <3cef2dae$0$14995$***@nntp.cts.com>

the spankards hall of shame:

You ought to know by now, that I don't buy into the clique bullshit...
that one has to be affiliated with one imaginary Usenet entity or
another. If you get a rise out of making more out of it than you
should, who am I to stand in your way? "Snuh," or "meow"... who the
fuck cares besides you and PJR?

checkmate who owns www.kotagor.com showing he doesn't think and self spanks
in Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net> &
<***@4ax.com> because he is also a google
dodging coward.

