The French are LOSERS!
(too old to reply)
'nuff said
2004-01-15 18:31:41 UTC
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
I know! Invent a car that runs on cheese!

"New Faz" @
2004-01-15 19:02:10 UTC
Domage que vous n'ayez pas inventé un véhicule qui roule a la connerie, vous
serez a l'abri pour toujours aux usa...:-)
mais je suis par contre sur que le véhicule qui roule a la graisse va
bientot voir le jour, avec le nombre d'obese que vous avez, ca ne vous
posera aucun probleme...Par contre, vu justement le nombre d'obese et
surtout leur poid et la place qu'ils prennent, ce véhicule sera
obligatoirement un "mini"bus, parceque dans une voiture vous ne pourriez
rentrer qu'une seule fesse...
Post by 'nuff said
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
I know! Invent a car that runs on cheese!
'nuff said
2004-01-15 19:34:54 UTC
"New Faz" <***@new_faz@***@NOSPAM> wrote in news:4006e378$0$17125$***@news.free.fr:

It's a damn shame Americans aren't more like the emaciated 'waif' stick
figures that the French have managed to make popular. Like they haven't
done enough damage with their eurocentric ideas. Now it is their goal to
make everybody with a healthy body think they are too fat and should
become bulemic and anorexic like they are. I can't really blame them. I
throw up just thinking about french cooking... and french women.
Post by "New Faz" @
Domage que vous n'ayez pas inventé un véhicule qui roule a la
connerie, vous serez a l'abri pour toujours aux usa...:-)
mais je suis par contre sur que le véhicule qui roule a la graisse va
bientot voir le jour, avec le nombre d'obese que vous avez, ca ne vous
posera aucun probleme...Par contre, vu justement le nombre d'obese et
surtout leur poid et la place qu'ils prennent, ce véhicule sera
obligatoirement un "mini"bus, parceque dans une voiture vous ne
pourriez rentrer qu'une seule fesse...
Domage which you did not invent a vehicle which runs has the connery, you
will be has the shelter for always in the USA...:-) but I am on the other
hand on the vehicle which runs grease has soon will be born, with the
number of obese which you have, Ca will not pose any problem On the other
hand to you..., considering precisely the number of obese and especially
them poid and the place that they take, this vehicle will be obligatorily
a "mini"bus, because in a car you could return only one buttock...

This from a country that doesn't even have pick up trucks.
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
I know! Invent a car that runs on cheese!
"New Faz" @
2004-01-15 20:47:32 UTC
Post by 'nuff said
It's a damn shame Americans aren't more like the emaciated 'waif' stick
figures that the French have managed to make popular. Like they haven't
done enough damage with their eurocentric ideas. Now it is their goal to
make everybody with a healthy body think they are too fat and should
become bulemic and anorexic like they are. I can't really blame them. I
throw up just thinking about french cooking... and french women.
Mouah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Y a que la vérité qui blesse pov'naz...:-D
c'est quand meme pas ma faute si votre pays est LE pays de l'obésité ET de
la Connerie ? :-D
Ce n'est pas non plus ma faute si vous etes égocentrique au point de ne rien
connaitre du monde qui vous entoure...
Pour le reste, je trouve cela tres drole venant d'un pays de merde comme le
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Domage que vous n'ayez pas inventé un véhicule qui roule a la
connerie, vous serez a l'abri pour toujours aux usa...:-)
mais je suis par contre sur que le véhicule qui roule a la graisse va
bientot voir le jour, avec le nombre d'obese que vous avez, ca ne vous
posera aucun probleme...Par contre, vu justement le nombre d'obese et
surtout leur poid et la place qu'ils prennent, ce véhicule sera
obligatoirement un "mini"bus, parceque dans une voiture vous ne
pourriez rentrer qu'une seule fesse...
Domage which you did not invent a vehicle which runs has the connery, you
will be has the shelter for always in the USA...:-) but I am on the other
hand on the vehicle which runs grease has soon will be born, with the
number of obese which you have, Ca will not pose any problem On the other
hand to you..., considering precisely the number of obese and especially
them poid and the place that they take, this vehicle will be obligatorily
a "mini"bus, because in a car you could return only one buttock...
This from a country that doesn't even have pick up trucks.
Non, on en a pas besoin, Nous...:-D :-D :-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
I know! Invent a car that runs on cheese!
2004-01-23 07:00:42 UTC
Why then, is France the most popular holiday destination in the world?
Have you ever been to France, o wise and knowledgeable one?
Post by 'nuff said
It's a damn shame Americans aren't more like the emaciated 'waif' stick
figures that the French have managed to make popular. Like they haven't
done enough damage with their eurocentric ideas. Now it is their goal to
make everybody with a healthy body think they are too fat and should
become bulemic and anorexic like they are. I can't really blame them. I
throw up just thinking about french cooking... and french women.
"New Faz" @
2004-01-15 19:04:14 UTC
j'oublais un truc :-)
Post by 'nuff said
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
I know! Invent a car that runs on cheese!
"New Faz" @
2004-01-15 19:05:31 UTC
J'oubliais un truc :-)
Loading Image...
Post by 'nuff said
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
I know! Invent a car that runs on cheese!
'nuff said
2004-01-15 20:05:02 UTC
Post by "New Faz" @
J'oubliais un truc :-)
You critisize the US for their dependence on oil and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply. Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity. You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless. At the same time you point blame
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
It is just like the Jews in WWII to you. How many men, women, and children
died horribly because the French had their noses up their asses? I will
like to see you defend that with an insult about junk food and fatties.
"New Faz" @
2004-01-15 20:58:54 UTC
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
J'oubliais un truc :-)
You critisize the US for their dependence on oil
Non, absolument pas, preuve que comme un bon américain, tu n'as strictement
rien compris...Nous critiquons votre pays parce que vous croyez que les
autres sont aussi stupide que vous...Vous croyez que l'on va vous croire
lorsque vous faites une guerre pour prendre le pétrole Irakien sous
"couvert" de soit disant trouver des armes de destructions massive
inexistante, et pour "libérer" un peuple dont vous avez mis le dictateur au
pouvoir, dictateur que vous avez armé et soutenu...Tient d'ailleurs tu te
souviens de la maniere dont vous avez laisser massacrer des milliers de gens
en Irak sans meme bouger le petit doigt apres la 1er Gerre du Golf ?
Non ? On a la mémoire courte chez vous on dirait...
Post by 'nuff said
and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply.
Tu me rappel QUI a mis Sadaam au pouvoir ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a le premier vendu des armes a Sadaam ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a aidé Sadaam lors de sa guerre contre l'Iran ? Les USA
Tu ma rappel Quel Pays avait des sociétés "masqués" pour acheter le pétrole
Irakien pendant l'embarguo ? Les USA
Post by 'nuff said
Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity.
Ah Ouai ? Alors pourquoi vous avez mis Sadaam au pouvoir, ainsi que la
grande majorité des autres dictateurs de la planete ?
Tiens, Pinochet par exemple ==> Mis au pouvoir et supporté par les USA...
Post by 'nuff said
You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless.> At the same time you point
Post by 'nuff said
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
LOL, mais arrete, vous n'en avez rien a foutre des autres, vous ne vous
interessez qu"a vous..Une preuve supplémentaire..Tu sais QUI a bombardé le
sud de l'Irak entre les 2 guerres du Golf ? Tuant des centaines de civils ?
Les USA...Et oui, rien qu'eux, tout seul..La France jugeant cela inutile et
barbare ne l'a pas fait...
Post by 'nuff said
It is just like the Jews in WWII to you. How many men, women, and children
died horribly because the French had their noses up their asses? I will
like to see you defend that with an insult about junk food and fatties.
Ah, mais je n'insulte pas les gros porcs tel que vous, ce n'est pas une
insulte, c'est la réalité...Tu sais, la point de vue que les américains sont
trop con pour voir ? Tient au fait, en parlant de tete dans le cul, il
faudrait peut etre sortir la tienne, tu ma rappel le nombre de WMD que vous
avez trouvé ? Puis tu me rappelera le nombre de morts Irakiens que vous avez
fait, nottement celui filmé par une TV US qui montre un GI en train
d'Assassiner un homme a terre avec son M16 parcequ'il trouve ca "cool" et
qu'il espere pouvoir bientot le refaire ?!

il faudrait arreter de chier la tete en bas, ca vous retombe dessus...:-D
:-D :-D
'nuff said
2004-01-15 22:34:13 UTC
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
J'oubliais un truc :-)
You critisize the US for their dependence on oil
Non, absolument pas, preuve que comme un bon américain, tu n'as
strictement rien compris...Nous critiquons votre pays parce que vous
croyez que les autres sont aussi stupide que vous...
And you accuse me of being ethnocentric.
Post by "New Faz" @
Vous croyez que
l'on va vous croire lorsque vous faites une guerre pour prendre le
pétrole Irakien sous "couvert" de soit disant trouver des armes de
destructions massive inexistante, et pour "libérer" un peuple dont
vous avez mis le dictateur au pouvoir, dictateur que vous avez armé et
When "I" make a war? To "release" people of which _I_ put the dictator
at the capacity? _I_ armed and supported? I don't know if you have been
informed, but the country I live in is democratic. George Bush still
needs the consent of Congress to declare war. Unlike Saddam and his sons,
who could rape and pillige at will and receive immense approval from
dimwits like you.
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient d'ailleurs tu te souviens de la maniere dont vous avez
laisser massacrer des milliers de gens en Irak sans meme bouger le
petit doigt apres la 1er Gerre du Golf ? Non ? On a la mémoire courte
chez vous on dirait...
Or "how soon we forget" as we say. I must admit, the consquences of the
first war in Iraq were swiftly forgotten by even the most vehement war
protesters. As long as their latte cups were full, they were content.
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply.
Tu me rappel QUI a mis Sadaam au pouvoir ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a le premier vendu des armes a Sadaam ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a aidé Sadaam lors de sa guerre contre l'Iran ? Les
USA Tu ma rappel Quel Pays avait des sociétés "masqués" pour acheter
le pétrole Irakien pendant l'embarguo ? Les USA
(to paraphrase)
Post by "New Faz" @
You my recall Which Country had companies "masked" to buy > Iraqi oil >
Post by 'nuff said
during the embarguo? The USA >
Or, why didn't we be like France and Russia and buy from them publicly?
After all, we are supposed to be capitalists, right?
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity.
Ah Ouai ? Alors pourquoi vous avez mis Sadaam au pouvoir, ainsi que la
grande majorité des autres dictateurs de la planete ?
Tiens, Pinochet par exemple ==> Mis au pouvoir et supporté par les USA...
Post by 'nuff said
You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless.> At the same time you point
Post by 'nuff said
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
LOL, mais arrete, vous n'en avez rien a foutre des autres, vous ne vous
interessez qu"a vous..Une preuve supplémentaire..Tu sais QUI a
bombardé le sud de l'Irak entre les 2 guerres du Golf ? Tuant des
centaines de civils ? Les USA...Et oui, rien qu'eux, tout seul..La
France jugeant cela inutile et barbare ne l'a pas fait...
Post by "New Faz" @
France considering that useless and barbarian did not do it.
Why do you not mention the invasion of Kuwait at all? Was that a
politically acceptable motion of Iraq? Did that display a great "usefull
and civilized" action on their part? And in that case, weren't the
conquests of France by Napoleon and Hitler also great achievements in
history? How about when Saddam set fire to his oil fields, creating one
of the worst enviromental disasters of all time. <insert sarcasm> Damn
you're right, America is useless and barbarian. They are all the sane
ones on the other side of the world.
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
It is just like the Jews in WWII to you. How many men, women, and
children died horribly because the French had their noses up their
asses? I will like to see you defend that with an insult about junk
food and fatties.
Ah, mais je n'insulte pas les gros porcs tel que vous, ce n'est pas une
insulte, c'est la réalité...
I don't know, am I supposed to feel insulted? You only succeed in making
yourself look rude and belligerent.
Post by "New Faz" @
Tu sais, la point de vue que les
américains sont trop con pour voir ?
Once again, this displays your ignorace of American politics. Do you know
how many are opposed to military action in Iraq? Do you think that we
enjoy having our people in a shithole country on the other side of the
globe? How would you know? France hasn't won a war since the French
Revolution. ;)
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient au fait, en parlant de tete
dans le cul, il faudrait peut etre sortir la tienne, tu ma rappel le
nombre de WMD que vous avez trouvé ?
I know that Hussein was determined to hinder any investigation from U.N.
weapons inspectors. I wonder why? Maybe he needed more time to hide the
skeletons in the closet? The spilt blood in his palace had to be cleaned
up. Or was he just waiting for the opportunity to surrender to Chirac and
the Foreign Legion. ;>
Post by "New Faz" @
Puis tu me rappelera le nombre de
morts Irakiens que vous avez fait, nottement celui filmé par une TV US
qui montre un GI en train d'Assassiner un homme a terre avec son M16
parcequ'il trouve ca "cool" et qu'il espere pouvoir bientot le refaire
il faudrait arreter de chier la tete en bas, ca vous retombe
:-D :-D
Return to serfdom, you obviously deserve it. I am proud to take part in
this years elections, Bush war or not.
"New Faz" @
2004-01-18 00:52:13 UTC
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
J'oubliais un truc :-)
You critisize the US for their dependence on oil
Non, absolument pas, preuve que comme un bon américain, tu n'as
strictement rien compris...Nous critiquons votre pays parce que vous
croyez que les autres sont aussi stupide que vous...
And you accuse me of being ethnocentric.
Non, je n'accuse pas...Je constate...:-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Vous croyez que
l'on va vous croire lorsque vous faites une guerre pour prendre le
pétrole Irakien sous "couvert" de soit disant trouver des armes de
destructions massive inexistante, et pour "libérer" un peuple dont
vous avez mis le dictateur au pouvoir, dictateur que vous avez armé et
When "I" make a war? To "release" people of which _I_ put the dictator
at the capacity? _I_ armed and supported?
Tiens, en France, ce sont les enfants de 4 ans qui font semblant de ne
pas comprendre quelque chose en prenant une remarque juste pour eux alors
que le "vous" est générique et donc...général...TU n'aurais donc que 4 ans ?
Post by 'nuff said
I don't know
J'avais cru remarquer oui..:-)
Post by 'nuff said
if you have been
informed, but the country I live in is democratic.
Ah ? :-D
Ca ne doit pas faire longtemps alors :-)
parceque vos actions prouvent tout sauf que vous etes une démocratie...
Post by 'nuff said
George Bush still
needs the consent of Congress to declare war.
Cela excuse t 'il les mensonges et les manipulations ?
Je ne crois pas non...
Post by 'nuff said
Unlike Saddam and his sons,
who could rape and pillige at will and receive immense approval from
dimwits like you.
Un peu comme Clinton avec les stagiaires de la maison blanche ?
"Amusante" remarque tout de meme d'une personne dont le pays a mis Sadaam au
pouvoir ? :-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient d'ailleurs tu te souviens de la maniere dont vous avez
laisser massacrer des milliers de gens en Irak sans meme bouger le
petit doigt apres la 1er Gerre du Golf ? Non ? On a la mémoire courte
chez vous on dirait...
Or "how soon we forget" as we say. I must admit, the consquences of the
first war in Iraq were swiftly forgotten by even the most vehement war
protesters. As long as their latte cups were full, they were content.
Nous sommes donc d'accord :-)
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply.
Tu me rappel QUI a mis Sadaam au pouvoir ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a le premier vendu des armes a Sadaam ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a aidé Sadaam lors de sa guerre contre l'Iran ? Les
USA Tu ma rappel Quel Pays avait des sociétés "masqués" pour acheter
le pétrole Irakien pendant l'embarguo ? Les USA
(to paraphrase)
Post by "New Faz" @
You my recall Which Country had companies "masked" to buy > Iraqi oil >
Post by 'nuff said
during the embarguo? The USA >
Or, why didn't we be like France and Russia and buy from them publicly?
After all, we are supposed to be capitalists, right?
Pour un pays qui voulait un embarguo "dure" et qui critique en autre la
France soit disant pour vouloir le pétrole, et qui surtout se dit etre une
démocratie, vous vous "cachez" beaucoup pour faire vos "affaires"...Non ?
Je me permet de constater que tu ne contredis pas les autres arguements
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity.
Ah Ouai ? Alors pourquoi vous avez mis Sadaam au pouvoir, ainsi que la
grande majorité des autres dictateurs de la planete ?
Tiens, Pinochet par exemple ==> Mis au pouvoir et supporté par les USA...
Post by 'nuff said
You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless.> At the same time you point
Post by 'nuff said
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
LOL, mais arrete, vous n'en avez rien a foutre des autres, vous ne vous
interessez qu"a vous..Une preuve supplémentaire..Tu sais QUI a
bombardé le sud de l'Irak entre les 2 guerres du Golf ? Tuant des
centaines de civils ? Les USA...Et oui, rien qu'eux, tout seul..La
France jugeant cela inutile et barbare ne l'a pas fait...
Post by "New Faz" @
France considering that useless and barbarian did not do it.
Why do you not mention the invasion of Kuwait at all?
Was that a
politically acceptable motion of Iraq? Did that display a great "usefull
and civilized" action on their part?
And in that case, weren't the
conquests of France by Napoleon and Hitler also great achievements in
Tu me rappel a quel moment le Kowait était envahi entre 1992 et 1998 lors
des bombardements US dans le sud de l'Irak ?
Post by 'nuff said
How about when Saddam set fire to his oil fields, creating one
of the worst enviromental disasters of all time.
Et que dire des tests de bombes US sur le sol US, c'est bon pour
l'environnement ?
Ou bien les laché de bombes US? C'est bon pour l'environement ?
Et que dire du fait que les USA soit LE pays le plus pollueur au monde et
refuse de signer les accords concernant la réduction des émissions polluante
"simplement" parce que cela n'est pas bon pour l'industrie US et donc tres
mauvais pour les rentrée d'argent permettant les campagnes présidentielles
US, alors que cela est désastreux au niveau Mondial ?!

