2005-11-04 16:30:45 UTC
It seems that the European extremism of "religious tolerance" is - once
again - coming back to BITE a European country.
However -- the solution is not more welfare for the rioters - but prison -
and the reality of the cold steel of prison doors slamming shut...
Then, after their prison terms, DEPORT this trash and slime back to
Intifada in France
The New York Sun, One SL, LLC
November 4, 2005 Friday
If President Chirac thought he was going to gain peace with the Muslim
community in France by taking an appeasement line in the Iraq war, it
certainly looks like he miscalculated. Today the streets of the French
capital are looking more like Ramallah and less like the advanced,
sophisticated, gay Paree image Monsieur Chirac likes to portray to the
world, and the story, which is just starting to grip the world's attention,
is full of ironies. One is tempted to suggest that Prime Minister Sharon
send a note cautioning Monsieur Chirac about cycles of violence.
Back in the 1990s, the French sneered at America for the Los Angeles riots.
As the Chicago Sun-Times reported in 1992: "the consensus of French pundits
is that something on the scale of the Los Angeles riots could not happen
here, mainly because France is a more humane, less racist place with a much
stronger commitment to social welfare programs." President Mitterrand, the
Washington Post reported in 1992, blamed the riots on the "conservative
society" that Presidents Reagan and Bush had created and said France is
different because it "is the country where the level of social protection is
the highest in the world."
How the times have changed. Muslims in Paris's suburbs are out shooting at
police and firefighters, burning cars and buildings, and throwing rocks at
commuter trains. Even children are out on the streets - it was reported that
a 10-year-old was arrested. The trigger for the riots was the electrocution
of two teenagers last Thursday, which the rioters say came following a
police chase, a charge the police deny. But even if the charge by the
rioters is true, that the police are culpable in the deaths of the two
youths, the fact that such an incident would spark a riot is a sign of
something deeper at work - no doubt France's failure to integrate its
immigrant Muslim community.
It turns out that France's Muslim community lives in areas rampant with
crime, poverty, and unemployment, much the fault of France's prized welfare
system. There are those of us who spent part of the 1980s in Europe,
supporting the idea, among others from the Reagan era, that immigration was
a virtue for a country and that the racial or religious background of the
immigrants did not matter. We maintain that view. But immigration into a
country with a dirigiste economy is a recipe for trouble, which is why
supporters of immigration into France have long warned of the need for
Part of France's problem is that it has defaulted on those measures. The
lack of labor market flexibility and other socialist policies have created
unemployment at nearly 10%, most of which falls among immigrants. And part
stems from the fact that France's estimated 5 million Muslims, out of a
population of 60 million, are led by mostly foreign radical imams. Only
belatedly has the French state started taking action, pressing for clerics
to be taught in France. All this is compounded by the image France projects
of itself to its Muslims, which one can surmise is the reason why Muslims
see rioting as the solution to any grievance.
It's a barely kept secret that Mr. Chirac led the opposition to the Iraq war
out of fear of how his Muslim population would react. This fear is a big
part of why France portrays itself as America's counterweight and why it
criticizes Israel at every turn and coddled the terrorist Yasser Arafat
right up to his death. This doesn't elicit thanks from Muslim radicals in
France. It turns out to project an image of weakness. Unsurprisingly when
faced with some unhappiness they believe they can pressure the French state
into submission.
A number of observers of the French scene have looked at population trends
and suggested that France is on its way to becoming a Muslim country (one
that would, let it be noted, be armed with hydrogen bombs). Some react to
this by suggesting a halt to immigration and even expulsion. The better
approach is to impose law and order, more speedily to reform the burdensome
welfare state, and start integrating the Muslim community. France could also
help itself by dispatching troops to help battle the radical Islamists in
Iraq, thereby sending a message to Muslims at home and abroad that France is
on the side of those Muslims, the majority no doubt, who want to live in
again - coming back to BITE a European country.
However -- the solution is not more welfare for the rioters - but prison -
and the reality of the cold steel of prison doors slamming shut...
Then, after their prison terms, DEPORT this trash and slime back to
Intifada in France
The New York Sun, One SL, LLC
November 4, 2005 Friday
If President Chirac thought he was going to gain peace with the Muslim
community in France by taking an appeasement line in the Iraq war, it
certainly looks like he miscalculated. Today the streets of the French
capital are looking more like Ramallah and less like the advanced,
sophisticated, gay Paree image Monsieur Chirac likes to portray to the
world, and the story, which is just starting to grip the world's attention,
is full of ironies. One is tempted to suggest that Prime Minister Sharon
send a note cautioning Monsieur Chirac about cycles of violence.
Back in the 1990s, the French sneered at America for the Los Angeles riots.
As the Chicago Sun-Times reported in 1992: "the consensus of French pundits
is that something on the scale of the Los Angeles riots could not happen
here, mainly because France is a more humane, less racist place with a much
stronger commitment to social welfare programs." President Mitterrand, the
Washington Post reported in 1992, blamed the riots on the "conservative
society" that Presidents Reagan and Bush had created and said France is
different because it "is the country where the level of social protection is
the highest in the world."
How the times have changed. Muslims in Paris's suburbs are out shooting at
police and firefighters, burning cars and buildings, and throwing rocks at
commuter trains. Even children are out on the streets - it was reported that
a 10-year-old was arrested. The trigger for the riots was the electrocution
of two teenagers last Thursday, which the rioters say came following a
police chase, a charge the police deny. But even if the charge by the
rioters is true, that the police are culpable in the deaths of the two
youths, the fact that such an incident would spark a riot is a sign of
something deeper at work - no doubt France's failure to integrate its
immigrant Muslim community.
It turns out that France's Muslim community lives in areas rampant with
crime, poverty, and unemployment, much the fault of France's prized welfare
system. There are those of us who spent part of the 1980s in Europe,
supporting the idea, among others from the Reagan era, that immigration was
a virtue for a country and that the racial or religious background of the
immigrants did not matter. We maintain that view. But immigration into a
country with a dirigiste economy is a recipe for trouble, which is why
supporters of immigration into France have long warned of the need for
Part of France's problem is that it has defaulted on those measures. The
lack of labor market flexibility and other socialist policies have created
unemployment at nearly 10%, most of which falls among immigrants. And part
stems from the fact that France's estimated 5 million Muslims, out of a
population of 60 million, are led by mostly foreign radical imams. Only
belatedly has the French state started taking action, pressing for clerics
to be taught in France. All this is compounded by the image France projects
of itself to its Muslims, which one can surmise is the reason why Muslims
see rioting as the solution to any grievance.
It's a barely kept secret that Mr. Chirac led the opposition to the Iraq war
out of fear of how his Muslim population would react. This fear is a big
part of why France portrays itself as America's counterweight and why it
criticizes Israel at every turn and coddled the terrorist Yasser Arafat
right up to his death. This doesn't elicit thanks from Muslim radicals in
France. It turns out to project an image of weakness. Unsurprisingly when
faced with some unhappiness they believe they can pressure the French state
into submission.
A number of observers of the French scene have looked at population trends
and suggested that France is on its way to becoming a Muslim country (one
that would, let it be noted, be armed with hydrogen bombs). Some react to
this by suggesting a halt to immigration and even expulsion. The better
approach is to impose law and order, more speedily to reform the burdensome
welfare state, and start integrating the Muslim community. France could also
help itself by dispatching troops to help battle the radical Islamists in
Iraq, thereby sending a message to Muslims at home and abroad that France is
on the side of those Muslims, the majority no doubt, who want to live in