<insert sarcasm> Damn
Post by 'nuff said
you're right, America is useless and barbarian. They are all the sane
ones on the other side of the world.
Non, bien sur, seul 3 gouvernements vous "supportent" (les peuples de ces 3
la ne vous aiment pas pour la grande majorité...) et le reste des peuples du
monde ne vous aiment pas, cela est propablement dû au fait que vous etes des
gentils pret a faire ce qui est bon pour le monde entier et pas uniquement
pour vous ?!
A ton avis ?
Le fait de concentrer la "Haine" de tout un peuple (musulman par exemple) te
prouve que vous n'etes que des gentils bienfaiteurs du monde ? <== réfléchis
a ça déjà...
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
It is just like the Jews in WWII to you. How many men, women, and
children died horribly because the French had their noses up their
asses? I will like to see you defend that with an insult about junk
food and fatties.
Ah, mais je n'insulte pas les gros porcs tel que vous, ce n'est pas une
insulte, c'est la réalité...
I don't know, am I supposed to feel insulted? You only succeed in making
yourself look rude and belligerent.
Je fais parti des gens qui était contre la guerre en Irak, contrairement a
la grande majorité des américains (dont toi d'ailleurs, je te rappel que tu
n'es pas sur un ng "généraliste", mais sur "nuke.france", sans doute un
exemple de ton "grand coeur" et de ta "bienveillance"...MDR ...:-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tu sais, la point de vue que les
américains sont trop con pour voir ?
Once again, this displays your ignorace of American politics.
MDR !!! :-D
Au lieu de dire n'importe quoi, regarde bien ce qui se passe dans ton pays,
et surtout, regarde bien ce que fait ton pays en dehors de votre
La réalité, par exemple, c'est ce qui ne passe pas sur Fox News (un employé
a d'ailleurs été licencié car il a refusé de diffuser une information
mensongere...), la réalité, c'est également le contraire de ce que dit (ou
fait dire...) ton gouvernement sur la France et le peuple Francais...Le site
que tu mets dans la signature est probablement un exemple de ton attachement
a la réalité ?
MDR ...pov'naz
Post by 'nuff said
Do you know
how many are opposed to military action in Iraq?
Oui, a peu pres 35 % en ce moment, cela est passé par un bon 40% durant une
tres courte période et également a 10 - 15% au plus fort de la propagande
US, et nottement du "French Bashing"...
Post by 'nuff said
Do you think that we
enjoy having our people in a shithole country on the other side of the
A priori Oui, puisque vous en faite que ca... et qu'en plus vous le
Post by 'nuff said
How would you know? France hasn't won a war since the French
Revolution. ;)
Tu ferais mieux de t'instruire un peu, tu verras, ca ne peux te faire
que du bien...:-)
Commence par l'histoire, tu as du en manquer une bonne partie...:-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient au fait, en parlant de tete
dans le cul, il faudrait peut etre sortir la tienne, tu ma rappel le
nombre de WMD que vous avez trouvé ?
I know that Hussein was determined to hinder any investigation from U.N.
weapons inspectors.
Et ? Cela n'est pas une preuve, Les USA refusent bien que des américains
puissent etre jugés pour leur crimes en dehors des USA (alors que ces meme
USA se réservent le droit de le faire pour les autres, quite a aller les
chercher partout dans le monde...), cela prouve sans doute que vous avez
beaucoup de chose a vous reprocher ?!
Post by 'nuff said
I wonder why? Maybe he needed more time to hide the
skeletons in the closet? The spilt blood in his palace had to be cleaned
up. Or was he just waiting for the opportunity to surrender to Chirac and
the Foreign Legion. ;>
Non, en fait il attendait de pouvoir vous rendre les WMD achetés aux
USA, puis apres il a fait en sorte d'etre capturé par les Kurdes...Et
curieusement les "gentils américains si proche de la réalité" ont déclaré
avoir capturé eux meme Sadaam alors que celui ci leur a été "donné" par les

Tient d'ailleurs je vais sans doute t'apprendre un truc que je trouve tres
drole...Sais tu que l'armée US est souvent venu s'entrainer en France ? Et
sais tu également que vos militaires n'ont JAMAIS gagné lors des
entrainements entre les 2 armées ? Il ne s'agissait d'ailleurs meme pas de
la Légion étrangere...mais "juste" de l'armée Francaise...:-D

Dis moi un truc en passant, vous collez des cibles rouge vif sur vos soldats
pour qu'ils se fassent descendre autant ? :'-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Puis tu me rappelera le nombre de
morts Irakiens que vous avez fait, nottement celui filmé par une TV US
qui montre un GI en train d'Assassiner un homme a terre avec son M16
parcequ'il trouve ca "cool" et qu'il espere pouvoir bientot le refaire
il faudrait arreter de chier la tete en bas, ca vous retombe
:-D :-D
Return to serfdom, you obviously deserve it. I am proud to take part in
this years elections, Bush war or not.
Ah ouai, c'est vrai, des gens comme toi, ca vote...Affligeant...Dis moi
juste un truc, vous utilisez toujours votre methode de vote plus que dépassé
qui permet d'avoir un président NON élu par le peuple ? 'achement
d'mocratique comme systeme...:-)
2004-01-19 01:36:20 UTC
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
J'oubliais un truc :-)
You critisize the US for their dependence on oil
Non, absolument pas, preuve que comme un bon américain, tu n'as
strictement rien compris...Nous critiquons votre pays parce que
vous croyez que les autres sont aussi stupide que vous...
And you accuse me of being ethnocentric.
Non, je n'accuse pas...Je constate...:-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Vous croyez que
l'on va vous croire lorsque vous faites une guerre pour prendre le
pétrole Irakien sous "couvert" de soit disant trouver des armes de
destructions massive inexistante, et pour "libérer" un peuple dont
vous avez mis le dictateur au pouvoir, dictateur que vous avez armé
et soutenu...
When "I" make a war? To "release" people of which _I_ put the
dictator at the capacity? _I_ armed and supported?
Tiens, en France, ce sont les enfants de 4 ans qui font semblant de ne
pas comprendre quelque chose en prenant une remarque juste pour eux
alors que le "vous" est générique et donc...général...TU n'aurais donc
que 4 ans ?
That would explain why you ignore my points and reply with a flowery
cliche. How old are you again, four and a half? To answer your question,
no, I have never been an Iraqi citizen, I did not elect Hussein in a fair
and decisive election, I buy my petrol from the pump, not a foreign
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
I don't know
J'avais cru remarquer oui..:-)
Post by 'nuff said
if you have been
informed, but the country I live in is democratic.
Ah ? :-D
Ca ne doit pas faire longtemps alors :-)
parceque vos actions prouvent tout sauf que vous etes une
Believe it or not, there are a lot of Americans that would say the same.
Not the majority, just a lot.
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
George Bush still
needs the consent of Congress to declare war.
Cela excuse t 'il les mensonges et les manipulations ?
Je ne crois pas non...
Post by 'nuff said
Unlike Saddam and his sons,
who could rape and pillige at will and receive immense approval from
dimwits like you.
Un peu comme Clinton avec les stagiaires de la maison blanche ?
"Amusante" remarque tout de meme d'une personne dont le pays a mis
Sadaam au pouvoir ? :-D
You are reffering to a political situation that was present a long time
ago. Twenty years ago may not seem like a long time, but political ties can
change. A government that remained unchanged for over two hundered years
would be considered stagnant and eventually succumb to technological and
social changes. As for your question, yes, Saddam is still in power, only
he remains confined to his jail cell.
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient d'ailleurs tu te souviens de la maniere dont vous avez
laisser massacrer des milliers de gens en Irak sans meme bouger le
petit doigt apres la 1er Gerre du Golf ? Non ? On a la mémoire
courte chez vous on dirait...
Or "how soon we forget" as we say. I must admit, the consquences of
the first war in Iraq were swiftly forgotten by even the most
vehement war protesters. As long as their latte cups were full, they
were content.
Nous sommes donc d'accord :-)
I was personally opposed to the first Iraq war myself. I protested, watched
the footage on TV, and welcomed the Clinton administration. I was a little
disturbed when GWB said we would be going into Iraq again. Now that we have
Hussein, I am relieved.

I hope now that Americans can return home and leave the Mid East to those
who deserve it. However they say that with the infrastructure as unstable
as it is, we may need to provide support for many years to come. The people
just can't survive without Saddam robbing them left and right. What a sad
state for a civilization that is supposed to be one of the most ancient on
the planet.
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply.
Tu me rappel QUI a mis Sadaam au pouvoir ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a le premier vendu des armes a Sadaam ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a aidé Sadaam lors de sa guerre contre l'Iran ?
Les USA Tu ma rappel Quel Pays avait des sociétés "masqués" pour
acheter le pétrole Irakien pendant l'embarguo ? Les USA
(to paraphrase)
Post by "New Faz" @
You my recall Which Country had companies "masked" to buy > Iraqi oil >
Post by 'nuff said
during the embarguo? The USA >
Or, why didn't we be like France and Russia and buy from them
publicly? After all, we are supposed to be capitalists, right?
Pour un pays qui voulait un embarguo "dure" et qui critique en autre
la France soit disant pour vouloir le pétrole, et qui surtout se dit
etre une démocratie, vous vous "cachez" beaucoup pour faire vos
"affaires"...Non ? Je me permet de constater que tu ne contredis pas
les autres arguements ci-dessus...:)
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity.
Ah Ouai ? Alors pourquoi vous avez mis Sadaam au pouvoir, ainsi que la
grande majorité des autres dictateurs de la planete ?
Tiens, Pinochet par exemple ==> Mis au pouvoir et supporté par les USA...
Post by 'nuff said
You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless.> At the same time you point
Post by 'nuff said
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
LOL, mais arrete, vous n'en avez rien a foutre des autres, vous ne vous
interessez qu"a vous..Une preuve supplémentaire..Tu sais QUI a
bombardé le sud de l'Irak entre les 2 guerres du Golf ? Tuant des
centaines de civils ? Les USA...Et oui, rien qu'eux, tout seul..La
France jugeant cela inutile et barbare ne l'a pas fait...
Post by "New Faz" @
France considering that useless and barbarian did not do it.
Why do you not mention the invasion of Kuwait at all?
Was that a
politically acceptable motion of Iraq? Did that display a great
"usefull and civilized" action on their part?
And in that case, weren't the
conquests of France by Napoleon and Hitler also great achievements in
Tu me rappel a quel moment le Kowait était envahi entre 1992 et 1998 lors
des bombardements US dans le sud de l'Irak ?
What?! Are you mental? Do you really think that Kuwait welcomed Saddam with
open arms? You suppose he just wanted to come over for a spot of tea?!
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
How about when Saddam set fire to his oil fields, creating one
of the worst enviromental disasters of all time.
Et que dire des tests de bombes US sur le sol US, c'est bon pour
l'environnement ?
Ou bien les laché de bombes US? C'est bon pour l'environement ?
Et que dire du fait que les USA soit LE pays le plus pollueur au monde
et refuse de signer les accords concernant la réduction des émissions
polluante "simplement" parce que cela n'est pas bon pour l'industrie
US et donc tres mauvais pour les rentrée d'argent permettant les
campagnes présidentielles US, alors que cela est désastreux au niveau
Mondial ?!
So what is that supposed to prove? That because a frenchman invented the
steam engine they are technologically superior? Keep in mind that the
disaster that Hussein caused stretched from one hemisphere to the other.
There hasn't been one American that has done that intentionally. And there
is not one European that can defend their country as being ecologically
friendly. The Europeans raped and defiled their lands for millennia before
ecology was even a word. And now that we are in a critical period of
natural resources, they can do nothing but blame the new kids on the block
for everything including the kitchen sink. We have a saying "If you can't
stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Post by "New Faz" @
<insert sarcasm> Damn
Post by 'nuff said
you're right, America is useless and barbarian. They are all the sane
ones on the other side of the world.
Non, bien sur, seul 3 gouvernements vous "supportent" (les peuples de
ces 3 la ne vous aiment pas pour la grande majorité...) et le reste
des peuples du monde ne vous aiment pas, cela est propablement dû au
fait que vous etes des gentils pret a faire ce qui est bon pour le
monde entier et pas uniquement pour vous ?!
A ton avis ?
Le fait de concentrer la "Haine" de tout un peuple (musulman par
exemple) te prouve que vous n'etes que des gentils bienfaiteurs du
monde ? <== réfléchis a ça déjà...
This kind of quote I will not answer to except to a fellow American.
It goes to show that you understand American politics about as much as I
understand truffle farming.
"New Faz" @
2004-01-19 14:58:42 UTC
Post by Jeremy
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Vous croyez que
l'on va vous croire lorsque vous faites une guerre pour prendre le
pétrole Irakien sous "couvert" de soit disant trouver des armes de
destructions massive inexistante, et pour "libérer" un peuple dont
vous avez mis le dictateur au pouvoir, dictateur que vous avez armé
et soutenu...
When "I" make a war? To "release" people of which _I_ put the
dictator at the capacity? _I_ armed and supported?
Tiens, en France, ce sont les enfants de 4 ans qui font semblant de ne
pas comprendre quelque chose en prenant une remarque juste pour eux
alors que le "vous" est générique et donc...général...TU n'aurais donc
que 4 ans ?
That would explain why you ignore my points and reply with a flowery
cliche. How old are you again, four and a half? To answer your question,
no, I have never been an Iraqi citizen, I did not elect Hussein in a fair
and decisive election, I buy my petrol from the pump, not a foreign
C'est bien ce que je dis, tu n'as toujours rien compris...:-|
Post by Jeremy
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
I don't know
J'avais cru remarquer oui..:-)
Post by 'nuff said
if you have been
informed, but the country I live in is democratic.
Ah ? :-D
Ca ne doit pas faire longtemps alors :-)
parceque vos actions prouvent tout sauf que vous etes une
Believe it or not, there are a lot of Americans that would say the same.
Not the majority, just a lot.
Je sais ;-))
La majorité serait plus intéressante...Principalement pour vous...:-)
Post by Jeremy
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
George Bush still
needs the consent of Congress to declare war.
Cela excuse t 'il les mensonges et les manipulations ?
Je ne crois pas non...
Post by 'nuff said
Unlike Saddam and his sons,
who could rape and pillige at will and receive immense approval from
dimwits like you.
Un peu comme Clinton avec les stagiaires de la maison blanche ?
"Amusante" remarque tout de meme d'une personne dont le pays a mis
Sadaam au pouvoir ? :-D
You are reffering to a political situation that was present a long time
C'est pourtant ce que vous avez l'habitude de faire...Cela ne semble pas
déranger beaucoup d'américain de revenir sur des faits meme bien plus
antérieures a ceux ci pour "dénigrer" la France...
Post by Jeremy
Twenty years ago may not seem like a long time, but political ties can
change. A government that remained unchanged for over two hundered years
would be considered stagnant and eventually succumb to technological and
social changes. As for your question, yes, Saddam is still in power, only
he remains confined to his jail cell.
Je n'ai pas posé cette question, mais merci de la réponse...;-))
Post by Jeremy
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient d'ailleurs tu te souviens de la maniere dont vous avez
laisser massacrer des milliers de gens en Irak sans meme bouger le
petit doigt apres la 1er Gerre du Golf ? Non ? On a la mémoire
courte chez vous on dirait...
Or "how soon we forget" as we say. I must admit, the consquences of
the first war in Iraq were swiftly forgotten by even the most
vehement war protesters. As long as their latte cups were full, they
were content.
Nous sommes donc d'accord :-)
I was personally opposed to the first Iraq war myself. I protested, watched
the footage on TV, and welcomed the Clinton administration. I was a little
disturbed when GWB said we would be going into Iraq again. Now that we have
Hussein, I am relieved.
Ok, néanmoins, soulagé de quoi ?
Soulagé pour les Irakiens ? Je le serais quand ils auront leur véritable
libertées a condition qu'il n'y ai pas une nouvelle dictature a la place de

Soulagé pour la paix dans le monde ? Il n'était absolument pas un danger
pour le Monde...Israel, ou les USA (avec GWB a leur tete surtout...) sont
des menaces pour la paix dans le monde, et je dirais meme sont des menaces
pour le monde entier "tout simplement"...
Post by Jeremy
I hope now that Americans can return home and leave the Mid East to those
who deserve it. However they say that with the infrastructure as unstable
as it is, we may need to provide support for many years to come.
Je suis le premier a ne pas aimer Sadaam, néanmoins, il apportait une
certaine rigidité a l'Irak (pas une stabilité hein, une rigidité de part la
dictature), cela ne mettait pas les gens en confiance, mais évitait le
"chaos" qu'il y a actuellement...Tout le monde désire une stabilité, une
paix et un dévellopement pour ce pays comme pour d'autres, mais les USA ne
peuvent pas imposer leurs vues sur ce pays comme sur le monde comme ils le
souhaitent, le monde ne leur appartient pas, et il advient aux nations unies
de faire ce qu'il y a a faire si nécéssaire...
Post by Jeremy
The people
just can't survive without Saddam robbing them left and right. What a sad
state for a civilization that is supposed to be one of the most ancient on
the planet.
C'est vrai, je suis assez d'accord avec ce point :-|
Dans le meme temps, cela fait plus de 30 ans qu'il était au pouvoir,
certains sont nés et on grandit sous l'ère Sadaam, ce qui ne facilite pas
les choses...
Post by Jeremy
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply.
Tu me rappel QUI a mis Sadaam au pouvoir ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a le premier vendu des armes a Sadaam ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a aidé Sadaam lors de sa guerre contre l'Iran ?
Les USA Tu ma rappel Quel Pays avait des sociétés "masqués" pour
acheter le pétrole Irakien pendant l'embarguo ? Les USA
(to paraphrase)
Post by "New Faz" @
You my recall Which Country had companies "masked" to buy > Iraqi oil >
Post by 'nuff said
during the embarguo? The USA >
Or, why didn't we be like France and Russia and buy from them
publicly? After all, we are supposed to be capitalists, right?
Pour un pays qui voulait un embarguo "dure" et qui critique en autre
la France soit disant pour vouloir le pétrole, et qui surtout se dit
etre une démocratie, vous vous "cachez" beaucoup pour faire vos
"affaires"...Non ? Je me permet de constater que tu ne contredis pas
les autres arguements ci-dessus...:)
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity.
Ah Ouai ? Alors pourquoi vous avez mis Sadaam au pouvoir, ainsi que la
grande majorité des autres dictateurs de la planete ?
Tiens, Pinochet par exemple ==> Mis au pouvoir et supporté par les USA...
Post by 'nuff said
You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless.> At the same time you point
Post by 'nuff said
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
LOL, mais arrete, vous n'en avez rien a foutre des autres, vous ne vous
interessez qu"a vous..Une preuve supplémentaire..Tu sais QUI a
bombardé le sud de l'Irak entre les 2 guerres du Golf ? Tuant des
centaines de civils ? Les USA...Et oui, rien qu'eux, tout seul..La
France jugeant cela inutile et barbare ne l'a pas fait...
Post by "New Faz" @
France considering that useless and barbarian did not do it.
Why do you not mention the invasion of Kuwait at all?
Was that a
politically acceptable motion of Iraq? Did that display a great
"usefull and civilized" action on their part?
And in that case, weren't the
conquests of France by Napoleon and Hitler also great achievements in
Tu me rappel a quel moment le Kowait était envahi entre 1992 et 1998 lors
des bombardements US dans le sud de l'Irak ?
What?! Are you mental? Do you really think that Kuwait welcomed Saddam with
open arms? You suppose he just wanted to come over for a spot of tea?!
Tu as suivi ce que j'ai dis ???
pour faire simple, car je crois que c'est ta traduction automatique qui
==> ENTRE les 2 guerres du golf, il y a eu des Bombardements US sur les
civils Irakiens, cela est vrai et vérifiable et la France trouvant cela
inutile et stupide n'y a pas participé durant cette période.
==> Durant la période ENTRE les 2 guerres, le Kowait n'était pas envahit pas
Post by Jeremy
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
How about when Saddam set fire to his oil fields, creating one
of the worst enviromental disasters of all time.
Et que dire des tests de bombes US sur le sol US, c'est bon pour
l'environnement ?
Ou bien les laché de bombes US? C'est bon pour l'environement ?
Et que dire du fait que les USA soit LE pays le plus pollueur au monde
et refuse de signer les accords concernant la réduction des émissions
polluante "simplement" parce que cela n'est pas bon pour l'industrie
US et donc tres mauvais pour les rentrée d'argent permettant les
campagnes présidentielles US, alors que cela est désastreux au niveau
Mondial ?!
So what is that supposed to prove?
Rien, lis, et comprends ce que j'ai écrit, ce sera déjà bien...
Post by Jeremy
That because a frenchman invented the
steam engine they are technologically superior?
C'est quoi le rapport avec ce que j'ai écris plus haut ???
Post by Jeremy
Keep in mind that the
disaster that Hussein caused stretched from one hemisphere to the other.
There hasn't been one American that has done that intentionally.
Si, GWB...
Post by Jeremy
And there
is not one European that can defend their country as being ecologically
friendly. The Europeans raped and defiled their lands for millennia before
ecology was even a word. And now that we are in a critical period of
natural resources, they can do nothing but blame the new kids on the block
for everything including the kitchen sink. We have a saying "If you can't
stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Tu sais que c'est idiot ce que tu dis ?
Tu es au courrant des dégats que cause VOTRE industrie ?
Tu es au courrant que SEUL votre pays a refusé de signer ?
Tu es au courrant que vous avez causé dans le monde ? (le Napalm par
exemple, c'est un produit écologique ?)
Post by Jeremy
Post by "New Faz" @
<insert sarcasm> Damn
Post by 'nuff said
you're right, America is useless and barbarian. They are all the sane
ones on the other side of the world.
Non, bien sur, seul 3 gouvernements vous "supportent" (les peuples de
ces 3 la ne vous aiment pas pour la grande majorité...) et le reste
des peuples du monde ne vous aiment pas, cela est propablement dû au
fait que vous etes des gentils pret a faire ce qui est bon pour le
monde entier et pas uniquement pour vous ?!
A ton avis ?
Le fait de concentrer la "Haine" de tout un peuple (musulman par
exemple) te prouve que vous n'etes que des gentils bienfaiteurs du
monde ? <== réfléchis a ça déjà...
This kind of quote I will not answer to except to a fellow American.
It goes to show that you understand American politics about as much as I
understand truffle farming.
Je crois surtout vu comment tu réponds totalement a coté de la plaque,
que tu ferais mieux d'apprendre le Francais plutot que de te servir de
traducteur automatique, car tu n'as pratiquement rien compris a ce que j'ai
2004-01-19 18:06:50 UTC
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by Jeremy
Hussein, I am relieved.
Ok, néanmoins, soulagé de quoi ?
Soulagé pour les Irakiens ? Je le serais quand ils auront leur véritable
libertées a condition qu'il n'y ai pas une nouvelle dictature a la place de
Et quand les USA n'auront plus le Patriot Act Version 2. Pour le moment
j'observe simplement un durcicement du systeme aux US plustot qu'un
soulagement de l'Irak. En gros les 2 pays ont plus perdu compare a ce
qu'ils etaient au 1er Janvier 2000.
Post by "New Faz" @
Soulagé pour la paix dans le monde ? Il n'était absolument pas un danger
pour le Monde...Israel, ou les USA (avec GWB a leur tete surtout...) sont
des menaces pour la paix dans le monde, et je dirais meme sont des menaces
pour le monde entier "tout simplement"...
Ben si, l'Irak possedait des millions d'armes nucleaires a bord de leur
grandissime flottillie de guerre composee d'une armada entiere de sous
marins nucleaires. Une semaine et ils envahissaient la cote Ouest des
USA. Deux semaines et leurs parachutistes sautaient sur la cote Est.
L'Irak possedent de nombreux agents secrets qui occupent des postes tres
importants dans les communications, dans l'audiovisuel, dans la politique,
dans l'education....

Tu ne regardes pas Fox News? :-)
Post by "New Faz" @
Je suis le premier a ne pas aimer Sadaam, néanmoins, il apportait une
certaine rigidité a l'Irak (pas une stabilité hein, une rigidité de part la
dictature), cela ne mettait pas les gens en confiance, mais évitait le
"chaos" qu'il y a actuellement...Tout le monde désire une stabilité, une
paix et un dévellopement pour ce pays comme pour d'autres, mais les USA ne
peuvent pas imposer leurs vues sur ce pays comme sur le monde comme ils le
souhaitent, le monde ne leur appartient pas, et il advient aux nations unies
de faire ce qu'il y a a faire si nécéssaire...
De toutes facons, si les USA imposent leur vue actuelle avec leur loies
votee par l'equipe Bush et ses lobies, ce sera exactement la meme chose
que la loie Saddam. Tu penses encore aux USA d'avant 2001.
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by Jeremy
That because a frenchman invented the
steam engine they are technologically superior?
C'est quoi le rapport avec ce que j'ai écris plus haut ???
C'est ce qu'on leur enseigne. Donc ca ressort.
Post by "New Faz" @
Tu sais que c'est idiot ce que tu dis ?
Tu es au courrant des dégats que cause VOTRE industrie ?
Tu es au courrant que SEUL votre pays a refusé de signer ?
Tu es au courrant que vous avez causé dans le monde ? (le Napalm par
exemple, c'est un produit écologique ?)
Tu penses a l'Agent Orange, le DTT (DDT) ... en fait tu n'as simplement
qu'a regarder le nombre de mines et de munitions non explosees qu;ils ont
laisse au Viet Nam bien qu;ils aient signe dans leur accord final de les
nettoyer. Il y a meme un effort personel et prive de certains veterans
americains de retourner la bas pour nettoyer tout ca de leur propre
initiative. Tu imagines!? Il y a des americains qui prennent cette
resposabilite a leur compte alors que le governement a toujours etouffe
l'histoire parce que "1975 was a long long long time ago and no one

Tiens, voila un lien:
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by Jeremy
This kind of quote I will not answer to except to a fellow American.
It goes to show that you understand American politics about as much as I
understand truffle farming.
What I understand of US politics since Dubbia was "sort of" elected makes
me and Democrats wanna puke.
Post by "New Faz" @
Je crois surtout vu comment tu réponds totalement a coté de la plaque,
que tu ferais mieux d'apprendre le Francais plutot que de te servir de
traducteur automatique, car tu n'as pratiquement rien compris a ce que
j'ai dis...:-|
Attends... L'education coute cher la bas, c'est pas le Canada. Donc c'est
pas tout le monde qui peut se permettre. Sois patient. C'est deja
pas mal ce qu'il fait je trouve.
"New Faz" @
2004-01-19 19:06:45 UTC
Post by Krankor
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by Jeremy
Hussein, I am relieved.
Ok, néanmoins, soulagé de quoi ?
Soulagé pour les Irakiens ? Je le serais quand ils auront leur véritable
libertées a condition qu'il n'y ai pas une nouvelle dictature a la place de
Et quand les USA n'auront plus le Patriot Act Version 2. Pour le moment
j'observe simplement un durcicement du systeme aux US plustot qu'un
soulagement de l'Irak. En gros les 2 pays ont plus perdu compare a ce
qu'ils etaient au 1er Janvier 2000.
Je crois que c'est clair...:-|
Post by Krankor
Post by "New Faz" @
Soulagé pour la paix dans le monde ? Il n'était absolument pas un danger
pour le Monde...Israel, ou les USA (avec GWB a leur tete surtout...) sont
des menaces pour la paix dans le monde, et je dirais meme sont des menaces
pour le monde entier "tout simplement"...
Ben si, l'Irak possedait des millions d'armes nucleaires a bord de leur
grandissime flottillie de guerre composee d'une armada entiere de sous
marins nucleaires. Une semaine et ils envahissaient la cote Ouest des
USA. Deux semaines et leurs parachutistes sautaient sur la cote Est.
L'Irak possedent de nombreux agents secrets qui occupent des postes tres
importants dans les communications, dans l'audiovisuel, dans la politique,
dans l'education....
Tu ne regardes pas Fox News? :-)
MDR !!! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Et euh...Ben...non, je regarde pas fuck-niouse...:-D
Post by Krankor
Post by "New Faz" @
Je suis le premier a ne pas aimer Sadaam, néanmoins, il apportait une
certaine rigidité a l'Irak (pas une stabilité hein, une rigidité de part la
dictature), cela ne mettait pas les gens en confiance, mais évitait le
"chaos" qu'il y a actuellement...Tout le monde désire une stabilité, une
paix et un dévellopement pour ce pays comme pour d'autres, mais les USA ne
peuvent pas imposer leurs vues sur ce pays comme sur le monde comme ils le
souhaitent, le monde ne leur appartient pas, et il advient aux nations unies
de faire ce qu'il y a a faire si nécéssaire...
De toutes facons, si les USA imposent leur vue actuelle avec leur loies
votee par l'equipe Bush et ses lobies, ce sera exactement la meme chose
que la loie Saddam. Tu penses encore aux USA d'avant 2001.
Oaui, C vrai...:'-|
Post by Krankor
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by Jeremy
That because a frenchman invented the
steam engine they are technologically superior?
C'est quoi le rapport avec ce que j'ai écris plus haut ???
C'est ce qu'on leur enseigne. Donc ca ressort.
LOL, ah ouai, la methode Kwé (j'ai un doute pour l'othographe, mais
c'est pas Cauet hien ;-))))
Post by Krankor
Post by "New Faz" @
Tu sais que c'est idiot ce que tu dis ?
Tu es au courrant des dégats que cause VOTRE industrie ?
Tu es au courrant que SEUL votre pays a refusé de signer ?
Tu es au courrant que vous avez causé dans le monde ? (le Napalm par
exemple, c'est un produit écologique ?)
Tu penses a l'Agent Orange, le DTT (DDT) ... en fait tu n'as simplement
qu'a regarder le nombre de mines et de munitions non explosees qu;ils ont
laisse au Viet Nam bien qu;ils aient signe dans leur accord final de les
nettoyer. Il y a meme un effort personel et prive de certains veterans
americains de retourner la bas pour nettoyer tout ca de leur propre
initiative. Tu imagines!? Il y a des americains qui prennent cette
resposabilite a leur compte alors que le governement a toujours etouffe
l'histoire parce que "1975 was a long long long time ago and no one
Merci pour le lien, jvé aller voir ca :-)
On va encore dire que je suis déségréable, mais que dire d'autre a part
: "ce sont vraiment des enfoirés"
Ca aurait couté combien de tout enlever au lieu de faire la guerre en Irak ?
Post by Krankor
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by Jeremy
This kind of quote I will not answer to except to a fellow American.
It goes to show that you understand American politics about as much as I
understand truffle farming.
What I understand of US politics since Dubbia was "sort of" elected makes
me and Democrats wanna puke.
Post by "New Faz" @
Je crois surtout vu comment tu réponds totalement a coté de la plaque,
que tu ferais mieux d'apprendre le Francais plutot que de te servir de
traducteur automatique, car tu n'as pratiquement rien compris a ce que
j'ai dis...:-|
Attends... L'education coute cher la bas, c'est pas le Canada. Donc c'est
pas tout le monde qui peut se permettre. Sois patient. C'est deja
pas mal ce qu'il fait je trouve.
Ouai, disons que c'est bien qu'il essaye, mais s'il répond a coté de la
plaque, c'est un dialogue de sourd...:'-(
Remarque, c'est la mode la bas ...;-))

la CIA: c'est quoi l'Irak ?
Bush: QUOI ? Ils ont des Armes de destruction massive en grande quantité,
ils vont envahir le monde et détruire les USA ?
Ca serait drole si c'était pas si triste car si "vrai"...:-|
"New Faz" @
2004-01-18 00:52:13 UTC
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
J'oubliais un truc :-)
You critisize the US for their dependence on oil
Non, absolument pas, preuve que comme un bon américain, tu n'as
strictement rien compris...Nous critiquons votre pays parce que vous
croyez que les autres sont aussi stupide que vous...
And you accuse me of being ethnocentric.
Non, je n'accuse pas...Je constate...:-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Vous croyez que
l'on va vous croire lorsque vous faites une guerre pour prendre le
pétrole Irakien sous "couvert" de soit disant trouver des armes de
destructions massive inexistante, et pour "libérer" un peuple dont
vous avez mis le dictateur au pouvoir, dictateur que vous avez armé et
When "I" make a war? To "release" people of which _I_ put the dictator
at the capacity? _I_ armed and supported?
Tiens, en France, ce sont les enfants de 4 ans qui font semblant de ne
pas comprendre quelque chose en prenant une remarque juste pour eux alors
que le "vous" est générique et donc...général...TU n'aurais donc que 4 ans ?
Post by 'nuff said
I don't know
J'avais cru remarquer oui..:-)
Post by 'nuff said
if you have been
informed, but the country I live in is democratic.
Ah ? :-D
Ca ne doit pas faire longtemps alors :-)
parceque vos actions prouvent tout sauf que vous etes une démocratie...
Post by 'nuff said
George Bush still
needs the consent of Congress to declare war.
Cela excuse t 'il les mensonges et les manipulations ?
Je ne crois pas non...
Post by 'nuff said
Unlike Saddam and his sons,
who could rape and pillige at will and receive immense approval from
dimwits like you.
Un peu comme Clinton avec les stagiaires de la maison blanche ?
"Amusante" remarque tout de meme d'une personne dont le pays a mis Sadaam au
pouvoir ? :-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient d'ailleurs tu te souviens de la maniere dont vous avez
laisser massacrer des milliers de gens en Irak sans meme bouger le
petit doigt apres la 1er Gerre du Golf ? Non ? On a la mémoire courte
chez vous on dirait...
Or "how soon we forget" as we say. I must admit, the consquences of the
first war in Iraq were swiftly forgotten by even the most vehement war
protesters. As long as their latte cups were full, they were content.
Nous sommes donc d'accord :-)
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply.
Tu me rappel QUI a mis Sadaam au pouvoir ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a le premier vendu des armes a Sadaam ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a aidé Sadaam lors de sa guerre contre l'Iran ? Les
USA Tu ma rappel Quel Pays avait des sociétés "masqués" pour acheter
le pétrole Irakien pendant l'embarguo ? Les USA
(to paraphrase)
Post by "New Faz" @
You my recall Which Country had companies "masked" to buy > Iraqi oil >
Post by 'nuff said
during the embarguo? The USA >
Or, why didn't we be like France and Russia and buy from them publicly?
After all, we are supposed to be capitalists, right?
Pour un pays qui voulait un embarguo "dure" et qui critique en autre la
France soit disant pour vouloir le pétrole, et qui surtout se dit etre une
démocratie, vous vous "cachez" beaucoup pour faire vos "affaires"...Non ?
Je me permet de constater que tu ne contredis pas les autres arguements
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity.
Ah Ouai ? Alors pourquoi vous avez mis Sadaam au pouvoir, ainsi que la
grande majorité des autres dictateurs de la planete ?
Tiens, Pinochet par exemple ==> Mis au pouvoir et supporté par les USA...
Post by 'nuff said
You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless.> At the same time you point
Post by 'nuff said
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
LOL, mais arrete, vous n'en avez rien a foutre des autres, vous ne vous
interessez qu"a vous..Une preuve supplémentaire..Tu sais QUI a
bombardé le sud de l'Irak entre les 2 guerres du Golf ? Tuant des
centaines de civils ? Les USA...Et oui, rien qu'eux, tout seul..La
France jugeant cela inutile et barbare ne l'a pas fait...
Post by "New Faz" @
France considering that useless and barbarian did not do it.
Why do you not mention the invasion of Kuwait at all?
Was that a
politically acceptable motion of Iraq? Did that display a great "usefull
and civilized" action on their part?
And in that case, weren't the
conquests of France by Napoleon and Hitler also great achievements in
Tu me rappel a quel moment le Kowait était envahi entre 1992 et 1998 lors
des bombardements US dans le sud de l'Irak ?
Post by 'nuff said
How about when Saddam set fire to his oil fields, creating one
of the worst enviromental disasters of all time.
Et que dire des tests de bombes US sur le sol US, c'est bon pour
l'environnement ?
Ou bien les laché de bombes US? C'est bon pour l'environement ?
Et que dire du fait que les USA soit LE pays le plus pollueur au monde et
refuse de signer les accords concernant la réduction des émissions polluante
"simplement" parce que cela n'est pas bon pour l'industrie US et donc tres
mauvais pour les rentrée d'argent permettant les campagnes présidentielles
US, alors que cela est désastreux au niveau Mondial ?!

<insert sarcasm> Damn
Post by 'nuff said
you're right, America is useless and barbarian. They are all the sane
ones on the other side of the world.
Non, bien sur, seul 3 gouvernements vous "supportent" (les peuples de ces 3
la ne vous aiment pas pour la grande majorité...) et le reste des peuples du
monde ne vous aiment pas, cela est propablement dû au fait que vous etes des
gentils pret a faire ce qui est bon pour le monde entier et pas uniquement
pour vous ?!
A ton avis ?
Le fait de concentrer la "Haine" de tout un peuple (musulman par exemple) te
prouve que vous n'etes que des gentils bienfaiteurs du monde ? <== réfléchis
a ça déjà...
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
It is just like the Jews in WWII to you. How many men, women, and
children died horribly because the French had their noses up their
asses? I will like to see you defend that with an insult about junk
food and fatties.
Ah, mais je n'insulte pas les gros porcs tel que vous, ce n'est pas une
insulte, c'est la réalité...
I don't know, am I supposed to feel insulted? You only succeed in making
yourself look rude and belligerent.
Je fais parti des gens qui était contre la guerre en Irak, contrairement a
la grande majorité des américains (dont toi d'ailleurs, je te rappel que tu
n'es pas sur un ng "généraliste", mais sur "nuke.france", sans doute un
exemple de ton "grand coeur" et de ta "bienveillance"...MDR ...:-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tu sais, la point de vue que les
américains sont trop con pour voir ?
Once again, this displays your ignorace of American politics.
MDR !!! :-D
Au lieu de dire n'importe quoi, regarde bien ce qui se passe dans ton pays,
et surtout, regarde bien ce que fait ton pays en dehors de votre
La réalité, par exemple, c'est ce qui ne passe pas sur Fox News (un employé
a d'ailleurs été licencié car il a refusé de diffuser une information
mensongere...), la réalité, c'est également le contraire de ce que dit (ou
fait dire...) ton gouvernement sur la France et le peuple Francais...Le site
que tu mets dans la signature est probablement un exemple de ton attachement
a la réalité ?
MDR ...pov'naz
Post by 'nuff said
Do you know
how many are opposed to military action in Iraq?
Oui, a peu pres 35 % en ce moment, cela est passé par un bon 40% durant une
tres courte période et également a 10 - 15% au plus fort de la propagande
US, et nottement du "French Bashing"...
Post by 'nuff said
Do you think that we
enjoy having our people in a shithole country on the other side of the
A priori Oui, puisque vous en faite que ca... et qu'en plus vous le
Post by 'nuff said
How would you know? France hasn't won a war since the French
Revolution. ;)
Tu ferais mieux de t'instruire un peu, tu verras, ca ne peux te faire
que du bien...:-)
Commence par l'histoire, tu as du en manquer une bonne partie...:-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Tient au fait, en parlant de tete
dans le cul, il faudrait peut etre sortir la tienne, tu ma rappel le
nombre de WMD que vous avez trouvé ?
I know that Hussein was determined to hinder any investigation from U.N.
weapons inspectors.
Et ? Cela n'est pas une preuve, Les USA refusent bien que des américains
puissent etre jugés pour leur crimes en dehors des USA (alors que ces meme
USA se réservent le droit de le faire pour les autres, quite a aller les
chercher partout dans le monde...), cela prouve sans doute que vous avez
beaucoup de chose a vous reprocher ?!
Post by 'nuff said
I wonder why? Maybe he needed more time to hide the
skeletons in the closet? The spilt blood in his palace had to be cleaned
up. Or was he just waiting for the opportunity to surrender to Chirac and
the Foreign Legion. ;>
Non, en fait il attendait de pouvoir vous rendre les WMD achetés aux
USA, puis apres il a fait en sorte d'etre capturé par les Kurdes...Et
curieusement les "gentils américains si proche de la réalité" ont déclaré
avoir capturé eux meme Sadaam alors que celui ci leur a été "donné" par les

Tient d'ailleurs je vais sans doute t'apprendre un truc que je trouve tres
drole...Sais tu que l'armée US est souvent venu s'entrainer en France ? Et
sais tu également que vos militaires n'ont JAMAIS gagné lors des
entrainements entre les 2 armées ? Il ne s'agissait d'ailleurs meme pas de
la Légion étrangere...mais "juste" de l'armée Francaise...:-D

Dis moi un truc en passant, vous collez des cibles rouge vif sur vos soldats
pour qu'ils se fassent descendre autant ? :'-D
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
Puis tu me rappelera le nombre de
morts Irakiens que vous avez fait, nottement celui filmé par une TV US
qui montre un GI en train d'Assassiner un homme a terre avec son M16
parcequ'il trouve ca "cool" et qu'il espere pouvoir bientot le refaire
il faudrait arreter de chier la tete en bas, ca vous retombe
:-D :-D
Return to serfdom, you obviously deserve it. I am proud to take part in
this years elections, Bush war or not.
Ah ouai, c'est vrai, des gens comme toi, ca vote...Affligeant...Dis moi
juste un truc, vous utilisez toujours votre methode de vote plus que dépassé
qui permet d'avoir un président NON élu par le peuple ? 'achement
d'mocratique comme systeme...:-)
2004-01-19 02:12:54 UTC
Post by "New Faz" @
Ah ouai, c'est vrai, des gens comme toi, ca
vote...Affligeant...Dis moi
juste un truc, vous utilisez toujours votre methode de vote plus que
dépassé qui permet d'avoir un président NON élu par le peuple ?
'achement d'mocratique comme systeme...:-)
This is similar to the complaint many Americans have regarding our
election system. More so now with our last one where the outcome was
decided by a very slim margin. I have seen articles and posts that blame
the election system for everything from negligence to bribery to failure.
However one should be prepared to deliver an alternative or a means to
fix the inadaquacy before critisizing it. The simple fact is that no one
has yet come up with a better system. The people who say that the last
election was rigged are fooling themselves. There is no way that Bush
would have closed in the polls so fast if Americans weren't behind him.
They who say that the votes of the people should count above the votes of
the electoral are proposing to add obsene amounts of bureaucracy and
labor. The most ignorant are those who criticise the current
administration but who do not register or go out to vote themselves.
However, in America, we have a right to our own political views and that
even includes refusing to vote.
Those who imply that the American president is 'non-elected' assume that
normal citizens are less 'corrupt' and more 'eligible' for admission into
one of the highest positions in the world. They would like to think that
they have superior moral qualities or have more faith in their political
understanding than those who have built a career on it and are
priviledged to the most confidential information.
Now I have a headache from arguing politics. My political science
professor was an immigrant from Africa and I admit I found myself falling
asleep in class many times. I found out I have very little taste for
politics myself. Better to leave it to the professional politicians.
2004-01-24 15:19:55 UTC
Pretextes pour lesquels les US ont envahis l'Irak:
. liberer le peuple (wouarf, c'est fou ce que les Irakiens sont
. armes de destrcuction massives (wouarf again)

Vraies raisons:
. main mise sur le petrole
. profiter de l'occasion pour doper la popularite de Bush. En effet le 11
septembre la fierte nationale est bafouée: quelques terroristes armés de
cutters ridiculisent la nation la plus puissante de la terre en leur foutant
une raclée historique. Bush a tres habilement saisi l'occasion et rétabli la
fierte nationale en allant guerroyer

Frustrations US:
La grande majorité de la planète se fout plutot de la guerre sainte de Bush.
En gros la chasse aux ADMs de Bush, on trouve ca plutot ridicule, mais on ne
sait pas trop comment l'expliquer tout en menageant la susceptibilité

Les US sont enlisés en Irak pour un moment.
Le reste de la planete rigole (pas trop quand meme, tous les americains
n'ont pas voté Bush)
Post by "New Faz" @
Post by 'nuff said
Post by "New Faz" @
J'oubliais un truc :-)
You critisize the US for their dependence on oil
Non, absolument pas, preuve que comme un bon américain, tu n'as strictement
rien compris...Nous critiquons votre pays parce que vous croyez que les
autres sont aussi stupide que vous...Vous croyez que l'on va vous croire
lorsque vous faites une guerre pour prendre le pétrole Irakien sous
"couvert" de soit disant trouver des armes de destructions massive
inexistante, et pour "libérer" un peuple dont vous avez mis le dictateur au
pouvoir, dictateur que vous avez armé et soutenu...Tient d'ailleurs tu te
souviens de la maniere dont vous avez laisser massacrer des milliers de gens
en Irak sans meme bouger le petit doigt apres la 1er Gerre du Golf ?
Non ? On a la mémoire courte chez vous on dirait...
Post by 'nuff said
and yet remain loyal to
Iraq to supply your country's supply.
Tu me rappel QUI a mis Sadaam au pouvoir ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a le premier vendu des armes a Sadaam ? Les USA
Tu me rappel QUI a aidé Sadaam lors de sa guerre contre l'Iran ? Les USA
Tu ma rappel Quel Pays avait des sociétés "masqués" pour acheter le pétrole
Irakien pendant l'embarguo ? Les USA
Post by 'nuff said
Therefore supporting mass murder and
crimes against humanity.
Ah Ouai ? Alors pourquoi vous avez mis Sadaam au pouvoir, ainsi que la
grande majorité des autres dictateurs de la planete ?
Tiens, Pinochet par exemple ==> Mis au pouvoir et supporté par les USA...
Post by 'nuff said
You would willingly let others suffer and die just
so you can remain ignorant and guiltless.> At the same time you point
Post by 'nuff said
at America because they have the courage and morality to put a stop to it.
LOL, mais arrete, vous n'en avez rien a foutre des autres, vous ne vous
interessez qu"a vous..Une preuve supplémentaire..Tu sais QUI a bombardé le
sud de l'Irak entre les 2 guerres du Golf ? Tuant des centaines de civils ?
Les USA...Et oui, rien qu'eux, tout seul..La France jugeant cela inutile et
barbare ne l'a pas fait...
Post by 'nuff said
It is just like the Jews in WWII to you. How many men, women, and children
died horribly because the French had their noses up their asses? I will
like to see you defend that with an insult about junk food and fatties.
Ah, mais je n'insulte pas les gros porcs tel que vous, ce n'est pas une
insulte, c'est la réalité...Tu sais, la point de vue que les américains sont
trop con pour voir ? Tient au fait, en parlant de tete dans le cul, il
faudrait peut etre sortir la tienne, tu ma rappel le nombre de WMD que vous
avez trouvé ? Puis tu me rappelera le nombre de morts Irakiens que vous avez
fait, nottement celui filmé par une TV US qui montre un GI en train
d'Assassiner un homme a terre avec son M16 parcequ'il trouve ca "cool" et
qu'il espere pouvoir bientot le refaire ?!
il faudrait arreter de chier la tete en bas, ca vous retombe dessus...:-D
:-D :-D
2004-01-16 14:33:54 UTC
Post by 'nuff said
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
<snip usual crap>

Hi asshole ! you're stupid and I can help you to slightly change (no,
don't thank me, it's my pleasure ...) - i'll try to make up for your
failing school system - All you have to do is chilling out and reading
the following lecture :

(well iguess you won't go further than line 10, but it'll still be a
huge progress in your personal knowledge, you prat)
Post by 'nuff said
Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of
French history, France is conquered by, of all things, an Italian...
Inform yourself, and you will understand that there nothing really
humiliating in that. The Gauls Won many battles and almost won but
caesar was decidedly a great and strong-willed stratege and helped by
germanic tribes cavalry (BTW there were gauls in the roman legions too
at this time). It was mainly the inter-gallic disputes that caused
defeat finally, and some strategical mistakes at Alesia.their opponent
was Julius Caesar, a man that the name was used as a title 2000 yrs
later (kaiser, tsar ...). See what I mean ?
BTW the gauls in the past invaded Roma, founded Belgrad on their way,
ransacked delphia (Greece) and invaded turkey (thence the Galates).
Post by 'nuff said
Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, but saved at the last minute by a Female
schizophrenic who inadvertantly creates The First Rule Of French Warfare;
"France's Armies Are Only Victorious When Not Led By A Frenchman"...
Some battles were won, some battles were lost, finally the stuff was
going bad (about 120 yrs later) anyway
the english had some 'french allies (burgundians) and the knights and
soldiers fighting the
english/burgundians were french, Jehanne d'arc (Joan of Arc) didn't
fight the intruders alone ...
What the english gained with difficulty in about 100 yrs was regained
very few years by the
french though The french kings made mistakes that made the war lasting
some more years ...

You should remeber what is at the origin of this conflict : in 1066
Duke of Normandia (France) invaded England and won at Hastings, what
explains that the french language was the official language of the
english court at least 2 centuries, and that explains that TODAY,
talking in a huge part in old french your whole day (in fact almost
everytime that you open your mouth) - BTW nowadays the motto of the
English monarchy is : "Dieu et Mon Droit" ( french ) and the motto of
the Most Noble Order of the Garter, which was founded in 1348 by King
Edward III as a noble fraternity consisting of the King, the Prince of
Wales (or heir-apparent to the throne) and 24 Knights Companion is
"Honni soit qui mal y pense".

Plantagenêts is neither saxon nor angles ...

Oh, BTW, a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France
(sergent, lieutenant, general ?, soldier (old french term for 'soldat'
solde = shekels that fighters was paid) corp, regiment, division, army
is obviously derivated from armee, platoon from peloton, squad from
escouade, batallion from bataillon, battle from bataille, even warrior

and war is derivating from 'guerrier' and 'guerre' some old french
starting by 'g' were changed the'g' becoming a 'w' in english (see :
william : guillaume, warden : guardien, wasp : Guespe (modern french :
guêpe), to waste : gaster (the old term for 'gater' (gâter pour les
ASCII 7 bits !) )
even 'marine' is not a typical native english word.
Some other words were taken to the french but they were taken by the
french from other countries : captain, colonel, canon, etc... so it's
little different.
'fleet' came from 'flotte' (french) that came from 'flotti' (old
scandinavian) that came from the old french 'flote' that meant "troop,
big bunch of persons", so I suppose this one counts anyway ;-)

"a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France"
What could this be meaning ... hmm ... let's see . Well I let you
by yourself (a clue ? war is not a so unknown thing to these swishy
frenchies ... maybe ?)
Post by 'nuff said
Italian Wars - Lost. France becomes the first & only country ever to lose
two wars when fighting Italians...
More precisions needed we won some wars VS italians, with françois
1st ! We brought back Leonardo da Vinci from those wars. Read about
Bayard knight BTW.
Are you talking about war VS Charles Quint (the 5th) because you
be informed that it is a lot more difficult to win when you're
a mega-power and that you're not one yourself ....
Post by 'nuff said
Wars Of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huegonots...
? ? ? anyway it's Huguenots. Well more precisions needed, for what I
know we won and in fact even if at one
moment english were implied, they left before fighting AFAIK. If i'm
wrong highlight it. Oh BTW, the Huguenots were French.
Post by 'nuff said
Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages to
get invaded anyway. Claims a tie on the basis that eventually, the other
participant began ignoring her...
Wrong ! we were implied from 1635 to 1648 and it was rather a
upshot AFAIK.

Sheesh ! what about the Franco-Spanish war that we totally won
territories) wise-ass !
Strangely enough, your memory seems selective !;-)
Post by 'nuff said
War Of Devolution - Tied...
The Dutch War - Tied...
No. We won AFAIK. We won many territories and cities.
Post by 'nuff said
War Of The Augsburg League/King William's War/French And Indian War - All
who VS who, count the armies and the soldiers.
The seven years war : humiliation, true ! (I want just highlight the
fact that in north america in 1754, the
french were 85,000 in the "Nouvelle France" and the english people
1,485,634 in New England...
IN 1763, we lost : India (bar 5 cities), Ohio, Canada, left side of
Mississipi, Antilles (bar 3 islands) and Senegal (that will be retaken
Post by 'nuff said
Lost, but claimed as ties. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles
the world over to label this period as the height of French military
The War Of Spanish Succession - Lost...
Anyway it's a Bourbon (french dynasty) on the Spanish throne, isn't it
Post by 'nuff said
American Revolution - In a move that will become familiar to future American
generations, France claims a win even though American colonists saw far More
action. This is later known as "The De Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to The
Second Rule Of Fench Warfare; " France Only Wins When America Does Most Of
The Fighting"...

read from the start to the end. Just do it, wiseass !
To understand the background of the Revolutionary War, it is necessary
to understand the history of the preceding twenty years, and
the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763). The Seven Years’ War was fought by
the European colonial powers from Canada to the West Indies and from
Europe to far-flung colonial empires in India and the Phillippines. In
North America, we know the part of the Seven Years' war that was
here as the French and Indian Wars. The Seven Years' War was largely a
disaster for France and her allies. In the aftermath of the war, which
resulted in the loss of most French territory in North America and
India, the French instituted sweeping reform of the army and navy. The
French army that landed in Newport in 1781 was the product of this
thorough and fundamental reorganization.

The English victory, however, was dearly bought. The cost of fielding
the army that secured the safety of the English colonies was
This expense, together with the continuing cost of protecting these
colonies after the war, led to English demands that the American
colonists contribute to the cost of their own protection. As a result,
series of Acts of Parliament imposed a variety of taxes on the
during the 1760s and early 1770s. For many colonists, the chains that
had linked them to Britain for almost 150 years became the chains of
servitude, foreign domination and unjust tyranny. These taxes
fueled the tensions and passions that burst into flames on Lexington
Green on April 19, 1775.

From the outbreak of armed rebellion in 1775, many in France
with the colonists. Young, idealistic French officers like the Marquis
de Lafayette volunteered their services and in many cases their

wealth to help equip, train and lead the fledgling Continental army.
French government hoped to redress the balance of power that resulted
from the French humiliation in the Seven Years Wars, which gave
considerable economic and military advantages to Britain. While
maintaining formal neutrality, France assisted in supplying arms,
uniforms and other military supplies to the American colonists.

This clandestine assistance became open after the defeat of General
Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1777, which demonstrated the possibility of
British defeat in the conflict and led to French recognition of the
colonies in February 1778. As a result of the victory of the
forces at Saratoga, Benjamin Franklin, who had gone to Paris as
ambassador in 1776, was able to negotiate a Treaty of Amity and
and a Treaty of Alliance with France. From this point, French support
became increasingly significant. The French extended considerable
financial support to the Congressional forces. France also supplied
vital military arms and supplies, and loaned money to pay for their

French military aid was also a decisive factor in the American
French land and sea forces fought on the side of the American
against the British. At the same time, British and French (and to a
lesser extent, Dutch and Spanish) forces fought for colonial wealth
empire around the world. From 1778 through 1783 -- two years after the
defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown -- French forces fought the British
the West Indies, Africa and India.

From the perspective of the American Revolution, however, the high
of French support is the landing of five battalions of French infantry
and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French troops
under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where
they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette.
Cornwallis, encamped on the Yorktown peninsula, hoped to be rescued by
the British navy. A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse
intercepted and, after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated
the British fleet and forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy
to land heavy siege cannon and other supplies and trapped Cornwallis
the Yorktown peninsula.

At that point, the defeat of Cornwallis was essentially a matter of
time. On September 14, 1781, the French and Continental armies
their 700 mile march and soon thereafter laid siege to the British
After a number of weeks and several brief but intense engagements,
Cornwallis, besieged on the peninsula by the large and well-equipped
French-American army, and stricken by dysentery, determined to
his army.

On October 19, 1781, the British forces marched out between the silent
ranks of the Americans and French, arrayed in parallel lines a mile
long, and cast down their arms.

Abbé Robin, who witnessed the surrender, described the victorious
American and French forces present at the ceremony. "Among the
Americans, the wide variety in age -- 12 to 14-year old children stood
side by side with grandfathers -- the absence of uniformity in their
bearing and their ragged clothing made the French allies appear more
splendid by contrast. The latter, in their immaculate white uniforms
blue braid, gave an impression of martial vigor despite their fatigue.
We were all astonished by the excellent condition of the English
by their number -- we were expecting scarcely 3,000 and they numbered
more than 8,000 -- and by their discipline."

George Woodbridge summed up the Yorktown campaign in the following
words: "The strategy of the campaign was Rochambeau’s; the French
was there as a result of his arrangements; the tactics of the battle
were his; the American army was present because he had lent money to
Washington; in total naval and military participants the French
outnumbered the Americans between three and four to one. Yorktown was
Rochambeau’s victory.

How strange it must have been for these French troops and their
new-found colonial allies, some of whom had fought each other as
barely fifteen years earlier, to stand shoulder to shoulder in armed
conflict with France’s ancient enemy and the colonist’s blood kin! In
the end, these French soldiers became the hard anvil upon which the
American nation was forged and the chains of British imperial
were finally broken.
Post by 'nuff said
French Revolution - Won, primarily due to the the fact the opponent was
Wrong (For instance : Valmy etc...) see later ...
Post by 'nuff said
The Napoleonic Wars - Lost. Temporary victories (remember The First Rule!)
due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British
footwear designer...
The french armies were composed of corsicans ?

We fought generally alone VS the whole Europe and we won, we possessed
almost the whole Europe during 15 yrs, Moscow burnt - who did this
things other than us ?
I know : who cares you're not here to be just, but to troll, sorry to
make you lose your sparetime making you quickly reading this.

Even at Waterloo, we were at some moments near to win against the
Post by 'nuff said
The Franco-Prussian War - Lost. Germany's first go around at playing the
drunk frat boy to France's ugly girl home alone on Saturday night...
Crimea wars (1854-55), Italy wars won by Napoleon III in 1859 ...
Post by 'nuff said
World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
Wrong. and not tied, asshole - so, you're a propagandist ...

1913 :

Population :

Germany : 67 millions
France : 39.6 millions (only country of those 4 countries that will
devastated by the war)
UK : 46 millions
USA : 95 millions

Germany : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 4,216,000 soldiers

France : 1,500,000 dead soldiers (maybe underestimated for political
propaganda reasons / some even say about
2,500,000 - I dunno, it seems a lot, but you see what i mean)
wounded : 3,600,000 soldiers

UK : 740,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 2,090,000 soldiers

USA : 116,000 dead soldiers

Italy : 700,000 dead soldiers
Austria-Hungary : 1,500,000 dead soldiers
Russia : 1,700,000 dead soldiers

The plans of the germans was to crush the french before Russia have
mobilized all its army (germany at this time was reputated being the
most powerful army)
Result : We stood untill the victory, on the contrary of the Russians

BTW Greece stood (and so the blockade) because of the French troops
there IIRC.

1914-1918 : The French army was the major military actor on the
front for 4 years. The British took a very active part on that front
4 years too. The allies under Marechal Foch's French command
won the war. The American troops massively arrived on the front only 4
months (July 1918) before the end of the war (November 1918).

Western front March 1918 : 174 allies divisions : 99 French + 58
+ 12 Belgian + 3 US + 2 portuguese.
Western Front November 1918 : 211 Allies divisions : 104 French + 60
British + 30 US + 12 Belgian + 2 portuguese + 2 Italian + 1 Polish.

After the war, the French were universally saluted as the country that
saved democracy and the victor amongst all the Allies (and especially
the US) and their international prestige was very high, just like that
of the US in 1945. It just seems like history is no longer taught in
US now.

Stop spitting on the graves of the 1,500,000 dead French soldiers TIA.

The USA that entered the war et the end of the war refused to hear
about the agreements that the Europeans made before :
The result : Because of the versailles' treaty as wanted by the USA
(that won't finally be recognized by the USA), the italians that had
about 700,000 dead soldiers,
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally

torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the
in 1919.

BTW USA and Uk pledged that they will help France in case of a German
agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.

Not even mentionning the fact that G. washington didn't honor his
with the French in 1794 for trade advantages with The UK that was at
with the French. Maybe because we were surrounded by the whole europe
wanting our end. Ingrates !

I add that The UK made many unconditional concessions to Germany with
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).

Chamberlain said "yes" to the nazis about the rebuilding of the of the
german war fleet in 1935.

France wanted to respond to the German army's reoccupation of the
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler
greenlight for what he had in mind. They said that the
of the Rhineland wasn't a threat to our vital interests... you
understand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)

No plants destroyed in Germany, no rebuilding in some parts of the
country ... in regions that have some economic importance (mines,
industry, etc ...) but The USA and the UK made us go away from the
in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war reparations ... but we
were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
Post by 'nuff said
with a winner, but one who doesn't call then "Fraulein". Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French
gene pool...
moronic insult to your country since with such sentences , you make
US dudes like degenerated conceited jerk-offs.
Post by 'nuff said
World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States &
Britain, just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song...
We lost after 6 weeks because of BIG STRATEGICAL mistakes, ( I
insist on this because of the eternal "cheese eatin' surrender
coming from posts from your charming country) - BTW blitzkrieg was
partly inspired to Guderian by a book from De Gaulle (so all french
generals are not sorta genetically incompetents like you guys seem to
think.) you knew it I suppose since you're so learned !
The french army was in fact defeated because of a strategy of
encirclement that seemed impossible to realize for our gernerals, the
german armored divisions pass thru the Ardennes (highlands and woods)
that was reputated impossible to pass ! from the moment where the
was cut and that we were encircled in our biggest part, it was lost !
it's easy to understand !
BTW, 130,000 French soldiers died in this "lost for the beginning
battle" from the 10th may to the armistice 6 weeks later (allowing to
the english soldiers to go back to england though french were put in
pieces by bombing stukas and german tanks ! (see at the end))

[ BTW, 1 month after the beginning of the attack against France by the
Germans, Mussolini wanted his part of the cake and attacked France
was already in a total skedaddle ! His troops entered France and was
stopped and repelled in Italy by the very few French soldiers that

French : 150,000 (casualties : killed : 38 / wounded : 42 /
disappeared : 180 )

Italians : 500,000 (casualties : killed 631 / wounded : 3,400 /
: 1140 )

He was more successful in bombing the civilians fleeing on the roads

Oh BTW... just a little digression ... England is an island (without
frontiers with another state), TIA to notice it !

With such a hammering, humiliating and "downcasting" defeat (and the
half of the country lost), the people needed a bright figure to give
them back hope and a slight confidence. It's a national hero from
1914-1918 that took power, P. pétain - 84 years old. He was renowned
to have been kind with the troopers in WWI.
He set a sort of regime near fascism to get the nation up (BTW some of
the government was people hating French revolution and wanting to give
back some old values to the people, pro-facists, cynic go-getters, and
antisemitic men.)
The first thing Petain had in mind was the survival of France (weird,
?) what implied collaboration with the threatening, more powerful
germans - and Nazis, btw.
Oh I forgot : "France the collaborator", eh ? What about the free
and De Gaulle, the 2nd DB (Koufrah, Bir Hakeim), General Leclerc, Jean
Moulin, FFI, 1st army of De Lattre, Monte Cassino (general Juin)

In 1939, after Germany and USSR invaded Poland, We tried some military

operations in Norway (France & UK) we wanted to helped Finland but
Norway, denmark and sweden (IIRC) didn't wanted us to pass their
to go help the finnish ... they didn't want to irritate Hitler ! Yeah
didn't attack directly when Poland was invaded...
Attacking at this occasion would have mean attacking germany and USSR
It was not a little affair... And BTW what you have to know is that
germans had a "maginot line", the Siegfried line (even longer than

and guess what : there were divisions in there, so ...
was it the good plan to go to the slaughterhouse without a better way
to act since the german divisions busy in Poland would have had the

to come back on us in a not so long time ....

Oh ,BTW where were the USA ?
Obviously not fighting the Nazis ...

In UK and France the horrid and frightening memory of WWI was a
cold shower for anybody (look at the stats I put above and) and I
add that we were with belgium the only western country to be
the moon landscape left after the war would have make ponder anybody
2003 we always find shells from WWI !) the young generation was in big
proportion decimated ... the north - north-east was an important
economical industrial joint ... the germans before leaving drowned our
mines too ...
So yes, we were less eager as a peaceful democracy with a trauma to go
to war than the pumped brain-washed nazi war-machine ... it's a fact
But when the war started after a moment the combativity appears more
strong and the more the situation was bad the more decided was the
soldiers (see dunkirk)
At some place French soldiers stopped the german thrust and opposed an
harsh resistance (well, of course I suppose that those kind of thing
happen in almost any war ... but it means that there were some
sufficiently ballsy and combative soldiers ...)
I add that after that Belgian surrended unconditionnally, after the
english left, after the big nunmber of prisonner in dunkirk and
elsewhere, the french soldiers kept on fighting outnumbered till the
armistice though it was pretty clear that all was lost !
They stopped when the marechal (Marshall) Petain demanded them to

Before the war, France was a democracy though the biggest part of
were autocracies (often for the 20's) and you despise France for what
happened and the way it acted !?!
It's easy to brag and give lessons when you never have been and
will never be in such a huge crisis. we will never see you in this
of situation, pure noble son of the USA, "in god you trust" : you can,
you are living in a hyperpower, wise-ass ! (and far from any real
You are / were an hyperpower and you, despite this fact, dare make
comments on the weakness of the others and their attitude ! cheeky !

You came also because you could and had to earn. I thank and respect
US soldiers that came and freed us, but as I said in other
circumstances, how being sure that you would have come - it
the "gallant white knight eikon", guy !

The US had official links (embassy and all that)
with the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)... No wonder they
3/4 the gold reserve of the world after WW2, they surely knew how to
take advantage of Nations fighting against nazism... And by the way,
US had links with illegitimate government of Vichy far into the war,
recognized De Gaulle's government just few days before the Liberation.


According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
Bush made considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor. :

Nasty Nazi Business - Corporate Deals with Nazi Germany :

The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
backed the VICHY REGIME :



BTW The French Fleet was under the Vichy's government control .... In
1942 when the german invaded the 'free' territory of France they
directed quickly towards the French Fleet at Toulon (South of France)
The French admiral gave the order to scuttle all the fleet in order
the germans don't take it...
According to De Gaulle that lived in England at this time, England had
very few troops on their soil and if the germans had taken the french
fleet, they could have succeeded in invading England.

In a way, maybe this admiral changed the future of the war ?....

population in 1939 :

France : 41.9 millions

germany : 79.5 millions

UK : about 48 millions (?)

Italy : 43.1 millions

USA : 131.67 millions (1940)

USSR : more than 150 millions (?)

casualties :

France :
dead soldiers : 211,000 to 213,300
dead civilians : 330,000 to 350,000

dead soldiers (on 2 fronts) : 292 to 298,000
civilians : negligeable - almost none.

UK :
dead soldiers : about 245,000
dead civilians : 92,700 to 150,000

Japan :
dead soldiers : 1,220,000 to 1,300,000
dead civilians : 672,000 to 700,000 (and some due to 2 nuking on
japanese cities)

Germany :
dead soldiers : 3,500,000 to 3,850,000
dead civilians : 780,000

dead soldiers : about 7,500,000 to 11,000,000
dead civilians : about 7,000,000 to 10,000,000

Italy :
dead soldiers : 230,000 to 242,200
dead civilians : 150,000 to 153,000

China :
dead soldiers : about 1,310,200
dead civilians : 10,000,000

As you can see France (and others) suffered more of the war than USA

so pack back your lessons ...
Post by 'nuff said
War In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed with the
Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it anyway, waow, cheeky, wise-ass.
In the same situation even the USA would have certainly lost this
The US didn't help militarily, France left Vietnam split in 2, the
part being communist. The US left Vietnam reunited under communist
rules, doesn't look to be a better job...
Post by 'nuff said
Algerian Revolution - Lost. Loss marks first defeat by a western army by a
Non-Turkic Muslim force since The Crusades, and produces The First Rule Of
Muslim Warfare; "We Can Always Beat The French". This rule is identical to
the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish,
and Vietnamese...
We won in Algeria but De Gaulle gave up for personal political
what proves your overt lack of knowledge - thanx.

Talking about the crusades, we won and founded christian realms that
lasted 2 centuries despite the fact that the muslims were more
Have you ever heard about the Templars, BTW ?
Post by 'nuff said
War On Terrorism - Keeping in mind it's history, France surrenders to
The 12/26/1994 the GIGN (our SWAT) stopped algerian islamists to crash
plane on Paris (Possibly on the Eiffel tower)
Post by 'nuff said
The Germans and Muslims. Just to be safe, they attempt to surrender to
Vietnamese Ambassador, who takes refuge in a McDonalds...
Trolling is forbiden by the Geneva Convention...
Post by 'nuff said
Q. How many French troops does it take to defend Paris?
A. Who knows? They've never tried.
wrong : 1870-71 and against the vikings in 885 and 910...
I suppose we can add 1914 though Paris wasn't besieged but saved
during a battle in movemement.

Your historical knowledge is thin ... some of your examples are true
but a lot are incomplete or wrong and you unfortunately forgot to talk
about some of our victories sometimes wonderful, like when we stood
alone VS the whole Europe and won - BTW in the revolutionnaries war we
fought also VS other countries' armies and we won though our country
was broke ! (without money I mean)

What about the Franco-Gallic emperor Charlemagne (769-814) and
its big European Empire ? (also a vector of christianization in

What about Clovis(465-511) (first king of France (Merovingian Dynasty)

[Louis, Ludwig, Lewis, Lodwick, Ludovic are names coming from the name

"Clovis"] that will conqueer almost all the Gaul and is the ONLY
of the survival and the re-propagation of the official catholic

in Europe (the other "germanic tribes" at this times were arians
(christian heretics (cf. Arius)) or heathen - What explains that
was also known as "the oldest daughter of the Church". Clovis was the
only catholic king of Europe and is the one that won against all the
others !

What about Charles Martel (The Hammer) that Stopped the muslim

in 732 and 739 (the Wisigothic Spain was invaded since 711)

France was a powerful realm.
Mathew paris an english chronicler qualified Saint Louis [1226-1270]
(aka Louis the IXth - and yes this is the very same saint louis from
who the name of the big city in Missouri is taken) as "the King of the
Louis the IXth was become the arbiter of the Christian Europe.
His fame had gone beyond the western Europe. The mongols proposed him

take the Turks in the back in the near orient (This proposition is
nowadays, in the "Archives Nationales" in Paris.
[BTW, the Russians were still vassals of the mongol horde at this

At the beginning of the XIVth century, the italian poet, Dante,
was complaining that "the Capetian" (king of France - at this time
"Philippe IV le Bel"(1285-1314)) was extending his shadow upon all the

christiannity and was thinking about being crowned as Emperor like
Everywhere, between th XIVth and XVth century, "The Realm" (or The Big
Realm) or "The King" (or the Big King) designated the King of France
that was seen as the archetype of the King.
At the beginning of the XVIth century, the King of France was seen as
the ideal to reach. Machiavel, the politic theorizer, was admirative
the institutions of the realm of France.

Maybe you heard about the Magna Carta (1215) : it was imposed to the
king of England by his barons because he was weakened after the battle
of Bouvines won by the french...

you want a great french victory : in 1124, when the german emperor
invaded the Champagne region (France), the only fact that the french
king Louis the VIth deployed his army of knights, forced the emperor
go away without any fight ...

Napo during the campaign of Italy in 1796 won against 80,000
well-equiped professional Austrian soldiers, though his soldiers were
starved withouth good clothes, without any artillery ... and were
(At this time France, its population and its army was
in a pitiful state, there were no more money, we were broke)

BTW, France is the biggest European country by the size (Russia and
Ukraine apart what is kinda special you will admit !) is this just
by chance ? (of course Germany was amputated after WWII but ...)

Dunkerque : 26/05/1940 - 04/06/1940

"Lord Gort, Commander of the British Expeditionary Force, (240,000
troops) saw that he could not complete his orders to retreat to the
Somme. On May 25, he indicated to Churchill that he could not link up
with Weygand's forces and he was creating a perimeter around the town
Dunkerque on the Pas de Calais. From May 27-30, the BEF consolidated
around Dunkerque, along with half of the French First Army. Five
Divisions set up a roadblock at Lille, where they held out for four
against seven German Panzer divisions. This allowed the British and
French in Dunkerque to set up a defensive perimeter and wait for

The plan had called for 48,000 men to be removed. By the evening of
30, 120,000 were rescued. Among these only 8,000 were French; this
worried Churchill greatly. He asked for more French soldiers to be
evacuated. "So few French have got out so far.......I will not accept
further sacrifices by the French."

On June 4, the last day of Operation Dynamo, over 26,000 French troops
were returned to England. The remaining 40,000 French troops were left
on the beaches and were taken by the German Army that very day.

The evacuation owed much to the unstinting bravery of the French First
Army fighting at the Dunkerque perimeter and to the RAF. 340,000
more than 100,000 of them French, could be evacuated to England to
again another day

Most of the French went back to fight in France, but the rescue of the
BEF gave heart to the British public all out of proportion to the
it suffered."

__ other interesting stuff __

By John Chuckman, 19 March 2003, YellowTimes.org

"As probably only a few dozen people in middle America even likely
appreciate thanks to hyper-patriotic history texts, America's
Revolutionary War succeeded only because the French supplied arms,
cash, men, leadership, and a navy. It wasn't just help; it was

There were two key battles in the Revolutionary War. The first was
Saratoga in 1777. That stunning victory over Britain's General John
Burgoyne was only possible because of a secret French gun-running
operation, much like those undertaken by the CIA today, directed by
Pierre de Beaumarchais, grand adventurer and author of The Marriage of
Figaro. America then was a relatively simple society with little
capacity for manufacturing the weapons necessary to take on the
British army.

Of course, France's secret assistance now may be viewed as the
greatest example of what intelligence people today call ''blowback''
in Western history. It makes the blowback of 9/11 -- directly
attributable to the CIA's work in Afghanistan -- seem tame by
comparison. For France played mid-wife to the birth of something that,
a little more than two centuries later, would arrogantly claim the
right to determine the fate of the planet.

The main importance of the victory at Saratoga lay in gaining
something the revolting colonists desperately wanted: a formal treaty
with France and a great bounty of loans, gifts, and military forces.
Of course, France's main interest was to hurt its great rival,
Britain, but then it certainly was not America's main interest to
liberate France in 1944-5.

The deciding battle of the Revolutionary War was Yorktown in 1781,
although a peace treaty was not settled until 1783. The truth is that
Yorktown was overwhelmingly a French victory. Washington didn't want
to attack Yorktown, but then Washington was a terrible general who
lost almost every battle he fought.

In 1781, Washington was fixated on a battle whose prospect was almost
certain failure, an attack on New York. It was General Rochambeau's
foresight and planning that made Yorktown possible, but it took a lot
of arguing to have Washington finally agree. One of Washington's most
trusted young generals, the Marquis de Lafayette, was given a
substantial role in the action.

French Admiral de Grasse blocked a British fleet from entering the
Chesapeake and evacuating the British army at Yorktown. French troops
in the thousands were among the most active. French engineers guided
the building of the entrenchments that sealed the fate of General
Cornwallis's army in a fortified encampment that had its back to the
water and no fleet to help.

The American forces carried French arms, and what pay they received
came from the French treasury. It was during this last stage of the
war that Americans massively lost interest. There had never been great
enthusiasm, with about a third of the population against it from the
beginning and another third indifferent (contrary to myth, revolutions
are almost always the work of minorities) -- the real explanation,
along with a stubborn unwillingness to pay taxes still evident today,
behind Washington's chronic lack of resources despite his countless
pleas for help from the colonial governments. But by the late 1770s,
Americans had become even more indifferent. It was around this time
that M. Duportail, a French officer serving under Washington, made his
famous observation about there being more enthusiasm for the
Revolution in the cafes of Paris than he saw in America.

America never repaid the massive loans made by the French. Years
later, when France underwent the agonies of a much more terrible
revolution, then-President Washington maintained a very cool distance.
Even when poor old Tom Paine was rotting in a French jail, expecting
any day to be executed, Washington ignored his pleas for assistance.
This was the same Tom Paine whose Common Sense and Crisis Papers were
so important in stirring support for America's revolution.

Well, despite the great chorus of gastric disturbance just south of
here, I shall proudly continue wearing my beret. After all, it was the
wonderful Ben Franklin who said that every man has two countries, his
own and France."
Averhn blast
2004-01-17 12:54:29 UTC
Post by waggg
Post by 'nuff said
Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of
French history, France is conquered by, of all things, an Italian...
Inform yourself, and you will understand that there nothing really
humiliating in that. The Gauls Won many battles and almost won but
caesar was decidedly a great and strong-willed stratege and helped by
germanic tribes cavalry (BTW there were gauls in the roman legions too
at this time). It was mainly the inter-gallic disputes that caused
defeat finally, and some strategical mistakes at Alesia.their opponent
was Julius Caesar, a man that the name was used as a title 2000 yrs
later (kaiser, tsar ...). See what I mean ?
BTW the gauls in the past invaded Roma, founded Belgrad on their way,
ransacked delphia (Greece) and invaded turkey (thence the Galates).
Putain arretes il va mourrir d'un cancer du cerveau le pauvre gars!!!!
Non il peut pas apprendre un truc qui ne s'apprends pas au dela d'une
licence d'histoire!!!
Non pour lui les pires ennemis (après les indiens) c'est du coté des pays
Arabes et orientaux....(nulle consonnance raciste je vous l'assure!)
Post by waggg
Post by 'nuff said
Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, but saved at the last minute by a Female
schizophrenic who inadvertantly creates The First Rule Of French Warfare;
"France's Armies Are Only Victorious When Not Led By A Frenchman"...
Là par contre c'est moi que tu instruis, tu peux me la refaire mais en
français, pour mieux comprendre, c'est une femme schizophrene qui a arrété
la guerre de 100 ans? Jamais entendu parler......
Post by waggg
Some battles were won, some battles were lost, finally the stuff was
going bad (about 120 yrs later) anyway
the english had some 'french allies (burgundians) and the knights and
soldiers fighting the
english/burgundians were french, Jehanne d'arc (Joan of Arc) didn't
fight the intruders alone ...
What the english gained with difficulty in about 100 yrs was regained
very few years by the
french though The french kings made mistakes that made the war lasting
some more years ...
You should remeber what is at the origin of this conflict : in 1066
Duke of Normandia (France) invaded England and won at Hastings, what
explains that the french language was the official language of the
english court at least 2 centuries, and that explains that TODAY,
talking in a huge part in old french your whole day (in fact almost
everytime that you open your mouth) - BTW nowadays the motto of the
English monarchy is : "Dieu et Mon Droit" ( french ) and the motto of
the Most Noble Order of the Garter, which was founded in 1348 by King
Edward III as a noble fraternity consisting of the King, the Prince of
Wales (or heir-apparent to the throne) and 24 Knights Companion is
"Honni soit qui mal y pense".
Plantagenêts is neither saxon nor angles ...
Oh, BTW, a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France
(sergent, lieutenant, general ?, soldier (old french term for 'soldat'
solde = shekels that fighters was paid) corp, regiment, division, army
is obviously derivated from armee, platoon from peloton, squad from
escouade, batallion from bataillon, battle from bataille, even warrior
and war is derivating from 'guerrier' and 'guerre' some old french
guêpe), to waste : gaster (the old term for 'gater' (gâter pour les
ASCII 7 bits !) )
even 'marine' is not a typical native english word.
Some other words were taken to the french but they were taken by the
french from other countries : captain, colonel, canon, etc... so it's
little different.
'fleet' came from 'flotte' (french) that came from 'flotti' (old
scandinavian) that came from the old french 'flote' that meant "troop,
big bunch of persons", so I suppose this one counts anyway ;-)
"a lot of your military terms and ranks are from France"
What could this be meaning ... hmm ... let's see . Well I let you
by yourself (a clue ? war is not a so unknown thing to these swishy
frenchies ... maybe ?)
Post by 'nuff said
Italian Wars - Lost. France becomes the first & only country ever to lose
two wars when fighting Italians...
More precisions needed we won some wars VS italians, with françois
1st ! We brought back Leonardo da Vinci from those wars. Read about
Bayard knight BTW.
Are you talking about war VS Charles Quint (the 5th) because you
be informed that it is a lot more difficult to win when you're
a mega-power and that you're not one yourself ....
Post by 'nuff said
Wars Of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huegonots...
? ? ? anyway it's Huguenots. Well more precisions needed, for what I
know we won and in fact even if at one
moment english were implied, they left before fighting AFAIK. If i'm
wrong highlight it. Oh BTW, the Huguenots were French.
Post by 'nuff said
Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages to
get invaded anyway. Claims a tie on the basis that eventually, the other
participant began ignoring her...
Wrong ! we were implied from 1635 to 1648 and it was rather a
upshot AFAIK.
Sheesh ! what about the Franco-Spanish war that we totally won
territories) wise-ass !
Strangely enough, your memory seems selective !;-)
Post by 'nuff said
War Of Devolution - Tied...
The Dutch War - Tied...
No. We won AFAIK. We won many territories and cities.
Post by 'nuff said
War Of The Augsburg League/King William's War/French And Indian War - All
who VS who, count the armies and the soldiers.
The seven years war : humiliation, true ! (I want just highlight the
fact that in north america in 1754, the
french were 85,000 in the "Nouvelle France" and the english people
1,485,634 in New England...
IN 1763, we lost : India (bar 5 cities), Ohio, Canada, left side of
Mississipi, Antilles (bar 3 islands) and Senegal (that will be retaken
Post by 'nuff said
Lost, but claimed as ties. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles
the world over to label this period as the height of French military
The War Of Spanish Succession - Lost...
Anyway it's a Bourbon (french dynasty) on the Spanish throne, isn't it
Post by 'nuff said
American Revolution - In a move that will become familiar to future American
generations, France claims a win even though American colonists saw far More
action. This is later known as "The De Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to The
Second Rule Of Fench Warfare; " France Only Wins When America Does Most Of
The Fighting"...
read from the start to the end. Just do it, wiseass !
To understand the background of the Revolutionary War, it is necessary
to understand the history of the preceding twenty years, and
the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). The Seven Years' War was fought by
the European colonial powers from Canada to the West Indies and from
Europe to far-flung colonial empires in India and the Phillippines. In
North America, we know the part of the Seven Years' war that was
here as the French and Indian Wars. The Seven Years' War was largely a
disaster for France and her allies. In the aftermath of the war, which
resulted in the loss of most French territory in North America and
India, the French instituted sweeping reform of the army and navy. The
French army that landed in Newport in 1781 was the product of this
thorough and fundamental reorganization.
The English victory, however, was dearly bought. The cost of fielding
the army that secured the safety of the English colonies was
This expense, together with the continuing cost of protecting these
colonies after the war, led to English demands that the American
colonists contribute to the cost of their own protection. As a result,
series of Acts of Parliament imposed a variety of taxes on the
during the 1760s and early 1770s. For many colonists, the chains that
had linked them to Britain for almost 150 years became the chains of
servitude, foreign domination and unjust tyranny. These taxes
fueled the tensions and passions that burst into flames on Lexington
Green on April 19, 1775.
From the outbreak of armed rebellion in 1775, many in France
with the colonists. Young, idealistic French officers like the Marquis
de Lafayette volunteered their services and in many cases their
wealth to help equip, train and lead the fledgling Continental army.
French government hoped to redress the balance of power that resulted
from the French humiliation in the Seven Years Wars, which gave
considerable economic and military advantages to Britain. While
maintaining formal neutrality, France assisted in supplying arms,
uniforms and other military supplies to the American colonists.
This clandestine assistance became open after the defeat of General
Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1777, which demonstrated the possibility of
British defeat in the conflict and led to French recognition of the
colonies in February 1778. As a result of the victory of the
forces at Saratoga, Benjamin Franklin, who had gone to Paris as
ambassador in 1776, was able to negotiate a Treaty of Amity and
and a Treaty of Alliance with France. From this point, French support
became increasingly significant. The French extended considerable
financial support to the Congressional forces. France also supplied
vital military arms and supplies, and loaned money to pay for their
French military aid was also a decisive factor in the American
French land and sea forces fought on the side of the American
against the British. At the same time, British and French (and to a
lesser extent, Dutch and Spanish) forces fought for colonial wealth
empire around the world. From 1778 through 1783 -- two years after the
defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown -- French forces fought the British
the West Indies, Africa and India.
From the perspective of the American Revolution, however, the high
of French support is the landing of five battalions of French infantry
and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French troops
under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where
they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette.
Cornwallis, encamped on the Yorktown peninsula, hoped to be rescued by
the British navy. A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse
intercepted and, after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated
the British fleet and forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy
to land heavy siege cannon and other supplies and trapped Cornwallis
the Yorktown peninsula.
At that point, the defeat of Cornwallis was essentially a matter of
time. On September 14, 1781, the French and Continental armies
their 700 mile march and soon thereafter laid siege to the British
After a number of weeks and several brief but intense engagements,
Cornwallis, besieged on the peninsula by the large and well-equipped
French-American army, and stricken by dysentery, determined to
his army.
On October 19, 1781, the British forces marched out between the silent
ranks of the Americans and French, arrayed in parallel lines a mile
long, and cast down their arms.
Abbé Robin, who witnessed the surrender, described the victorious
American and French forces present at the ceremony. "Among the
Americans, the wide variety in age -- 12 to 14-year old children stood
side by side with grandfathers -- the absence of uniformity in their
bearing and their ragged clothing made the French allies appear more
splendid by contrast. The latter, in their immaculate white uniforms
blue braid, gave an impression of martial vigor despite their fatigue.
We were all astonished by the excellent condition of the English
by their number -- we were expecting scarcely 3,000 and they numbered
more than 8,000 -- and by their discipline."
George Woodbridge summed up the Yorktown campaign in the following
words: "The strategy of the campaign was Rochambeau's; the French
was there as a result of his arrangements; the tactics of the battle
were his; the American army was present because he had lent money to
Washington; in total naval and military participants the French
outnumbered the Americans between three and four to one. Yorktown was
Rochambeau's victory.
How strange it must have been for these French troops and their
new-found colonial allies, some of whom had fought each other as
barely fifteen years earlier, to stand shoulder to shoulder in armed
conflict with France's ancient enemy and the colonist's blood kin! In
the end, these French soldiers became the hard anvil upon which the
American nation was forged and the chains of British imperial
were finally broken.
Post by 'nuff said
French Revolution - Won, primarily due to the the fact the opponent was
Wrong (For instance : Valmy etc...) see later ...
Post by 'nuff said
The Napoleonic Wars - Lost. Temporary victories (remember The First Rule!)
due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British
footwear designer...
The french armies were composed of corsicans ?
We fought generally alone VS the whole Europe and we won, we possessed
almost the whole Europe during 15 yrs, Moscow burnt - who did this
things other than us ?
I know : who cares you're not here to be just, but to troll, sorry to
make you lose your sparetime making you quickly reading this.
Even at Waterloo, we were at some moments near to win against the
Post by 'nuff said
The Franco-Prussian War - Lost. Germany's first go around at playing the
drunk frat boy to France's ugly girl home alone on Saturday night...
Crimea wars (1854-55), Italy wars won by Napoleon III in 1859 ...
Post by 'nuff said
World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
Wrong. and not tied, asshole - so, you're a propagandist ...
Germany : 67 millions
France : 39.6 millions (only country of those 4 countries that will
devastated by the war)
UK : 46 millions
USA : 95 millions
Germany : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 4,216,000 soldiers
France : 1,500,000 dead soldiers (maybe underestimated for political
propaganda reasons / some even say about
2,500,000 - I dunno, it seems a lot, but you see what i mean)
wounded : 3,600,000 soldiers
UK : 740,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 2,090,000 soldiers
USA : 116,000 dead soldiers
Italy : 700,000 dead soldiers
Austria-Hungary : 1,500,000 dead soldiers
Russia : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
The plans of the germans was to crush the french before Russia have
mobilized all its army (germany at this time was reputated being the
most powerful army)
Result : We stood untill the victory, on the contrary of the Russians
BTW Greece stood (and so the blockade) because of the French troops
there IIRC.
1914-1918 : The French army was the major military actor on the
front for 4 years. The British took a very active part on that front
4 years too. The allies under Marechal Foch's French command
won the war. The American troops massively arrived on the front only 4
months (July 1918) before the end of the war (November 1918).
Western front March 1918 : 174 allies divisions : 99 French + 58
+ 12 Belgian + 3 US + 2 portuguese.
Western Front November 1918 : 211 Allies divisions : 104 French + 60
British + 30 US + 12 Belgian + 2 portuguese + 2 Italian + 1 Polish.
After the war, the French were universally saluted as the country that
saved democracy and the victor amongst all the Allies (and especially
the US) and their international prestige was very high, just like that
of the US in 1945. It just seems like history is no longer taught in
US now.
Stop spitting on the graves of the 1,500,000 dead French soldiers TIA.
The USA that entered the war et the end of the war refused to hear
The result : Because of the versailles' treaty as wanted by the USA
(that won't finally be recognized by the USA), the italians that had
about 700,000 dead soldiers,
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally
torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the
in 1919.
BTW USA and Uk pledged that they will help France in case of a German
agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.
Not even mentionning the fact that G. washington didn't honor his
with the French in 1794 for trade advantages with The UK that was at
with the French. Maybe because we were surrounded by the whole europe
wanting our end. Ingrates !
I add that The UK made many unconditional concessions to Germany with
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).
Chamberlain said "yes" to the nazis about the rebuilding of the of the
german war fleet in 1935.
France wanted to respond to the German army's reoccupation of the
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler
greenlight for what he had in mind. They said that the
of the Rhineland wasn't a threat to our vital interests... you
understand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)
No plants destroyed in Germany, no rebuilding in some parts of the
country ... in regions that have some economic importance (mines,
industry, etc ...) but The USA and the UK made us go away from the
in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war reparations ... but we
were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
Post by 'nuff said
with a winner, but one who doesn't call then "Fraulein". Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French
gene pool...
moronic insult to your country since with such sentences , you make
US dudes like degenerated conceited jerk-offs.
Post by 'nuff said
World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States &
Britain, just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song...
We lost after 6 weeks because of BIG STRATEGICAL mistakes, ( I
insist on this because of the eternal "cheese eatin' surrender
coming from posts from your charming country) - BTW blitzkrieg was
partly inspired to Guderian by a book from De Gaulle (so all french
generals are not sorta genetically incompetents like you guys seem to
think.) you knew it I suppose since you're so learned !
The french army was in fact defeated because of a strategy of
encirclement that seemed impossible to realize for our gernerals, the
german armored divisions pass thru the Ardennes (highlands and woods)
that was reputated impossible to pass ! from the moment where the
was cut and that we were encircled in our biggest part, it was lost !
it's easy to understand !
BTW, 130,000 French soldiers died in this "lost for the beginning
battle" from the 10th may to the armistice 6 weeks later (allowing to
the english soldiers to go back to england though french were put in
pieces by bombing stukas and german tanks ! (see at the end))
[ BTW, 1 month after the beginning of the attack against France by the
Germans, Mussolini wanted his part of the cake and attacked France
was already in a total skedaddle ! His troops entered France and was
stopped and repelled in Italy by the very few French soldiers that
French : 150,000 (casualties : killed : 38 / wounded : 42 /
disappeared : 180 )
Italians : 500,000 (casualties : killed 631 / wounded : 3,400 /
: 1140 )
He was more successful in bombing the civilians fleeing on the roads
Oh BTW... just a little digression ... England is an island (without
frontiers with another state), TIA to notice it !
With such a hammering, humiliating and "downcasting" defeat (and the
half of the country lost), the people needed a bright figure to give
them back hope and a slight confidence. It's a national hero from
1914-1918 that took power, P. pétain - 84 years old. He was renowned
to have been kind with the troopers in WWI.
He set a sort of regime near fascism to get the nation up (BTW some of
the government was people hating French revolution and wanting to give
back some old values to the people, pro-facists, cynic go-getters, and
antisemitic men.)
The first thing Petain had in mind was the survival of France (weird,
?) what implied collaboration with the threatening, more powerful
germans - and Nazis, btw.
Oh I forgot : "France the collaborator", eh ? What about the free
and De Gaulle, the 2nd DB (Koufrah, Bir Hakeim), General Leclerc, Jean
Moulin, FFI, 1st army of De Lattre, Monte Cassino (general Juin)
In 1939, after Germany and USSR invaded Poland, We tried some military
operations in Norway (France & UK) we wanted to helped Finland but
Norway, denmark and sweden (IIRC) didn't wanted us to pass their
to go help the finnish ... they didn't want to irritate Hitler ! Yeah
didn't attack directly when Poland was invaded...
Attacking at this occasion would have mean attacking germany and USSR
It was not a little affair... And BTW what you have to know is that
germans had a "maginot line", the Siegfried line (even longer than
and guess what : there were divisions in there, so ...
was it the good plan to go to the slaughterhouse without a better way
to act since the german divisions busy in Poland would have had the
to come back on us in a not so long time ....
Oh ,BTW where were the USA ?
Obviously not fighting the Nazis ...
In UK and France the horrid and frightening memory of WWI was a
cold shower for anybody (look at the stats I put above and) and I
add that we were with belgium the only western country to be
the moon landscape left after the war would have make ponder anybody
2003 we always find shells from WWI !) the young generation was in big
proportion decimated ... the north - north-east was an important
economical industrial joint ... the germans before leaving drowned our
mines too ...
So yes, we were less eager as a peaceful democracy with a trauma to go
to war than the pumped brain-washed nazi war-machine ... it's a fact
But when the war started after a moment the combativity appears more
strong and the more the situation was bad the more decided was the
soldiers (see dunkirk)
At some place French soldiers stopped the german thrust and opposed an
harsh resistance (well, of course I suppose that those kind of thing
happen in almost any war ... but it means that there were some
sufficiently ballsy and combative soldiers ...)
I add that after that Belgian surrended unconditionnally, after the
english left, after the big nunmber of prisonner in dunkirk and
elsewhere, the french soldiers kept on fighting outnumbered till the
armistice though it was pretty clear that all was lost !
They stopped when the marechal (Marshall) Petain demanded them to
Before the war, France was a democracy though the biggest part of
were autocracies (often for the 20's) and you despise France for what
happened and the way it acted !?!
It's easy to brag and give lessons when you never have been and
will never be in such a huge crisis. we will never see you in this
of situation, pure noble son of the USA, "in god you trust" : you can,
you are living in a hyperpower, wise-ass ! (and far from any real
You are / were an hyperpower and you, despite this fact, dare make
comments on the weakness of the others and their attitude ! cheeky !
You came also because you could and had to earn. I thank and respect
US soldiers that came and freed us, but as I said in other
circumstances, how being sure that you would have come - it
the "gallant white knight eikon", guy !
The US had official links (embassy and all that)
with the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)... No wonder they
3/4 the gold reserve of the world after WW2, they surely knew how to
take advantage of Nations fighting against nazism... And by the way,
US had links with illegitimate government of Vichy far into the war,
recognized De Gaulle's government just few days before the Liberation.
According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
BTW The French Fleet was under the Vichy's government control .... In
1942 when the german invaded the 'free' territory of France they
directed quickly towards the French Fleet at Toulon (South of France)
The French admiral gave the order to scuttle all the fleet in order
the germans don't take it...
According to De Gaulle that lived in England at this time, England had
very few troops on their soil and if the germans had taken the french
fleet, they could have succeeded in invading England.
In a way, maybe this admiral changed the future of the war ?....
France : 41.9 millions
germany : 79.5 millions
UK : about 48 millions (?)
Italy : 43.1 millions
USA : 131.67 millions (1940)
USSR : more than 150 millions (?)
dead soldiers : 211,000 to 213,300
dead civilians : 330,000 to 350,000
dead soldiers (on 2 fronts) : 292 to 298,000
civilians : negligeable - almost none.
dead soldiers : about 245,000
dead civilians : 92,700 to 150,000
dead soldiers : 1,220,000 to 1,300,000
dead civilians : 672,000 to 700,000 (and some due to 2 nuking on
japanese cities)
dead soldiers : 3,500,000 to 3,850,000
dead civilians : 780,000
dead soldiers : about 7,500,000 to 11,000,000
dead civilians : about 7,000,000 to 10,000,000
dead soldiers : 230,000 to 242,200
dead civilians : 150,000 to 153,000
dead soldiers : about 1,310,200
dead civilians : 10,000,000
As you can see France (and others) suffered more of the war than USA
so pack back your lessons ...
Post by 'nuff said
War In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed with the
Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it anyway, waow, cheeky, wise-ass.
In the same situation even the USA would have certainly lost this
The US didn't help militarily, France left Vietnam split in 2, the
part being communist. The US left Vietnam reunited under communist
rules, doesn't look to be a better job...
Post by 'nuff said
Algerian Revolution - Lost. Loss marks first defeat by a western army by a
Non-Turkic Muslim force since The Crusades, and produces The First Rule Of
Muslim Warfare; "We Can Always Beat The French". This rule is identical to
the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish,
and Vietnamese...
We won in Algeria but De Gaulle gave up for personal political
what proves your overt lack of knowledge - thanx.
Talking about the crusades, we won and founded christian realms that
lasted 2 centuries despite the fact that the muslims were more
Have you ever heard about the Templars, BTW ?
Post by 'nuff said
War On Terrorism - Keeping in mind it's history, France surrenders to
The 12/26/1994 the GIGN (our SWAT) stopped algerian islamists to crash
plane on Paris (Possibly on the Eiffel tower)
Post by 'nuff said
The Germans and Muslims. Just to be safe, they attempt to surrender to
Vietnamese Ambassador, who takes refuge in a McDonalds...
Trolling is forbiden by the Geneva Convention...
Post by 'nuff said
Q. How many French troops does it take to defend Paris?
A. Who knows? They've never tried.
wrong : 1870-71 and against the vikings in 885 and 910...
I suppose we can add 1914 though Paris wasn't besieged but saved
during a battle in movemement.
Your historical knowledge is thin ... some of your examples are true
but a lot are incomplete or wrong and you unfortunately forgot to talk
about some of our victories sometimes wonderful, like when we stood
alone VS the whole Europe and won - BTW in the revolutionnaries war we
fought also VS other countries' armies and we won though our country
was broke ! (without money I mean)
What about the Franco-Gallic emperor Charlemagne (769-814) and
its big European Empire ? (also a vector of christianization in
What about Clovis(465-511) (first king of France (Merovingian Dynasty)
[Louis, Ludwig, Lewis, Lodwick, Ludovic are names coming from the name
"Clovis"] that will conqueer almost all the Gaul and is the ONLY
of the survival and the re-propagation of the official catholic
in Europe (the other "germanic tribes" at this times were arians
(christian heretics (cf. Arius)) or heathen - What explains that
was also known as "the oldest daughter of the Church". Clovis was the
only catholic king of Europe and is the one that won against all the
others !
What about Charles Martel (The Hammer) that Stopped the muslim
in 732 and 739 (the Wisigothic Spain was invaded since 711)
France was a powerful realm.
Mathew paris an english chronicler qualified Saint Louis [1226-1270]
(aka Louis the IXth - and yes this is the very same saint louis from
who the name of the big city in Missouri is taken) as "the King of the
Louis the IXth was become the arbiter of the Christian Europe.
His fame had gone beyond the western Europe. The mongols proposed him
take the Turks in the back in the near orient (This proposition is
nowadays, in the "Archives Nationales" in Paris.
[BTW, the Russians were still vassals of the mongol horde at this
At the beginning of the XIVth century, the italian poet, Dante,
was complaining that "the Capetian" (king of France - at this time
"Philippe IV le Bel"(1285-1314)) was extending his shadow upon all the
christiannity and was thinking about being crowned as Emperor like
Everywhere, between th XIVth and XVth century, "The Realm" (or The Big
Realm) or "The King" (or the Big King) designated the King of France
that was seen as the archetype of the King.
At the beginning of the XVIth century, the King of France was seen as
the ideal to reach. Machiavel, the politic theorizer, was admirative
the institutions of the realm of France.
Maybe you heard about the Magna Carta (1215) : it was imposed to the
king of England by his barons because he was weakened after the battle
of Bouvines won by the french...
you want a great french victory : in 1124, when the german emperor
invaded the Champagne region (France), the only fact that the french
king Louis the VIth deployed his army of knights, forced the emperor
go away without any fight ...
Napo during the campaign of Italy in 1796 won against 80,000
well-equiped professional Austrian soldiers, though his soldiers were
starved withouth good clothes, without any artillery ... and were
(At this time France, its population and its army was
in a pitiful state, there were no more money, we were broke)
BTW, France is the biggest European country by the size (Russia and
Ukraine apart what is kinda special you will admit !) is this just
by chance ? (of course Germany was amputated after WWII but ...)
Dunkerque : 26/05/1940 - 04/06/1940
"Lord Gort, Commander of the British Expeditionary Force, (240,000
troops) saw that he could not complete his orders to retreat to the
Somme. On May 25, he indicated to Churchill that he could not link up
with Weygand's forces and he was creating a perimeter around the town
Dunkerque on the Pas de Calais. From May 27-30, the BEF consolidated
around Dunkerque, along with half of the French First Army. Five
Divisions set up a roadblock at Lille, where they held out for four
against seven German Panzer divisions. This allowed the British and
French in Dunkerque to set up a defensive perimeter and wait for
The plan had called for 48,000 men to be removed. By the evening of
30, 120,000 were rescued. Among these only 8,000 were French; this
worried Churchill greatly. He asked for more French soldiers to be
evacuated. "So few French have got out so far.......I will not accept
further sacrifices by the French."
On June 4, the last day of Operation Dynamo, over 26,000 French troops
were returned to England. The remaining 40,000 French troops were left
on the beaches and were taken by the German Army that very day.
The evacuation owed much to the unstinting bravery of the French First
Army fighting at the Dunkerque perimeter and to the RAF. 340,000
more than 100,000 of them French, could be evacuated to England to
again another day
Most of the French went back to fight in France, but the rescue of the
BEF gave heart to the British public all out of proportion to the
it suffered."
__ other interesting stuff __
By John Chuckman, 19 March 2003, YellowTimes.org
"As probably only a few dozen people in middle America even likely
appreciate thanks to hyper-patriotic history texts, America's
Revolutionary War succeeded only because the French supplied arms,
cash, men, leadership, and a navy. It wasn't just help; it was
There were two key battles in the Revolutionary War. The first was
Saratoga in 1777. That stunning victory over Britain's General John
Burgoyne was only possible because of a secret French gun-running
operation, much like those undertaken by the CIA today, directed by
Pierre de Beaumarchais, grand adventurer and author of The Marriage of
Figaro. America then was a relatively simple society with little
capacity for manufacturing the weapons necessary to take on the
British army.
Of course, France's secret assistance now may be viewed as the
greatest example of what intelligence people today call ''blowback''
in Western history. It makes the blowback of 9/11 -- directly
attributable to the CIA's work in Afghanistan -- seem tame by
comparison. For France played mid-wife to the birth of something that,
a little more than two centuries later, would arrogantly claim the
right to determine the fate of the planet.
The main importance of the victory at Saratoga lay in gaining
something the revolting colonists desperately wanted: a formal treaty
with France and a great bounty of loans, gifts, and military forces.
Of course, France's main interest was to hurt its great rival,
Britain, but then it certainly was not America's main interest to
liberate France in 1944-5.
The deciding battle of the Revolutionary War was Yorktown in 1781,
although a peace treaty was not settled until 1783. The truth is that
Yorktown was overwhelmingly a French victory. Washington didn't want
to attack Yorktown, but then Washington was a terrible general who
lost almost every battle he fought.
In 1781, Washington was fixated on a battle whose prospect was almost
certain failure, an attack on New York. It was General Rochambeau's
foresight and planning that made Yorktown possible, but it took a lot
of arguing to have Washington finally agree. One of Washington's most
trusted young generals, the Marquis de Lafayette, was given a
substantial role in the action.
French Admiral de Grasse blocked a British fleet from entering the
Chesapeake and evacuating the British army at Yorktown. French troops
in the thousands were among the most active. French engineers guided
the building of the entrenchments that sealed the fate of General
Cornwallis's army in a fortified encampment that had its back to the
water and no fleet to help.
The American forces carried French arms, and what pay they received
came from the French treasury. It was during this last stage of the
war that Americans massively lost interest. There had never been great
enthusiasm, with about a third of the population against it from the
beginning and another third indifferent (contrary to myth, revolutions
are almost always the work of minorities) -- the real explanation,
along with a stubborn unwillingness to pay taxes still evident today,
behind Washington's chronic lack of resources despite his countless
pleas for help from the colonial governments. But by the late 1770s,
Americans had become even more indifferent. It was around this time
that M. Duportail, a French officer serving under Washington, made his
famous observation about there being more enthusiasm for the
Revolution in the cafes of Paris than he saw in America.
America never repaid the massive loans made by the French. Years
later, when France underwent the agonies of a much more terrible
revolution, then-President Washington maintained a very cool distance.
Even when poor old Tom Paine was rotting in a French jail, expecting
any day to be executed, Washington ignored his pleas for assistance.
This was the same Tom Paine whose Common Sense and Crisis Papers were
so important in stirring support for America's revolution.
Well, despite the great chorus of gastric disturbance just south of
here, I shall proudly continue wearing my beret. After all, it was the
wonderful Ben Franklin who said that every man has two countries, his
own and France."
Attends tu crois qu'il va lire ça jusqu'au bout?
Non fallait faire un ptit résumé digne sur reader digest, sinon il peut pas
Et puis y'a des mots trop compliqués!!!!!!!!
Rhaaaaaaaaalalalala aucune pédagogie pour les attardés mentaux de
Bon sa passe pour cette fois, mais que je vous y reprennes plus a essayer
d'eduquer ces pauvres cons.......
On est la race inférieure pour eux!! Si on montre des signes d'intelligence
ils vont nous envoyer l'armée!!!!!!!!!
Alors vous aussi parlez avec le language primaire, celui qui nous protegera
de l'"intelligence" americaine
Exemple de language primaire: CONO D'AMERLOQUES!!!!!
Voila ils comprennnent pas du tout et comme ça l'effet voulu est multiplié
par beaucoup!
Allez a pulse les frenchys!
Razalghel, so frenchy!!
2004-01-17 15:17:38 UTC
On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 13:54:29 +0100, "Averhn blast"
Post by Averhn blast
Post by 'nuff said
Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, but saved at the last minute by a Female
schizophrenic who inadvertantly creates The First Rule Of French Warfare;
"France's Armies Are Only Victorious When Not Led By A Frenchman"...
Là par contre c'est moi que tu instruis, tu peux me la refaire mais en
français, pour mieux comprendre, c'est une femme schizophrene qui a arrété
la guerre de 100 ans? Jamais entendu parler......
non ça c'est la citation ...
je "quote". je réponds a ça plus loin.

c'est bien évidemment une allusion à jehanne d'arc ... Le type qui a
pondu ce texte ... y a pas loin d'1 an maintenant je crois (comme quoi
on est des losers (ouais "nuff said" a juste copier / coller le
contenu de nombreux cite web qui propose ce texte sur la nullité des
français etc ...) - a du penser a ça après avoir vu le jehanne d'Arc
de Besson ...
Post by Averhn blast
Attends tu crois qu'il va lire ça jusqu'au bout?
y a 1 chance sur 100 000 :-)
Post by Averhn blast
Non fallait faire un ptit résumé digne sur reader digest, sinon il peut pas
Non je l'assomes sous les faits ... il peut se torcher avec si ça lui
plait ... il peut pas dire qu'on a pas répondu a son argumentation
foireuse et pleine (oh combien !) de trous !

j'te rassures j'ai pondu ça y a longtemps, en + ieurs fois et depuis
je le copie et colle quand y a "besoin" ... temps de la contre-attaque
: 2 sec. :-D
Post by Averhn blast
Et puis y'a des mots trop compliqués!!!!!!!!
Rhaaaaaaaaalalalala aucune pédagogie pour les attardés mentaux de
Bon sa passe pour cette fois, mais que je vous y reprennes plus a essayer
d'eduquer ces pauvres cons.......
On est la race inférieure pour eux!! Si on montre des signes d'intelligence
ils vont nous envoyer l'armée!!!!!!!!!
Alors vous aussi parlez avec le language primaire, celui qui nous protegera
de l'"intelligence" americaine
Exemple de language primaire: CONO D'AMERLOQUES!!!!!
Voila ils comprennnent pas du tout et comme ça l'effet voulu est multiplié
par beaucoup!
he bastien ... juste un conseil d'ami ... ne cite pas près de 1000
lignes pour rien n'oublies pas que les posts sont stockés sur des
disques durs :)
Post by Averhn blast
Allez a pulse les frenchys!
Razalghel, so frenchy!!
? what ?
2004-01-19 21:33:00 UTC
Post by waggg
Post by 'nuff said
Still worried about the price of petrol at the pump, Frenchies?
<snip usual crap>
Geez, not only cowardly, but he's stupid too.
Post by waggg
Hi asshole ! you're stupid and I can help you to slightly change (no,
don't thank me, it's my pleasure ...) - i'll try to make up for your
failing school system - All you have to do is chilling out and reading
(well iguess you won't go further than line 10, but it'll still be a
huge progress in your personal knowledge, you prat)
Post by 'nuff said
Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of
French history, France is conquered by, of all things, an Italian...
Rest assured that he needs to go back at least 2000 years to make any
claim toward a competent French military.

<ancient history information deleted>
Post by waggg
Post by 'nuff said
World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
Wrong. and not tied, asshole - so, you're a propagandist ...
Do me a favor and direct your elitist comments to the proper source. The
webmaster of the site in question would be a start. The only asshole
here is yourself.
Post by waggg
Germany : 67 millions
France : 39.6 millions (only country of those 4 countries that will
devastated by the war)
UK : 46 millions
USA : 95 millions
Germany : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 4,216,000 soldiers
France : 1,500,000 dead soldiers (maybe underestimated for political
propaganda reasons / some even say about
2,500,000 - I dunno, it seems a lot, but you see what i mean)
wounded : 3,600,000 soldiers
UK : 740,000 dead soldiers
wounded : 2,090,000 soldiers
USA : 116,000 dead soldiers
Italy : 700,000 dead soldiers
Austria-Hungary : 1,500,000 dead soldiers
Russia : 1,700,000 dead soldiers
The plans of the germans was to crush the french before Russia have
mobilized all its army (germany at this time was reputated being the
most powerful army)
Result : We stood untill the victory, on the contrary of the Russians
BTW Greece stood (and so the blockade) because of the French troops
there IIRC.
1914-1918 : The French army was the major military actor on the
front for 4 years. The British took a very active part on that front
4 years too. The allies under Marechal Foch's French command
won the war. The American troops massively arrived on the front only 4
months (July 1918) before the end of the war (November 1918).
Western front March 1918 : 174 allies divisions : 99 French + 58
+ 12 Belgian + 3 US + 2 portuguese.
Western Front November 1918 : 211 Allies divisions : 104 French + 60
British + 30 US + 12 Belgian + 2 portuguese + 2 Italian + 1 Polish.
After the war, the French were universally saluted as the country that
saved democracy and the victor amongst all the Allies (and especially
the US) and their international prestige was very high, just like that
of the US in 1945. It just seems like history is no longer taught in
US now.
Stop spitting on the graves of the 1,500,000 dead French soldiers TIA.
I am not spitting on the graves of dead French soldiers. I am spitting
upon the living French cowards who do not understand why a nation will
take action against those who defile human rights.
Post by waggg
The USA that entered the war et the end of the war refused to hear
The result : Because of the versailles' treaty as wanted by the USA
(that won't finally be recognized by the USA), the italians that had
about 700,000 dead soldiers,
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally
torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the
in 1919.
BTW USA and Uk pledged that they will help France in case of a German
agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.
Not even mentionning the fact that G. washington didn't honor his
with the French in 1794 for trade advantages with The UK that was at
with the French. Maybe because we were surrounded by the whole europe
wanting our end. Ingrates !
That would not be the first nor the last time.
Post by waggg
I add that The UK made many unconditional concessions to Germany with
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).
Chamberlain said "yes" to the nazis about the rebuilding of the of the
german war fleet in 1935.
France wanted to respond to the German army's reoccupation of the
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler
greenlight for what he had in mind. They said that the
of the Rhineland wasn't a threat to our vital interests... you
understand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)
How did France respond to Germany's impending threat? By producing
champagne for the Nazis!
Post by waggg
No plants destroyed in Germany, no rebuilding in some parts of the
country ... in regions that have some economic importance (mines,
industry, etc ...) but The USA and the UK made us go away from the
in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war reparations ... but we
were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
Post by 'nuff said
with a winner, but one who doesn't call then "Fraulein". Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French
gene pool...
moronic insult to your country since with such sentences , you make
US dudes like degenerated conceited jerk-offs.
While France had their noses up their asses and refused to admit that
Germany was more then they could handle with champagne bottles...
Post by waggg
Post by 'nuff said
World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States &
Britain, just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song...
We lost after 6 weeks because of BIG STRATEGICAL mistakes, ( I
insist on this because of the eternal "cheese eatin' surrender
coming from posts from your charming country) - BTW blitzkrieg was
partly inspired to Guderian by a book from De Gaulle (so all french
generals are not sorta genetically incompetents like you guys seem to
think.) you knew it I suppose since you're so learned !
The french army was in fact defeated because of a strategy of
encirclement that seemed impossible to realize for our gernerals, the
german armored divisions pass thru the Ardennes (highlands and woods)
that was reputated impossible to pass ! from the moment where the
was cut and that we were encircled in our biggest part, it was lost !
it's easy to understand !
BTW, 130,000 French soldiers died in this "lost for the beginning
battle" from the 10th may to the armistice 6 weeks later (allowing to
the english soldiers to go back to england though french were put in
pieces by bombing stukas and german tanks ! (see at the end))
[ BTW, 1 month after the beginning of the attack against France by the
Germans, Mussolini wanted his part of the cake and attacked France
was already in a total skedaddle ! His troops entered France and was
stopped and repelled in Italy by the very few French soldiers that
French : 150,000 (casualties : killed : 38 / wounded : 42 /
disappeared : 180 )
Italians : 500,000 (casualties : killed 631 / wounded : 3,400 /
: 1140 )
He was more successful in bombing the civilians fleeing on the roads
Oh BTW... just a little digression ... England is an island (without
frontiers with another state), TIA to notice it !
With such a hammering, humiliating and "downcasting" defeat (and the
half of the country lost), the people needed a bright figure to give
them back hope and a slight confidence. It's a national hero from
1914-1918 that took power, P. pétain - 84 years old. He was renowned
to have been kind with the troopers in WWI.
He set a sort of regime near fascism to get the nation up (BTW some of
the government was people hating French revolution and wanting to give
back some old values to the people, pro-facists, cynic go-getters, and
antisemitic men.)
The first thing Petain had in mind was the survival of France (weird,
?) what implied collaboration with the threatening, more powerful
germans - and Nazis, btw.
Oh I forgot : "France the collaborator", eh ? What about the free
and De Gaulle, the 2nd DB (Koufrah, Bir Hakeim), General Leclerc, Jean
Moulin, FFI, 1st army of De Lattre, Monte Cassino (general Juin)
In 1939, after Germany and USSR invaded Poland, We tried some military
operations in Norway (France & UK) we wanted to helped Finland but
Norway, denmark and sweden (IIRC) didn't wanted us to pass their
to go help the finnish ... they didn't want to irritate Hitler ! Yeah
didn't attack directly when Poland was invaded...
Attacking at this occasion would have mean attacking germany and USSR
It was not a little affair... And BTW what you have to know is that
germans had a "maginot line", the Siegfried line (even longer than
and guess what : there were divisions in there, so ...
was it the good plan to go to the slaughterhouse without a better way
to act since the german divisions busy in Poland would have had the
to come back on us in a not so long time ....
Oh ,BTW where were the USA ?
Obviously not fighting the Nazis ...
Why should we? You still bitch and whine about every little action we
take. And have you heard about a nation called "Japan"? Where were you
to pull our fat out of the fire by then?
Post by waggg
In UK and France the horrid and frightening memory of WWI was a
cold shower for anybody (look at the stats I put above and) and I
add that we were with belgium the only western country to be
the moon landscape left after the war would have make ponder anybody
2003 we always find shells from WWI !) the young generation was in big
proportion decimated ... the north - north-east was an important
economical industrial joint ... the germans before leaving drowned our
mines too ...
So yes, we were less eager as a peaceful democracy with a trauma to go
to war than the pumped brain-washed nazi war-machine ... it's a fact
But when the war started after a moment the combativity appears more
strong and the more the situation was bad the more decided was the
soldiers (see dunkirk)
At some place French soldiers stopped the german thrust and opposed an
harsh resistance (well, of course I suppose that those kind of thing
happen in almost any war ... but it means that there were some
sufficiently ballsy and combative soldiers ...)
I add that after that Belgian surrended unconditionnally, after the
english left, after the big nunmber of prisonner in dunkirk and
elsewhere, the french soldiers kept on fighting outnumbered till the
armistice though it was pretty clear that all was lost !
They stopped when the marechal (Marshall) Petain demanded them to
Before the war, France was a democracy though the biggest part of
were autocracies (often for the 20's) and you despise France for what
happened and the way it acted !?!
It's easy to brag and give lessons when you never have been and
will never be in such a huge crisis. we will never see you in this
of situation, pure noble son of the USA, "in god you trust" : you can,
you are living in a hyperpower, wise-ass ! (and far from any real
You are / were an hyperpower and you, despite this fact, dare make
comments on the weakness of the others and their attitude ! cheeky !
You came also because you could and had to earn. I thank and respect
US soldiers that came and freed us, but as I said in other
circumstances, how being sure that you would have come - it
the "gallant white knight eikon", guy !
The US had official links (embassy and all that)
with the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)... No wonder they
3/4 the gold reserve of the world after WW2, they surely knew how to
take advantage of Nations fighting against nazism... And by the way,
US had links with illegitimate government of Vichy far into the war,
recognized De Gaulle's government just few days before the Liberation.
According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
Your half-baked links only draw assumptions and have not a shred of
evidence to back them up. The corpses of a million people do not lie.

Post by waggg
BTW The French Fleet was under the Vichy's government control .... In
1942 when the german invaded the 'free' territory of France they
directed quickly towards the French Fleet at Toulon (South of France)
The French admiral gave the order to scuttle all the fleet in order
the germans don't take it...
According to De Gaulle that lived in England at this time, England had
very few troops on their soil and if the germans had taken the french
fleet, they could have succeeded in invading England.
In a way, maybe this admiral changed the future of the war ?....
France : 41.9 millions
germany : 79.5 millions
UK : about 48 millions (?)
Italy : 43.1 millions
USA : 131.67 millions (1940)
USSR : more than 150 millions (?)
dead soldiers : 211,000 to 213,300
dead civilians : 330,000 to 350,000
dead soldiers (on 2 fronts) : 292 to 298,000
civilians : negligeable - almost none.
dead soldiers : about 245,000
dead civilians : 92,700 to 150,000
dead soldiers : 1,220,000 to 1,300,000
dead civilians : 672,000 to 700,000 (and some due to 2 nuking on
japanese cities)
dead soldiers : 3,500,000 to 3,850,000
dead civilians : 780,000
dead soldiers : about 7,500,000 to 11,000,000
dead civilians : about 7,000,000 to 10,000,000
dead soldiers : 230,000 to 242,200
dead civilians : 150,000 to 153,000
dead soldiers : about 1,310,200
dead civilians : 10,000,000
As you can see France (and others) suffered more of the war than USA
so pack back your lessons ...
Post by 'nuff said
War In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed with the
Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it anyway, waow, cheeky, wise-ass.
Whoa, hold up there. As you obviously don't notice that the web site I
posted a link to is not my idea. The material you are quoting and
analysing is not mine. Your attempts at libel only strengthen my
arguements and make yourself look like a, how you say, idiot.
Post by waggg
In the same situation even the USA would have certainly lost this
The US didn't help militarily, France left Vietnam split in 2, the
part being communist. The US left Vietnam reunited under communist
rules, doesn't look to be a better job...
Post by 'nuff said
Algerian Revolution - Lost. Loss marks first defeat by a western army by a
Non-Turkic Muslim force since The Crusades, and produces The First Rule Of
Muslim Warfare; "We Can Always Beat The French". This rule is identical to
the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish,
and Vietnamese...
We won in Algeria but De Gaulle gave up for personal political
what proves your overt lack of knowledge - thanx.
Once more he reverts to discussing events that took place in the middle
ages. America wasn't even discovered by anybody except a few Vikings
then. Is this supposed to show that Europe is more advanced than America
in the politics of warmongering and conquest? Draw your own conclusions.
Post by waggg
Talking about the crusades, we won and founded christian realms that
lasted 2 centuries despite the fact that the muslims were more
Have you ever heard about the Templars, BTW ?
Post by 'nuff said
War On Terrorism - Keeping in mind it's history, France surrenders to
The 12/26/1994 the GIGN (our SWAT) stopped algerian islamists to crash
plane on Paris (Possibly on the Eiffel tower)
Post by 'nuff said
The Germans and Muslims. Just to be safe, they attempt to surrender to
Vietnamese Ambassador, who takes refuge in a McDonalds...
Trolling is forbiden by the Geneva Convention...
Post by 'nuff said
Q. How many French troops does it take to defend Paris?
A. Who knows? They've never tried.
wrong : 1870-71 and against the vikings in 885 and 910...
I suppose we can add 1914 though Paris wasn't besieged but saved
during a battle in movemement.
Your historical knowledge is thin ... some of your examples are true
but a lot are incomplete or wrong and you unfortunately forgot to talk
about some of our victories sometimes wonderful, like when we stood
alone VS the whole Europe and won - BTW in the revolutionnaries war we
fought also VS other countries' armies and we won though our country
was broke ! (without money I mean)
What about the Franco-Gallic emperor Charlemagne (769-814) and
its big European Empire ? (also a vector of christianization in
What about Clovis(465-511) (first king of France (Merovingian Dynasty)
[Louis, Ludwig, Lewis, Lodwick, Ludovic are names coming from the name
"Clovis"] that will conqueer almost all the Gaul and is the ONLY
of the survival and the re-propagation of the official catholic
in Europe (the other "germanic tribes" at this times were arians
(christian heretics (cf. Arius)) or heathen - What explains that
was also known as "the oldest daughter of the Church". Clovis was the
only catholic king of Europe and is the one that won against all the
others !
What about Charles Martel (The Hammer) that Stopped the muslim
in 732 and 739 (the Wisigothic Spain was invaded since 711)
France was a powerful realm.
Mathew paris an english chronicler qualified Saint Louis [1226-1270]
(aka Louis the IXth - and yes this is the very same saint louis from
who the name of the big city in Missouri is taken) as "the King of the
Louis the IXth was become the arbiter of the Christian Europe.
His fame had gone beyond the western Europe. The mongols proposed him
take the Turks in the back in the near orient (This proposition is
nowadays, in the "Archives Nationales" in Paris.
[BTW, the Russians were still vassals of the mongol horde at this
At the beginning of the XIVth century, the italian poet, Dante,
was complaining that "the Capetian" (king of France - at this time
"Philippe IV le Bel"(1285-1314)) was extending his shadow upon all the
christiannity and was thinking about being crowned as Emperor like
Everywhere, between th XIVth and XVth century, "The Realm" (or The Big
Realm) or "The King" (or the Big King) designated the King of France
that was seen as the archetype of the King.
At the beginning of the XVIth century, the King of France was seen as
the ideal to reach. Machiavel, the politic theorizer, was admirative
the institutions of the realm of France.
Maybe you heard about the Magna Carta (1215) : it was imposed to the
king of England by his barons because he was weakened after the battle
of Bouvines won by the french...
you want a great french victory : in 1124, when the german emperor
invaded the Champagne region (France), the only fact that the french
king Louis the VIth deployed his army of knights, forced the emperor
go away without any fight ...
Napo during the campaign of Italy in 1796 won against 80,000
well-equiped professional Austrian soldiers, though his soldiers were
starved withouth good clothes, without any artillery ... and were
(At this time France, its population and its army was
in a pitiful state, there were no more money, we were broke)
BTW, France is the biggest European country by the size (Russia and
Ukraine apart what is kinda special you will admit !) is this just
by chance ? (of course Germany was amputated after WWII but ...)
Dunkerque : 26/05/1940 - 04/06/1940
"Lord Gort, Commander of the British Expeditionary Force, (240,000
troops) saw that he could not complete his orders to retreat to the
Somme. On May 25, he indicated to Churchill that he could not link up
with Weygand's forces and he was creating a perimeter around the town
Dunkerque on the Pas de Calais. From May 27-30, the BEF consolidated
around Dunkerque, along with half of the French First Army. Five
Divisions set up a roadblock at Lille, where they held out for four
against seven German Panzer divisions. This allowed the British and
French in Dunkerque to set up a defensive perimeter and wait for
The plan had called for 48,000 men to be removed. By the evening of
30, 120,000 were rescued. Among these only 8,000 were French; this
worried Churchill greatly. He asked for more French soldiers to be
evacuated. "So few French have got out so far.......I will not accept
further sacrifices by the French."
On June 4, the last day of Operation Dynamo, over 26,000 French troops
were returned to England. The remaining 40,000 French troops were left
on the beaches and were taken by the German Army that very day.
The evacuation owed much to the unstinting bravery of the French First
Army fighting at the Dunkerque perimeter and to the RAF. 340,000
more than 100,000 of them French, could be evacuated to England to
again another day
Most of the French went back to fight in France, but the rescue of the
BEF gave heart to the British public all out of proportion to the
it suffered."
__ other interesting stuff __
By John Chuckman, 19 March 2003, YellowTimes.org
"As probably only a few dozen people in middle America even likely
appreciate thanks to hyper-patriotic history texts, America's
Revolutionary War succeeded only because the French supplied arms,
cash, men, leadership, and a navy. It wasn't just help; it was
There were two key battles in the Revolutionary War. The first was
Saratoga in 1777. That stunning victory over Britain's General John
Burgoyne was only possible because of a secret French gun-running
operation, much like those undertaken by the CIA today, directed by
Pierre de Beaumarchais, grand adventurer and author of The Marriage of
Figaro. America then was a relatively simple society with little
capacity for manufacturing the weapons necessary to take on the
British army.
Of course, France's secret assistance now may be viewed as the
greatest example of what intelligence people today call ''blowback''
in Western history. It makes the blowback of 9/11 -- directly
attributable to the CIA's work in Afghanistan -- seem tame by
comparison. For France played mid-wife to the birth of something that,
a little more than two centuries later, would arrogantly claim the
right to determine the fate of the planet.
The main importance of the victory at Saratoga lay in gaining
something the revolting colonists desperately wanted: a formal treaty
with France and a great bounty of loans, gifts, and military forces.
Of course, France's main interest was to hurt its great rival,
Britain, but then it certainly was not America's main interest to
liberate France in 1944-5.
The deciding battle of the Revolutionary War was Yorktown in 1781,
although a peace treaty was not settled until 1783. The truth is that
Yorktown was overwhelmingly a French victory. Washington didn't want
to attack Yorktown, but then Washington was a terrible general who
lost almost every battle he fought.
In 1781, Washington was fixated on a battle whose prospect was almost
certain failure, an attack on New York. It was General Rochambeau's
foresight and planning that made Yorktown possible, but it took a lot
of arguing to have Washington finally agree. One of Washington's most
trusted young generals, the Marquis de Lafayette, was given a
substantial role in the action.
French Admiral de Grasse blocked a British fleet from entering the
Chesapeake and evacuating the British army at Yorktown. French troops
in the thousands were among the most active. French engineers guided
the building of the entrenchments that sealed the fate of General
Cornwallis's army in a fortified encampment that had its back to the
water and no fleet to help.
The American forces carried French arms, and what pay they received
came from the French treasury. It was during this last stage of the
war that Americans massively lost interest. There had never been great
enthusiasm, with about a third of the population against it from the
beginning and another third indifferent (contrary to myth, revolutions
are almost always the work of minorities) -- the real explanation,
along with a stubborn unwillingness to pay taxes still evident today,
behind Washington's chronic lack of resources despite his countless
pleas for help from the colonial governments. But by the late 1770s,
Americans had become even more indifferent. It was around this time
that M. Duportail, a French officer serving under Washington, made his
famous observation about there being more enthusiasm for the
Revolution in the cafes of Paris than he saw in America.
America never repaid the massive loans made by the French. Years
later, when France underwent the agonies of a much more terrible
revolution, then-President Washington maintained a very cool distance.
Even when poor old Tom Paine was rotting in a French jail, expecting
any day to be executed, Washington ignored his pleas for assistance.
This was the same Tom Paine whose Common Sense and Crisis Papers were
so important in stirring support for America's revolution.
Well, despite the great chorus of gastric disturbance just south of
here, I shall proudly continue wearing my beret. After all, it was the
wonderful Ben Franklin who said that every man has two countries, his
own and France."
2004-01-20 11:55:09 UTC
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
<snip usual crap>
Geez, not only cowardly, but he's stupid too.
cowardly ? why ?
stupid ? why ?
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Hi asshole ! you're stupid and I can help you to slightly change (no,
don't thank me, it's my pleasure ...) - i'll try to make up for your
failing school system - All you have to do is chilling out and reading
(well iguess you won't go further than line 10, but it'll still be a
huge progress in your personal knowledge, you prat)
Post by 'nuff said
Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of
French history, France is conquered by, of all things, an Italian...
Rest assured that he needs to go back at least 2000 years to make any
claim toward a competent French military.
A little partial my friend, eh ? I was replying to a text and you know
it ... don't pretend not understanding it ... you're only proving your
overt dishonesty.
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Post by 'nuff said
World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
Wrong. and not tied, asshole - so, you're a propagandist ...
Do me a favor and direct your elitist comments to the proper source. The
the target are all the people copncerned by this ... and since you
think French are a bunch of losers ... you're the target too ... but i
just notice that you act as if you were the target you egocentric
swellhead ... the reply was aiming the "nuff said" post ... Is that so
complicated ?

Oh, BTW, i don't see what is elitist in my post ...
you can help me to see it ?
Post by Jeremy
webmaster of the site in question would be a start. The only asshole
here is yourself.
IMHO you're part of the morons of this NG ... with "nuff said" the
author of the post ... and of course the webmasters of all the
websites that harbor such a webpage and they are several.
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Stop spitting on the graves of the 1,500,000 dead French soldiers TIA.
I am not spitting on the graves of dead French soldiers. I am spitting
Well as i said before you were not the only target so read and comment
when you have to ...
In fact this post was a copy and paste that I made almost 1 year ago
to reply to the overwhelming wave of rednecks spamming our french NG
with copy and paste of that "french war losses record" stuff ... Since
i won't rewrite 900 lines anytime that i need it (it was used at least
20 times i guess... oh wait ... maybe 30 ?)
Post by Jeremy
upon the living French cowards who do not understand why a nation will
why cowards ?
the french reaction was not about free Iraq ... try to get some
knowledge on the matter ... it would be great if you wish discuss the
Post by Jeremy
take action against those who defile human rights.
LOL ... are you serious ... are saying that your country was aiming
the freedom of iraq ? wow, your administration's propaganda was quite
efficient !!! they sure know you and you kind ! :-)
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
The USA that entered the war et the end of the war refused to hear
The result : Because of the versailles' treaty as wanted by the USA
(that won't finally be recognized by the USA), the italians that had
about 700,000 dead soldiers,
didn't have the territories that was promised to them
in secret agreements made in London in 1915. The Italians were totally
torqued and thought they were deceived,
what were indirectly one of the vectors causing the birth of the
in 1919.
BTW USA and Uk pledged that they will help France in case of a German
agression, pledge that will be abandoned in 1919 by both.
Not even mentionning the fact that G. washington didn't honor his
with the French in 1794 for trade advantages with The UK that was at
with the French. Maybe because we were surrounded by the whole europe
wanting our end. Ingrates !
That would not be the first nor the last time.
? you're raving ? what's happening, son .
nothing to add about US noble attitude ? no, ow, shit ...
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
I add that The UK made many unconditional concessions to Germany with
the agreement of the French, since France almost abandoned its
diplomatic sovereignty to the UK from 1923 till WWII (why, will you
? Because we needed them to face Germany. We needed allies).
Chamberlain said "yes" to the nazis about the rebuilding of the of the
german war fleet in 1935.
France wanted to respond to the German army's reoccupation of the
Rhineland in 1936, but the UK opposed the idea giving thereby Hitler
greenlight for what he had in mind. They said that the
of the Rhineland wasn't a threat to our vital interests... you
understand what it means in diplomatical language, don't you ? ;-)
How did France respond to Germany's impending threat? By producing
champagne for the Nazis!
must i repeat what is written just above? can't you understand simple
concept ? did I forgot to mention anything ? ask, son !

"you understand what it means in diplomatical language"

I guess the reply is "no" ;-)
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
No plants destroyed in Germany, no rebuilding in some parts of the
country ... in regions that have some economic importance (mines,
industry, etc ...) but The USA and the UK made us go away from the
in 29 IIRC and abandon all german money for war reparations ... but we
were always in debts towards the allies (US mainly)
Post by 'nuff said
with a winner, but one who doesn't call then "Fraulein". Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French
gene pool...
moronic insult to your country since with such sentences , you make
US dudes like degenerated conceited jerk-offs.
While France had their noses up their asses and refused to admit that
Germany was more then they could handle with champagne bottles...
? what the hell are you talking about ? please re-read my post just
once again ... try to open your mind, it could help, i think ...
France had an army ... I said why things happened the way it did ...
what didn't you undferstand ?

oh wait maybe the important part are futher ... i don't remind maybe
you have read it later ...
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Oh ,BTW where were the USA ?
Obviously not fighting the Nazis ...
Why should we? You still bitch and whine about every little action we
as you did about Iraq about France ... whining, spitting, staining our
name, ridiculizing us, etc ... Just because we dare not agree with
your way to act ! lame.
Post by Jeremy
take. And have you heard about a nation called "Japan"? Where were you
can you recall me the date you entered war w/ Japan, man ? :-)
Post by Jeremy
to pull our fat out of the fire by then?
Post by waggg
In UK and France the horrid and frightening memory of WWI was a
cold shower for anybody (look at the stats I put above and) and I
add that we were with belgium the only western country to be
the moon landscape left after the war would have make ponder anybody
2003 we always find shells from WWI !) the young generation was in big
proportion decimated ... the north - north-east was an important
economical industrial joint ... the germans before leaving drowned our
mines too ...
So yes, we were less eager as a peaceful democracy with a trauma to go
to war than the pumped brain-washed nazi war-machine ... it's a fact
But when the war started after a moment the combativity appears more
strong and the more the situation was bad the more decided was the
soldiers (see dunkirk)
At some place French soldiers stopped the german thrust and opposed an
harsh resistance (well, of course I suppose that those kind of thing
happen in almost any war ... but it means that there were some
sufficiently ballsy and combative soldiers ...)
I add that after that Belgian surrended unconditionnally, after the
english left, after the big nunmber of prisonner in dunkirk and
elsewhere, the french soldiers kept on fighting outnumbered till the
armistice though it was pretty clear that all was lost !
They stopped when the marechal (Marshall) Petain demanded them to
all this was one of the passage i wanted you to read ... that was
after you =r first comment about it, sorry ... :-)
enlightning ?
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Before the war, France was a democracy though the biggest part of
were autocracies (often for the 20's) and you despise France for what
happened and the way it acted !?!
It's easy to brag and give lessons when you never have been and
will never be in such a huge crisis. we will never see you in this
of situation, pure noble son of the USA, "in god you trust" : you can,
you are living in a hyperpower, wise-ass ! (and far from any real
You are / were an hyperpower and you, despite this fact, dare make
comments on the weakness of the others and their attitude ! cheeky !
You came also because you could and had to earn. I thank and respect
US soldiers that came and freed us, but as I said in other
circumstances, how being sure that you would have come - it
the "gallant white knight eikon", guy !
The US had official links (embassy and all that)
with the nazis until they were bombed by the Japs and that Hitler and
Mussolini declared war to them ? What they were doing until the dawn
1942 ? Selling for cash only (cash and carry law)... No wonder they
3/4 the gold reserve of the world after WW2, they surely knew how to
take advantage of Nations fighting against nazism... And by the way,
US had links with illegitimate government of Vichy far into the war,
recognized De Gaulle's government just few days before the Liberation.
According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
The 1941 affaire : When Washington was at war with the FREE FRENCH and
Your half-baked links only draw assumptions and have not a shred of
evidence to back them up. The corpses of a million people do not lie.
LOL !!!!!!!!
think what you wish and close your eyes if truth hurts too much.
Post by Jeremy
OK ? have you read the whole page BTW ?

this for instance :

"French Issue First Detailed Study of Wartime Thefts From Jews"

-- I quote --

By the way, if you really want to play that game, you shall also
consider that France was one of the less dangerous places to be in
Europe for Jews during WW2. While the infamous Vichy puppet regime
collaborated with the Germans and ended up promulgating
laws and arresting (mostly foreign) Jews, this discrimination and
arrests were resented in France by the overwhelming majority of the
population as attested in Vichy's reports as well as in German ones.
Besides, while pathetically collaborating, Vichy tried to save French
Jews as much as it could (to the detriment of immigrated Jews) in its
negociations with SIPO-SD's chief Oberg. Hence, the percentage of the
pre-war Jewish population that got murdered in France was by no way
comparable to that of most other nations occupied by the Nazis :

% of pre-war Jewish population murdered

Poland -- 90.9%
Greece -- 86.6%
Lithuania -- 85.1%
Yugoslavia -- 81.2%
Slovakia -- 79.8%
Latvia -- 78.1%
Netherlands -- 71.4%
Hungary -- 69.0%
Bohemia/Moravia -- 66.1%
Luxembourg -- 55.7%
Romania -- 47.1%
Norway -- 44.8%
Estonia -- 44.4%
Belgium -- 44.0%
Soviet Union -- 36.4%
France -- 22.1%
Denmark -- 0.7%

== compare with population of each country ==

(Source: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust)

This is a shaming period of history for every European country
by the Nazis, among them France, and a lesson to draw for mankind. But
rewriting it the way you and Koch do it, and using it that way, will
only bring righteous contempt down on you. I will have the politeness
not to remind you of the legal discrimination against the Black people
in many states of the alledged "greatest democracy in the world" until
the late sixties...


* America & the Holocaust
* "For a short time, the US had an opportunity to open its doors,
instead erected a "paper wall," a bureaucratic maze that prevented all
but a
few Jewish refugees from entering the country. It was not until 1944,
that a
small band of Treasury Department employees forced the government to
respond. "
* The Perilous Fight
* "By contemporary standards, America in the first half of the 20th
century was a profoundly racist nation. Jews and people of color were
barred from clubs, colleges, neighborhoods, and mainstream American
life. In
vaudeville, racist humor dominated. Performers playing African
were required to appear in blackface, while stage Jews had to wear
beards, and be venal Shylocks. "
* "By 1939, the anti-Semites had two causes: keeping America out of
European war, and keeping European Jews out of America. And they had
famous men in their ranks. Henry Ford was a true rags-to-riches hero.
He was
also an anti-Semite, who railed incessantly against "the Jewish plan
control the world" in his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent
allegedly 700,000), which Ford dealerships distributed free of
"The infamous Vichy regime collaborated with the German and ended up
deporting jews. That is true. But there is one point you miss :
25% of the French jew population died during WW2. Approx. 80% of the
Polish jew population died.
Two reasons for that : Poland was ruled by a German Gauleiter not by a
local "Vichy regime", and the Poles were basically as anti-semitic as
the Germans : contrary to their French counterparts, the Polish jews
already knew pogroms [Grodno (1935), Przytyk (1936), Minsk Mazowiecki
(1936), Brzesc (1937)], persecutions, numerus clausus, legal job
dicrimination in Poland years before the very first German soldier
ever crossed the border."


The Jews Remained in the Concentration Camps until l948

The war was finished, but nobody wanted anything to do with them:
thousands of survivors remained in the camps. And the victors were not

kind to them, starting with General Patton.

When in May l945, the war finally ended in Europe, the world
with horror the pictures of the Nazi extermination camps: emaciated
bodies, eyes vacant from unspeakable suffering... No one has forgotten

those pictures. But who remembers today that, for the great majority
of survivors, the horror was not over? For, immediately, the
that had dominated the war effort took over again. For the Allied
that were occupying Germany, it was necessary to collaborate with the
local population to govern the country, while the camp survivors,
totally dependent and seriously affected both physically and mentally,

appeared to be a burden. More often than not, then, the attitude of
liberators was to do as little as possible, especially in the American

occupation zone1.

In the Stables
Thus, the victims often remained in the same camps where the Nazis had

dumped them. Sometimes they were moved a short distance away, for
example to Celle, near Bergen-Belsen, where some were lodged in
or to Mauthausen, where they were locked up in a prison. All the camps

were overpopulated, families were not reunited, there was no privacy
whatever, and sanitary conditions were deplorable. The barbed-wire
remained in place, and so did the armed guards, but now they were
wearing American uniforms.
Sometimes, most notably at Landsberg, the survivors were obliged to
German uniforms, or, as at Buchenwald, they simply kept wearing their
concentration camp uniforms. At Wildflecken, the compulsory work was
carried out under the surveillance of armed guards, and those who
comply with the regimen were locked up without food.

"Not better than the Nazis"
The Jews were merely 20% of the "displaced persons" gathered in the
camps, the majority of which - some 100 - were in the American
occupation zone. Often the Jews were mixed in with Nazi collaborators
who had willingly come to Germany and who were trying to obtain
status. Thus, at Dachau, Polish Jews were daily subjected to violence
from their pro-Nazi compatriots. Far from trying to unmask these
Nazi auxiliaries, the American troops considered them "élite
Accordingly, they were often entrusted with responsibilities within

For three months following the liberation, the American army refused
allow into the camps any humanitarian organizations. In any event,
latter were not tripping over each other in their efforts to gain
access. Only the Americans Jewish organizations hastened to do so. The

others were to come in later, and only when they realized that not all

the displaced persons were Jews...

Nonetheless, the rumors concerning the treatment of the refugees
more and more widespread, to such an extent that the United States
president, Harry Truman, appointed one Earl Harrison to investigate.
This he did, turning in a pellucid report on 24 August l945. In it he
stated: "The present situation is such that we seem to be treating the

Jews just as the Nazis did, except that we are not exterminating

Patton the Anti-Semite
The report triggered an immediate reaction from President Truman, who,

contrary to his predecessor, actually tried to come to the aid of the
victims (3). But in the field, the situation was a long time improving

owing to the virulent anti-Semitism propounded often at the highest
levels of the army. General Lucius Clay reckoned thus that "the DPs
[displaced persons] should obey the German laws" and that "It is only
with the efficient help of the German police forces that this little
occupation army can control Germany". The famous General George S.
Patton went even further. In his diary he castigated those who "think
that the displaced person is a human being, which he isn't, and this
applies especially to the Jews, who are inferior to animals". Until
transfer form the occupation zone, the Jews were subjected to Patton's

exactions, which included beating Polish Jews and locking them in
in order to forcibly repatriate them.

The Impossible Palestine
As for the possibility of immigration, the only real hope for the
survivors to build a future, it remained tenuous in the extreme. The
British had firmly restricted access to Palestine, and the United
remained implacably steadfast in its enforcement of the l924
quotas, in spite of numerous efforts in support of a policy of
immigration. Hence, more than half of the entry visas available were
reserved for people from countries which had not been under enemy
occupation and which, as a result, contained no refugees. Further, the

criteria for selection clearly favored non-Jews, making it well nigh
impossible for the camp survivors to immigrate to the United States.

Between the end of the war and the first of July l948, the United
gave out only 28,000 entry visas to Jews. At the same time, a special
quota classification was established at the insistence of the newly
created Defense Department and CIA, to allow entry into the country of

former Nazis, owing to their importance to national security...
When, in l948, and especially in l950, the United States cautiously
opened it doors to the victims, the majority of them preferred
immigration to the state of Israel.

Manuel Grandjean
1 Most of these informations come from "Ces Juifs dont l'Amérique ne
voulait pas, 1945-1950", Françoise Ouzan, Complexe, Bruxelles, 1995.
2 Britons did not better, asking the camps survivors to pay for their
subsistance by working for the german economy! Cf. Raul Hilberg, "La
destruction des juifs d'Europe", Folio Histoire, p. 988.
3 In april 1943, the senator Harry Truman joined his voice to the
protest against the american government that did nothing to salvage
the jews.

Le Courrier - Reports

© Copyright july 1998, Le Courrier in association with ImagineR
Software, l'alternative informatique"


The french jewish population is the 3rd jewish country after USA and
Israel with a 524,000 population ... the biggest jewish community in
Europe (and we are not the most populated european country (just one
of them)
they do hate us, eh ? ...
Post by Jeremy
Post by waggg
Post by 'nuff said
War In Indochina - Lost. French forces claim illness, take to bed with the
Dien Bien Flu... (sic)
1946-1954 , I thought that you didn't do better but you dare to brag
about it anyway, waow, cheeky, wise-ass.
Whoa, hold up there. As you obviously don't notice that the web site I
posted a link to is not my idea. The material you are quoting and
analysing is not mine. Your attempts at libel only strengthen my
arguements and make yourself look like a, how you say, idiot.
see above about the origin of my post.
you seems a little embarassed by the facts ... anyways, propagating
those distorted facts you do it yours ... i mean ... you have a
responsability ... cope with it hardass.
Post by Jeremy
Once more he reverts to discussing events that took place in the middle
ages. America wasn't even discovered by anybody except a few Vikings
then. Is this supposed to show that Europe is more advanced than America
in the politics of warmongering and conquest? Draw your own conclusions.
LOL ... ouch ... pathetical ... the post was aiming the french war
losses record ... do you get it now ? must i repeat again ? a little
more slowly maybe ? :-)
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